Page 1: RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY & READY TO LEARN€¦ · MONDAY Me & My Dad Community Playgroup 10.00am - 12pm FRIDAY Sebastopol Community Play Group 9.30am - 11.00am Me & My Dad Community


INFORMUS NO. 1 February 7th 2019
















Welcome to the 2019 School Year We would love to welcome our 2019 Prep Students and a number of new enrolments across the school. We currently have 79 students at Sebastopol Primary School. We are pleased to be back and we have lots of great things planned to excite your children and contin-ue our great learning achievements. Our four classes have settled quickly into school rou-tines and students are all enjoying being together again, meeting new friends and the learning programs. Our school structure includes an additional classroom so students have more teacher time. There has been a slight reduction in additional support time provided by Education Support Staff. This decision was made as our 2018 School Data indicated improvement in at-tendance, engagement in learning and learning achievement. We are proud of the efforts of our stu-dents and staff in 2018 to achieve this positive and happy learning environment. It has been wonderful to see our prep students settling into school life and impressive to see the Year 1-6 stu-dents ‘Ready to Learn’. If you have concerns regarding your child’s education or welfare please talk to your child’s teacher and they will follow up accordingly. Communication We have many ways to stay in touch, as we love to engage with our community and share our learning stories. Facebook – Like Sebastopol Primary School and share our great news and achievements. Website – please save this link to your favourite device via our website as an App and register for the newsletter. Newsletter Dates Term 1: 7th and 21th Feb and March – even weeks. Assembly Dates Term 1: Wednesday 2:45pm 13th and 27th Feb and March, 4th April - odd weeks. End Term 1 Assembly 1:45 Friday 5th April. Everyone is wel-come to attend Assembly. Assembly is led by our 2019 School Captains Ryan, Lilly, Mitchell and Belle. Extra-curricula, Specialist and Support Programs In 2019 we are pleased to offer Music Therapy, Choir, Music Education, Year 5/6 Instrumental, Indigenous Culture, Art, Science, Making Up Lost Time in Litera-cy (MULTILIT), QuickSmart (Numeracy Intervention Year 4-6), School Food Garden and more.

THIS COMING WEEK: 3 Way Conferences, Kinder Transition for 2020 Preps and Assembly NOTICES: CSEF Application form, Student Banking Information, Canteen Price List

SEBASTOPOL PRIMARY SCHOOL Warreen Street, Sebastopol Victoria 3356

Phone: 03 5335 8157 Fax: 5335 9173 Email: [email protected]


Facebook: SebastopolPrimarySchool

Sunsafe A reminder that all students are required to wear a broad brim hat outside, otherwise students will be asked to go to the library or in the shade area near the bubble taps. Hats are available from the office for $8. It is also a good idea to bring frozen or cold water to school, at present a number of students do not have their own drink bottle. Please try to locate a drink bot-tle at home and keep it in your school bag #sunsafe. Attendance ‘Every Day Counts, Ever Minute Counts!’ If you child is unwell or late please contact the school office by 10am with an explanation. Late students must sign in at the office. We are required to phone families when children are not a school. This is a Child Safe Stand-ard requirement. In 2018, our School Attendance score was 83%, the DET State Target is 94% attend-ance. We have great educators, resources and facilities. Our students can achieve great learning progress when they attend school regularly. We are happy to support and assist families to achieve higher attendance rates. If students are absent for more than 5 days and an ex-planation is not provided to the school, we are required to refer this to regional attendance officers. If you plan to travel and be away from school during term times a letter advising of the dates should be provided prior to departure. Please contact us if you would like further support to improve your child’s attendance. School Council 2019 The first meeting for 2019 will be 6:30pm on Tuesday 14th February. Agenda items include: 2019 Sports Day at Llanberris, Dec and Jan Financials, 2019 Pupil Free Day Approvals, Curriculum Report, Welcome Morning Tea and setting the date for the March AGM. The AGM will be 14th March at 6:30pm. We welcome interest from prospective members to join School Council in 2019. All parents/carers are welcome to nominate, forms can be collected at the office. If you would like to find out more about Sebastopol PS School Council please talk to a current member or my-self. Current members are Jason Filcock, Latique Shel-by, Kaylene Rafiq, Renee Aghan, Cheril Kemp, Peter Cook, Rebecca Kennon and Audra Lawes or myself. Have a great week and thank you for your support of learning at Sebastopol Primary School. Michelle Wilson

