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Page 1: Renaissance Art

Renaissance Art

Page 2: Renaissance Art

But First- Medieval Art!Preoccupied with RELIGION.Virgin Mary, Saints, Jesus, as baby and on the Cross.

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Madonna Enthroned


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Bonaventura Berlinghiera,

St. Francis,


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Duccio, The Maesta Altarpiece, 1308

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Rucellai Madonna


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Simone Martini, The Annunciation, 1333

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The Renaissance Begins, in Italy• worldly concerns, not just spiritual• love of the human figure• use of perspective to show depth• individual expressions, naturalism

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Giotto, The Flight into Egypt, 1304

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Giotto, The Lamentation,

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Sandro Botticelli, The Birth of Venus, 1485

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Botticelli, La Primavera, 1485

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Piero della Francesca Resurrection1458

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Donatello, Mary Magdalene, 1455

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The Holy Trinity,


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Paolo Uccello, Battle of San Romano, 1456

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Perugino, Christ handing the Keys of the Church to Saint Peter, 1482

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Andrea Mantegna, The Dead Christ, 1501

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Andrea Mantegna, Room of the Newlyweds Camera del Spogli, 1474

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Leonardo da Vinci,

Mona Lisa,


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Leonardo de Vinci, The Last Supper, 1495

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The Last Supper, computer restoration

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Leonardo da Vinci, Self-Portrait,1515 Vitruvian Man 1492

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Michelangelo, Battle of the Centaurs, 1492

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Michelangelo, The Vatican Pieta, 1499

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Michelangelo ,

The Florentine Pieta, 1550

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The Sistine Chapel Ceiling

Last Judgment,

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Michelangelo,Sistine Ceiling- Book of Genesis1509-1512

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Last Judgment,

Sistine Chapel


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Michelangelo, The Holy Family, 1503

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Raphael, The School of Athens, 1510-11

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Raphael, Madonna and Child with St. John, 1510

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Raphael,Madonna del


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Raphael, Madonna of the Chair

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Raphael,Madonna of the Meadows

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RaphaelSistine Madonna1513

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Andrea Palladio,

Villa Rotonda,


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Titian, Bacchanal, 1523

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Meeting of Bacchus and Ariadne, Titian, 1522

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Giovanni Bellini, Feast of the Gods, 1529

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The Renaissance in the North

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Jan van Eyck,

The Arnolfini Marriage,


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Jan van Eyck,

The Last Judgement,


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Jan and Hubert van Eyck, The Ghent Altarpiece (open), 1432

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Albrecht Altdorfer,

The Battle of Issus,


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Robert Campin, The Merode Altarpiece , 1428

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Mathais Grunewald, Crucifixion, 1515

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Roger van der Weyden, The Deposition (from the Cross), 1435

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Pieter Bruegel, Netherlandish Proverbs, 1559

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Albrecht Durer,

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,


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Albrecht DurerKnight, Death,

and the Devil1513

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Albrecht DurerMelancholia1514

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Albrecht Durer,

Praying Hands,


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Albrecht Durer

The Hare

A Great Piece of Turf

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Hans Holbein the Younger, The French Ambassadors, 1533

Note the anamorphic figure near the bottom, it is intended to be viewed at an angle, and is a reminder of mortality.

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Hans Holbein the Younger,

Henry VIII,


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Hieronymous Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights, 1500

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Hieronymous BoschHell, from the Garden

of Earthly Delights panel


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Claus Sluter,

The Well of Moses,
