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Research challenge

The focus of this research is on Digital technology. All responses must be detailed and handed to Miss Stockwell or Miss Burchmore by the end of the


1. How does Disney and Warp create their productions? (think about who can embrace 3D/HD/ Digital/35mm)

2. What effect does this have on the company?

3. Create a timeline over the last 30 years of any major changes in technology or film production. Consider things such as the internet, Netflix, apple phones, games consoles etc…

4. Think about how you use technology, what can you do with your items of technology? Do you think that it is what the companies wanted?

5. As you are aware Disney is a vast company. Are they Vertically or Horizontally integrated?

6. What does Disney own compared to Warp?

7. Which company is able to attract a bigger audience and why?

8. What are the positives of using digital technology for each of the companies?

9. What are the negatives of this use of technology for the companies?

10.How does technology affect audiences?

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Plan what you would discuss in this essay…

Think about how Disney market and release their products compared to Warp.

Think about The Dark Knight and the viral marketing campaign, could Warp do something similar?

How can you watch Frozen?How can you watch a Warp film?

What are the positives and the negatives of this?

Look in your revision guides! If you have lost them, let Miss Stockwell know asap.
