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(Alghero, 12 November 2014)

CAMP Italy Project P.zzale Flaminio, 9 00196 Rome, Italy tel. +39 06 85355476 (18) email: [email protected]

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WORKSHOP REPORT......................................................................................................................................... 3

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 3

FORMAL SESSION, 12 November 2014 ............................................................................................................. 3

Welcoming addresses................................................................................................................................... 3

Workshop thematic presentations ............................................................................................................... 5

Presentation of Horizontal and Individual Activities..................................................................................... 8

Closing of the Conference .......................................................................................................................... 10

Thursday 13 November 2014 ......................................................................................................................... 11

Annex I List of participants ..................................................................................................................... 12

Annex II Conference agenda ................................................................................................................... 14

Annex III List of Organizations/Institutions attending the Conference ................................................... 15

Annex IV List of presentations ................................................................................................................ 16


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The Inception Conference was held in Alghero (Italy) on 12 November 2014 at the Conference Room of the Regional Park of Porto Conte. The Conference has been organized by the National Coordinator, Ms. Daniela Addis, on the basis of the Agreement between ISPRA (Institute for Environment Protection and Research) and CoNISMa (National Inter-University Consortium for Marine Sciences), with the functional and operative support of CoNISMa. This uphold resulted in the production of the Project logo, in information and communication activities with the additional production of posters and programmes, in the realization of the Project website ( in collaboration with INFO/RAC, and the realization of a video (Society TerraTrema Film) which will be broadcasted on a dedicated YouTube channel. The Inception Conference was attended by around 40 participants, among which figured also two representatives of local societies certified by the Park’s label, as listed in the List of Participants in Annex I. The Inception Conference agenda is presented in Annex II, while the list of Organizations and Institutions attending the Conference is detailed in Annex III and the list of presentations in Annex IV. Participants included representatives of UNEP/MAP (Mr. Gaetano Leone, Coordinator UNEP/MAP), PAP/RAC (Ms. Željka Škaričić, Director, and Mr. Marko Prem, Deputy Director), INFO/RAC (Mr. Claudio Maricchiolo, Director). On the national and regional side, participants included the Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea (MELS), representative of local authorities, CoNISMa, the Emilia-Romagna, Sardinia- Coastal Conservatory Agency and Tuscany Regions as well as National Coordinators of other CAMP projects. Most of the Italian participants were national experts who have agreed to take active part in the implementation of CAMP Italy Project. Also, the participation via Skype of National Coordinators of other CAMP Projects (Ms. Jelena Knezevic, Ms. Ana Correa Peña, Mr. Slavko Mezek and Ms. Maria Snoussi) was very significant as a concrete evidence of CAMP network and participation.

The Conference took place from 11.30 until 17,30 and was followed by the visit of the Museum and Environmental Marine and Terrestrial Education Center (C.E.A.MA.T.), in the Park of the Porto Conte Research Center.

FORMAL SESSION, 12 November 2014

Part I

Welcoming addresses

The Conference opened around 12:00 by the welcoming address of the Chairman Mr. Gaetano Leone (UNEP/MAP Coordinator). He expressed his satisfaction with the activities carried out by the CAMP Programme and introduced the process and complexity of CAMP Italy Project referring to its beginnings in


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2008. He pointed out the importance of CAMP since it is an important tool for achieving participation and to dialogue with partners and stakeholders not only at the local but also at national and international level. He continued to outline the ambitiousness of CAMP Italy Project, focusing on the importance of horizontal level activities in relation with other CAMP Projects and referred to the crucial role of CAMP in the Barcelona Convention and in National strategies to implement coastal zone management planning. He concluded by introducing the Representatives of local authorities of the Sardinia Region, as well as Representatives of Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany Regions and the main Organizations and Institutions (MELS, PAP/RAC, INFO/RAC and CoNISMa).

Mr. Giorgio Onorato Cicalò, delegated Special Commissioner of the Coastal Conservatory Agency of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia (ARS), welcomed the participants and presented the welcome addresses on behalf of Ms. Donatella Spano, ARS Councilor for Environment Protection, and Ms. Maria Grazia Piras, ARS Councilor of Industry, that could not attend the meeting. He outlined the significance of CAMP Italy for the Sardinia Region since local policies aim at restoring and protecting the environment at different levels. In this regard, CAMP Italy become an implementing framework to defend natural resources and enhance sustainable development among the Region, while also secure socio-economic territorial dynamics. In fact, Sardinia Region is linked to its territory because of its environmental and cultural characteristics but also for its socio-economic values.

