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Research proposal help

Research proposal is an important part of any degree as it convince the supervisor about the purpose of thesis and justifies. However, writing research proposal for Phd degree is critical and challenging. Before writing the Phd research proposal, most of coursework and extensive literature review should have been undertaken by the student. Further Phd research scholars should have solid understanding on the background and previous research done by other researchers. This will help the scholars to identify a research topic and provide materials for proper argument with his/her supervisor. It is always advisable to develop two to three research topics and based on the availability of literature and background materials, final focus on a topic can be developed further. However every research scholar should ask the following questions before deciding on a research topic 

Good Research Proposal for Phd Scholars

What you contribute to your field of study? The study has been already conducted by any other researchers if yes? Where it

has been conducted? What is the theoretical framework for the study? What are the research questions or research hypotheses? Whether the study demands primary data? If needed, available? Where to collect data? What will be study design? Number to be targeted? Does it demand pilot study Is the questionnaire already validated or need to develop a new one What are the appropriate methods in analysing the data What are the expected end results? / outcome of the study Can the dissertation/ thesis be done within the time frame set for Phd degree

A research topic and a proposal cannot be done within a week. You need time to develop topic and research proposal. To get more insights, you can visit your library, particularly get familiarize with research methodologies, look for sample products, and ask for copies of past theses that has been approved by the same supervisor.   A good Master’s or Phd dissertation / thesis proposal is half way to a good thesis. Hence do not take Master’s or Phd thesis research proposal lightly as it reflects your knowledge of your field of study.  

The research proposal sample should be -

Research proposal

Set introduction and background State the objectives and significance of your research Show the contribution of your research in advancing the knowledge of your field of

study Be focused on your research objectives and questions Provide sound theoretical framework of your study based on comprehensive

literature review Add proper citations for your work. Use Latest references (not less than five years) to frame your theoretical framework Persuasive argument and justification Time schedule of your research Likely end results or outcome Writing clearly in Good English

Basic Elements of a Thesis Proposal

Although Tutors India suggest common format of Phd dissertation proposal, it is highly recommended that research scholars should consult the supervisor(s) and the department for the specific requirements. The following topics are commonly used for research proposal.

Phd Dissertation Thesis Proposal format – Guidelines Purpose only

Title Page Abstract of PhD thesis Dissertation research proposal Table of contents Introduction Statement of the problem Literature review Research questions and Hypotheses Research methodology Work Schedule Expected results and implications of Results Tentative Thesis dissertation chapter outline List of references and Bibliography

We assist on the following ways

Tutors India assists in framing out the Phd research proposal as per the standard guidelines. We have assisted for UK, USA, Netherlands, Australia, UAE, Dubai, Kenya, Nigeria, China, Russia and many more countries. We are aware of the guidelines set by

different universities and strictly follow the same. Further we are aware of plagiarism and tolerance policy and therefore strives to ensure that all the papers sent to our clients are originalThe expertise will be selected from the field of study and apart from that Tutors India will allot research methodology and statistician in the team. For further assistance please contact our project coordinators specially appointed via +91-9600099967 or contact us. In addition to the assistance in Phd research proposal, Tutors India also assists in presentation and Language.  We check for the following before Tutors India dispatch the completed research proposal  

1. Presentation

Fonts Sections and Headings Point form In-text citations (for example Smith et al., 1994 or Smith & Jones, 1994 References list

2. language

Sentences Linking devices Overused words Jargon Variation and the use of pronouns

Spoken Vs. Written language (example; for get, depending on the context are ‘obtain’, ‘gain’, ‘acquire’, ‘find’)      *  Grammar      *  Spelling 

Home >> Thesis abstract

An abstract is a short summary of around 150-300 words, while synopsis is about 10-12 pages which enlightens your important research findings in a dissertation / thesis writing.

Be careful while briefing about the various things that you will need to include in your abstract. Introduction, the aims and problems you were working on to solve, what methods you used and conclusions that include the implications of your discoveries are all needs to be included in your abstract.

The various steps that should be followed in writing a good Abstract

STEP1 - State the importance of research and why others should read it ? 

STEP2 - Problem that the thesis or dissertation is attempting to solve. 

STEP3 - Methods adopted and statistical techniques used in the thesis / dissertation.

