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AQA (B) GCSE Modern World History

Unit 1 Part 5 Lesson 1

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Hodder Education Revision Lessons

Answering the ‘Evaluation of an interpretation’


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AQA (B) GCSE Modern World History

Unit 1 Part 5 Lesson 1

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The class joker rushes in and tells you a spaceship

has landed on the playground.

Do you rush out to see it?

Why not?

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AQA (B) GCSE Modern World History

Unit 1 Part 5 Lesson 1

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Of course you didn’t go out, because of:

1. The message’s content

Spaceships? It’s impossible.

2. The message’s provenance

He’s the class joker – it’s a wind-up.

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AQA (B) GCSE Modern World History

Unit 1 Part 5 Lesson 1

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You answer the ‘Interpretation’ question

in much the same way!

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AQA (B) GCSE Modern World History

Unit 1 Part 5 Lesson 1

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Source BFrom a statement by US Secretary of State Dean

Acheson in May 1951 Korea was the spearpoint of a drive made by the whole communist control group on the entire position of the West.

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The ‘Evaluation of an interpretation’ question will give you a quotation– like this:

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AQA (B) GCSE Modern World History

Unit 1 Part 5 Lesson 1

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Then it will ask you to evaluate the interpretation, for example:

‘Source B claims that Korea was a joint

Communist attempt to destroy Western

democracy. Do you agree that the Korean War

was an example of Communist aggression?’

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Note that – unlike other questions – this question is as much about evaluating the source, as about answering the

specific question in the second sentence.

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AQA (B) GCSE Modern World History

Unit 1 Part 5 Lesson 1

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The mark scheme requires you to address two issues to earn the 6 marks for this question:

• How true is the content?• How reliable is the provenance?

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Note that the number of marks you get depends on how fully you explain your ideas, and prove them with facts!

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AQA (B) GCSE Modern World History

Unit 1 Part 5 Lesson 1

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You are advised to spend

10 minutes maximum

on this question.

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AQA (B) GCSE Modern World History

Unit 1 Part 5 Lesson 1

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What kinds of ideas and facts

might you mention here?

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So, let’s begin with the CONTENT … Was the war solely Communist aggression?

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AQA (B) GCSE Modern World History

Unit 1 Part 5 Lesson 1

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LOTS of stuff to suggest that the Communists DID

start it:

Il Sung visited Stalin and Mao; the NKPA invaded;

the Chinese intervened to help them.

YET some things suggest that it wasn’t all

Communist aggression:

NSC68 and ‘rolling back’; Rhee provoked;

MacArthur wanted to go on; Eisenhower

threatened the atomic bomb. Click to


So, let’s begin with the CONTENT … Was the war solely Communist aggression?

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AQA (B) GCSE Modern World History

Unit 1 Part 5 Lesson 1

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Write your first paragraph, remembering

that the number of marks you get depends

on how fully you explain your ideas, and

prove them with facts.

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So, let’s begin with the CONTENT … Was the war solely Communist aggression?

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AQA (B) GCSE Modern World History

Unit 1 Part 5 Lesson 1

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What kinds of ideas and facts

might you mention here?

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And now let’s go on to the PROVENANCE … How reliable will Dean Acheson, speaking in May 1951, be?

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AQA (B) GCSE Modern World History

Unit 1 Part 5 Lesson 1

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LOTS of stuff to suggest that he would be really


Probably biased (Americans HATED Communism) /

giving the government ‘line’; McCarthyism; ‘domino


YET some things suggest he can be trusted:

He was speaking at the time (1951), and from a

position of knowledge (he was in the US government);

the UN agreed – the UN intervened in Korea, not just

the Americans. Click to


And now let’s go on to the PROVENANCE … How reliable will Dean Acheson, speaking in May 1951, be?

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AQA (B) GCSE Modern World History

Unit 1 Part 5 Lesson 1

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Write your second paragraph, remembering

that the number of marks you get depends

on how fully you explain your ideas, and

prove them with facts.

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And now let’s go on to the PROVENANCE … How reliable will Dean Acheson, speaking in May 1951, be?

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AQA (B) GCSE Modern World History

Unit 1 Part 5 Lesson 1

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Finally, write a brief paragraph summarising

whether, overall, you agree with the

interpretation or not.

What is the ‘telling point’ – explain why.

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AQA (B) GCSE Modern World History

Unit 1 Part 5 Lesson 1

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• written a section explaining (including facts) whether

the source’s content seems reliable?

Peer-assess each other’s essays. Have they:

• written a section explaining (including facts)

whether the source’s provenance is reliable?

• finished with a conclusion, giving and explaining

a ‘telling point’?