Page 1: Relative Value Single Stock Volatility

Europe Equity Derivatives & Delta One Strategy07 June 2012

Relative Value Single Stock VolatilityOption Plays on the Rebound Baskets

European Equity Derivatives and Delta-One Strategy

Peng Cheng, CFA AC

(44-20) 7325-6935

[email protected]

Davide Silvestrini AC

(44-20) 7777-1018

[email protected]

Sahil Manocha AC

(44-20) 7742-3369

[email protected]

Bram Kaplan

(44-20) 7325 8183

[email protected]

J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd.

See page 10 for analyst certification and important disclosures, including non-US analyst disclosures.J.P. Morgan does and seeks to do business with companies covered in its research reports. As a result, investors should be aware that the firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this report. Investors should consider this report as only a single factor in making their investment decision.

Click here for the Enhanced Relative Value Screen

Despite the high intraweek volatility, European equities ended the week little changed (SXXP -0.1%). However, for the first time in five weeks, the single stock volatility fell week on week. European average single stock volatility retreated 54 bps by absolute change in 3M ATMF vol and 27 bps on a fixed strike basis.

Financials led the decline in vol on a fixed strike basis, whereas Telcosand C. Staples vol rose on the week. At the country level, the vols on Dutch and Spanish names continued to rise while German and Italian vols reset lower.

Last week, the best performing sector indices were Banks (SX7P +4.6%, SX7E +8.7%) while Autos lagged (SXAP -4.7%). Basic Resources (SXPP) volatility fell more than the other sectors, adjusted for 1W return. On the other hand, Chemicals (SX4P) volatility climbed the most relative to other sectors after adjusting for returns.

Investors looking for a rebound in equities can buy call spreads, which offer attractive risk-reward, on the members of the JPM Consensual Long baskets. The basket members are selected for their potential to bounce back in a case of a rebound.

In addition, from the ERV volatility screen, we highlight AH NA, DGFP, ABBN VX, RDSA NA, REP SQ as attractive volatility buying candidates from the list of cheap names.

We also highlight SGO FP, SU FP, CA FP, RI FP, STAN LN, ASML NA as attractive volatility selling candidates from the list of rich names.

All data in this report are as of market close on 6 Jun, 2012

Page 2: Relative Value Single Stock Volatility


Europe Equity Derivatives & Delta One Strategy07 June 2012

Peng Cheng, CFA(44-20) [email protected]


Despite the high intraweek volatility, European equities ended the week little changed (SXXP -0.1%). However, for the first time in five weeks, the single stock volatility fell week on week. European average single stock volatility retreated 54 bpsby absolute change in 3M ATMF vol and 27 bps on a fixed strike basis1. Currently the average single stock volatility stands at 34.0%, compared to 2Y average of 29.5% and median of 27.7% (Figure 1). The 1M realised correlations in European indices continued to grind up, but are still substantially below this year’s peak (Figure 2).

Figure 1: Average 3M SS vol -0.5% last week, compared to Euro STOXX 50 vol -2.9%

3M Volatility

Source: J.P. Morgan Equity Derivatives Strategy

Figure 2: Short-dated remained substantially below this year’s peak1M realised correlation

Source: J.P. Morgan Equity Derivatives Strategy

Sectors and Sector IndicesFigure 3: Sector 3M ATM implied volatility changes vs. sector returns last week1W change in 3M ATM volatility

1W Return

Source: J.P. Morgan Equity Derivatives Strategy.

Figure 4: Sector 3M ATM implied volatility changes vs. sector returns since the start of the correction3M ATM volatility change since 19-Mar

Return since the start of the correction (19-Mar)

Source: J.P. Morgan Equity Derivatives Strategy.

Last week, the best performing sector indices are Banks (SX7P +4.6%, SX7E +8.7%) while Autos lagged (SXAP -4.7%). In Figure 3 we can see that Basic Resources (SXPP) volatility fell more than the other sectors adjusting for 1W return. On the other hand, Chemicals (SX4P) volatility climbed the most relative to other sectors after adjusting for returns. Nonetheless,

1 We compute the change in fixed strike vol by taking the difference between the current 3M ATMF implied volatility and the same strike

volatility one week ago.