The Deputy Mayor of Alghero Mr. Raimondo Cacciotto, attended the Conference to represent the Mayor who was engaged in a meeting of the Council. He welcomed the participants and expressed his gratitude to the Regional Park of Porto Conte for hosting the Conference. He showed his interest in the keen activities carried out by the Sardinia Region-Coastal Conservatory Agency and concluded that CAMP Italy would represent a valid solution for the sustainable management of coastal areas with attention to socio-economic issues.

Mr. Vittorio Gazale, Director of the Regional Park of Porto Conte, introduced the importance of the Park and presented its characteristics to be an example of the recovering not only of biodiversity richness but also of local culture and traditions. In addition he presented the history of the Park, which was an ancient prison now converted and valued as a Regional Park that hosts in its territory exclusive and rare species with significance not only at national but also at international level. Thus, he expressed his concrete consideration and expectations for CAMP Italy Project in the years to come and renovated the support of the Park.

The Director of PAP/RAC Ms. Željka Škaričić, stated that the day of the Conference is the result of a long and active collaboration between Regions, Ministry of the Environment (MELS) and UNEP/MAP. The Project itself is the expression of the will to find solutions to different and common problems arising from the management of coastal areas. It is of the utmost importance to preserve a good environmental status of marine and coastal environment since mismanagement would negatively affect coastal population also from an economic point of view (e.g. Tourism sector). A mobilization of a full set of available capacities is needed in order to suggest solutions at different levels. Although Regions advance specific thematics it is important to pursue common goals as a cohesion element of harmonization and calibration. In addition, she outlined the importance of strengthening the national framework on ICZM with regard also to the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive.


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She also acknowledged the Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea in the person of the focal point, Mr. Oliviero Montanaro, for supporting the activities. Then she showed appreciation to Sardinian Institutions and praised the beauty of the area and its excellences (environment, culture, local products). She renewed full support from PAP/RAC in CAMP Italy, but she underlined that the success of the project will result in the complete and active implication of Italy and the Regions. Mr. Annibale Cutrona, Director of CoNISMa, as supporter of CAMP Italy Project presented the welcoming of the President Mr. Angelo Tursi and Mr. Michele Scardi while introducing the structure and the various fields of activity of CoNISMa, which addresses issues linked to the sea with a holistic approach. CoNISMa has an extensive experience with CAMP Italy Project and has the specific role of operational support to the National Coordinator for cross-cutting activities through the convention with ISPRA and with the supervision of MELS. It also has peculiar characteristics since it manages multilevel activities related to marine and coastal areas so that it is an important reference for CAMP Italy. In particular, he focused on the activities more related to CAMP project, such as activities in thematic areas of research, in management of the territory and in social sciences. In order to explain the reason of its participation in CAMP Italy, he outlined the importance of CoNISMa - with the presence in the territory of 32 Universities and almost 61 projects involving local, national and international actors - as member of the Marine Board presented some projects related to CAMP main thematic areas (e.g. GIACOMED project) while introducing its important representation in EU framework and cooperation with local institutions, research centers and other environmental agencies. The Chairperson Mr. Gaetano Leone concluded the first part of the welcoming addresses pointing out the relevance of replicability of UN Programmes as CAMP in the Mediterranean area, since it possesses strong cultural identities so that the formulation and implementation of CAMP projects should be envisaged in this basin. In fact, marine and coastal environment suffers from different anthropogenic pressures, rising from coastal development, pollution and chemical contamination of biota, marine litter, exploitation of fish stocks, aquaculture systems, deep sea fishing, offshore, dredging, eutrophication and other cumulative effects insisting in the coastal area. After almost 40 years of successful operations and under the auspices of UNEP and the Mediterranean Action Plan, the Barcelona Convention remains the only binding instrument able to find solutions to marine and coastal issues. The coordination and support comes from Athens but other six Regional Centers are actively involved. CAMP is a pioneer programme - to date only two Countries in the Mediterranean basin have not undertaken a CAMP project- and the ICZM has paved the way in finding advanced and efficient solutions, so that CAMP projects represent real and valuable solution. In this context, CAMP Italy represents a real change for its complexity and richness on proposing new solutions and tools for the Mediterranean network of CAMP Projects. Part II