STEP4 - State the important findings and conclusion .

STEP5 - Significance - this section of the abstract should explain the significance of the results and the usefulness of the same. Most importantly what is expected is, how the research is adding to the knowledge already existing in the field.

Synopsis preparation

A synopsis is developed after completing a full thesis and this can be called as ‘Mini-Thesis’ as it cover all the details but roughly in 10-12 pages. At Tutors India, we assist in

preparing synopsis for the PhD thesis. The PhD synopsis will have following headings*

Introduction Motivation of the study Objectives / Research questions Hypothesis of the study Description of the research work Findings List of publications based on the research work References Proposed content of the thesis / Chapterization details

Write an effective Dissertation Abstract / Synopsis

When you have written your dissertation and you are preparing to write your abstract, you must first reread your dissertation carefully observing the main parts from it to help you write

your abstracts. 

The main parts are - Purpose, Methods, Scope, Results, Conclusions and Recommendations. Do not stick to the phrases as used in the dissertation, rather write down a rough piece of draft first with the main headings and outline heads from your dissertation which you can use a guide in writing your abstract. Organize things in your rough draft by improving at transitions and dropping unnecessary information. Also check your work for grammar and punctuation.

'Abstracts' allow readers to quicly decide whether it worth their time to read the full article or research work. Hence the researcher / student should devote their time to write proper abstracts with appropriate key words and phrases that allow for easy searching in any online databases. At Tutors India, we guide you in writing appropiate abstract & Synopsis for your dissertation / Thesis. Our writers has a rich experience in writing abstracts / Synopsis for Master's Thesis, PhD thesis / Dissertation, even for your exam prepartion help and so on. 

Home >> Dissertation introduction

The introduction chapter plays an important role in your thesis / dissertation as it provide all the basic information for both readers and writers. First impressions matters. If the initial paragraph is clear, organized and engagin,. the reader will be more inclined to read a paper and consider position.

Introduction should address the following points

1. What is this study about ? - General Introduction2. What is the specific problem ? How did you choose the project ? Background of the

study3. What motivated you to address this specific problem ? Motivation for the study4. How will your study contribute to research ? Scope of the study5. What are the aims and objectives, research questions and hypothesis ?6. The above points need to be addressed very clearly7. Finally provide description of chapters or chapter breakdown8. Download dissertation format 9. Contact us for more assistance

Home >> Literature review

A dissertation literature review contributes 40 percent of weightage. Hence more effort should be taken to collective exhaustive up to date literature that has been published from various countries or conducted among different ethnic groups. Thus, a researcher need to collect relevant literature, including empirical, historical, philosophical literatures related to a problem stated. A review of available literature is an important part of any academic dissertation. 

Purpose of Literature Review

Systematic review of available resources

Theoretical and conceptual concepts Identification of independent and dependent variables Measurement and operational definitions Sampling strategy Statistical technique Findings and conclusions of similar studies studied

What you are intended to do while preparing a Literature Review?

Your task is to thoroughly review any published research on relevant theoretical concepts or models on which you intend to base your dissertation. You should compare and contrast the views and conclusions of a wide range of authors and add your own views. It should be a ‘critical’ review and not just a regurgitation of the literature. Try to highlight the limitations or contentious aspects of particular studies you have read (for example, their theoretical underpinnings, research design or interpretation of findings) or identify gaps in the literature. The latter may provide a rationale for your own study.

However you organise the literature review, it should identify and discuss the key themes and contributions with which you are engaging. Some issues have received a great deal of attention from researchers. Others have received far less attention, perhaps because their origins are relatively recent or because they have simply been neglected. It therefore stands to reason that the number and quality of research studies that will be available to you will depend on your research topic. At the end of your literature review, explain what gaps in the literature you will try to address and/or which particular models/frameworks or ideas you will

take forward to help structure your own research.

In short, the research scholar needs to review the theory and the major research critically that provides the immediate background of your problem, and furnishes the uniqueness and importance of the present study with that of earlier published study (identification of research gaps). With the research gaps, a research framework has to be developed based on the available empirical literature that contributes significantly to frame the research.

Before writing a Literature review, find suitable models in your area of interest or in the discipline. This will help you to get a sense of the type of themes that you're looking for. Order your sources chronological sources such as by publication or by trend.

