Page 1: Reporting Scheduling Errors - Sas Institute · Presented to the Edmonton SAS User Group April 5, 2016 By John Fleming Reporting Scheduling Errors

Presented to the

Edmonton SAS User Group

April 5, 2016

By John Fleming

Reporting Scheduling Errors

Page 2: Reporting Scheduling Errors - Sas Institute · Presented to the Edmonton SAS User Group April 5, 2016 By John Fleming Reporting Scheduling Errors

The code you are about to see is real. Only the places, parameters and data have been

changed to protect the innocent.

Page 3: Reporting Scheduling Errors - Sas Institute · Presented to the Edmonton SAS User Group April 5, 2016 By John Fleming Reporting Scheduling Errors

Where I work, data quality is very important.

To support this, we developed a monthly report showing the trend in data entry errors over the preceding 13 months.

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For today’s presentation, I will be looking at modified version of the code used to create the actual report.

Instead of my organization’s data, I will be using fictitious data with error rates designed to demonstrate the features of the program using a non-existent organization providing services of some kind to people living in Finland.

I’ve also replaced our logo with a happy face.

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South Area

• Espoo Center (EC)• Helsinki Center (HC)• Lahti Center (LC)

Central Area

• Joensuu Center (JC)• Kuopio Center (KC)• Mikkeli Center (MC)• Pori Center (PC)

North Area

• Oulu Center (OC)• Rovaniemi Center (RC)

Nine Sites In Three Geographic Areas

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Error Data For The Report

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Page 1 Graph Produced WithPROC SGPLOT

Page 2 Table Produced WithPROC REPORT

The Report Has Two Pages

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“The SG Procedures provide a direct procedure interface into the ODS Graphics system. These procedures create graphs with very little code.”

Matange, Sanjay and Dan Heath, 2011, Statistical Graphics Procedures by Example: Effective Graphics Using SAS®, Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc. p. 19

Why Statistical Graphics (SG) Procedures?

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When we developed this program, we wanted something that could do the job with the minimum of human intervention.

For that reason, we used macro variables to control features of the report that change every month.

Macro Variables For Automation

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One macro variable controls the report creation date that appears on the report.

&today1 - run date in the form yyyy-mmm-dd e.g., 2016-Feb-15)

Macro Variables For Automation

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Two macro variables control the date tag in the name of the output PDF file.

&vuosi - year for last month of data in the report in the form yyyy (e.g., 2016)

&kuukusi - month for last month of data in the report in the form mm (e.g., 01)

For example, “file_name_2016_01.pdf”

Macro Variables For Automation

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One macro variable, &mpath, controls the pathname for the output.

For example, Z:\trend reports\2016\

Macro Variables For Automation

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Two macro variables control the start and end dates shown in the report title.

&sdate - start date for report title in the form “monthname day, year”(e.g., January 1, 2015 )

&edate - end date for report title in the form “monthname day, year”(e.g., January 31, 2016)

Macro Variables For Automation

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Two macro variables control the start and end year and month for the data to appear in the report.

&firstflag - earliest value of the dateflag variable in the form yyyymm (e.g., 201501)

&lastflag - latest value of the dateflag variable in the form yyyymm (e.g., 201601)

Macro Variables For Automation



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%trheader – creates the report title and controls the report layout

%trfooter – creates a boilerplate report footer (omitted for this presentation)

%oback – controls the traffic lighting on the table produced with PROC REPORT

Macro Functions For Automation

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1. Prepare the SAS environment2. Define output title and report layout 3. Create the graph4. Define the output footer (omitted for this presentation)5. Define output title and report layout (again)6. Create the table7. Define the output footer (omitted again)8. Clean up

Steps To Creating The Report

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* Suppress SAS generated date and page number from being printed at top of page;

options nodate nonumber papersize=letter;

* Define escape character to indicate to ODS that an inline style format is about to start ;

ods escapechar = "^";

* Close other ODS destinations.;

ods _ALL_ close;

* Provide the pathname and file name for the output PDF document.;

ods pdf file= "&mpath.\Scheduling QA_Trend_Report_&vuosi._&kuukausi..pdf" nogfootnote nogtitle notoc dpi=300 ;

Note: this can be done anywhere in the program before the report title macro (%trheader) is called.

Prepare SAS Environment

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Each Output Report Page Has Three Regions

This region contains the report title and is defined in the %trheader macro.

This region contains the graph (page 1) or the table (page 2) and is also

defined in the %trheader macro.

This region contains a boilerplate report footer and is defined in the %trfootermacro (omitted for this presentation).

