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Rescue is Coming! The Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Devotional Guide

2015 Inspired by Ann Voskamp’s “Unwrapping the Greatest Gift” & The 2013 Advent Guide from the Village Church

in Flower Mound, TX December 1 – The Story and The Song, p. X (Psalm 19, Hebrews 1) December 2 – The beginning: a perfect home (Genesis 1-2) December 3 – The terrible lie (Genesis 3) December 4 – A new beginning (Genesis 6-9) December 5 – A giant staircase to heaven (Genesis 11) December 6 – Son of laughter (Genesis 12-21) December 7 – The present (Genesis 22) December 8 – The girl no one wanted (Genesis 29-30) December 9 – The forgiving prince (Genesis 37-46) December 10 – God to the rescue (Exodus 3-13) December 11 – God makes a way (Exodus 14-15) December 12 – Ten ways to be perfect (Exodus 16-17, 19-40) December 13 – The warrior leader (Joshua 3, 6) December 14 – The teeny, weenie…true king (1 Samuel 16) December 15 – The young hero and the horrible giant (1 Samuel 17) December 16 – The Good Shepherd (Psalm 51, 2 Samuel 7, Psalm 23) December 17 – A little servant girl and the proud general (2 Kings 5) December 18 – Operation “No More Tears!” (Isaiah 9, 11, 40, 50, 53, 55, 60) December 19 – Daniel and the scary sleepover (Daniel 6) December 20 – God’s messenger (Jonah 1-4, Hebrews 1:1-2) December 21 – Get ready! (Nehemiah 8-10, Malachi 1, 3 and 4, Ezra 7) December 22 – He’s here (Luke 1-2) December 23 – The Light of the whole world (Luke 2) December 24 – The King of all kings (Matthew 2) December 25 – Heaven breaks through (Matthew 3, Luke 1, 3; John 1)

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About the Advent Reading Guide… is a guide, and nothing more. We recommend using the Jesus Storybook Bible, but any Bible will do. Use the guide every day, or once a week. Use another guide. Pick and choose the activities that are right for your family. Just: Get in touch with your desires, make a plan and put it into practice, and invite others to join you. About the Jesse Tree… The Jesse Tree seeks to tell the story of God’s Rescue Plan using symbols from the Old and New Testaments. Each day during Advent, a picture (usually an ornament) is hung to tell the story of Jesus from creation to His birth. A Jesse Tree can take on a variety of forms. A silhouette of a tree may be painted or sewn. It may be hung on a wall or a door. A Jesse Tree might be a real evergreen tree, or it might not be a tree at all. You’ll find links on our website of pictures you can print and color and hang from your Jesse tree. Or, you can draw, sew, or carve your own images. Each day’s symbol is listed on each day of the Reading Guide below.

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December 1 Light: The candle of HOPE Read: The Story and The Song, JSB p. 12 (Psalm 19, Hebrews 1) Ask: Are you good at waiting? Why or why not? Are some things easier to wait on than others? What is one hope you have for yourself, your family, or your community this Advent season? How will you make that a reality? Pray: Thank God for promising to send Jesus to rescue us from our sins. Ask for open hearts and eyes to what God has planned for this Advent season. Jesse Tree Ornament: Tree Act: Adults, make plans for a fun Christmas activity this season that your children will love – watching a Christmas movie, baking Christmas cookies, viewing Christmas lights. At the end of your Advent time, promise your kids you will do something special to celebrate Advent together, but don’t tell them when or what that something special will be. As the days go by, remind them of your promise, and watch their expectation and excitement grow. Use this as an opportunity to remind them of God’s promise to send a Rescuer, and talk about the anticipation God’s people felt as they waited for their Rescuer. Listen: O Come, O Come Emmanuel

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December 2 Light: The candle of HOPE Read: The beginning: a perfect home, JSB p. 18 (Genesis 1-2) Ask: How do you know God loves you? How can you, your family, or community show God’s love to others? How can you help Touch a Life share God’s love with Ghanaian slave children? Pray: Thank God for loving you. Jesse Tree Ornament: World Act: Create something beautiful (cookies, a card, or something else) to show your love to someone who may need to be reminded of God’s love for them. Use magazines, pictures, drawings, etc. to make a collage of your favorite things made by God.

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December 3 Light: The Candle of HOPE Read: The terrible lie, JSB p. 28 (Genesis 3) Ask: Describe a time in which you messed up or felt far away from God. How did God respond? Pray: Ask for an awareness of God’s presence this Advent season. Ask God to draw near to you. Ask God to draw near to the families in Ghana. Jesse Tree Ornament: Adam & Eve Act: Work together to clean or organize the messiest room in your house. Use this as an opportunity to talk about the ways in which God can make our messes clean.

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December 4 Light: The candle of HOPE Read: A new beginning, JSB p. 38 (Genesis 6-9) Ask: Have you ever felt God’s presence in a storm (a time where everything seems to be going wrong)? Pray: Thank God that He had a plan to rescue Noah and that He has a plan to rescue us. Ask God to hold those who are going through a storm (a time where everything seems to be going wrong) right now. Jesse Tree Ornament: Noah’s Ark Act: Identify someone who may be going through a storm, and send them a gift. Be sure to include a note assuring them that Jesus is with them during this challenging time.

