  • 8/17/2019 Report on Networking Technologies A


     Networking Technologies

  • 8/17/2019 Report on Networking Technologies A


    Networking Technologies [2013]

    ContentsLearning outcome one...........................................................

     Task one:...............................................................................What is computer network....................................................What is a network..................................................................Working principles of computer network...............................

     Types of computer networks..................................................LAN (Local Area Network)......................................................Advantages of LAN................................................................

    isadvantages of LAN...........................................................WAN (Wide Area Network)...................................................!"


    Advantages of WAN.............................................................!!isadvantages of WAN........................................................!%&AN (&etropolitan Area Network).......................................!%Advantages of &an (&etropolitan area network).................!'isadvantages &AN.............................................................!'

    Network topologies..............................................................!'us topology.......................................................................!Working of *us topology......................................................!Advantages.........................................................................! isadvantages.....................................................................!+tar topology.......................................................................!,Working of star network......................................................!,Advantages.........................................................................! ,isadvantages.....................................................................!,

     The *est LAN topology.....................................................!-

    ing topology......................................................................!-Working of ring network......................................................!-Advantages.........................................................................! -isadvantages.....................................................................!/

     Tree topology.......................................................................!/Advantages of a tree topology.............................................!/

     Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah

      [email protected]

  • 8/17/2019 Report on Networking Technologies A


    Networking Technologies [2013]

    isadvantages.....................................................................!/&esh topology.....................................................................!0

    Advantages.........................................................................! 0isadvantages.....................................................................!0

     Task !.%...............................................................................!0Wireless technology............................................................!12ommon e$amples of wireless e3uipment in use today......%"Wireless can *e divided into:...............................................%!Wi45i....................................................................................% %Wi45i standards:...................................................................%%W6&A7.................................................................................% '

    luetooth.............................................................................%Application protocols...........................................................%,6mpact of wireless technology on society............................%-

     Task !.'...............................................................................%/

    What is 2+&A82 and9 how does it work.........................%0What is a data collision...................................................%0;ow does a 2+&A82 detects and avoids data collision

    ............................................................................................. %0

    Learning outcome two.........................................................%1 Task one..............................................................................%12lient 8 server software........................................................%1+witches..............................................................................' ";u*.....................................................................................' !outers................................................................................'%Networking ca*les...............................................................'%

  • 8/17/2019 Report on Networking Technologies A


    Networking Technologies [2013]

    Learning outcome three......................................................'- Task !..................................................................................'-

    esigning a small LAN Network *ased on the scenario

    provided...............................................................................' -+cenario:..........................................................................' -esigning =hase:..............................................................'/5easi*ility eport:.............................................................'/5eed*ack from the o>cer in charge:................................'1

    Learning outcome four........................................................."

    etailed eport and ocumentation:..............................."#sta*lishing the Network:.................................................!

     Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah

      [email protected]

  • 8/17/2019 Report on Networking Technologies A


    Networking Technologies [2013]

     Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah

      [email protected]

  • 8/17/2019 Report on Networking Technologies A


    Networking Technologies [2013]

    Learning Outcome No. 01Task 01

    What is computer network 

    What is a network 

    Working principles o computer


    T!pes o computer networks"#$antages an# #isa#$antages

    Topologies t!pes an# working

    "#$antages an# #isa#$antages

    Task 02Wireless technolog!

    Common use o wirelesse%uipment in use relate# totelecommunication

    Wireless can &e #i$i#e# into


    Wi'( stan#ar#s


    "pplication la!er protocols

    +mpact o wireless technolog! on


     Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah

      [email protected]

  • 8/17/2019 Report on Networking Technologies A


    Networking Technologies [2013]

    Task 03

    What is ,C-" C"'C/What is collision #etection

    ow it a$oi#s an# #etects #ata

     Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah

      [email protected]

  • 8/17/2019 Report on Networking Technologies A


    Networking Technologies [2013]

    Learning Outcome No. 01Task 01Networking systems can *e *roadly divided into Local area network (LAN)9

    &etropolitan area network (&AN) and Wide area networks (WAN) as well

    as have di?erent typologies 4 star9 ring9 *us9 and mesh network

    topologies. iscuss the *ene@ts and constraints of di?erent networking

    systems and typologies

    What +s Computer Network A computer network is a set of two or more computers connected

    together in order to share information and other resources. The resources

    may include printers9 hard disks9 scanners or programs etc. The

    computers in a network are connected through ca*les9 satellite or

    telephone lines.

    What is a network A network is two or more computers9 or other electronic

    devices9 connected together so that they can e$change

    data.5or e$ample a network allows computers to share @les9

    users to message each other9 a whole room of computers to share a single

    printer9 etc. Network connections *etween computers are typicallycreated using ca*les (wires). ;owever9 connections can *e created using

    radio signals (wireless 8 wi4@)9 telephone lines (and modems) or even9 for

    very long distances9 via satellite links.

     Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah

      [email protected]

  • 8/17/2019 Report on Networking Technologies A


    Networking Technologies [2013]

    Working principles o computer

    network #lectrical signal or signals in the form of electromagnetic waves

    propagating on a computer network 8 radiate with the working principles

    of computer networking systems. 6n order for a network to e$change

    information data9 we need a device called a modem (modulator

    demodulator) that serves to convert analog signals into digital signals and

    vice versa. There are main components found on a network9 the sender

    (sender information data)9 protocols (which encode and decode the datainformation)9 transmission media (medium data transfer)9 and receiver

    (receiver data information). The principle works9 @rst sender sends a

    signal to the receiver via the protocol information that changed the

    encoded digital signals into analog signals and signal transmission

    through the media and via a second protocol on the decoded *ack into

    digital signals *efore entry into the receiver.

    T!pes o computer networks Three types of computer networks are as follows.

      L"N' Local "rea Network.


    W"N'Wi#e "rea Network.

    "N'etropolitan'"rea Network .

    L"N ,Local "rea Network  L"N stands for local area network. 6t is the most common type of

    network. 6t covers a small area. 6t usually connects the computers and

    Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah  GCPK-

    [email protected]

  • 8/17/2019 Report on Networking Technologies A


    Networking Technologies [2013]

    other devices in one o>ce or a *uilding or group of *uildings. LAN is often

    used to share resources such as printers9 hard disks and programs.

     LANs are capa*le of transmitting data at very fast rate. LAN transmission

    speeds are typically !"&p*s to !"""&p*s. 6t is much faster then the data

    transmission over the telephone line. LAN can transmit data in a limited

    distance. There is also a limit on the num*er of computers that can

    attached to the computer network.

    "#$antages o L"N esource sharing  The resource such as printers9 24&

    drives9 hard disks and software can also *e shared using LAN. This is

    cheaper then *uying devices for each work station in the network. Communication The users in LAN can easily communicate with

    each other they can also transfer data easily and rapidly *etween

    di?erent computers in the network. "pplication sharing  The individual licensed copy of software

    can *e costly . A lot of money can *e saved *y using same software

    over network instead of purchasing separate copy of the software

    for each work station. The network versions of software applications

    such as &+ >ce are availa*le. These applications are loaded on

    the sever and shared *y di?erent

    users in LAN.

    Centrali4e# it

    a#ministration LAN allows an

    easier and more e>cient way to

    manage di?erent computers from

    server. 6T administrator can

    remotely trou*leshoot the

     Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah

      [email protected]

  • 8/17/2019 Report on Networking Technologies A


    Networking Technologies [2013]

    pro*lems on computer across the network instead of doing it


    Centrali4e# #ata the users can save their data centrally on the

    server in LAN. They can access the saved data from any workstation

    on the network. They do not need to use the same work station all

    the time.

    +nternet access sharing LAN allows multiple users to share a

    single internet connection. An organiBation can purchase one high

    speed internet connection and share it on di?erent work stations in

    LAN. /ata securit! an# management LAN can manage

    important data in a *etter way. ata can *e centraliBed on shared

    servers instead of storing it on di?erent computers. #veryone can

    @nd the data easily. security can *e implemented easily.

    /isa#$antages o L"N 5ri$ac! threat LAN can *e threat to users privacy. The network

    administrator can access personal @les of the users. ;e can also

    monitor the network and internet activities of the use.

    6)pensi$e to install LAN generally saves money over time.

    ;owever9 it may re3uire high initial costs of installation. The ca*les9

    network cards and software are e$pensive. The installation may also

    re3uire the services of technician.

    "#ministrati$e time re%uire#  The proper maintenance ofLAN re3uires time and e$pertise. A network administrator may *e

    re3uire to manage network properly.

    /ata securit! concerns LAN can put critical data at risk if it

    is not secured properly. The unauthoriBed users may access

    important data and can damage it.

     Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah

      [email protected]

  • 8/17/2019 Report on Networking Technologies A


    Networking Technologies [2013]

    W"N ,Wi#e "rea Network  WAN stands for wide area network. This type of network covers

    a large area. 6t connects computers and other devices in di?erent cities

    and countries. WAN usually consists of several LANs connected together.

    2omputer in WAN are often connected through telephone lines. They can

    also *e connected through leased lines or satellites.WAN can reach the

    parts of the world that is not possi*le with LANs. WAN is e$pensive then

    LAN .WAN is not fast as LAN. The speed of WAN depends upon the speed

    provided *y the company. The transmission rate of WAN is typically from

    ,- kp*s to ,"mp*s. The largest in e$istence is the internet.

     Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah

      [email protected]

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    Networking Technologies [2013]


    A *ank with many *raches in country can connect its *ranchesthroughWAN . The customer can use his account from any *ranch.

     "#$antages o W"N Communication acilit! A *ig company may e$ist at multiple

    locations in country. The employees can communicate using WAN. 6t

    saves long distance phone calls. Cideo conferencing is another use

    of WAN where users can communicate with each other through

    computer system.

    emote #ata entr! emote data entry is possi*le in WAN. The

    user can sit at any location and enter9 update and process data on

    any computer attached to WAN. 5or e$ample9 the user can access

    the data of a computer located at London while sitting in

    Nottingham through WAN.

    6ntertainment WAN can facilitate many types of games and

    entertainment to the user. 5or e$ample9 internet provides many

    Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah  GCPK-

    [email protected]

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    Networking Technologies [2013]

    sources of entertainment. &any multiple player games are availa*le

    that can *e played over WAN.