Workshop thematic presentations Ms. Željka Škaričić, introduced CAMP Programme and Project after acknowledging the valuable work carried out by the National Coordinator of CAMP Italy, Ms. Daniela Addis, and renovating the support and assistance of PAP/RAC in the activities of coordination. Then, she presented CAMP projects saying that


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sustainable development is the main objective in all projects in addition to ICZM Protocol. In fact, CAMP is an applicable demonstration of the ICZM Protocol (art. 27) since it contemplates the presence of pilot projects of integrated coastal management at the national level. She outlined the importance of the participatory process and capacity building activities for the success of the projects. Afterwards, she presented three examples of CAMP project generations explaining they represent different levels of CAMP. She introduced the first generation of CAMP in Croatia and Turkey since they are two example of bilateral cooperation between the two nations and PAP/RAC to solve specific problems in the territory such as water management and sewerage issues. The, she presented the second generation of CAMP with the example of Algeria, explaining that this project was more complex and related to sustainable development issues such as urbanization, pollution and national strategies of integrated management. Finally, she presented the third generation of CAMP, with the example of CAMP Levante de Almeria Spain, in which, by means of a learning and participation process involving the administrations and territorial stakeholders, the problems affecting coastal management can be diagnosed in such a way as to produce a common project for the territory, materialized in a strategy which lays down the steps to be followed in order to make socio-economic development compatible with the conservation of nature. Mr. Oliviero Montanaro, who gave his speech via Skype connection, presented the greetings to the assembly also for Mr. Gian Luca Galletti (Minister for the Environment) and Mr. Renato Grimaldi (Director-DG Natural and Sea Protection), who could not attend the meeting for institutional reasons. He outlined the importance of CAMP project in Italy since it is essential as a support to strengthen ICZM at the national level. In fact, the project will help to gain experience in integrated coastal zone management, especially with regard in understanding and experimenting criticalities. He presented the Feasibility Study and activities that led to CAMP Italy to be an institutional laboratory of good governance and best practices in sustainable development issues. In particular, he expressed the interest in creating a CAMP network and outlined the need to learn from other experiences in order to find common strategies to be adapted in the Mediterranean framework. Thus, he put the accent on the use of CAMP systems in order to gain experience and to learn from common coordination, collaboration and confrontation. MAP Components are relevant in helping CAMP to become a full operative tool in Italy. He suggested to test and improve contributions on ecosystem approach throughout CAMP Italy Project and in connection with ECAP, EU Marine Strategy and the related Good Environmental Status (GES). CAMP Italy would represent a core set of concrete and useful instruments and activities to bring ICZM issues at the national level, also with the aim to ratify and fully implement the Protocol. The Coordinator of CAMP Italy Project, Ms. Daniela Addis, welcomed the participants and expressed her gratitude to the Regional Park of Porto Conte for hosting the Conference. Then she introduced in detail CAMP Italy Project, presenting the main goals and objectives of the project, which aims at enhancing and reinforcing cooperation among the network of CAMP projects and to strengthening the valuable role of the project at national level. With regard to cooperation, she acknowledged the presence of the main supporters of CAMP Italy, especially of BLUE PLAN, INFO/RAC, MED POL, PAP/RAC, SCP/RAC and SPA/RAC that will support the activities during these two years to come. She gave particular attention to the various activities carried out and introduced the different thematic areas while explaining the project’s structure, activities, objectives and expected results. In particular, she focused on the importance of the experimentation and activation of harmonized contributions and outlined the importance of the main objective related to the ICZM Protocol and its ratification. The project