How Tutors India assist:

At Tutors India, we assist in developing exhaustive literature review from various academic sources including journals, text books, and newspaper articles and develop a research framework / conceptual framework, hypothesis and questionnaire with appropriate sources. The Literature review will be done by the experts of Tutors India. All the referencing will be up to date, and sources will be shared to the PhD Research Scholars / students. At least a minimum of eighty references will be used to develop a research framework. Over thousands of students have benefited from our service exclusively for Literature review.

Contact us for more assistance

Home >> Research methodology

What is Research Methodology?

The system of collecting data for research projects is known as research methodology. The data may be collected for either theoretical or practical research for example management research may be strategically conceptualized along with operational planning methods and change management.

Some important factors in research methodology include validity of research data, Ethics and the reliability of measures most of your work is finished by the time you finish the analysis of your data.

Formulating of research questions along with sampling weather probable or non probable is followed by measurement that includes surveys and scaling. This is followed by research design, which may be either experimental or quasi-experimental. The last two stages are data analysis and finally writing the research paper, which is organised carefully into graphs and tables so that only important relevant data is shown. 

Types of Research Methods

Qualitative Quantitaive Mixed Critical and action oriented

Data collection

Data collection depends on the research design (quantitative or qualitative design). Tutors India helps in a survey tool validation and also online and face to face data collection process. We help you to conduct surveys [in person Interviews: Formal to informal; structured to unstructured; focus group discussion, observations, self-administered questionnaire, diaries, citizen report cards, Delphi techniques, expert judgement, online surveys, secondary sources such as journals, newspaper  articles, annual reports, government sources such as census, budgets, policies, procedures,  etc.

Our Quantitative consulting Benefits

The preparation of a sucessful dissertation involves conducting effective research, analysing data and results presentation all which require a high level of statistcal expertise. We at tutorsindia provide solution from formulating methodology to the results presentation. You can approach statswork with any or all of the following steps:

Framing your Research Methodology Study design Sample size calculation  and justification Development of questionnaire Statistical techniques

Appropriate selection of statistical tools (parametric and non-parametric) depends on the study design and sample size. The following are some of the statistical tools used by our expertise..

Exlportary data analysis

T-test, ANOVA, ANCOVA Chi-square Linear regression Dichotomous logistic regression Ordinal logistic regression Multinomial logistic regression Quantile regression Poisson regression Survival analysis LogLinear models Factor analysis Principal component analysis Multidimensional scaling Forecasting Decision Tree Neural Network Cluster analysis Multiple imputation An extensive array of graphical procedures

Reliability and validity of results

Interpretation of the findings

Qualitative Analysis

Understanding some aspects of social life and its methods through text rather than numbers, as data for analysis. Although there are criticism for such methodology, you need such methdology that the survey can't answer very well.

Some common criticism include:

Findings lack rigour Small sample size Not necessarily representative of the broader population

Common Qualitative research methodology include

Focus Group discussion Interview techniques

Read More from the article on How to develop Qualitative Research Designs

We have just provided the framework, to get more insights about our expertise contact us

Home >> Statistical analysis

Statistical analysis is an important step and contributes 40 per cent of weightage of your entire PhD dissertation. At Tutors India, we assist you in exhaustive analysis and interpretation of the report. We perform following analysis:

1. Exploratory analysis – To check normality [Kolmogorov Smirnov test], outliers, mean, standard deviation, standard error of mean, kurtosis, skew ness, minimum. Maximum, standard deviation, confidence interval,.

2. Correlation test [Bivariate: Pearson correlation, spearman rank, Kendall’s Tau, simple scatter plot, partial correlation]

3. Chi-square analysis4. Reliability analysis – Cronbach’s alpha, etc.5. Time series analysis6. Regression, multiple regression, logistic regression7. T-test, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), , General

Liner Model (GLM), Repeated measure design,8. Non-parametric Test: Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, The Kruskal Wallis Test, Mann-

Whitney Test, Multivariate Analysis of variance (MANOVA)9. Forecasting analysis [Human, sales, etc. forecasting]10. Confirmatory Factor analysis11. Discriminatory analysis12. Factor analysis13. Structural Equation Model [SEM]14. Neural Network15. Decision Tree analysis16. Marketing analysis Techniques

We not only help you in the analysis but also involved in tutoring of statistical analysis part, which brings you more confidence to defend your PhD thesis. Our Trained statistician and Biostatistician  will help you throughout the process.