Apr Jul Oct Jan Apr









02-Jan 02-Feb 02-Mar 02-Apr 02-May 02-Jun













y = -0.4998x - 0.0007R² = 0.8125








-6% -4% -2% 0% 2% 4% 6%











y = -0.3125x - 0.0082R² = 0.6194










-25% -20% -15% -10% -5% 0%

Page 3: Relative Value Single Stock Volatility


Europe Equity Derivatives & Delta One Strategy07 June 2012

Peng Cheng, CFA(44-20) [email protected]

as Figure 4 shows, since the start of the correction, the 3M vol for the Banks (SX7P) and Basic Resources (SXPP) sector options remain amongst the most elevated, both in absolute terms and relative to their histories.

Table 1: European Sector Indices with liquid options

Ticker Sector 1W Return2Y beta to

SXXP3M implied

volatilityImplied vol

2Y %ile3M realised

volatility3M 90-110% skew




SX7P Banks 4.6% 1.45 36.6% 74.2% 30.9% 8.2%

SXIP Insurance 1.0% 1.38 31.0% 75.2% 28.2% 5.9%

SXPP Basic Resources 1.9% 1.48 35.9% 71.6% 31.8% 5.8%

SXAP Automobiles & Parts -4.7% 1.54 37.1% 76.6% 33.8% 7.2%

SXEP Oil & Gas 0.3% 1.01 23.2% 71.2% 21.3% 6.9%

SXNP Industrial Goods & Services -2.3% 1.17 26.7% 60.8% 23.3% 8.5%

SX6P Utilities 0.3% 0.87 20.6% 69.6% 19.2% 5.8%

SX4P Chemicals -2.7% 1.09 24.9% 74.0% 22.8% 6.5%

SXRP Retail -1.8% 0.76 21.0% 76.0% 17.0% 4.6%

SXKP Telecommunications -0.2% 0.72 19.3% 67.3% 16.5% 4.0%

SXDP Health Care -0.7% 0.53 15.8% 72.6% 13.3% 4.9%

SX3P Food & Beverage -0.8% 0.51 15.3% 41.7% 13.4% 4.3%




SX7E Banks 8.7% 1.70 49.1% 77.6% 39.8% 7.8%

SXIE Insurance 2.2% 1.59 35.0% 81.5% 33.5% 6.6%

SXEE Oil & Gas 1.4% 1.11 24.4% 71.6% 23.2% 6.9%

SXKE Telecommunications 3.3% 0.86 23.0% 75.2% 20.3% 5.1%

Source: J.P. Morgan Equity Derivatives Strategy.

The following figures and tables show the detailed changes in single name volatility for each sector, both on a relative and a fixed strike basis, at the aggregated single stock level. Financials rallied last week (SX7P + 4.7%) and led the decline in 3M ATMF vol both on a relative and fixed strike basis. On the other hand, Telcos volatility increased the most for a second week, led by KPN and Telefonica. C. Staples (led by Nestle, Diageo) vol also rose on a fixed strike basis.

Figure 5: Financials led the drop in 3M volatility, whereas consumers vol rose

Change in 3M ATMF implied volatility

Source: J.P. Morgan Equity Derivatives Strategy

Figure 6: Telecoms and C. Staples vol rose for a second week, whereas Financials and Materials vol reset down materially

Change in 3M fixed strike implied volatility

Source: J.P. Morgan Equity Derivatives Strategy

-2.5% -1.5% -0.5% 0.5%

C. Disc


C. Staples

Health Care







-1.0% -0.5% 0.0% 0.5% 1.0%


C. Staples

Health Care


C. Disc






Page 4: Relative Value Single Stock Volatility


Europe Equity Derivatives & Delta One Strategy07 June 2012

Peng Cheng, CFA(44-20) [email protected]

Country breakdown

For a second straight week, the Dutch stocks (led by KPN and ING) and Spanish stocks (led by Telefonica and Repsol) had the biggest increase in volatility in terms of the 3M fixed strike volatility. On the other hand, Germany (EON, Daimler) and Italy (Unicredit, Intesa) fell more than average on a fixed strike basis.

Figure 7: Average stock volatilities fell in most countries

Change in 3M ATM implied volatility

Source: J.P. Morgan Equity Derivatives Strategy

Figure 8: Netherlands and Spain average stock volatilities reset up the most, Germany and Italy vol fell

Change in 3M fixed strike implied volatility

Source: J.P. Morgan Equity Derivatives Strategy

Names with large moves in volatility

The following tables show the changes in volatility, both on a relative and a fixed strike basis, at the single stock level.