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Page 1 - The Graph

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%macro trheader;


ods layout start;

ods region x=0pct y=0pct width=100pct height=20pct;

ods pdf text="^{style[preimage='T:\work\JohnF\Pres Under Dev\H_Face.gif' ]}" ;

ods pdf text="^S={just=r fontsize=11pt} &today1";

ods pdf text="^S={just=r fontsize=11pt} Page ^{thispage}";

ods pdf text="^S={just=c fontsize=16pt font_weight=bold} Non-existent Finnish Organization Scheduling Data Quality Trend Report";

ods pdf text="^S={just=c fontsize=14pt} Scheduled Appointments for the Period &sdate, to &edate";

ods pdf text="^S={just=c fontsize=14pt} * * * THIS REPORT CREATED USING FAKE DATA - DO NOT USE * * *";

ods region x=0pct y=20pct width=100pct height=59pct;

ods graphics on / scale=yes border=on width=8in height=5.75in;

%mend trheader;

“ODS Layout” allows us to customize the page layout.First “ODS Region” defines the area on the page for the report title.

Second “ODS Layout” defines the area on the page for the graph and table.“ODS Graphics” enables ODS graphics system.

Output Title And Report Layout

“ODS PDF Text” statements create the report title.

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proc sgplot data=moog (where=("&firstflag" <= dateflag <= "&lastflag"));

series x=xlab y=ec / markers markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled color="cxc91111") lineattrs=(color="cxc91111"); /* Crayola Red */

series x=xlab y=lc / markers markerattrs=(symbol=squarefilled color="cx0070FF") lineattrs=(color="cx0070FF"); /* Crayola Baby Blue */


refline 0.05 / label='Data Quality Target (5%)';

xaxis label='Year And Month';yaxis label='Percent of Row Frequency' offsetmax=0.1;



ods pdf startpage=now;


“ODS PDF Startpage” statement ensures graph and table are on different pages.

“Series” statements create and controls appearance of each line on the graph.

“Refline” statement adds the horizontal line showing the data quality target..

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Page 2 - The Table

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proc report data=moog (where=("&firstflag" <= dateflag <= "&lastflag")) nowd split='*' style(column header)=[background=white] style(report)={rules=none font_size=10}style(header)=header{background=white rules=none};

columns sienna ('Year*And*Month' xlab) (‘North Area' oc rc) (‘Central Area' jc kc mc pc) (‘South Area' ec hc lc) (‘Average*Error*Rate' avg_error);

define sienna / display noprint;define xlab / display ' ' width=15 center;define oc / display width=10 center;


compute xlab; if sienna=1 then do;



%oback (octr=oc);%oback (octr=rc);



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%macro oback (octr=);compute &octr;

if sienna=1 then do;if &octr > 0.05 then do;

CALL DEFINE("&octr", "STYLE", "STYLE=[BACKGROUND=cbackx. fontweight=bold]");end;else do;

CALL DEFINE("&octr", "STYLE", "STYLE=[BACKGROUND=cbackx.]");end;

end;else do;

if &octr > 0.05 then do;CALL DEFINE("&octr", "STYLE", "STYLE=[BACKGROUND=cback. fontweight=bold]");

end;else do;

CALL DEFINE("&octr", "STYLE", "STYLE=[BACKGROUND=cback.]");end;


%mend oback;

%oback macro function for cell formatting

Want the text to be bold when errors exceed a threshold.

Use STYLE attribute with a format to control background color.

Sienna controls table row format.

We use a different format for rows where sienna not equal to 1.

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proc format;

value cback. = "white"low - 0.05 = "white"0.05 <- 0.10 = "cxFED85D" /* Crayola Canary */0.10 <- high = "cxFE6F5E"; /* Crayola Bittersweet */

value cbackx. = "cxDCDCDC"low - 0.05 = "cxDCDCDC" /* One of fifty shades of grey */0.05 <- 0.10 = "cxFED85D" /* Crayola Canary */0.10 <- high = "cxFE6F5E"; /* Crayola Bittersweet */


Formats For Traffic Lighting

This can be done anywhere in the program before the PROC REPORT code for the table on report page 2.

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* Need a quick n dirty data set for the legend under the table.;

data fnote;

sienna = 0;box = 'x';boxtext = 'Error rate greater than 5% but less than 10%.';output;

sienna = 1;box = 'x';boxtext = 'Error rate of 10% or greater.';output;


For Legend, Need An Extra Data Set

Create this data set any time before the table legend on page 2 of the report is created.

Sienna controls table row format.

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proc report data=fnote nowdstyle(report)={rules=none font_size=10};

column sienna (' ' box) box2 (' ' boxtext);

define sienna / display ' ' noprint;define box / display ' ' width=10;define box2 / computed ' ' noprint ;define boxtext / display ' ';

compute box2;box2 = ' ';

if sienna=0 then do;CALL DEFINE("box", "STYLE", "STYLE=[BACKGROUND=cxFED85D FOREGROUND=cxFED85D]"); /* Crayola Canary */

end;else if sienna=1 then do;

CALL DEFINE("box", "STYLE", "STYLE=[BACKGROUND=cxFE6F5E FOREGROUND=cxFE6F5E]"); /* Crayola Bittersweet */



This PROC REPORT creates the legend beneath the table with the data.

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* Close ODS PDF destination and reset other ODS destinations.;

ods pdf close; ods listing; ods graphics off;

Clean Up

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