Pilot testing

Pilot testing is an important part of any research and before conducting the main study, researchers need to test the questionnaire with small number of participants with diverse socio economic group and geographical areas. However, for a small pilot study, always participants should be drawn from the main study.

The field test findings should looked as a whole, each section and individual questions and appropriate revisions has to be made based on results of preliminary findings. The pilot testing helps you on the following

Questions sequencing Rewording question Time frame to conduct the study or per questionnaire Direction of results Help for sample size calculation

Our Service include

Statistical analysis Interpretation Conclusion [Summary]

Home >> Questionnaire development

Most scholars struggle to develop questionnaire as it is a cumbersome process. Before using the questionnaire for any research, questionnaire need to be pilot tested, validated, and checked for its reliability. In addition, questionnaire should be developed based on how the responses will be analyzed to answer the related research questions or how to account for non-returns from a mailed questionnaire.

At Tutors India, we assist you in developing questionnaire – Open ended, closed ended, Objective questionnaire, structured and unstructured questionnaire, focus group guide, interview guide for all your research work. Response categories of questionnaire include Use of Likert Scale, Category proliferation, Ranking, etc. Statistical consideration should be

based on questionnaire type.

Questionnaire for

Market Scales Leadership questionnaire (style of leadership) Business research questionnaire Buying behaviour questionnaire Product trait/ product image questionnaire Food Frequency Questionnaire 24-hr recall Physical activity questionnaire Epidemiological survey questionnaire Satiety questionnaire Pyschology related questionnaires

And many more......................

In Master's / PhD dissertation questionnaire development is an important step as it decides the study outcome. Before developing a questionnaire, the below guidelines should be followed strictly for the better outcome.

Do not develop a questionnaire when there are questionnaires already available. Hunt for already developed and validated questionnaire which will ease your

process. Questionnaire must be understandable and readable Start with general such as socio demographic characteristics, followed by specific. Design draft questionnaire and distribute to the expertise for face and content

validity. Pre-test the questionnaire before pilot study Use simple language and appropriate for that particular population Avoid ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and double negatives options Use Likert Type Scale Response Anchors

At Tutors India, we help you in the questionnaire development, reliability and validation process. Our expertise have rich experience in developing questionnaire using scales, questions for interview guide, focus group discussion, structured and unstructured questionnaire, open and closed format, matrix and contingency questions. We have trained expertise exclusively for questionnaire development and research framework.

Home >> Discussion and conclusion

The final part of the dissertation is the Discussion, conclusion and future recommendation / implications. This section requires understanding of statistical analytical terms such as mean, standard deviation, confidence interval, probability value, beta coefficient, confounders, moderators, reliability, validity, cronbach’s alpha, chisquare/cross tabulation, etc. Further this section needs to emphasize interpretation of findings with the existing literature and highlighting critically with results (similarity, differences and providing proper justification). Besides, research needs to provide appropriate recommendations, strengths and limitations in terms of the research design, sample size, questionnaire validity, etc while concluding the PhD Thesis.

At Tutors India, our experienced researchers have extensive knowledge in handling statistical tools and research methodology, will assists you in developing appropriate conclusion based on the results obtained. Our expertise will provide you justification for each and every line that has been included in your thesis and furnish you appropriate support as well.

References and Bibliography

In Phd thesis or Master’s dissertation referencing is an important part. At Tutors India, we provide proper referencing format as per your request as our expertise has a rich experience in handling different referencing styles. References should be always selective, comprehensive, pertinent and accurate. For referencing style, you need to check with the university format, however, if not try to adhere to any one style of referencing.

The following are different format of referencing style. Harvard, APA, BMJ, Chicago, MHRA, MLA, OSCOLA, Oxford, Software, Turabian, Vancouver, IEEE, CSE (CBE), AGS, AGPS, AGLC

Examples of different Formats

APA Style

Asha, M. H., Dravidan, D. P., & Harlow, T. (1993). Actions needs to be completed. Journal of Social Psychology, 65, 1195-1207.

BMJ style of format

Nantulya V, Reich M. The neglected epidemic: road traffic injuries in developing countries.