    /isa#$antages o W"N ar#ware7 -otware 8 setup costs

    setting up a WAN re3uires an investment in

    hardware9 software9 planning9 designing and

    implementing. The cost of devices used in WAN are very e$pensive.

    ar#ware 8 -otware anagement costs &anaging aWAN is complicated. 6t re3uires intensive training. A network

    manager usually needs to *e employed.

    /ata securit! concerns A poorly secured WAN puts critical

    data at risks. 6t may e$pose data to hackers9 unauthoriBed access

    and even sa*otage. Cirus can spread 3uickly across WAN if it enters

    the central *acking store.

    9ailure o ser$er if a server fails all computer connected with

    server are a?ected.

    "N ,etropolitan "rea Network &AN stands for &etropolitan Area Network. This type of network

    covers an area of a city .&AN is larger than LAN *ut smaller then

    WAN. 6t is usually used to connect two or more LANs in a city or

    town. Telephone companies9 ca*le television operator and other

    organiBations provide users with connections to &AN.

    Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah  GCPK-

    [email protected]

  • 8/17/2019 Report on Networking Technologies A


    Networking Technologies [2013]

    "#$antages o an ,etropolitan area

    network  &AN can cover a wider area than a LAN. &AN networks are

    usually operated at airports9 or a com*ination of several pieces at a local

    school. y running a large network connectedness9 information can *e

    disseminated more widely9 rapidly and signi@cantly. =u*lic li*raries and

    government agencies typically uses a wan.

    /isa#$antages "N

    &AN will only apply if the personal computer or a terminal can compete. 6f 

    a personal computer is used as a terminal9 move the @le (@le transfer

    software) allows users to retrieve @les (downloaded) from the hose or hose

    to deliver the data (upload). ownload @les means open and retrieve data

    from a personal computer to another and deliver the data to the computer

    pertaining re3uested *y the user.

    Network topologiesA network can *e con@gured or arranged in di?erent ways. The physical

    layout or arrangement of connected devices in a network is calledtopology. 6t is the shape of a network. i?erent network topologies are

    as follows:

    *us topolog!

    ing topolog!

    -tar topolog!

    esh topolog!

    Tree topolog!

     Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah

      [email protected]

  • 8/17/2019 Report on Networking Technologies A


    Networking Technologies [2013]

    *us topolog!

    us topology is the simplest type of network. 6t supports a smallnum*er of computers. 6n *us topology9 all computer or network nodes

    are connected to a common communication medium. This medium is

    often a central wire known as *us. The terminators are used at the end

    of a *us to a*sor* signals.

    Working o &us topolog!

     The sending computer sends the data and destination address through

    the *us. The data and address move from one computer to the other in

    network. #ach computer checks the address . if it matches with the

    address of a computer 9 the computer keeps the data. therwise the

    data moves to the ne$t computer.


    6t is simple and easy to use. 6t re3uires small length of ca*les to connect computers. 6t is less e$pensive. 6t is easy to e$tend a *us. 6t allows more computers to Doin

    network. 6f one node fails9 it does not a?ect the rest the rest of network.

     Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah

      [email protected]

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    Networking Technologies [2013]


    6t is di>cult to trou*le shoot. 6t only support small num*er of computers.

    6f num*er of computer increases9 network speed will slow down.

    -tar topolog!

    All computers in star are connected with central

    devise called hu*. +tar topology is mostly used in

    client server networks.

    Working o star network 

     The sending computer sends the data to the hu*. The hu* sends data to

    the receiving computers. #ach computer in star topology communicates

    with a central hu*.


    6t is easy to maintain and modify network. Adding and removing of computers can *e done easily without

    distur*ing a network. 5inding faults *ecome very simple. +ingle computer failure does not *ring down the whole network.

    6t is more Ee$i*le among the remaining topology.

     Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah

      [email protected]

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    Networking Technologies [2013]


    6f central hu* fails the entire network fails. 6t re3uires a large length of ca*les to connect computers. 6t is more e$pensive.

    The &est L"N topolog!

    +tar topology is the *est LAN topology. +cala*ility and relia*ility of

    star topology makes it *est topology then the others. 6t is easy to

    remove or add a device in this topology. 6t is easier to trou*leshoot then

    other topologies.

    ing topolog!

    6n this topology9 each computer is connected to the other computer

    with the last one connected to the @rst. Thus a ring of computers is


    Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah  GCPK-

    [email protected]

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    Networking Technologies [2013]

    Working o ring network 

    #ach computer is connected to ne$t computer in

    ring. #ach computer receives message from previous

    computer and transmit it to the ne$t computer. The

    message Eows in one direction. The message is

    passed around the ring.

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    Networking Technologies [2013]

    "#$antages o a tree topolog!

    6t provides point to point wiring for individual segments.

    6t is supported *y several hardware and software vendors.


    verall length of each segment is limited *y the type of ca*ling

    used. 6f the *ack *one line *reaks9 the entire segment goes down. 6t is more di>cult to con@gure and wire then other topologies.

    esh topolog!

    6n a mesh topology9 every devise in the network is physically

    connected to every other devise in the network. A message can *e sent

    on di?erent possi*le paths from source to destination. &esh topology

    provides improved performance and relia*ility. &esh networks are not

    used much in local area networks. 6t is mostly used in wide area


     Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah

      [email protected]

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    Networking Technologies [2013]


     The use of dedicated link guarantees that each connection can

    carry its own data eliminates tra>c pro*lem. 6f one link *ecomes unusa*le9 it does not harm the entire system. 6t is easy to trou*le shoot. isadvantages A full mesh network can *e very e$pensive. 6t is di>cult to install and recon@gure.

