
Research program: Young people´s education,

career development and welfare

The program concerns young people in school and in transition from school to work,

young people´s welfare and career development at individual, institutional och political level, adopting class, gender and

ethnicity perspectives. International comparisons are central.


Research program Young people´s education,

career development and welfare

 - connects educational, welfare and youth research, which especially in Sweden and also

often internationally constitute separate research fields, in need of increased integration.

- includes research on transitions between school, higher education & work, and career guidance – an a research area which is neglected to a high extent

in Sweden.

Research program Young people´s education, career development and welfare:Ongoing projects

The Individual - Pathways and Choices. Career choices and counselling in social, multi-cultural and gender perspectives

(the Swedish Research Council 2005-2008). Prof. Lisbeth LundahlNational research network Career choice and counselling (the Swedish Research

Council 2006-2008). Prof. Lisbeth LundahlActive citizenship? On democracy education in upper-secondary school

(the Swedish Research Council 2007-2009). Prof. Elisabet ÖhrnUpper secondary-education as a market

(the Swedish Research Council 2008-2010). Prof. Lisbeth LundahlGender and Career in the Academy

(the Swedish Research Council 2009-2012). Prof. Elisabet ÖhrnYoung people´s life habits and health – a school-based welfare study.

Part I: Norm compliance, living habits and health (2008-2010, Swedish Council for Working-life and Social Research). Prof. Lennart Nygren

The national school inspection (Post doc-project funded by the Swedish Research Council 2008-2012). Dr. Linda Rönnberg

The Significance of Time for Learning (post doc project 2009-2014). Dr. Mikaela Nyroos

Research program: Young people´s education,

career development and welfare

headed by prof. Lisbeth Lundahl, BUSV, includes 19 faculty:

three professors, two associate professors,seven senior researchers and

seven PhD students

The researchers

Research program: Young people´s education,

career development and welfare

International collaboration(projects, research applications, publishing)

Researchers atUniversity of British Colombia, Vancouver, Canada

Hamburg University, GermanyUniversity of Edinburgh, Scotland

Hitotsubashi University,Tokyo, JapanUniversity of South AustraliaHelsinki university, Finland

University of Østfold, Norway

Research program: Young people´s education,

career development and welfare

Research networks

… headed by researchers of the programNational research network Career Development and

Career GuidanceNordic Research Network: Critical Perspectives on Young

People, Welfare and Education (NordCrit)

… which program researchers participate in Policy Studies and Politics of Education (EERA)

Nordic Education Policy Network (NERA)National Education Policy network


Research program: Young people´s education,

career development and welfare 

Preliminary plans 2009-2010 New project applications

Career development, Health and welfare of young people NordCrit-symposium (ECER) Vienna 2009

Svedish and international book publication from the project The Individual - Pathways and Choices,

International book publication from the project Active citizenship? On democracy education in upper-secondary school

Recruitment of professor and associate professor Intensified international exchange

Research program: Young people´s education,

career development and welfare