BMJ 2002;324: 1139.

Vancouver style of format

Vickers A. Guidelines for authors of books and papers on complementary medicine. Complement Ther Med 1999;7:245-9.

References from our database

Most of the student / research scholar suffer to get appropriate references from websites and moreover some student even difficult to identify appropriate / autheticated references. The sites like blogs, wikis are not usually recommended as a autheticated source for referencing. At Tutors India, in addition to referencing format, we also help you to get appropraite articles from our database.

Contact us for more details

Defense preparation or Public Viva Voce Examination

PhD Defence is a special occasion as all your years of work will be presented and justified within two hours of presentation. Hence more care should be taken on your presentations and other part of the challenge is to convince the external committee members. The PhD thesis presentation should include the following

1. Problem statement 2. Why is it important in current scenario and what’s the difference between present

and past research3. Findings of the study 4. Tools used  (with proper referencing)5. Publications, conferences attended if any should be included6. Awards received as part of your research7. Not more than 30 slides8. Do not forget to include in-text references as this add value to your presentation9. Do not read the slides as the committee presented are experts in your field10. At last do not forgot to provide a slide on ‘Acknowledgement’

At Tutors India, we help you to provide appropriate power point slides and also help you in tutoring on how to defend your viva by providing you tips from your own thesis.

Home >> Discussion and conclusion

The final part of the dissertation is the Discussion, conclusion and future recommendation / implications. This section requires understanding of statistical analytical terms such as mean, standard deviation, confidence interval, probability value, beta coefficient, confounders, moderators, reliability, validity, cronbach’s alpha, chisquare/cross tabulation, etc. Further this section needs to emphasize interpretation of findings with the existing literature and highlighting critically with results (similarity, differences and providing proper justification). Besides, research needs to provide appropriate recommendations, strengths and limitations in terms of the research design, sample size, questionnaire validity, etc while concluding the PhD Thesis.

At Tutors India, our experienced researchers have extensive knowledge in handling statistical tools and research methodology, will assists you in developing appropriate conclusion based on the results obtained. Our expertise will provide you justification for each and every line that has been included in your thesis and furnish you appropriate support as well.

References and Bibliography

In Phd thesis or Master’s dissertation referencing is an important part. At Tutors India, we provide proper referencing format as per your request as our expertise has a rich experience in handling different referencing styles. References should be always selective, comprehensive, pertinent and accurate. For referencing style, you need to check with the university format, however, if not try to adhere to any one style of referencing.

The following are different format of referencing style. Harvard, APA, BMJ, Chicago, MHRA, MLA, OSCOLA, Oxford, Software, Turabian, Vancouver, IEEE, CSE (CBE), AGS, AGPS, AGLC

Examples of different Formats

APA Style

Asha, M. H., Dravidan, D. P., & Harlow, T. (1993). Actions needs to be completed. Journal of Social Psychology, 65, 1195-1207.

BMJ style of format

Nantulya V, Reich M. The neglected epidemic: road traffic injuries in developing countries.

BMJ 2002;324: 1139.

Vancouver style of format

Vickers A. Guidelines for authors of books and papers on complementary medicine. Complement Ther Med 1999;7:245-9.

References from our database

Most of the student / research scholar suffer to get appropriate references from websites and moreover some student even difficult to identify appropriate / autheticated references. The sites like blogs, wikis are not usually recommended as a autheticated source for referencing. At Tutors India, in addition to referencing format, we also help you to get appropraite articles from our database.

Contact us for more details

Defense preparation or Public Viva Voce Examination

PhD Defence is a special occasion as all your years of work will be presented and justified within two hours of presentation. Hence more care should be taken on your presentations and other part of the challenge is to convince the external committee members. The PhD thesis presentation should include the following

1. Problem statement 2. Why is it important in current scenario and what’s the difference between present

and past research3. Findings of the study 4. Tools used  (with proper referencing)5. Publications, conferences attended if any should be included6. Awards received as part of your research7. Not more than 30 slides8. Do not forget to include in-text references as this add value to your presentation9. Do not read the slides as the committee presented are experts in your field10. At last do not forgot to provide a slide on ‘Acknowledgement’

At Tutors India, we help you to provide appropriate power point slides and also help you in tutoring on how to defend your viva by providing you tips from your own thesis.