Table 2: Names with biggest decrease in fixed strike vol

TickerCurrent 3M ATMF

Implied Vol1W Change in

Fixed Strike Vol 1W Stock Return

CS FP 46.8% -3.0% 5.8%

CSGN VX 37.1% -3.0% 1.4%EOAN GY 30.9% -2.8% -3.1%

DAI GY 39.5% -2.3% -7.1%

UCG IM 59.8% -2.3% 12.3%NOK1V FH 64.4% -2.1% 2.1%

BMW GY 40.1% -1.9% -5.8%

DBK GY 43.6% -1.8% -1.5%CA FP 40.7% -1.6% 0.3%

BAS GY 30.7% -1.5% -3.8%

Source: J.P. Morgan Equity Derivatives Strategy

Table 3: Names with biggest increase in fixed strike vol

TickerCurrent 3M ATMF

Implied Vol1W Change in

Fixed Strike Vol 1W Stock Return

KPN NA 42.0% 3.9% 0.0%

CNA LN 22.3% 1.7% 0.3%UHR VX 34.1% 1.5% -3.0%CFR VX 36.0% 1.4% -6.3%

BNP FP 51.1% 1.2% 13.6%NESN VX 16.1% 1.1% -2.0%

GSK LN 20.5% 1.1% 1.2%

DGE LN 21.8% 1.1% 3.5%BATS LN 22.5% 1.0% 1.8%

TEF SQ 38.6% 0.8% 8.2%

Source: J.P. Morgan Equity Derivatives Strategy

-4.0% -3.0% -2.0% -1.0% 0.0% 1.0%




United Kingdom




-1.5% -1.0% -0.5% 0.0% 0.5%



United Kingdom





Page 5: Relative Value Single Stock Volatility


Europe Equity Derivatives & Delta One Strategy07 June 2012

Peng Cheng, CFA(44-20) [email protected]

Table 4: Names with biggest 1W decrease/increase in 3M ATMFimplied vol

TickerCurrent Implied

Vol1W Change in

Vol1W Stock


UCG IM 59.8% -6.7% 12.3%ISP IM 57.2% -5.9% 11.7%CS FP 46.8% -5.9% 5.8%

BNP FP 51.1% -4.4% 13.6%GLE FP 61.2% -4.2% 10.7%CNA LN 22.3% 1.6% 0.3%

NESN VX 16.1% 1.9% -2.0%UHR VX 34.1% 2.5% -3.0%CFR VX 36.0% 3.4% -6.3%KPN NA 42.0% 3.9% 0.0%Average 34.0% -0.5%

Source: J.P. Morgan Equity Derivatives Strategy

Table 5: Names with lowest/highest implied-realised vol spread

Ticker3M ATMF

IV3M Realised



AH NA 22.4% 22.0% 0.4%ZURN VX 24.3% 22.6% 1.7%

UL FP 26.4% 24.6% 1.7%ATCOA SS 38.3% 36.3% 1.9%

ADS GY 33.4% 31.3% 2.1%ASML NA 33.5% 28.0% 5.5%

AAL LN 39.5% 33.9% 5.6%VIV FP 36.1% 30.1% 6.0%

UBSN VX 36.1% 29.3% 6.8%ALV GY 35.8% 26.4% 9.4%

Source: J.P. Morgan Equity Derivatives Strategy

Page 6: Relative Value Single Stock Volatility


Europe Equity Derivatives & Delta One Strategy07 June 2012

Peng Cheng, CFA(44-20) [email protected]

Trade Ideas

Investors wishing to gain exposure to a potential rebound in equity markets can purchase options on the constituents of ourJ.P. Morgan Global ‘Consensual Long’ baskets. The basket members are selected by the JPM Quantitative Research team for their potential to bounce back in a potential rebound. On the 10 largest market cap names (Table 6) in the European basket, clients can buy a Sep-12 105% - 115% call spread for 2.75% for a maximum payoff-cost ratio of 3.6x, or a Sep-12 105%-120% call spread for 3.25% for a maximum payoff-cost ratio of 4.6x (equally weighted, quanto EUR).

