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Pechakucha existing examples- progression of slides

Tokyo , Vol 118 Tools for design

Jordan Brandt


Looking at existing examples the progression of the talk is kept fluent with a constant connection with the viewers by flowing one image into another. A large percentage was progressive and expanded upon the previous slide. Introducing the project/discussion in the first slide clarifies what will be covered within the pechakucha. The development of the work from basic initial plans created by quick drawings evolved into designs and concepts. Insights into the company dotted throughout and connections to the works inspiration along with quotes influencing work practice.

With my pechakucha I plan to keep a progression and continuously moving from on subject and branching into similar subjects that relate to each other. The development of my work and examples that have a natural progression will need to be shown over the duration of the presentation. I noticed that it was all-progressive, with no reflecting back on earlier work, it was always moving forward which keeps the work flowing in a ‘timeline’ effect. To implement this into my pechakucha I will have the evolution of my work along with the influences that feed into my project as my work is created. To show influences then an observations such as planning and quick sketches , to the design and creation of the work, progressing into a final piece will be a strong starting point for my pechakucha.