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“INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA “DE ROZO” Aprobada por Resolución Nº 0835 del 20 de FEBRERO de 2.017


INTRODUCCIÓN Queridos estudiantes esta guía que van a trabajar será para ver que tanto hemos aprendido, representado en unos cortos ejercicios de práctica de traducción, de comprensión lectora, de vocabulario de quiz de cultura general; donde tú te autoevalúas y mides tu nivel de aprendizaje, así juntos nos daremos cuenta en nuestro encuentro de clase virtual que debemos mejorar y como vamos a practicar para hacer más divertida nuestra clase


Área o asignatura: INGLES

Fecha de recibido: JUNIO 16 2020

Fecha de entrega: JUNIO30 2020

Nombre del Docente: MALLERLINE CLEVES


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¿Qué voy a aprender? Hacer un breve recuento de lo que he aprendido hasta ahora Enrriquezco mi vocabulario Como atraves de un texto comprendo lo que leo

Lee el texto

I was born in the year 1632, in the city of York, of a good

family, though not of that country, my father being a foreigner of Bremen, who settled first at Hull. He got a good estate by merchandise, and leaving off his trade,

lived afterwards at York, from whence he had married my mother, whose relations were named Robinson, a very

good family in that country, and from whom I was called Robinson Kreutznaer; but, by the usual corruption of words in England, we are now called - nay we call ourselves and write our name - Crusoe; and so my

companions always called me.

I had two elder brothers, one of whom was lieutenant-colonel to an English regiment of foot in Flanders, formerly commanded by the famous Colonel

Lockhart, and was killed at the battle near Dunkirk against the Spaniards. What became of my second brother I never knew, any more than my father or mother knew what became of me.

Being the third son of the family and not bred to any trade, my head began to

be filled very early with rambling thoughts. My father, who was very ancient, had given me a competent share of learning, as far as house-education and a country free school generally go, and designed me for the law; but I would be

satisfied with nothing but going to sea; and my inclination to this led me so strongly against the will, nay, the commands of my father, and against all the

entreaties and persuasions of my mother and other friends, that there seemed to be something fatal in that propensity of nature, tending directly to the life of misery which was to befall me.

My father, a wise and grave man, gave me serious and excellent counsel

against what he foresaw was my design. He called me one morning into his chamber, where he was confined by the gout, and expostulated very warmly with me upon this subject. He asked me what reasons, more than a mere

wandering inclination, I had for leaving father's house and my native country, where I might be well introduced, and had a prospect of raising my fortune by

application and industry, with a life of ease and pleasure. He told me it was men of desperate fortunes on one hand, or of aspiring, superior fortunes on the other, who went abroad upon adventures, to rise by enterprise, and make

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themselves famous in undertakings of a nature out of the common road; that

these things were all either too far above me or too far below me; that mine was the middle state, or what might be called the upper station of low life,

which he had found, by long experience, was the best state in the world, the most suited to human happiness, not exposed to the miseries and hardships, the labour and sufferings of the mechanic part of mankind, and not

embarrassed with the pride, luxury, ambition, and envy of the upper part of mankind. He told me I might judge of the happiness of this state by this one

thing - viz. that this was the state of life which all other people envied; that kings have frequently lamented the miserable consequence of being born to great things, and wished they had been placed in the middle of the two

extremes, between the mean and the great; that the wise man gave his testimony to this, as the standard of felicity, when he prayed to have neither

poverty nor riches.

Contesta las siguientes preguntas de comprensión

Choose the best answer, a), b) or c)

1. Robinson Crusoe got his name from a mixture of

- ? -

2. Robinson Crusoe had two brothers who

3. When Crusoe's father learned that he wanted to travel and see the world he

4. Crusoe’s father thought that it was better to

5. Robinson Crusoe’s father

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Practico lo que aprendi

Escríbe el tiempo verbal correcto en las siguientes frases:

1. John to Mary now (talk)

2. I television every night. (watch)

3. The children usually to bed at nine o'clock. (go)

4. a book at the moment?. (Richard read)

5. They to the theatre very often. (not go)

6. I at the moment. (not study)

7. I English, although I at the moment. (not speak) / (study)

8. I in Valencia, though I in Madrid at the moment. (live) /


9. I in a hotel at the moment, although I my own

apartment. (stay) / (have)

10. She from Chile, though she in New York just now. (come) /


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Como se que aprendi Practico y aprendo vocabulario

Completa el texto seleccionando las palabras adecuadas de la lista.

Rick knew that all good detectives need an image. Hercule Poirot has his

moustache; Colombo has his cigar and raincoat, Sherlock Holmes his

pipe and James Bond his BMW. Rick wanted one too, and now is the

best time to buy one. It’s January and the prices in most of the New

York stores are reduced. everything is cheaper

and .

Rick was organised. he woke up early and made

a of the things he needed for his image:

At 9.30 Rick was walking along the Streets of Manhattan. It was

busy. Rick thought that everyone in New York was out shopping

for bargains.

Our hero had a good idea of what he wanted. He had walked the

streets late the night before when

the were closed, looking in the

windows. He liked because it

helped him to relax and to clear his mind.

Rick went into Bloomingdale’s and found the hat department.

The was very sexy.

‘Hey babe,’ said Rick. ‘I need a hat.’

She turned quickly, her long brown hair falling provocatively across her face.

‘I have something special for you, sir.’ she replied in a soft Brooklyn accent.

She gave him a green baseball cap with ‘New York Jets’ on the

front. Rick .

‘Is it the right size?’ she asked.

‘Yes, me,’

replied Rick, ‘But does it look good, babe?’

‘Sure, it really you.’ Said the young girl. ‘You look like a famous detective now.’

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Que aprendi Me autoevaluo en casa pratico y aprendo

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Aprendo coloreo y me divierto

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Me evaluo lo aprendido


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Juego y me divierto

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o She her son when he goes to bed / Ella besa a su hijo

cuando él se va a la cama

o My dad all electronic devices at home / Mi papá arregla

todos los dispositivos electrónicos en la casa

o The police officer thieves to protect people / El oficial de policía atrapa ladrones para proteger a las personas

o Raquel homework at 8 pm / Raquel hace la tarea a las 8


o My laptop a huge screen / Mi computador portátil tiene una gran pantalla

o He when he is frustrated / Él llora cuando está frustrado

o She after dinner / Ella ora después de la cena

o Andrea history books / Andrea lee libros de historia

o Mario to Berlin every now and then / Mario va a Berlín

de vez en cuando

o Oscar his wife a lot / Oscar extraña mucho a su espos

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