    Task 1.2

     #valuate the impact of wireless technology and its associated

    communication protocols and standards.

    Wireless technolog!

    Wireless is a term used to descri*e telecommunications in which

    electromagnetic waves (rather than some form of wire) carry the signal

    over part or the entire communication path. +ome monitoring devices9

    such as intrusion alarms9 employ acoustic waves at fre3uencies a*ove the

    range of human hearingG these are also sometimes classi@ed as wireless.

     The wireless method of communication uses low4powered radio waves to

    transmit data *etween devices. ;igh powered transmission sources

    usually re3uire government licenses to *roadcast on a speci@c

    wavelength. This platform has historically carried voice and has grown

    into a large industry9 carrying many thousands of *roadcasts around the

    world. adio waves are now increasingly *eing used *y unregulated

    computer users.

     Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah

      [email protected]

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    Networking Technologies [2013]

    ;umans communicate in order to share knowledge and e$periences.

    2ommon forms of human communication include sign language9 speaking9

    writing9 gestures9 and *roadcasting. 2ommunication can *e interactive9

    transitive9 intentional9 or unintentionalG it can also *e ver*al or nonver*al.

    6n addition9 communication can *e intrapersonal or interpersonal.

     The @rst wireless transmitters went on the air in the early %"th century

    using radiotelegraphy (&orse code). Later9 as modulation made it possi*le

    to transmit voices and music via wireless9 the medium came to *e called

    Hradio.H With the advent of television9 fa$9 data communication9 and the

    e?ective use of a larger portion of the spectrum9 the term HwirelessH has

    *een resurrected.

     Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah

      [email protected]

  • 8/17/2019 Report on Networking Technologies A


    Networking Technologies [2013]

    Common e)amples o wireless

    e%uipment in use to#a! relate# to


    2ellular phones and pagers: provide connectivity for porta*le and

    mo*ile applications9 *oth personal and *usiness Ilo*al =ositioning +ystem (I=+): allows drivers of cars and trucks9

    captains of *oats and ships9 and pilots of aircraft to ascertain their

    location anywhere on earth 2ordless computer peripherals: the cordless mouse is a common

    e$ampleG key*oards and printers can also *e linked to a computer

    via wireless 2ordless telephone sets: these are limited4range devices9 not to

    *e confused with cell phones emote garage4door openers: one of the oldest wireless devices

    in common use *y consumersG usually operates at radio

    fre3uencies. +atellite television: allows viewers in almost any location to select

    from hundreds of channels Wireless LANs or local area networks: provide Ee$i*ility and

    relia*ility for *usiness computer users Wireless technology is rapidly evolving9 and is playing an

    increasing role in the lives of people throughout the world. 6n

    addition9 ever4larger num*ers of people are relying on the

    technology directly or indirectly. (6t has *een suggested that

    wireless is overused in some situations9 creating a social

    nuisance.) Ilo*al +ystem for &o*ile 2ommunication (I+&): a digital mo*ile

    telephone system used in #urope and other parts of the worldG

    the de facto wireless telephone standard in #urope

     Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah

      [email protected]

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    Networking Technologies [2013]

    Ieneral =acket adio +ervice (I=+): a packet4*ased wireless

    communication service that provides continuous connection to

    the 6nternet for mo*ile phone and computer users #nhanced ata I+& #nvironment (#I#): a faster version of the

    Ilo*al +ystem for &o*ile (I+&) wireless service ce9 home9 or vehicleGe$amples include handheld cell phones and =2+ units

     The use of devices that convey data via 6 (infrared) radiationG

    employed in certain limited4range communications and control


     Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah

      [email protected]

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    Networking Technologies [2013]


    W6456 is a popular networking technology that uses radio waves to provide

    high speed wireless connections. 6t identi@es any network *ased on

    0"%.!! series of network standards. These standards specify how two

    wireless devices communicate with each other using air.

      Wi45i is also called wireless #thernet *ecause it uses similar

    techni3ue as #thernet standard to specify the wireless network

    con@guration. That is why Wi45i network can easily *e integrated with

    #thernet networks. &ost computers and smart phones are Wi45i ena*led.

      An e$ample of W6456 network is the hotspotsF. A hotspot can *e used

    *y a mo*ile user to connect to the internet using wi4@ ena*led computers

    and devices. Wi@ can also *e used to connect computers wirelessly at

    home and small *usiness. The distance *etween di?erent computers or

    devices can *e upto '"" feet in open areas and a*out !"" feet in closed


      6### 0"%.!! is the standard that speci@es connectivity for wireless

    networks. 6### 0"%.!!9or Wi45i9 refers to the collective group of standards

    J0"%.!!a9 0"%.!!*9 0"%.!!g9 and 0"%.!!n. These protocols specify the

    fre3uencies9 speeds9 and other capa*ilities of the di?erent standards.

     Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah

      [email protected]

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    Networking Technologies [2013]

    Wi'9i stan#ar#s

     0"%.!!a: evices conforming to the 0"%.!!a standard allowWLANs to achieve data rates as high as , &*ps. 6### 0"%.!!a

    devices operate in the ,4I;B radio fre3uency range and within a

    ma$imum range of !," feet (,./ m).  0"%.!!*: 0"%.!!* operates in the %.4I;B fre3uency range9 with

    a ma$imum theoretical data rate of !! &*ps. These devices

    operate within a ma$imum range of '"" feet (1! m). 0"%.!!g: 6### 0"%.!!g provides the same theoretical ma$imum

    speed as 0"%.!!a9 which is , &*ps9 *ut operates in the same

    %.4I;B spectrum as 0"%.!!*.

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    Networking Technologies [2013]

    &any mo*ile devices have *uilt4in W6&A7 capa*ility such as smart


      Two types of W6&A7 speci@cations include @$ed wireless and mo*ile


    9i)e# wireless W+": it allows a user to access the internet

    using desktop computer from a permanent location. 6t provides data

    transfer rate up to ', &*ps.

    o&ile wireless W+": it allows the user to access W6&A7

    network with mo*ile computers and mo*ile devices. 6t provides data

    transfer rate up to !% &*ps.


     luetooth is a wireless networking technology designed for very short4

    range connections (typically Dust a few metres).

     The idea of luetooth is to get rid of the need for all of those ca*les (e.g.

  • 8/17/2019 Report on Networking Technologies A


    Networking Technologies [2013]

    "pplication la!er protocols

    Application layer protocols provide network services to user applications

    such as we* *rowsers and e4mail programs. ;ere are some of the

    application protocols that operate at the T2=86= application layer:


    !perte)t Transer 5rotocol ,TT5 governs how @les such as

    te$t9 graphics9 sound9 and video are e$changed on the 6nternet or World

    Wide We* (WWW). ;TT= is an application layer protocol. A we* server

    runs an ;TT= service or daemon. A daemon is a program that services

    ;TT= re3uests. These re3uests are transmitted *y ;TT= client software9

    which is another name for a we* *rowser.

    Telnet is an application that you can use to access9 control9 and

    trou*leshoot remote computers and network devices.

    9ile Transer 5rotocol ,9T5 is a set of rules governing how @les

    are transferred. 5T= allows multiple simultaneous connections to remote

    @le systems.

    -imple ail Transport 5rotocol ,-T5 provides messaging

    services over T2=86= and supports most 6nternet e4mail programs.

    /omain Name -!stem ,/N-) translates domain names9 such as to 6= addresses.

    !perte)t ark up Language ,TL is a page description

    language. We* designers use ;T&L to indicate to we* *rowser software

    how the page should look. ;T&L includes tags to indicate *oldface anditalic type9 line *reaks9 paragraph *reaks9 hyperlinks9 and insertion of

    ta*les9 among other instruction.

     Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah

      [email protected]

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    Networking Technologies [2013]

    +mpact o wireless technolog! on


    2ell phones arenFt the only maDor part of wireless communicationG the

    recent e$pansion of wireless internet has ushered in a whole new

    spectrum of conveniences and concerns. Wireless conferences and

    *oardroom meetings across airwaves have saved e$ecutives much trou*le

    in traveling via airplanes or driving. A company now has the a*ility to

    make transactions and decisions with another company halfway aroundthe world without leaving their *uilding. The *ene@ts of such a powerful

    tool are great for keeping in touch with long distance contacts9 *ut as with

    any other tool there are costs that accompany those *ene@ts.

      +imilar to cell phone usage9 not all of the e?ects of

    e$tensive use of wireless internet have *een researched. The *ene@ts of

    wireless internet are minimiBing space and clutter with much greater

    mo*ility9 *ut the social implications and health e?ects have *een thecenter of much controversy. ne pro*lem that wireless internet *rings up

    is who is ultimately responsi*le for the use of this technology. ecause it

    has *een in e$istence for only a short time there has not *een a thorough

    study on what e?ects wireless fre3uencies sent across free space have on

    people. Wi45i detectors or @nders scan a particular location for radio

    fre3uencies and show the user the strength of a signal. The main concern

    for some is that these fre3uencies *roadcasted are too close to those ofradio fre3uencies and emit small amounts of radiation Dust like cell


    2ritics of this technology argue that *ecause there are virtually no legal

    restrictions on the use of wireless internet in workplaces9 schools9 and in

    homes9 there are people who are unknowingly e$posed to the radiation.

     These people are often not informed a*out the possi*le dangers of

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    e$tensive e$posure to wireless devices emitting radiation9 and they have

    no control over the use of such devices. The legislation for this

    technology fails to keep companies accounta*le during research and

    development of their products *ecause of the rapid changes and

    advancements made in wireless internet.

    With the development and e$pansion of wireless internet9 personal

    privacy and copyrights have *ecome a topic of controversy in recent years

    as well. 6n !1109 the igital &illennium Act *ecame the @rst maDor

    legislation measure taken *y record companies against copyright

    violations. 5urther restrictions and cracking down on piracy have recently

    *een dealt out on home users. +ome users of wireless internet for

    personal use argue that there are cases where hackers crack into wireless

    systems and manipulate systems9 which makes catching such criminals

    di>cult. The ethical solution to such an intangi*le pro*lem is complicated

    *ecause simply creating more laws and regulations will stiEe certain

    freedoms in using wireless internet. There are proposals to construct

    small communities of wireless internet 6= addresses *ut with each new

    security in wireless internet there are hackers @nding ways around it and

    gaining access to sensitive information. The cost4*ene@t analysis of

    solving the security and social concerns is currently *eing addressed *y

    researchers and wonFt *e complete until years down the road. 5or the

    time *eing we can see from the guru of o>ce space that the advance

    technology of wireless networks and communication has its


    Task 1.3

    iscuss how the most common protocol4 2+&A82 manages network

    access from multiple devices and networking systems.

