  • 8/21/2019 Review of Vehicle Suspension






    Assignment: Citi!"# Re$ie% &M"!'(es)n St*t S*s+ensi)n,

    Group Member:

     Name ID Course/Year 

    Aaron Phan Wee Siong 110208 M! Y"S"

    Ian An#hon$ 1101%& M! Y"S1

    'im Cia 'e( 120)0%% M! Y"S"

    *emie P+ng ,uang -i 110&2&& M! Y"S"



  • 8/21/2019 Review of Vehicle Suspension


    his ar#ie represen#s a ri#ia re(ie on some 3our heee4 suspension s$s#ems #ha# e5is#6

     par#iuar$ #he MaPherson s#ru#7 his re(ie as 4one in an e33or# #o ri#ia$ ana$se an4

    ommen# on #he his#or$6 purpose6 4esign6 s#ru#ure an4 bene3i#s o3 #he MaPherson S#ru#7 his

    as 4one b$ re(ieing (arious ournas an4 ar#ies i#h re3erene #o #he MaPherson S#ru#

    as e as a 3e o#her suspension #$pes 3or omparison7 he MaPherson s#ru# as in(en#e4

     b$ !ar S7 MaPherson o3 9or4 in #he 1%)0s7 

    I# is sui#abe 3or sma ars 4ue #o i#s ompa#

    4imensions7 I# is aso o in os#6 has goo4 ri4e uai#ies7 

    ;oe(er6 i# has been shon #ha#

    #he MaPherson S#ru# 4esign anno# ao (er#ia mo(emen# o3 #he hee i#hou# some

    4egree o3 ei#her amber ange hange6 si4ea$s mo(emen#6 or bo#h7 *egar4ess6 #he

    MaPherson s#ru# is use4 in #he 3ron# hee 4ri(es o3 amos# a mo4ern ar mo4es7


    In (ehie 4esign6 man$ #hings are emphasi

  • 8/21/2019 Review of Vehicle Suspension


    s$s#ems ser(e a 4ua purpose6 on#ribu#ing #o #he (ehies han4ing an4 bra@ing 3or goo4

    a#i(e sa3e#$ an4 @eeping (ehie oupan#s om3or#abe an4 ri4e uai#$ reasonab$ e

    isoa#e4 3rom roa4 noise6 bumps6 an4 (ibra#ions7 ?eause bo#h par#s anno# be per3e#6 ar

    manu3a#urers mus# o3#en #ra4e=o33 be#een #hese omponen#s #o 3ine #une #he suspension

    s$s#em #o bes# sui# spei3i ar mo4e7

    Mo4ern suspension s$s#ems on#ain " main omponen#s7 he$ are #he springs6

    4ampers an4 in@s7 hese omponen#s are arrange4 in (arious on3igura#ions #o rea#e

    4i33eren# #$pes o3 suspension s$s#ems i@e #hose #ha# i be men#ione4 in #he oming


    here are " maor #$pes o3 springs7 he$ are oi springs6 #orsion bars an4 ea3

    springs7 Coi springs are ha# mos# peope are 3amiiar i#h6 'ea3 springs are ha# $ou ou4

    3in4 on mos# ars up #o abou# 1%8& an4 amos# a hea($ 4u#$ (ehies7 he$ oo@ i@e a$ers

    o3 me#a onne#e4 #o #he a5e7 he a$ers are ae4 ea(es6 hene ea3=spring7 Dampers

    4ampen #he (er#ia mo#ion in4ue4 b$ 4ri(ing $our ar aong a rough sur3ae7 Wi#hou#

    4ampers6 a ar ou4 on#inua$ boune beause o3 #he springs7 Dampers per3orm #o

    3un#ions7 As men#ione4 abo(e6 #he$ absorb an$ arger=#han=a(erage bumps in #he roa4 so #ha#

    #he upar4 (eoi#$ o3 #he hee o(er #he bump isn# #ransmi##e4 #o #he ar hassis6 bu# more

    #han #ha#6 #he$ aso @eep #he (ehie hees pan#e4 on #he roa47 he as# omponen#s6 #he

    in@s6 are #he main bo4$ o3 #he suspension7 he$ @eep #he springs an4 4ampers moun#e4 #o

    #he hassis an4 hee as e as o33er #he abii#$ 3or manu3a#urers #o #une #he suspension

    s$s#em #o sui# #he (ehie b$ ho4ing 4i33eren# on3igura#ions an4 anges7

    he (arious omponen#s ha(e been #rie4 an4 #es#e4 o(er #he as# 3e $ears an4 ha(e

    ome #oge#her in man$ 3ine$ #une4 on3igura#ions #ha# are use4 b$ our mo4ern 4a$ (ehies

    suh as #he s$s#ems e5paine4 as 3oos7

    T-+es ). S*s+ensi)n S-stems

    1) Double wishbone 


  • 8/21/2019 Review of Vehicle Suspension


    A 4oube ishbone suspension is an in4epen4en# suspension 4esign using #o

    ishbone=shape4 arms #o oa#e #he hee7 !ah ishbone or arm has #o moun#ing poin#s #o