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is complex but it is important to approve and cooperate with a shared and defined work plan. She outlined the relevance not only of the environmental and socio-economic aspects of the project but also the importance of cultural ones. Then, she introduced and presented the structure and contents of the Inception Report for its adoption, as well as the whole organization levels with the presentation of partners, scopes and methodologies. Moreover, she presented the timing of the Project starting from its beginning an presenting future steps with regard to the linkage with the Marine Strategy and the Marine Spatial Planning pointing out the crucial collaboration among CAMP network, presenting the example especially of France and Greece and their common interest in activities of coastal spatial planning. Around 13:30 the meeting continued via Skype. Ms. Željka Škaričić introduced the contributions of National Coordinators (NCs) of other CAMP projects who gave their speeches while Ms. Ana Correa Peña (NC-Spain) presented her contribution through a recorded video since she was travelling to Australia for an IUCN Congress. Ms. Jelena Knezevic (Montenegro), welcomed the participants and presented challenges and opportunities arising from CAMP Montenegro experience. She thanked the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro as well the MAP components for the precious support. She outlined the importance of CAMP activities especially for coastal and marine spatial planning in the region. Among the main activities she presented the data collection and analysis since they are useful for the integration of national decision making also at the administrative level. Data are important for understanding the territory and to predict possible setbacks while minimizing various pressures. She said that CAMP experience was helpful for enhancing sustainable management of coastal areas, the agriculture and tourism sectors and to undertake prevention policies with regard to hydrology, water and spatial planning issues. The project also helped in capacity building and implemented national policies with regard to ECAP. Ms. Ana Correa Peña (Spain), presented her compliments to the inception of CAMP Italy Project and affirmed that CAMP is a dynamic adventure to be accomplished and adapted to different realities. She presented the Spain framework insisting on the intensive agriculture persisting in Almeria. In fact, the agriculture is in competition with tourism sector and with high value biodiversity. She explained the complexity of the mitigation of various and different interests occurring in the region and presented CAMP as an opportunity to find common solutions. It is important to involve all actors, from citizens to institutions and economic stakeholders in order to setting out shared management responsibilities. Moreover, she presented the Coastal Commission, Coastal Council and Forum as institutional bodies of CAMP Spain and outlined the importance of the approval of a framework for sustainable development within the region. She concluded affirming that CAMP possesses realistic and feasible strategies although complex in their development. Mr. Slavko Mezek (Slovenia), presented the activities and scopes of CAMP Slovenia for the period 2004-2007, which consisted in an area of 15.000km ² with 120.000 inhabitants distributed in 8 municipalities. The thematic of the project related mainly to spatial planning with a focus on coastal areas, management of MPAs and regional strategies of sustainable development. In addition, the project contributed to a regional project of water management and analysis and it helped in formulating a Regional Development Programme for coastal areas for the period 2007-2013. He insisted in the importance of cooperation among different actors and institutions both at local and national levels that helped in supporting proposals


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and actions undertaken within the CAMP. Moreover, the participatory process contributed in enhancing the concept of sustainable development among the region. He outlined the importance of linking the CAMP activities with the existing legal framework to guarantee the success of CAMP activities and objectives. Ms. Maria Snoussi (Morocco) in her message to the Conference assembly confirmed that CAMP is a complex and challenging experience but certainly extremely rewarding. In fact, working directly with the local population allowed to understand the importance of participatory process for the success of the ICZM strategies. She encouraged to involve all stakeholders from the beginning of the project, even if they seem not to collaborate, since misunderstandings would reduce through the dialogue. She concluded wishing good luck to the new CAMP Italy. Part III