Table 6: Investors can buy call spreads on the European basket of names below

Ticker Name Sector JPM Rating Last PriceRDSA NA Royal Dutch Sh-A Energy Neutral 25.2BLT LN BHP Billiton Plc Materials Neutral 1769.0BP/ LN BP Plc Energy Overweight 413.1GSK LN Glaxosmithkline Health Care Neutral 1441.5FP FP Total SA Energy Overweight 35.0RIO LN Rio Tinto Plc Materials Overweight 2886.0VOW3 GY Volkswagen-Pfd Consumer Discretionary Overweight 124.1AZN LN Astrazeneca Plc Health Care Neutral 2629.5SAN SQ Banco Santander Financials Overweight 4.8GSZ FP GDF Suez Utilities Neutral 16.3

Source: J.P. Morgan Equity Derivatives & Quantitative Strategy

Additionally, investors can gain global exposure on the basket in Table 7, which contains the 15 largest market cap names across the global baskets. A Sep-12 105% - 115% call spread costs 2.90% for a risk-reward ratio of 3.4x, and a Sep-12 105%-120% call spread costs 3.55% for a maximum payoff-cost ratio of 4.2x. (equally weighted, quanto USD).

Table 7: Additionally, Investors can buy call spreads on the global basket of names below

Ticker Name Sector JPM Rating Last PriceRDSA NA Royal Dutch Sh-A Energy Neutral 25.2BLT LN BHP Billiton Plc Materials Neutral 1769.0BP/ LN BP Plc Energy Overweight 413.1GSK LN Glaxosmithkline Health Care Neutral 1441.5FP FP Total SA Energy Overweight 35.0RIO LN Rio Tinto Plc Materials Overweight 2886.0C UN Citigroup Inc Financials Neutral 27.1VOW3 GY Volkswagen-Pfd Consumer Discretionary Overweight 124.1AZN LN Astrazeneca Plc Health Care Neutral 2629.5AIG UN American Interna Financials Neutral 29.9SAN SQ Banco Santander Financials Overweight 4.8GSZ FP GDFSuez Utilities Neutral 16.33328 HK Bank Of Commun-H Financials Overweight 5.1AAL LN Anglo Amer Plc Materials Neutral 2108.0F UN Ford Motor Co Consumer Discretionary Not Covered 10.6

Source: J.P. Morgan Equity Derivatives& Quantitative Strategy

Page 7: Relative Value Single Stock Volatility


Europe Equity Derivatives & Delta One Strategy07 June 2012

Peng Cheng, CFA(44-20) [email protected]

In Figure 9 and Figure 10 we show the cheapest and richest names in our Enhanced Relative Value ranking. We reiterate our previous recommendations of buying 1x2 call ratio on Schneider and call spreads on Volvo, and selling puts on Standard Chartered. We highlight AH NA, DG FP, ABBN VX, RDSA NA, REP SQ as attractive volatility buying candidates from the list of cheap names. We also highlight SGO FP, SU FP, CA FP, RI FP, STAN LN, ASML NA as attractive volatility selling candidates from the list of rich names.

Figure 9: Cheapest names ranked by the ERV model

Source: J.P. Morgan Equity Derivatives Strategy

Figure 10: Richest names ranked by the ERV model

Source: J.P. Morgan Equity Derivatives Strategy

Ticker Name Sector















Ticker Name Sector EWMA Z- EWMA Fundamental Fundamental Combined Trading AH NA Koninklijke Ahold NV Consumer Staples -1.64 5 -0.69 20 1 Cheap

EOAN GY E.ON AG Utilities -0.77 16 -1.29 9 2 CheapCS FP AXA SA Financials -1.76 4 -0.41 29 3 Cheap

LIN GY Linde AG Materials -0.89 13 -0.69 21 4 CheapBAS GY BASF SE Materials -0.31 30 -1.39 7 5 Cheap

ROG VX Roche Holding AG Health Care -0.43 25 -1.05 15 6 CheapZURN VX Zurich Insurance Group AG Financials -0.14 41 -1.78 1 7 CheapUL FP Unibail-Rodamco SE Financials -0.71 18 -0.60 25 8 Cheap

DG FP Vinci SA Industrials -0.56 20 -0.53 27 9 CheapRDSA NA Royal Dutch Shell PLC Energy -0.08 45 -1.52 5 10 Cheap

REP SQ Repsol YPF SA Energy -1.44 7 -0.09 43 11 CheapOGZD LI Gazprom OAO Energy -0.74 17 -0.24 34 12 CheapG IM Assicurazioni Generali SpA Financials -0.81 15 -0.12 37 13 Cheap

