Page 1: Rejoice Evermore: A Motivational Teaching by Bishop Itse Enonuya

Rejoice Evermore1 Thess 5:16

Motivational Class



Page 2: Rejoice Evermore: A Motivational Teaching by Bishop Itse Enonuya


1 Thess 5:16 A command

Just as binding on Christians as any other in the Bible

Many Christians fall short in this command Apparent in daily living

Many times, carries over into our worship Absent mindedness

Lack of enthusiasm (Boredom) in singing/ listening to preaching

Why are many Christians not joyful Missing fruit of the (indwelling) Spirit? Gal 5:22?

Impossible or unreasonable command? (1Jn 5:3)

Page 3: Rejoice Evermore: A Motivational Teaching by Bishop Itse Enonuya



Most common Greek word for Joy is ‘chara’

Means joy, delight, gladness (Vines)

Closely related to ‘charis’ (grace) & ‘charisma’ (gift)

Usual to think of charis & charisma as that which produces joy; and chara, the response to a gift

‘’the emotion excited by expectation or acquisition of good’’ - a definition found in Zondervan Topical Bible

Page 4: Rejoice Evermore: A Motivational Teaching by Bishop Itse Enonuya

Relationship between Joy and Gift

Understanding of relationship will help to appreciate an important principle

We experience joy in direct response to the value of a gift received

greater value of a gift, greater joy elicited

To illustrate, imagine your reaction to

the gift of N10

Gift of N1million

A new house!!!

You can see the response or emotion of joy in each case!

Page 5: Rejoice Evermore: A Motivational Teaching by Bishop Itse Enonuya

Applying this Principle….

What has God given to us (Christians)

May be easier to list the things God has not given!

Every good thing in life comes from God (Jm 1:17)

Eternal Life -most valuable gift. (Ro 6:23, 1Jn 5:13)

Freedom from condemnation for sin, through Jesus’ blood.

Fellowship with God (1Jn 1:3)

Should this not make us joyful? (Act 8:38-39)

Why are most Christians not joyful?

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Why are Christians not joyful?

We don’t appreciate the magnitude of our sin!

Don’t appreciate what sin does

Separates us from God (Is 59:1-2)

Can condemn to spiritual death/hell (Ro 6:23; Re 21:8)

W e don’t see sin from God’s view point

One sin makes a person guilty of all (Jm 2:10-11)

Sin has affected everyone (Rom 3:23)

So terrible, God sent/forsook His only Begotten son (Mk 15:35)

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Why are Christians are joyful?

We don’t appreciate the magnitude of our Gift! Don’t appreciate what Jesus has done

Reconciled us back to God (2Cor 5:18-19), also v17 Why may we not appreciate what Jesus has done?

Jn 15:11 (Jesus spoke); 1 Jn 1:4 (John wrote) concerning things designed to give us fullness of joy.

Christians need to take the time to study, contemplate & understand what Jesus taught & what His apostles wrote!

Too focused on earthly things Anxiety over the physical (Mt 6:25, 31, 34, 21) Pr


Page 8: Rejoice Evermore: A Motivational Teaching by Bishop Itse Enonuya

Why are Christians are joyful?

Do not trust God enough to take His commandments & promises seriously.

Give Thanks always (Eph 5:20)

Another impossible command?

Why/When you don’t feel thankful

You cannot be joyful

What happens is important, how you take it is more important!

All things work together (Rom 8:28)