Presentation of Horizontal and Individual Activities The Conference reopened after the lunch break (prepared with local products of the Autonomous Sardinia Region) and Ms. Daniela Addis introduced the following contributions for the Horizontal and Individual Activities, as moderator of the second part of the meeting. Mr. Claudio Maricchiolo, Director of INFO/RAC, presented the role of the RAC in the activities of CAMP Italy Project related to Horizontal Activity 1 “Coordination and dissemination of the results”. In particular, he outlined the importance of being a portal of cooperation and a consolidated infrastructure for access to data. The cooperation and sharing of information and data (ITC) among CAMP components and partners will facilitate especially the activities of the Regions and Institutions while also cooperating at international level. He introduced the objectives and activities that will be carried out by INFO/RAC, particularly the support to general coordination, evaluation of the results with a sustainable development of actions, setting of the project’s structure and of institutional arrangements, and organization of mayor events. He affirmed the scope of being a portal for networking among partners and guaranteed the sustainability of the results by developing cooperation and communication. In addition, he presented the website of CAMP Italy Project ( and explained the different sessions and main contents. Furthermore, he explained the utility of the section of the website dedicated to documents sharing with a knowledge sharing purpose among partners of the CAMP project. Moreover, he presented the budget, the monitoring activities, the agenda for the implementation of the main activities and the team. He also renovated the interest in defining an e-learning platform on the basis of previous experiences (e.g. MedOPEN). Mr. Emanuele Cimatti, representative of Emilia-Romagna Region, introduced the Horizontal Activity 2 “Capacity Building” with the scope of designing and implementing innovative information and training systems. Also, he presented the target and the budget and introduced the proposal of a system of questionnaires to be adopted and shaped accordingly. In addition, he outlined the need to implement training courses for different actors, both professional and citizens and suggested the use of a Moodle while acknowledging the system used by PAP/RAC (MedOPEN). He presented the experience of participatory process in Emilia-Romagna Region which developed and experimented different tools.


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Concerning the use of social networks he pointed out the problem of their complexity and suggested to identify a common strategy to be adopted among partners. Mr. Luigi E. Cipriani, representative of Tuscany Region, presented the Horizontal Activity 3 “Data collection and management” and pointed up their role in supporting the collection and sharing of data among the partner Regions. He introduced the main objectives and explained the role of data in helping, supporting and finding solutions for specific actions in CAMP Regions. He outlined the importance of an interoperability system of data collection with easy access and with regard to EU regulations (INSPIRE- Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe). Moreover, he presented as an example the system adopted in Tuscany (RESMAR Project-Web GIS) and praised for the use of an open source system to be adopted and used within CAMP Italy Project and the Mediterranean basin, in relation with the Mediterranean Interoperable Spatial Data Infrastructure in the framework of PEGASO- COASTGAP Network as a concrete example of capitalization. Then, he suggested defining guidelines for shared coastal monitoring and adopting a common legend between the Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany and Sardinia Regions especially with regard to data on coastal evolution (i.e. linear variation and annual rates). Mr. Giorgio Onorato Cicalò, delegated Special Commissioner of the Coastal Conservatory Agency-ARS, presented the Horizontal Activity 4 “Institutional coordination and public participation”. He outlined the need of a solid participatory process among institutions, partners and stakeholders in order to promote cross-sectorial coordination between different institutional actors with the aim of facilitating the creation of a National ICZM Network. He detailed the article 14 of the ICZM Protocol with regard to the active participation of local authorities and public bodies concerned, economic operators, non-governmental organizations, social actors and citizens. Thus, he underlined the operational steps for the stakeholders mapping and he presented a particular way of implication in the participatory process with the method EASW – Pro Action Cafè. He concluded with the presentation of the expected results and took as an example the Spain CAMP experience since it has similarity with Italian realities. Then the Chairperson Ms. Daniela Addis introduced the Individual activities, presented by Regional focal points. Mr. Emanuele Cimatti illustrated the Individual Activities related to the Emilia-Romagna Region. He explained the three thematic areas in connection with the activities carried out in the two areas of the Emilia-Romagna Region with regard also to the participation through online platforms realized by the Region (ER Partecipazione and ioPartecipo+). Then, he detailed the specific actions undertaken in the territory and in particular the regulatory process of drawing sands and aggregates in specific areas, the operational protocol for the rehabilitation and consolidation of dune strips (natural or artificial/reconstructed), conservation of marine and coastal biodiversity with particular reference to the conservation of minor species, development and exploitation in natural protected areas with new forms of sustainable tourism, education and communication on sustainability. The outputs and deliverables, which have a proper methodology, aim at improving the existing (lesson learnt) with a top down and bottom up approach and with adaptability and remodeling. Mr. Luigi E. Cipriani introduced the Individual Activities for the two areas in Tuscany Region with the support of a map. Referring to principles in Art. 16 of the ICZM Protocol, he detailed the specific actions