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    What is C-"',C";C/ an#7 how #oes it


     A 2+&A82 stands for 2arrier +ense &ultiple Access with 2ollision

    etection. 6t is a mechanism used in the half4duple$ communication mode

    to help multiple =28node to access the channel with a minimum delay


    What is a #ata collision<

     When =24 tries to initiate8send a data to =24A via hu* (a half4duple$

    device) through itFs connected channel to hu*9 if some other data tra>c of 

    some other =2 in the network is already coming down in the same channel

    through the hu* down to =24A9 then the data hit each other and form a


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    ow #oes a C-";C/ #etects an#

    a$oi#s #ata collision <

    +ince9 2+&A82 is a &edia Access 2ontrol mechanism9 whenever any =2

    wants to send a data9 it @rst sends out a dummy electrical signal into the

    channel to check whether any incoming data tra>c is coming down or the

    line is free. 6f the tra>c is already coming down9 then the dummy signal

    collides with the incoming tra>c and sends *ack a Dam signal to the =2 so

    that9 the =2 is noti@ed to hold its tra>c for a random amount of time

    *efore attempting to send the data again. This process will continue until

    the line8channel *ecomes free. The moment line is freeG the =2

    immediately initiates8send its data to the intended destination. This is how

    the data collision is avoided in half4duple$ channels.

     Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah

      [email protected]

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    Learning outcome two

    Task 2.1 Client ;ser$er sotware





     Networking Ca&lesTask 2.2  -er$ers

     T!pes o ser$ers

    Task 2.3  ar#ware components


     Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah

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    Learning outcome twoTask one

     The networking hardware and software complement each other to provide

    3uality of service to the network users. #$plain the role of client and

    server software to manage network hardware such as switches9 hu*s9

    repeaters9 and routers.

    Client ; ser$er sotware

    6n a client8server network9 the client re3uests information or services

    5rom the server. The server provides the re3uested information or service

    to the client. +ervers on a client8server network commonly perform some

    of the processing work for client machines9 such as sorting through adata*ase *efore delivering only the records re3uested *y the client.

    ne e$ample of a client8server network is a corporate environment in

    which employees use a company e4mail server to send9 receive9 and store

    e4mail. The e4mail client on an employee computer issues a re3uest to the

    e4mail server for any unread e4mail. The server responds *y sending the

    re3uested e4mail to the client. 6n a client8server model9 the servers are

    Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah  GCPK-

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    maintained *y network administrators. ata *ackups and security

    measures are implemented *y the network administrator. The network

    administrator also controls user access to the network resources. All the

    data on the network is stored on a centraliBed @le server. +hared printers

    on the network are managed *y a centraliBed print server. Network users

    with the proper permissions can access *oth the data and shared printers.

    #ach user must provide an authoriBed username and password to gain

    access to network resources that he or she is permitted to use.


    +witch operates at data link

    layer of +6 model. 6t is more

    intelligent device than hu*. 6t

    uses specialiBed hardware called

    an application' speci(c

    integrate# circuit ,"-+C. A+62s can run up to giga*it speeds

    with very low *attery rates. Latency is the time measured from when a

    frame enters a port to the time it e$ists a port.

    A switch connects computers into a network and sends messages

    only to the intended computer. 6t can also handle multiplecommunications channels at the same time. 6t can temporarily segment

    parts of the network with high tra>c from the rest of the network.

    #ach network segment connected to switch must have same type of

    device attached. 6t means that the user can connect an #thernet hu*

    into switch port and then connect multiple #thernet hosts to hu*. ut

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    the user cannot mi$ token ring hosts with #thernet on the same

    segment. The type of communication in switch is full duple$.


    A hu* also called concentrator or multi4station access unit(&Ac at a time.


    A router is a communication device that connects multiple

    computers or other routers together. 6t connects multiple networks

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    using similar or di?erent protocols. 6t manages the *est route *etween

    two communication networks. outers are used when several networks

    are connected together. They can connect networks of di?erent

    countries. They transfer data in less time. The router is an intelligent

    device. 6t uses algorithms to @nd out the *est paths to transfer data to a


    Networking ca&les

    Networking 2a*les are used to connect one

    network device to other or to connect two or more

    computers to share printer9 scanner etc...

      There are many types of ca*les *ased on

    their material used inside coa$ial ca*le9 5i*er optic


     Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah

      [email protected]

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    =se o networking ca&les

      Networking ca*les are used to connect one network device to

    other network devices or to connect two or more computers to

    share printer9 scanner etc. i?erent types of network ca*les like 2oa$ial

    ca*le9 ptical @*er ca*le9 Twisted =air ca*les are used depending on the

    networkKs topology9 protocol and siBe. The devices can *e separated *y a

    few meters (e.g. via #thernet) or nearly unlimited distances (e.g. via the

    interconnections of the 6nternet).