HEIA NA Heineken NV Consumer Staples -0.33 28 -0.61 24 14 CheapMC FP LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitt Consumer Discretionary -1.56 6 -0.02 47 15 Cheap

ABBN VX ABB Ltd Industrials -0.06 46 -1.36 8 16 CheapBP/ LN BP PLC Energy -0.05 47 -1.28 10 17 Cheap

FP FP Total SA Energy 0.16 55 -1.75 2 18 CheapBAYN GY Bayer AG Health Care -0.21 35 -0.62 23 19 Cheap

Ticker Name SectorRisk

Premium Z-Score

Risk Premium


Fundamental Z-Score

Fundamental Rank

Combined Rank

Trading Signal

Ticker Name Sector EWMA Z- EWMA Fundamental Fundamental Combined Trading SAN SQ Banco Santander SA Financials 3.98 92 3.09 91 87 RichBBVA SQ Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentari Financials 2.73 91 2.67 90 86 RichNOK1V FH Nokia OYJ Information Technology 1.68 90 2.03 89 85 RichINGA NA ING Groep NV Financials 0.98 81 0.55 72 84 RichSGO FP Cie de St-Gobain Industrials 1.11 85 0.40 67 83 RichPHIA NA Koninklijke Philips Electronic Industrials 0.51 70 0.73 78 82 RichBLT LN BHP Billiton PLC Materials 0.94 79 0.44 69 81 RichRI FP Pernod-Ricard SA Consumer Staples 0.39 66 0.75 79 80 RichVIV FP Vivendi SA Consumer Discretionary 0.19 57 1.64 87 79 RichEAD FP European Aeronautic Defence an Industrials 0.21 59 1.23 85 78 RichUBSN VX UBS AG Financials 0.63 72 0.52 71 77 RichTEF SQ Telefonica SA Telecommunication Services 0.64 73 0.43 68 76 RichGLE FP Societe Generale SA Financials 0.83 76 0.36 64 75 RichSU FP Schneider Electric SA Industrials 0.34 64 0.62 75 74 RichCA FP Carrefour SA Consumer Staples 1.23 87 0.04 51 73 RichASML NA ASML Holding NV Information Technology 0.02 50 1.80 88 72 RichIMT LN Imperial Tobacco Group PLC Consumer Staples 0.63 71 0.40 66 71 RichBT/A LN BT Group PLC Telecommunication Services 0.95 80 0.12 55 70 RichBARC LN Barclays PLC Financials 0.12 54 0.76 81 69 RichRB/ LN Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC Consumer Staples 1.08 84 0.01 50 68 RichBATS LN British American Tobacco PLC Consumer Staples 1.01 82 0.00 49 67 RichSTAN LN Standard Chartered PLC Financials 0.89 77 0.08 52 66 RichRIO LN Rio Tinto PLC Materials 0.06 52 0.56 73 65 Rich

Page 8: Relative Value Single Stock Volatility


Europe Equity Derivatives & Delta One Strategy07 June 2012

Peng Cheng, CFA(44-20) [email protected]

Universe: Our single stock universe consists of all the names in the Euro STOXX 50 index, top 25 names in the FTSE 100 index, top 10 names in the SMI index, top 5 names in the RDXUSD index, top 5 names in the OMX index, plus names outside of the Euro STOXX 50 but in the top 20 names in the CAC index, top 15 names in the DAX index, top 10 names in the AEX index.

Enhanced Relative Value Methodology: For the detailed methodology please refer to our ERV model initiation report.

Risk Premium Z-Score: we compute the exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) volatility for a company, and regress the 3M implied to EWMA volatility spreads against the companies' CDS spreads across our universe. The Z-Scores are the residuals from the regression standardised by the standard deviation of the residuals. High Z-score implies rich implied volatility.

Fundamental Z-Score: we regress the 3M implied volatility against the company’s 1Y beta to the SXXP index and its 3M return. The Z-Score is the residuals from the regression standardised by the standard deviation of the residuals. High Z-score implies rich implied volatility.

Combined Rank: the average of the Risk Premium Ranking and Fundamental Ranking.