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December 5 Light: The candle of HOPE Read: A giant staircase to heaven, JSB p. 48 (Genesis 11) Ask: Has anyone ever taken credit for something you did? How did that make you feel? Have you ever taken credit for something for which you shouldn’t have received credit? Describe a time when God did something in your life you wouldn’t have been able to do on your own. Pray: Thank God for a way to heaven through Jesus. Ask God to help you recognize the “heaven on earth” moments in your life. Jesse Tree Ornament: Tower of Babel Act: Make a list of the ways in which you see God in a friend or family member. Share your list with that person. Play “telephone” as a reminder of how difficult it can be to understand one another even when we speak the same language.

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December 6 Light: The candle of LOVE Read: Son of laughter, JSB p. 56 (Genesis 12-21) Ask: When was the last time you laughed a glorious, happy laugh? When was the last time you made someone laugh? How did that feel? Pray: Thank God for keeping His promise to send the Rescuer, Jesus. Ask God to rescue the children working on Lake Volta. Jesse Tree Ornament: Old Couple Act: Look for ways to make someone laugh this week. Listen: Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

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December 7 Light: The candle of LOVE Read: The present, JSB p. 62 (Genesis 22) Ask: What is the best present you’ve ever received? What is the best present you’ve given? Is there something God is asking you to sacrifice this Advent season? Pray: Ask God to provide for people in need. Ask God to provide the resources Touch a Life needs to help others. Ask for the help to love God more than anyone or anything else. Jesse Tree Ornament: Ram Act: Make a list of at least 5 different ways God has provided for your family. Put the list on your refrigerator or hang it on your tree as a reminder of God’s provision.

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December 8 Light: The candle of LOVE Read: The girl no one wanted, JSB p. 70 (Genesis 29-30) Ask: What does a Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love look like? Pray: Thank God for doing amazing things through people who aren’t attractive, loved, or wanted. Ask God to help you love your enemies and to love those who are different from or seem strange to you. Jesse Tree Ornament: Girl holding heart Act: Share a meal or cup of coffee with someone you don’t know very well. Try to listen more than talk.

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December 9 Light: The candle of LOVE Read: The forgiving prince, JSB p. 76 (Genesis 37-46) Ask: Share a time when God turned something bad into something good for you or your family. Pray: Thank God for His goodness. Ask God to help you forgive others. Jesse Tree Ornament: Joseph in his colorful coat Act: Make something colorful for a friend or neighbor. Tell that person that God loves them.

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December 10 Light: The candle of LOVE Read: God to the rescue, JSB p. 84 (Exodus 3-13) Ask: Describe a time when you needed rescued. How did you feel? How did it feel once you were rescued? Pray: Thank God for the greatest rescue – Jesus dying on the cross. Ask God to rescue the children on Lake Volta in Ghana from slavery. Jesse Tree Ornament: Burning Bush Act: Give up coffee or ice cream or something you buy every week, and give that money to Meadowbrook’s Christmas Project instead.

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December 11 Light: The candle of LOVE Read: God makes a way, JSB p. 92 (Exodus 14-15) Ask: Describe a time when you felt lost. How did you find your way home? Pray: Ask God to help all people find their way to Him. Jesse Tree Ornament: Water parting Act: Remind someone who needs encouragement that God will make a way for them.

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December 12 Light: The candle of LOVE Read: Ten ways to be perfect, JSB p. 100 (Exodus 16-17, 19-40) Ask: How do the 10 commandments show us God’s love? Where might God be calling you to follow? Pray: Ask for help to follow God. Jesse Tree Ornament: Stone tablets Act: Play “follow the leader”. Let everyone have a turn leading and following.

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December 13 Light: The candle of JOY Read: The warrior leader, JSB p. 108 (Joshua 3, 6) Ask: Have you ever forgotten a promise? What were the consequences? In what way is God calling you to be a leader? Pray: Thank God for keeping His promise to be with everyone who trusts Him. Ask for the help to obey God. Pray that our leaders (church, nation, school) will walk closely with God. Jesse Tree Ornament: City w/ arrows Act: Identify a leader at church or school, and find a way to encourage or help them (make a card, buy them coffee…) Listen: In The Bleak Midwinter

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December 14 Light: The candle of JOY Read: The teeny, weenie…true king, JSB p. 116 (1 Samuel 16) Ask: Would you rather receive a beautifully wrapped, but empty box or a great gift in ugly wrapping paper? What does this have to do with how you see people? Pray: Ask God to give you a heart full of love. Ask to see others the way God sees them. Jesse Tree Ornament: Little Boy with Sheep Act: Designate and decorate a place for the coming King (a seat at your table, a place by your fireplace or tree…)

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December 15 Light: The candle of JOY Read: The young hero and the horrible giant, JSB p. 122 (1 Samuel 17) Ask: Who is your favorite superhero? Why? How is God like a superhero? Pray: Ask God to heal people who are battling an illness. Ask God for courage. Jesse Tree Ornament: Slingshot Act: Be brave this week. Make a new friend, try a new food or restaurant, get lost on purpose…Talk about how God is with you in the midst of these new (and sometimes scary) experiences.

