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Peace One Day

Peace One DayBy Daniel Wright, Katherine Thomas, Jared Lagden, Latoya Algae, Hayley Sargood and Michael Shawole




What is Guerrilla Advertising?

The main reason people use Guerrilla advertising is because it is a cheap and unique way of advertising and it tends to be more memorable than normal ways (TV commercials, printed posters). However it does tend to take more time, energy and imagination to come up with good Guerrilla marketing ideas that will be memorable and can translate to a range of audiences. The idea has to be easily understood and usually targets people in unusual places.The main objective around Guerrilla advertising is to generate interest in your product/cause which is why it tends to be more interactive and tries tomake the audience participate in the advertising without realizing.Viral Marketing uses mostly social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc.)to advertise their product/cause. The name refers to the information spreading like a virus. Viral forms of advertising can be videos, flash games, chain messages, pictures etc.. it is a convenientcheap way of advertising which relies mainly onpublic reaction, in order for it to have the desired effect. The main goal of both forms of advertising is to increase awareness.These ideas can be transferred to the peace one day project, we can advertise the day using Guerrilla and Viral methods, in order to make it universally known. We can advertise it in places frequented by a lot of people, and make it as interactive as possible. The ideas have to be unusual and reach people in unconventional ways in order toevoke interest. We could also try and make images/videos about peace one day to go viral, making sure that the Peace One Day and its message reaches as many people as possible. The purpose of advertising in this wayfor Peace One Day to be recognized and celebrated all around the world (like mothers or valentines day).


Guerrilla AdvertisingThis is a very innovative piece of guerilla advertisement. It shows exemplary images of two children (whom appear to be begging for alleviation from poverty) which has been Photoshopped to fit within the base of a shopping basket and above this food is being dropped into the basket.From this, a number of themes are expressed through its purpose to make people aware of the issues concerning children and poverty. It tries to create a feeling of sympathy amongst viewers of the advertisement, so they contemplate and be considerate for these suffers, especially with the image o the food and the shopping basket which represents the food and other things in life that we take for granted.


This advertisement for Frontline, which produces flea and tick spray for pets, is a form of interactive guerrilla marketing, as the people walking on the giant picture of the dog appear as the pests on the dog when seen from above. As the general public form the main advertising point, it is interactive with the public and therefore attracts their attention; people are more likely to remember the product when they were directly involved with its advertising.It is clear why this advertisement stands out: its hard to miss a giant chocolate bar! This guerrilla advertisement is also interactive, as it is a bench which people will use. As a place where people often go to sit down, it has effectively been made an advert that people want to walk to; making it a brilliant example of guerrilla advertising.

Guerrilla Advertising


This advertisement for extra strong security glass is interactive by daring people to try to break it - with the incentive of getting the money inside. Using money is always going to be an effective way of advertising, as it is something that everyone needs. Although the money was mostly fake, there was $500 of real money inside, and a security guard who supervised competitions that allowed people to test out the glass by trying to break it. Invite them to compete with others to break it is undoubtedly interactive guerrilla marketing.

This advertisement has been deliberately placed where people need to interact with it: it is a handle to stop you falling over on the bus, made to look as though it is a drink. Seeing it on the bus like this would be unusual enough to stand out in ones memory; achieving the main goal of an advert. The way it appears as though it is being drunk by the holder is a way of customer interaction.Guerrilla Advertising


This picture of a Guerilla Advertisement stands out as it is big and colourful. The advert is advertising a Zoo hence the use of the snake constricting the bus. Not only is this advert cool and eye-catching but it is also interactive, its a bus. this can be a very effective place to advertise as a lot of people use busses everyday.

This image is a very good example of guerilla advertising. This advert is an advert for a gym by turning the train roof rail into weights making the person holding look like they are strong. This advert would be used vary often by many people during rush hour.Guerrilla Advertising


Global Warming Ad - This guerilla advertisement is effective because it stands out and also has an element of humour by using sarcasm. It stands out because the posts that hold the sign up appear to be someones hands holding it above the water, this would catch peoples eyes. The text on the sign reads Global Warming. Whats all the fuss about?. This is a sarcastic comment because it gives the impression that the person believes there is nothing to worry about when really the figure is seemingly standing submerged under water. Interaction with viewers - people would have to move/travel around it.[Note - Global Warming causes sea levels to rise that would the reason for the figure appearing to stand under the water].

GTL Ad - This advertisement also uses an element of humour by personifying peoples cars. The ad is an image of a thought bubble hung from the ceiling in a car park, above the parking spaces. It gives the impression that - when a car is park underneath - the vehicle has a mind of its own and with the text it has a funny and persuasive effect. The sign reads I wish I was a.New GTL with the image of the car the company are trying to sell and the logo of the company. Interaction with viewers - people would look to see what theyve parked their vehicles underneath.

Guerrilla Advertising




















Idea 1


Idea 1


Idea 2

This is our Idea for the flash mob. This version of a flash mob gets people/Actors to dress up as the British Armed Forces and act out a war against each other, but there are Peace One Day Signs laid out on the actors backs and also on sandwich boards etc


Idea 3


Idea 4

This could be used in any underground station, it symbolises the fact that in war this is what people feel like everyday.


Idea 5


Idea 6 Final Idea


Idea 6 Final Idea


Idea 6 - Final IdeaConnection Peace One Day

Bringing the outside inDesk with POD paper Clouds, paper airplanes, origami birdsGiant scalePeople from all over the world come to airports Can be used in other places; train stations, offices etc. For all ages; colouring for children origami for adultsWishes; can write a wish on a cloud send it into the sky


Idea 6 - Final Idea


Idea 6 - Final Idea


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