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undertaken in the region: reuse of sediments accumulated in the reservoirs and along the river courses as a result of floods, monitoring the effectiveness of interventions to rebalance the coast in the town of Capalbio, recovery and management of the dune system of Lacona in Elba Island. Moreover, he presented the tools used as support of specific activities such as drone and sampling systems. In particular, he presented in detail the actions related to sand dunes and beaches restoration and to Posidonia protection and management. Mr. Paolo Vargiu related to the role and experiences of the Coastal Conservatory Agency in CAMP Italy Project, presenting the areas involved in it and the main activities, outlining the strict coherence with the mission of the Agency with the ICZM Protocol. Therefore, he detailed the various activities developed in the region presenting also projects and funds allocated at local level. In particular, he presented the actions and the objectives which relate to concrete examples of cooperation and conflict mitigation with local authorities and the population. He also presented the activities in the Piscinas area, which has an international recognition, presenting the area to be a valid example of participatory process with a high impact on management cooperation. Moreover, he outlined the importance of the involvement of all stakeholders presenting the information system of the Sardinia Region that has a specific targeted platform which also helps in mapping the vulnerability of the coastal areas and drives decision-making process. Mr. Piero Addis presented the technical outputs of the Project G.I.R.A. (sustainable fisheries) in the framework of the relevance for CAMP objectives. He detailed the model of integrated management and sustainable fishing of sea urchin, in the western area CAMP in Sardinia Region as well as the innovative methods for increasing production of the common octopus and for the enhancement of biodiversity in a coastal area of Western Sardinia within CAMP Italy Project. The importance of this project relates not only on biodiversity protection but also on preservation of fishing tradition as well as protection of socio-economic issues. These valid and concrete examples of sustainable fisheries in West Sardinia, fit in the overall activities of CAMP Italy project. At the end of the presentations and debates, Ms. Daniela Addis took the floor to thank the participants for the activities and proposals resulting from the meeting. She expressed her gratitude to the Regional Park of Porto Conte for hosting the Conference and outlined the willingness to actively cooperate with all the partners and supporters of the Project in a logic of participation and creation of a solid and replicable Mediterranean network. Then she summed up the presentations of the day regarding the content of the Inception Report, the discussion and the adoption of which it was intended the Inception Conference. She confirmed the approval of the Inception Report as discussed and adopted by the partners and declared the closure of the Conference.

Part IV

Closing of the Conference The Conference continued with the interesting visit of the Museum and Environmental and Terrestrial Education Center (C.E.A.MA.T.) inside the Park of Porto Conte Research Center.


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Thursday 13 November 2014 The day after the Inception Conference was dedicate to a visit to a project area within the Marine Protected Area (MPA) of Capo Caccia-Isola Piana. From 10:30 to 12:30 a CAMP meeting with CAMP board, PAP/RAC and Tuscany Region followed. The main discussions during the meeting related to the definition of budget among MAP Components, the definition of TORs for the call for experts, the participatory process to be enhanced and agreed within the partner Regions. In particular Mr. Prem outlined the necessity of the adoption of participatory activities to be flexible and adaptable to the legal framework of the Regions. The meeting continued with the discussion about the definition of data collection and management systems to be formalized and the formulation of a teaching system especially conceived for CAMP Italy with the aim of enhancing knowledge on ICZM. The meeting closed deferring to a later reunion of Tavolo CAMP in order to further discuss the issues addressed during the meeting.


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Annex I


CAMP Italy Project, Inception Conference, Alghero, Italy (12 November 2014)

Name Title 1 Ms. Addis Daniela National Coordinator of CAMP

Italy Project 2 Mr. Addis Piero Researcher at Università di

Cagliari (Com.Bio.Ma.) 3 Ms. Bissoli Rosanna Emilia-Romagna Region

Responsible for the protection and restoration of water resource services

4 Ms. Borsetta Germana Office for the management of CAMP Italy Project

5 Mr. Cacciotto Raimondo Deputy Mayor of Alghero 6 Ms. Cannoni Renza Marine Protected Area Capo

Caccia- Isola Piana 7 Ms. Carboni Sabrina Marine Protected Area Capo

Caccia- Isola Piana 8 Mr. Cicalò Giorgio Onorato Special Commissioner of Coastal

Conservatory Agency - ARS 9 Mr. Cimatti Emanuele Emilia-Romagna Region

Technical Officer 10 Mr. Cipriani Luigi Enrico Tuscany Region-

Technical Officer 11 Mr. Corrias Alessandro Local Police of Alghero 12 Mr. Cotza Antonio Municipality of Alghero 13 Mr. Cutrona Annibale Director of CoNISMa 14 Ms. Deiana Paola Marine Protected Area Capo

