  • ) I R W M Q T I P I R K I Q E O O I P M N O X I

    P I ^ I R V I M W Z I V W P E K S Z I V I I R

    F I ^ S I O E E R 7 G L S X P E R H

    6 ) - 7 : ) 6 , % % 0 & 0 % ( ) 6 & 3 ) /

    ' S T ] V M K L X & ] PI \

  • Schotland: mooi, oud, mys-

    terieus, historie, kleur, groen,

    kastelen, kerken, muren,

    meren, landschap, bos,

    heggen, dorpen, Bed &

    Breakfast, mensen, aardig,

    rijden, kilometers, slingeren,

    smal, einder, horizon,

    bergen, eilanden, hoogland,

    Schotse Hooglanders, slapen,

    weinig, koffie, haven,

    schepen, veerboot, trip, reis,

    Nederland, einde.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by print, photoprint, microfilm or any other means without written permission from the publisher. I could not imagine one rational reason, why you should ever want something like that...

    Alex Soepboer

  • The End