Page 2: RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY & READY TO LEARN€¦ · MONDAY Me & My Dad Community Playgroup 10.00am - 12pm FRIDAY Sebastopol Community Play Group 9.30am - 11.00am Me & My Dad Community

Mon 11th Feb 3 Way Conferences

Tues 12th Feb School Council Meeting

Wed 13th Feb Kinder Transition

Wed 13th Feb Assembly

Fri 15th Feb BookClub Orders and

Money Due

Mon 18th Feb 3 Way Conferences

Wed 20th Feb 2020 Prep Parent

Information Session

Wed 20th Feb Assembly

Thurs 21st Feb Sports Day Llanberris

Wed 27th Feb 2020 Prep Parent

Information Session

Wed 27th Feb Assembly

Wed 6th Mar Job for Jackson

Mon 11th Mar Labour Day Holiday


Tues 12th Mar School Council Meeting

Wed 13th Mar Foundation students

commence fulltime

Wed 13th Mar Assembly

Wed 27th Mar St John First Aid Session

Wed 27th Mar Assembly

Wed 3rd April Futsal Clinic Yr2-6

Fri 5th April End of Term

2.30pm Dismissal


Mon 22nd April Easter Monday

No Students

Tues 23rd April Term 2 Starts

Thurs 25th April Anzac Day

Mon 10th June Queens Birthday

Coming up in Term 1


Dominic Kemp - Prep/1L For being a wonderful role model Eugene Garlett - 2/3W For great predicting strategies Connor McPhee - 4/5S For always being organised and ready to start any activity Will Schlosser 5/6B For working hard in your team by being a wonderful role model Hayden Walters - Mrs Wilson For great reading Ryan Bowen & Lilly Milne - Mrs Wilson For being great role models and welcoming new students to our school.

Student Recognition Awards

Relay for Life Ballarat 2019 23-24 February

Llanberris Reserve.

Contact Cathy on 0434774367 for more information or to join the

Sebas Stars team.

Page 3: RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY & READY TO LEARN€¦ · MONDAY Me & My Dad Community Playgroup 10.00am - 12pm FRIDAY Sebastopol Community Play Group 9.30am - 11.00am Me & My Dad Community

The 2019 School Year -

we’re excited!

The 2019 Prep Bags contain five new picture

books. What a wonderful way to start sharing a love of books.

The children were so excited when they got their new bags, we forgot to take a photo.

Happy reading!


The Prep and Year 1 School Tour last week included the Principal’s Office! Students come to the principal’s office to celebrate learning, share news, request help and occasionally for feedback on behaviour! Our youngest students have made a positive start to the 2019 School Year.

Page 4: RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY & READY TO LEARN€¦ · MONDAY Me & My Dad Community Playgroup 10.00am - 12pm FRIDAY Sebastopol Community Play Group 9.30am - 11.00am Me & My Dad Community

This week the Choir attended and sang at the opening and flag raising ceremony for the

Interfaith Harmony Week at the Ballarat Town Hall. They were congratulated on their performance by many in attendance. If your child is in Year 4 and would like to join the

choir please remind them to speak to Kellie or their class teacher.

A big welcome to Hannah Sheeran, class teacher Year 4/5. Hannah has moved from Scone Public School in NSW and she is looking forward to getting to know all the students and our school families. Hannah is excited to be working with her Year 4/5 Class and she has been impressed by our students’ positive attitude to learning and goal setting. Welcome to Hannah, we hope you enjoy your role at Sebastopol Primary School.



We will be having a Scholastic Book Fair

during Term 1.

More details at a later date

Scholastic Book Fair

Page 5: RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY & READY TO LEARN€¦ · MONDAY Me & My Dad Community Playgroup 10.00am - 12pm FRIDAY Sebastopol Community Play Group 9.30am - 11.00am Me & My Dad Community

MONDAY Me & My Dad Community Playgroup 10.00am - 12pm FRIDAY Sebastopol Community Play Group 9.30am - 11.00am Me & My Dad Community Playgroup 10.00am - 12.00pm

For more information contact City of Ballarat Playgroup Coordinator on



Student Banking is every Tuesday. Student please place your filled in bank wallets in the grey pouch in the morning. If you would like to open a Dollarmites bank account for your child please see our local commonwealth branch in Albert Street.

CSEF CSEF applications are now due. Forms have been sent home this week to families who are yet to place their application.

CANTEEN Canteen runs Monday and Fridays. Lunch orders are to be placed in a brown paper bag, with students name, class and order written. Money to be placed inside. All lunch orders are to be into the canteen by 9.15am

ATTENDANCE If your child is away from school please let the front office know on 53358157 each day they are away.