Caccia- Isola Piana 15 Ms. Dessy Claudia Coastal Conservatory Agency 16 Mr. Gazale Vittorio Director of Regional Park of Porto

Conte 17 Mr. Leone Gaetano UNEP/MAP Coordinator 18 Mr. Lobrano Luciano Marine Protected Area Capo

Caccia- Isola Piana 19 Mr. Maniga Giancarlo Layer in Milan 20 Mr. Maricchiolo Claudio INFO/RAC Director 21 Ms. Martinelli Mariarosa Regional Park of Porto Conte 22 Mr. Masia Francesco Hotel Punta Negra manager,



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23 Mr. Massaro Giorgio Director of the Marine Protected Area Penisola del Sinis-Isola di Mal di Ventre

24 Mr. Massetti Luca Marine Protected Area Capo Caccia- Isola Piana

25 Mr. Ortu Sergio Regional Park of Porto Conte 26 Mr. Piras Paolo Municipality of Cabras 27 Ms. Pozzati Caterina Society Cantina Rigattieri, Alghero 28 Mr. Prem Marko Deputy Director of PAP/RAC 29 Mr. Riu Alberto Marine Protected Area Capo

Caccia- Isola Piana 30 Ms. Scala Daniela Marine Protected Area Capo

Caccia- Isola Piana 31 Ms. Spano Carmen Marine Protected Area Capo

Caccia- Isola Piana 32 Ms. Spiga Francesca Marine Protected Area Capo

Caccia- Isola Piana 33 Mr. Vargiu Paolo Coastal Conservatory Agency - ARS 34 Ms. Željka Škaričić Director PAP/RAC

Participants via Skype

NAME TITLE 35 Ms. Knezevic Jelena National Coordinator of CAMP

Montenegro Project 36 Mr. Montanaro Oliviero Italian Ministry of the

Environment, Land and Sea- DGNSP, Head of Unit Protection of Marine and Coastal Environment

37 Mr. Mezek Slavko National Coordinator of CAMP Slovenia Project

38 Ms. Peña Correa Ana National Coordinator of CAMP Spain Project

39 Ms. Snoussi Maria National Coordinator of CAMP Morocco Project


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Annex II

Inception Conference Agenda, Conference Room of Porto Conte Regional Park, Alghero , Italy (12 November 2014) 11:30 Registration of participants 12:00 Opening of the meeting and welcoming addresses

− Ms. Donatella Spano, Councillor of Environmental Protection of the Antonomous Region of Sardinia (ARS)

− Ms. Maria Grazia Piras, Councillor of Industry ARS − Mr. Giorgio Onorato Cicalò, ARS-Coastal Conservatory Agent Special

Commissioner − Mr. Raimondo Cacciotto, Deputy Major of Alghero − Mr. Vittorio Gazale, Director of Porto Conte Regional Park and MPA Capo Caccia-

Isola Piana − Mr. Gaetano Leone, UNEP/MAP Coordinator − Ms. Željka Škaričić, PAP/RAC Director − Mr. Renato Grimaldi, Director General for Nature and Sea Protection-Ministry of

the Environment, Land and Sea (MELS) − Mr. Annibale Cutrona, Director of CoNISMa

12:45 Introduction of the main topics of the day, the relevance of CAMP Italy Project for ICZM, Mr. Oliviero Montanaro (Head of Unit Protection of Marine and Coastal Environment, DGNSP-MELS)

13:00 Presentation of CAMP Program and Projects, Ms. Željka Škaričić (PAP/RAC Director) 13:15 Presentation of CAMP Italy Project and introduction of contributions, Ms. Daniela Addis

(CAMP Italy National Coordinator) 13:30 Welcoming of National Coordinators of other CAMP Projects (via Skype): Montenegro,

Ms. Jelena Knezevic; Spain, Ms. Ana Correa Peña; Slovenia, Mr. Slavko Mezek; Morocco, Ms. Maria Snoussi

14:00 Light lunch with local products 15:00 Subject leaders present the Horizontal Activities (H.A.)