    A repeater is a network device that retransmits a received signal with

    more power and to an e$tended geographical or topological network

    *oundary than what would *e capa*le with the original signal.

    A repeater is implemented in computer networks to e$pand the

    coverage area of the network9 repropagate a weak or *roken signal andor service remote nodes. epeaters amplify the received8input signal to a

    higher fre3uency domain so that it is reusa*le9 scala*le and availa*le.

    epeaters were introduced in wired data communication networks due

    to the limitation of a signal in propagating over a longer distance and

    now are a common installation in wireless networks for e$panding cell


    =se o repeaters

    epeaters are used to increase the range of a transmitted signal *y

    re4transmission. 5or a conducted signal9 an ampli@er is used. ptical

    systems donKt amplify *ut all these devices give the appearance of doing


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    Networking Technologies [2013]

    Task 1.2

    iscuss how di?erent types of servers e.g. @rewall9 email9 we* and @le

    servers. Also9 discuss the factors for the choice of server types


    +ervers are the most power full and e$pensive computers in the

    network. They serve di?erent networks users and assist them to

    accomplish a variety of tasks. The num*er and types of servers on a

    client8server network depend on the network siBe and work load.

    /i>erent t!pes o ser$ers

    6'mail ser$ers A type of servers that handles a large volume

    of incoming9 outgoing and internal e4mail is called e4mail server. 6t

    remains connected to the internet. 6t may *e located at any place in

    the world.

    9ile ser$er @le server store and manage @les for network users.

    n cooperate networks9 employees are provided with space on a @le

    server to store @les.

    We& ser$era type of server that is used to host a we* site

    availa*le through the internet is called we* server. We* servers run

    specialiBed software that ena*les them to host we* pages.

    /ata &ase ser$er a type of server that manages the data*ase

    of an organiBation is called data*ase server. 6t is dedicated to

    data*ase storage 93ueries and retrievals etc.

    9irewall ser$er a @rewall server is used for the protection and

    security enhancements.

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    5rint ser$er A computer in a network that controls one or more

    printers. The function is typically part of the operating system *utmay *e an add4on utility that stores the print4image output from

    usersK machines and feeds it to the printer one Do* at a time. The

    computer and its printers are known as a Hprint serverH or a @le

    server with Hprint services.H

    Task 1.3

    iscuss how the workstation hardware such as memory9 processor9

    and 68 devices are inter4dependent with network components

    ar#ware Components

    Networking hardware includes all computers9 peripherals9 interface

    cards and other e3uipment needed to perform data4processing and

    communications within the network.

    What are +5 cameras an# what the! #o

    6nternet protocol cameras send and receive data over LAN. ecuase of

    this ip cameras have images that can potentially *e viewed from any

    where in the world. Technically we* cams are 6= cameras *ut usually the

    term is used to descri*e security cameras. These cameras do not use a

    video ca*le to monitor nor they use C. 6nstead 6= cameras use data

    connections such as

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    Networking Technologies [2013]

    e3uipment needed to this is found with in the camera it self. They are also

    often connected to storage devices on the network. They capture an

    image Dust like a digital camera would do. ;owever it is then a*le tocompress the @le and send it through network. 6f a *uilding has a network9

    then there is no need for any infrastructure. 6t is possi*le to add a num*er

    of cameras to a decentraliBed network. Where they have their own

    storage device and control interface. 6n this case it may *e necessary

    invest an NC as well. NCFs store images that the network cameras

    capture and allow people to view the images from multiple cameras in one

    go. This allows for centraliBed remote viewing.

    Workstation A workstation is a server which is properly e3uippedwith all the necessary network cards and software it is the machine used

    *y humans to manage the entire network and its devices from this

    machine everything can *e controlled and set of rules are de@ned for each


    A workstation has further many types which are as following:

    &o*ile Workstations ;andheld Workstations 5i$ed Workstations 2onsole Workstations

    Learning outcome three

     Task !

    esigning a small LAN Network *ased on the scenario provided


     ou have *een appointed as a network

    engineer in a newly esta*lished company.

     The company head has asked you to create

     Syed Fayyaz Ahmed Shah

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    Networking Technologies [2013]

    a small o>ce LAN which should connect three computers and a printer.

     The company head has given you the Ee$i*ility to choose from the

    standard devices and e3uipment re3uired to design9 implement and testan o>ce LAN. ;owever9 he wants you to consider following factors in the

    design the o>ce LAN:

    ata +peed 2ost #ase of implementation and management Appearance Access and security

     ou should make assumptions of the a*ove factors such as what should *e

    the data speed9 cost9 security considerations9 and so on.

    /esigning 5hase

    6f we look at the given scenario it is clear that the network re3uirement is

    of a small LAN network which is of three computers and a printer

    connected to it. And we are free to select standard devices and


    9easi&ilit! eport

    5irst of all we should visit the site itself where the network is a*out to *e

    implemented it is very important to know for what we are dealing with

    and 6t is good to know the conditions so @rst of all 6 visited the site myself and saw the plan and then after discussing with the o>cer in charge and

    asking the accurate and positive re3uirements and what are the

    e$pectations that they are seeking in the network they want to *e

    designed hence it allowed me to *etter realiBe the actual scenario and for

    what things should 6 follow and consider *efore designing the network

    *ecause the main and important phase is the designing and the entire

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    networks depends upon it while implementation is Dust a period of time

    and to give a shape to your *lue prints.