Earnings Day Implied Move: We assume that the market prices implied volatility with one day of excess volatility on the earnings announcement day, and all other days with a lower “background” volatility. There are three potential indicators of what the “background” volatility of a stock may be, excluding the earnings day itself:

1. The forward-starting implied volatility between the two option expiries falling directly after the earnings announcement

2. The implied volatility of the front option expiry if that expiry falls prior to the earnings announcement day

3. The hypothetical implied volatility for a maturity corresponding to the earnings announcement day, interpolated from the J.P.Morgan “model implied volatility term structure” (which is based upon a natural log regression for the expiries falling directly after the earnings announcement day, and the implied volatility at these maturities).

Having estimated the background implied volatility, we can estimate the excess volatility for the earnings announcement day that is implied by the volatility term structure. We convert this excess volatility into an “expected earnings-day move”. This figure can then be compared to the size of stock moves on previous earnings announcement days, in order to highlight potential opportunities.

An alternative method is to estimate what the earnings day move will be (perhaps using the average historical delivered earnings day move over the last several earnings announcements, for example) and then exclude this anticipated excess volatility from the actual implied volatility term structure. The underlying (“ex-earnings”) implied volatility term structure can then be analysed in order to identify relative value.

Note that we do include one additional constraint that the earnings day move should never be less than the estimated “background” volatility.

Please note that there are important considerations when trading earnings-day moves, including other potential sources of excess volatility (such as M&A activity, economic data flow, etc.) that may also explain the premium of actual implied volatility to background volatility estimates.

Page 9: Relative Value Single Stock Volatility


Europe Equity Derivatives & Delta One Strategy07 June 2012

Peng Cheng, CFA(44-20) [email protected]

Risks of common option strategies

Risks to Strategies: Not all option strategies are suitable for investors; certain strategies may expose investors to significant potential losses. We have summarized the risks of selected derivative strategies. For additional risk information, please call your sales representative for a copy of "Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options". We advise investors to consult their tax advisors and legal counsel about the tax implications of these strategies. Please also refer to option risk disclosure documents

Put Sale. Investors who sell put options will own the underlying stock if the stock price falls below the strike price of the put option. Investors, therefore, will be exposed to any decline in the stock price below the strike potentially to zero, and they will not participate in any stock appreciation if the option expires unexercised.

Call Sale. Investors who sell uncovered call options have exposure on the upside that is theoretically unlimited.

Call Overwrite or Buywrite. Investors who sell call options against a long position in the underlying stock give up any appreciation in the stock price above the strike price of the call option, and they remain exposed to the downside of the underlying stock in the return for the receipt of the option premium.

Booster. In a sell-off, the maximum realised downside potential of a double-up booster is the net premium paid. In a rally, option losses are potentially unlimited as the investor is net short a call. When overlaid onto a long stock position, upside losses are capped (as for a covered call), but downside losses are not.

Collar. Locks in the amount that can be realized at maturity to a range defined by the put and call strike. If the collar is not costless, investors risk losing 100% of the premium paid. Since investors are selling a call option, they give up any stock appreciation above the strike price of the call option.

Call Purchase. Options are a decaying asset, and investors risk losing 100% of the premium paid if the stock is below the strike price of the call option.

Put Purchase. Options are a decaying asset, and investors risk losing 100% of the premium paid if the stock is above the strike price of the put option.

Straddle or Strangle. The seller of a straddle or strangle is exposed to stock increases above the call strike and stock price declines below the put strike. Since exposure on the upside is theoretically unlimited, investors who also own the stock would have limited losses should the stock rally. Covered writers are exposed to declines in the long stock position as well as any additional shares put to them should the stock decline below the strike price of the put option. Having sold a covered call option, the investor gives up all appreciation in the stock above the strike price of the call option.

Put Spread. The buyer of a put spread risks losing 100% of the premium paid. The buyer of higher ratio put spread has unlimited downside below the lower strike (down to zero), dependent on the number of lower struck puts sold. The maximum gain is limited to the spread between the two put strikes, when the underlying is at the lower strike. Investors who own the underlying stock will have downside protection between the higher strike put and the lower strike put. However, should the stock price fall below the strike price of the lower strike put, investors regain exposure to the underlying stock, and this exposure is multiplied by the number of puts sold.

Call Spread. The buyer risks losing 100% of the premium paid. The gain is limited to the spread between the two strike prices. The seller of a call spread risks losing an amount equal to the spread between the two call strikes less the net premium received. By selling a covered call spread, the investor remains exposed to the downside of the stock and gives up the spread between the two call strikes should the stock rally.

