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Questionnaire Results Kandice Dickson

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What Is Your Gender?

We decided that by asking an equal mount of males and females it would make our results more accurate and non biased. Romantic comedies are usually associated with females but as a group we wanted to extend our audience and target a male audience too.

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How Old Are You?

The majority of our answers are of the ages between 15-19. This is because this was our intended target audience. We therefore were more concentrated on their opinions and tried to gather as much information about them as possible to enable us to benefit them. However we then considered whether we could extend our audience so we also went on to ask some adults.

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How Often Do You Visit The Cinema In 6


This question was to help define our target audience. The amount of times they visit the cinema reflects how much money they are willing to spend on such events, this then allows us to decide how to ) promote the film and how to make our characters come across so that the audience felt as though they can relate to them.

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Will You Go To The Cinema To Watch A Romantic Comedy Willingly ?

When asking this question we were surprised to find that all of the 90% of the makes we asked agreed that they would go to the cinema to watch a romantic comedy willingly despite its attachments to the female community however they all said that they would only go if they were with a female. This highlights points for us as a group to follow and decided how to bring males in without needing a female companion.

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On Average How many Hours A Day Do You

Spend Online?

The majority of people we asked both male and female said they spend 21 hours plus online, they added that because they are constantly on their phones they are always online. This gives us the opportunity to promote the film accordingly and to include these features into our opening sequence. This generation is one of the web and our piece will be perceived as interesting and again relatable if we were to include this factor.

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What Do You Like Doing In Your Spare Time?

This question highlighted teenagers state of mind. Nearly all of the people asked said all of the above except for reading. Reading is a very important part of developing and learning we therefore want to include books and encourage young people to focus more on developing there brain instead of just spending all the time online. We will try to reflect this through our characters however we will still include the other activities that have been voted the most popular.

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Describe Your Look In One Word.

This question was a personal question rather than such a general one. This allowed us to see the language teenagers use and how they will describe themselves. This changed the way we composed our script and how far we would take teenage dialect.

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Where Do You Hear About Films The Most?

This question is relevant as it allows us to identify and focus on where to advertise our film and also what to associate it with.

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Do You Prefer Films With…

This question allowed us to see how far to spin our narrative away from typical Hollywood story lines and how to lead the beginning so that it will lead into a satisfying film.

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(Over 25’s) Would You Go And Watch A Film Based On


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What Sites Do You Visit Often When Online?

When With Friends Where Do You Go?

Both of these questions are social questions. Again this helps to highlight our intended audience and our advertising areas. The 21st century is the generation of internet and TV therefore we will try to focus on these aspects of life and use it to our advantage.

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If Cinema Tickets Were Cheaper Would That Motivate You To Go The Cinema?

What Do You Spend Most Of Your Money On?

The next two questions look at the subject of money. As we establish that although we would like to widen our audience to both young and old the majority of viewers will be students. Therefore we will look into production companies that do promotions and deals for students. This will influence people into coming to watch the film even if they are not into this genre. Its also presented that our audience spend most of their money on clothes, therefore we can start looking into merchandise and all the money we cut back on in ticket prices we can make back in merchandise products such as Clothes that the actors wore or quotes from the film.