      The room was Dust like a hall to me and the dimensions are as

    following '" into -" and then later during my conversation with the >cer

    in charge he demonstrate that the employees *ring out the Wi45i ena*led

    devices which includes a smart phone9 a laptop and sometimes an i=ad or

    i=ods gadgets like that of course these things are irrelevant with the o>ce

    environment for what they were dealing *ut *ecause the company

    doesnMt wants their employees to feel restricted they eventually thought

    of providing the facility hum*ly.

    Now out of the three computers one would *e used *y a receptionist and

    would have connection to the internet and data*ase *ehind it for the

    company has a *ackend connected to the main server and while the other

    are to *e used for the other o>ce purposes and documentation while this

    seems a simple LAN network in fact the o>cer in charge also demonstrate

    that he would like to optimiBe the network *andwidth and each computer

    or device connected in the network must have an e3ually internet speed

    and the entire network must work without any Eaws and smoothly and

    along that he also mentioned that the network designed must also

    accommodate the computers to *e connected in future which are

    currently not re3uired *ut may*e in a future it might *e possi*le.

    Now for the tasks for what the computers would *e used 6 think 6ntel

    processors are the perfect choice to select *ecause it is a dual core and

    each single core deals two threads at a time and it has an em*edded

    graphic card i.e. 6ntel ; """ which is a lot capa*le of performing some

    neat graphical tasks. And looking at the data they might store 6 would

    suggest them to have a '%"I and a %I A&+ *ecause this seem pretty

    much more than then the re3uired *ut who knows what *e the future

    usage hence if a *udget allows them then a I is a lot prefera*le. Now

    this has *een the con@guration for the systems to *e used *y the

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    employers now moving onto the network devices 6 would readily go for a

     T=4L6N switch having si$ giga*it #thernet ports the model not *eing as

    precise to select from *ut for the W6456 6 would select the T=4L6N !"' Wi4

    5i router it provides a '""mp*s speed and three powerful ,d*i antennas

    that have high range and it also has a cer 6n charge demonstrate a computer would *e located at

    the near to the main entrance while the other two would *e apart from it

    and those two would *e *ack to *ack placed. The Wi45i device i.e. T=4L6N

    outer would *e placed in the middle faced down to the ceiling and each

    antenna pointing at di?erent angles *ecause the &6& antennas are mni

    directional which means it transmits signals in a donut like shape it

    wouldnMt a?ect a lot *ut even a less e?ort helps in optimiBing it and for

    connecting it with a socket an e$tension of electric wire would *e used

    which would then lateral *e duck taped and hidden from the visi*ility of

    the people. An #thernet is connected to a node *y some N62 i.e. Network

    interface card it is a =26 device which would power a node to connect it to

    the network.

    9ee#&ack rom the o?cer in chargeAfter chalking out the *lueprint of the network design it was compulsory

    to present it to the o>cer or the person which is concerned and let ;im

    know a*out the deployment and while 6 represented it to the o>cer in

    charge he seemed 3uite satis@ed and was impressed to an e$tent to what

    *ene@ts he would get and how it would facilitate the entire sta? *ut there

    was a

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    security . he didnMt wanted to compromise in it and also he was much

    aware of the hackers. hence 6 e$plained him that adding a few security

    precaution measurements would slow down the network speed and may

    a?ect the entire network to work at a slow speed and the network

    operations wouldnMt *e set to the ma$imum *ut although he didnMt looked

    to *e worry a*out the speed and stated to secure the network at any cost

    and gave it a sudden high priority.

    +o 6 promptly ful@lled the re3uirement he said and 6 ena*led and added

    security features *uilt in to the wireless router and the gateway modem

    for instances 6 secured the wireless network *y ena*ling the A#+ key

    *ecause itMs the advanced version and added the Norton '-" total

    protection *ought a couple of licenses and in fact ' to *e precise and

    installed them into every pc and started updating them.

    Learning outcome o@./etaile# eport an# /ocumentation



    Puantity 2ost Avail*ilty




    complete roll

    None 6n +tock



    ! 'Q utsource



    ' ,,"Q #ach utsource

    #rgonomic ' sets of none 6n +tock

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    &ouse9chairs R led




    '-" Total


    ' copies =rices in


    *etween site

    to site


    O ,


    =ossi*le a


    None 6n +tock



    ' !,Q utsource

    6sta&lishing the Network

    Now that every necessary item on the list is placed at the desired location

    6 connected pcFs with each other with the #thernet ca*le *y

    connecting them with the O , connectors.  The ca*les are well connected.  Oust for checking i checked that every devise is working properly. 6 power on the computer systems and i saw if all the L#s are

    *linking on the routers and the network icon is connected to the

    internet on the pc and if any pro*lem then 6Fll manually con@gure it

    and restarting the pc m then 6 will open the command prompt and

    ping the gateway address and the pcMs connected addresses as

    well. Now every devise is working and well connected now i have to

    install and con@gure a software for the maintenance of a network .

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    And other software that is for e$pert eye point of view is wire shark

    whick checks the network and each node of the network it is good to

    use simple and good in working it checks the activities of the


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    5inging m! Aatewa! ! Network No#es Connecte#

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    2onnecting laptops.