Butterfly Spread. A butterfly spread consists of two spreads established simultaneously. One a bull spread and the other a bear spread. The resulting position is neutral, that is, the investor will profit if the underlying is stable. Butterfly spreads are established at a net debit. The maximum profit will occur at the middle strike price, the maximum loss is the net debit.

Pricing Is Illustrative Only: Prices quoted in the above trade ideas are our estimate of current market levels, and are not indicative trading levels.

Page 10: Relative Value Single Stock Volatility


Europe Equity Derivatives & Delta One Strategy07 June 2012

Peng Cheng, CFA(44-20) [email protected]


This report is a product of the research department's Global Equity Derivatives and Delta One Strategy group. Views expressed may differ from the views of the research analysts covering stocks or sectors mentioned in this report. Structured securities, options, futures and other derivatives are complex instruments, may involve a high degree of risk, and may be appropriate investments only for sophisticated investors who are capable of understanding and assuming the risks involved. Because of the importance of tax considerations to many option transactions, the investor considering options should consult with his/her tax advisor as to how taxes affect the outcome of contemplated option transactions.

Analyst Certification: The research analyst(s) denoted by an “AC” on the cover of this report certifies (or, where multiple research analysts are primarily responsible for this report, the research analyst denoted by an “AC” on the cover or within the document individually certifies, with respect to each security or issuer that the research analyst covers in this research) that: (1) all of the views expressed in this report accurately reflect his or her personal views about any and all of the subject securities or issuers; and (2) no part of any of the research analyst's compensation was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations or views expressed by the research analyst(s) in this report.

Important Disclosures

Market Maker: JPMS makes a market in the stock of ASML.

Lead or Co-manager: J.P. Morgan acted as lead or co-manager in a public offering of equity and/or debt securities for ABB, Ahold, Vinci, Pernod-Ricard SA, Saint-Gobain, Schneider Electric, Standard Chartered, Repsol, Volvo within the past 12 months.

Client: J.P. Morgan currently has, or had within the past 12 months, the following company(ies) as clients: ABB, Ahold, Vinci, Royal Dutch Shell A, Royal Dutch Shell B, ASML, Carrefour, Pernod-Ricard SA, Saint-Gobain, Schneider Electric, Standard Chartered, Repsol, Volvo.

Client/Investment Banking: J.P. Morgan currently has, or had within the past 12 months, the following company(ies) as investment banking clients: ABB, Ahold, Vinci, Royal Dutch Shell A, Royal Dutch Shell B, Pernod-Ricard SA, Saint-Gobain, Schneider Electric, Standard Chartered, Repsol, Volvo.

Client/Non-Investment Banking, Securities-Related: J.P. Morgan currently has, or had within the past 12 months, the following company(ies) as clients, and the services provided were non-investment-banking, securities-related: ABB, Ahold, Vinci, Royal Dutch Shell A, Royal Dutch Shell B, ASML, Carrefour, Pernod-Ricard SA, Saint-Gobain, Schneider Electric, Standard Chartered, Repsol, Volvo.

Client/Non-Securities-Related: J.P. Morgan currently has, or had within the past 12 months, the following company(ies) as clients, and the services provided were non-securities-related: ABB, Ahold, Vinci, Royal Dutch Shell A, Royal Dutch Shell B, Carrefour, Pernod-Ricard SA, Saint-Gobain, Schneider Electric, Standard Chartered, Repsol.

Investment Banking (past 12 months): J.P. Morgan received in the past 12 months compensation for investment banking ABB, Ahold, Vinci, Royal Dutch Shell A, Royal Dutch Shell B, Pernod-Ricard SA, Saint-Gobain, Schneider Electric, Standard Chartered, Repsol, Volvo.

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Europe Equity Derivatives & Delta One Strategy07 June 2012

Peng Cheng, CFA(44-20) [email protected]

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J.P. Morgan Equity Research Ratings Distribution, as of April 3, 2012




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JPMS Equity Research Coverage 43% 48% 9%IB clients* 70% 61% 53%

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Europe Equity Derivatives & Delta One Strategy07 June 2012

Peng Cheng, CFA(44-20) [email protected]

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"Other Disclosures" last revised April 18, 2012.

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