Business Manager

Newsletter Our Fortnightly school newsletter is available at our

website Please also subscribe to our Newsletter email list at our website to receive a notification when our newsletter is ready. Website dates and information will be updated


Page 6: RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY & READY TO LEARN€¦ · MONDAY Me & My Dad Community Playgroup 10.00am - 12pm FRIDAY Sebastopol Community Play Group 9.30am - 11.00am Me & My Dad Community

Open Days 2019 for 2020 Enrolments

Contact Us: Like us on Facebook

Email: [email protected]

PH: 5335 8157

Student photo

To attend an Open Day and School Tour please call our Principal, Ms Michelle Wilson on 5335 8157 to register your interest.

We are happiest when prospective families pay us a visit to see for themselves what makes us different. Come chat to our staff and stu-dents as we show you around our school. Open Days will begin with an Information Session at 9.30 am with School Tours to follow.

Wednesday 20th February Wednesday 27th February


The Department of Education is committed to providing safe and supportive work environments where diversity is valued and everyone is treated with respect, fairness and dignity. Discrimination, sexual and other forms of harassment, bullying, violence and threatening behaviour are unacceptable. All employees, students, parents and visitors in schools and other DoE workplaces are expected to act accordingly. The Department (Which includes schools) and school councils, will act to ensure that the safety, security, health and wellbeing of all employees, students, parents and visitors in schools and other DoE workplaces are protected.

Hey Kids!! Ballarat Primary

Schools April Blue Light


Friday 155h February Disco 7PM to 9PM

Sebastopol RSL Hall: Beverin

Street, Sebastopol.

Entry $7 per person.

This Blue Light Activity is Drug, Alcohol and Weapon


Fully Supervised and there are No Pass Outs.

All Children must be dropped

off and picked up by a Responsible Adult.

Enquiries – Leading Senior Constable Des Hudson 0409

865 093

Page 7: RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY & READY TO LEARN€¦ · MONDAY Me & My Dad Community Playgroup 10.00am - 12pm FRIDAY Sebastopol Community Play Group 9.30am - 11.00am Me & My Dad Community

St John Ambulance Victoria will visit our school on Wednesday 27th March to deliver their free First Aid in Schools Program to students. The program has taken an innovative approach to ensure all First Aid lessons are a fun and interactive experience for students. Trained St John presenters lead students through tai-lored sessions on the importance of First Aid and what to do in the vent of a medical emergency. Our jun-ior students learn about how to identify when there is an emergency, keeping themselves safe, and how to call for an ambulance. Senior students learn about delivering CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and the things they can do to assist in an emergency. Following these sessions in 2018 four of our senior students assisted an elderly lady in distress and waited with her until help arrived. We are very grateful to access these sessions at no cost. St John Ambulance Victoria has recently launched First Aid Action Hero which is available on the App Store and Google Play. The app is designed to strengthen students recall of the DRSABC action plan through some uber fun gameplay!

St John Ambulance First Aid Session

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Term 1


Term 1: 30th January to 5th Apr il Term 2: 23rd Apr il to 28th June

Term 3: 15th July to 20th September Term 4: 7th October to 20th December


WEEK 2 4/2 Choir Excursion

5/2 6/2 7/2 Newsletter


WEEK 3 11/2 3 Way Conferences

12/2 School Council Meeting

13/2 Kinder Transition 2020 Preps Assembly

14/2 15/2

WEEK 4 18/2 3 Way Conferences

19/2 20/2 2020 Parent Information Session

21/2 Sports Day at Llanberris Newsletter


WEEK 5 25/2 26/2 27/2 2020 Parent Information Session Assembly

28/2 1/3

WEEK 6 4/3 5/3 6/3 Jog for Jackson

7/3 Newsletter


WEEK 7 11/3 Labour Day Holiday

12/3 School Council Meeting

13/3 Foundation Students Commence Fulltime Assembly

14/3 15/3

WEEK 8 18/3 19/3 20/3 21/3 Newsletter


WEEK 9 25/3 26/3 27/3 St Johns First Aid Session Assembly

28/3 29/3

WEEK 10 1/4 2/4 3/4 Futsal Clinic Yr2-6

4/4 Newsletter

5/4 End of Term 1 2.30pm Dismissal

BELL TIMES 8.50 am - Music Play 9.00am School starts

11.00 - 11.10am Children eat Lunch 11.10 - 11.40 Lunch Break 1.40pm - 2.10pm Recess

3.10 Dismissal Last day of Term 2.30pm Finish