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December 16 Light: The candle of JOY Read: The Good Shepherd, JSB p. 130 (Psalm 51, 2 Samuel 7, Psalm 23) Ask: Is there a song that reminds you of God’s love? What is it? Pray: Ask God to make the dark hearts of the Ghanaian slave masters clean. Jesse Tree Ornament: Crown Act: Sing a song or read a passage that reminds you of God’s love.

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December 17 Light: The candle of JOY Read: A little servant girl and the proud general, JSB p. 136 (2 Kings 5) Ask: Describe a time when someone did something for you and didn’t want anything in return. Pray: Thank God for the gift of Jesus. Weep for those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. Jesse Tree Ornament: Broken heart Act: Go out to dinner and pay for a stranger’s meal, pay for the person behind you in the drive-thru, or pay for someone’s gas…

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December 18 Light: The candle of JOY Read: Operation “No More Tears!”, JSB p. 144 (Isaiah 9, 11, 40, 50, 53, 55, 60) Ask: What does it mean to be the Light of the World? How can you shine the light of Jesus? Pray: Pray that God’s light will shine in darkest Ghana. Ask for the help to be God’s light in the world. Jesse Tree Ornament: Sunrise Act: Light your Advent candle or a fire and silently think about the children in Ghana and others who are suffering right now. Look up the different names of Jesus (Light of the World, Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace…). Choose one of those names to write on a post-it note placed in a prominent place in your house. When you see the note, thank God that Jesus is that name.

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December 19 Light: The candle of JOY Read: Daniel and the scary sleepover, JSB p. 152 (Daniel 6) Ask: Describe a time you followed God even though it was hard. Pray: Thank God for sending The Rescuer, Jesus into the world. Ask God to rescue the children in Ghana. Ask for the help to love and obey God whatever the cost. Jesse Tree Ornament: Lion Act: Do something you’ve been putting off because it’s “hard” (a chore, a new skill, a conversation…).

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December 20 Light: The candle of PEACE Read: God’s messenger, JSB p. 160 (Jonah 1-4, Hebrews 1:1-2) Ask: Is there something for which you’re sorry? To whom do you need to say you’re sorry? Pray: Ask God to help you forgive others in the way that God forgives you. Jesse Tree Ornament: Whale Act: Draw a heart on your hand. When you look at it, remember nothing can stop God from loving you. Listen: I Heard The Bells on Christmas Day

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December 21 Light: The candle of PEACE Read: Get ready!, JSB p. 170 (Nehemiah 8-10, Malachi 1, 3 and 4, Ezra 7) Ask: Name a gift God has given you or someone in your family. Describe your dream party. Pray: Ask God to make you open to and ready for rescue. Jesse Tree Ornament: Trumpet Act: Throw a birthday party for Jesus. Decorate. Bake a cake. Sing. Invite your friends. Make a grateful jar. Write down some of the things for which you’re thankful on slips of paper and put them in the jar. Whenever you have a rough day, pull out a slip (or two) to remind you of all things for which you can be grateful.

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December 22 Light: The candle of PEACE Read: He’s here, JSB p. 176 (Luke 1-2) Ask: Is there anything from which you need to take a break in order to make more room for Jesus? Pray: Thank God for the birth of Jesus and that He came to live with us. Thank God for being with you always. Jesse Tree Ornament: Manger Act: Save physical space for Jesus (at your table, in your car, in your bedroom, on your couch) as a reminder that he is with you always. Listen: Sweet Little Jesus Boy

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December 23 Light: The candle of PEACE Read: The Light of the whole world, JSB p. 184 (Luke 2) Ask: Where have you seen Jesus this Advent season? Is there someone with whom you need to share the good news of Jesus? Pray: Ask for courage to share the good news of Jesus. Jesse Tree Ornament: Shepherd Act: Share God’s good news! Grab a friend (or a stranger!) and share what God’s been doing in your life this season. Listen: O Come All Ye Faithful

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December 24 Light: The CHRIST candle Read: The King of all kings, JSB p. 192 (Matthew 2) Ask: What are you going to give Jesus this year? Pray: Ask for clarity as to how you might best serve God in 2016. Jesse Tree Ornament: Wise Men Act: Find a way to serve someone tomorrow. Let someone play with your new toy or gadget first. Serve someone food or drink, or clean up someone’s dishes. Listen: Beautiful Star of Bethlehem

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December 25 Read: Heaven breaks through, JSB p. 200 (Matthew 3, Luke 1, 3; John 1) Ask: What kind of life is God calling you to live? Pray: That God will help you live life to the fullest. Act: Create a “rule of life” for your family. What are some of the spiritual disciplines your family will practice in the upcoming year? Listen: Joy To The World