− H.A. 1 “Coordination and dissemination of the results”, Mr. Claudio Maricchiolo (INFO/RAC Director)

− H.A. 2 “ Capacity building”, Mr. Emanuele Cimatti (Emilia-Romagna Region) − H.A. 3 “Data collection and management”, Mr. Luigi E. Cipriani (Tuscany Region) − H.A. 4 “ Institutional coordination and public participation”, Mr. Giorgio Onorato

Cicalò (ARS- Coastal Conservatory Agency delegated Special Commissioner) 16:00 Focal Points of the partner Regions present Individual Activities (I.A.) for CAMP sub-

areas and main thematic areas − I.A. sub-area 2, Mr. Emanuele Cimatti (Emilia-Romagna Region) − I.A. sub-areas 1 and 5, Mr. Luigi E. Cipriani (Tuscany Region) − I.A. sub-areas 3 and 4, Mr. Paolo Vargiu (ARS- Coastal Conservatory Agency) and

Mr. Piero Addis (Com.Bio.Ma.) 17:10 Summary of the day and introduction of next events and meetings, Ms. Daniela Addis

(CAMP Italy National Coordinator) 17:30 Closing of the Conference


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Visit of the Museum and Environmental Marine and Terrestrial Education Center (C.E.A.MA.T.) in the Park of the Porto Conte Research Center

Annex III

List of Organizations and Institutions attending the Inception Conference, Alghero, Italy (12 November 2014) Organization/Institution Web site UNEP/MAP- United Nations Environment Programme/Mediterranean Action Plan

PAP/RAC- Priority Actions Programme/Regional Activity Center

MELS- Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea

INFO/RAC- Information and Communication Center/Regional Activity Center

ISPRA- Institute for Environmental Protection and Research

CoNSIMa- National Inter-University Consortium for Marine Sciences

Emilia-Romagna Region Tuscany Region ARS- Autonomous Region of Sardinia

Coastal Conservatory Agency Com.Bio.Ma.- Competence Centre on Marine Biodiversity

Municipality of Alghero Porto Conte Regional Park Marine Protected Area of Capo Caccia-Isola Piana

Marine Protected Area of Penisola del Sinis - Isola Mal di Ventre


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Annex IV

List of presentations during the Inception Conference, Alghero, Italy (12 November 2014)

− “CoNISMa: le Università in rete al servizio del territorio”, Mr. Annibale Cutrona (Director of CoNISMa)

− “CAMP-Il programma sulla gestione delle aree costiere”, Ms. Željka Škaričić (PAP/RAC Director)

− “Presentazione del Progetto CAMP Italy e introduzione dei contributi”, Ms. Daniela Addis (National Coordinator of CAMP Italy Project)

− “Attività Orizzontale 1- Coordinamento e disseminazione dei risultati”, Mr. Claudio Maricchiolo (INFO/RAC Director)

− “Azione Orizzontale 2- Capacity Building”, Mr. Emanuele Cimatti (Emilia-Romagna Region) − “Raccolta dati e gestione”, Mr. Luigi E. Cipriani (Tuscany Region) − “Coordinamento istituzionale e partecipazione pubblica”, Mr. Giorgio Onorato Cicalò

(delegated Special Commissioner- Coastal Conservatory Agency) − “Attività individuali-sub-area 2 Emilia-Romagna”, Mr. Emanuele Cimatti (Emilia-Romagna

Region) − “Azioni Individuali-Regione Toscana”, Mr. Luigi E. Cipriani (Tuscany Region) − “Le attività della Conservatoria delle coste per l’implementazione della gestione Integrata

delle Zone Costiere in Sardegna”, Mr. Paolo Vargiu (Sardinia Region-Coastal Conservatory Agency)

− “Il progetto G.I.R.A. nell’area CAMP Sardegna Occidentale”, Mr. Piero Addis (Com.Bio.Ma.)