    #he hassis an4 one oin# a# #he @nu@e7 he sho@ absorber an4 oi spring moun# #o #he

    ishbones #o on#ro (er#ia mo(emen#7 Doube ishbone 4esigns ao #he engineer #o

    are3u$ on#ro #he mo#ion o3 #he hee #hroughou# suspension #ra(e6 on#roing suh

     parame#ers as amber ange6 as#er ange6 #oe pa##ern6 ro en#re heigh#6 srub ra4ius6 su33

    an4 more7

    9irs# in#ro4ue4 in #he 1%"0s6 9renh ar manu3a#urers Ci#roen 3irs# use4 i# in #he

    1%") *osaie an4 ra#ion A(an#7 (er #ime6 mos# ars empo$ing #his 4esign ha(e rapi4$shi3#e4 #o #he MaPherson s#ru# #hus ea(ing #his s$s#em i#h ess an4 ess use7 A goo4

    e5ampe o3 #his is obser(e4 in #he ;on4a Ci(i6 hih hange4 i#s 3ron#=suspension 4esign

    3rom a 4oube ishbone #o a MaPherson s#ru# a3#er #he #h genera#ion E!PF in#ro4ue4 a# #he

    $ear 20007

    (er #he >0 $ears #ha# i# as in use6 #he s$s#em un4eren# se(era a#era#ions #o ma@e

    i# more e33iien#7 !ar$ (ersions ha4 arms o3 eua eng#h running parae bu# #his ause4 a

     probem i#h #he amber ange o3 #he hees hene(er #he ars ma4e sharp #urns re4uing

    #he i3e o3 #he hees7 Neer (ersions sa a sou#ion #o #he probem b$ ma@ing #he #op arms

    shor#er #han #he bo##om arms7


  • 8/21/2019 Review of Vehicle Suspension


    he 4oube ishbone suspension+s name is re3e#i(e o3 i#s 4esign i#h i#s #o

    #riangua#e4 ishbone=shape4 arms an4 a #ra@ ro4 #o gui4e #he hee7 I# is an in4epen4en#

    s$s#em i#h #he suspension spring rappe4 o(er #he sho@ absorber7 !ah ishbone has #o

    moun#ing poin#s #o #he ars hassis an4 one oin# a# #he @nu@e7 he sho@ absorbers an4

    oi springs6 moun# #o #he ishbones #o on#ro (er#ia mo(emen#7 he ishbone arms are

    no# aa$s parae6 an4 are usua$ o3 uneua eng#hs7 !ar$ (ersions ha4 eua eng#h arms6

     bu# #his ause4 #he hees o3 #he ar #o ean ou#ar4 in #urns7 When uneua eng#h arms

    ere 4e(eope4 #he amber hange probem as so(e46 an4 in 3a# beame a huge a4(an#age

     beause i# ma4e #he hees 4e(eop inrease4 nega#i(e amber 4uring (er#ia suspension


    A0$"nt"ges 1 Dis"0$"nt"ges

    A#hough no# as i4e$ use4 urren#$6 #he 4oube ishbone has man$ superioruai#ies #ha# ma4e i# one o3 #he mos# use4 suspension s$s#ems in #he or47 ne o3 i#s

  • 8/21/2019 Review of Vehicle Suspension


     primar$ bene3i#s is #he inrease o3 nega#i(e amber as a resu# o3 #he (er#ia suspension

    mo(emen# o3 #he upper an4 oer arms7 his rea#es be##er s#abii#$ proper#ies 3or #he ar as

    #he #ires on #he ou#si4e main#ain more on#a# i#h #he roa4 sur3ae7 ;an4ing per3ormane

    aso inreases beause o3 #his7 Ano#her a4(an#age o3 #his s$s#em is i# aos eas$ a4us#men#s

    o3 amber6 #oe an4 o#her proper#ies7 his pro(i4es #he engineer more 3ree parame#ers #han

    mos# o#her #$pes 4o7 he e33e# o3 eah mo(ing eah oin#6 is simper #o ana$se so

    #he @inema#is o3 #he suspension an be #une4 easi$ an4 hee mo#ion an be op#imi

  • 8/21/2019 Review of Vehicle Suspension


    2) Multi-link Suspension System


    he mu#i=in@ suspension s$s#em6 aso @non as #he in4epen4en# ishbone

    suspension s$s#em6 is a passi(e6 in4epen4en# suspension s$s#em7 I# 3oos simiar prinipes

    o3 #he 4oube ishbone a#hough #he arms o3 eah ishbone are separa#e i#ems7 he mu#i=

    in@ suspension as 3irs# in#ro4ue4 in #he a#e 1%>0s b$ Mere4es=?en< on #he Mere4es=

    ?en< C1117 9or a ong #ime6 #he 4oube ishbone suspension s$s#ems ha(e agge4 behin4

    o#her ea4ing s$s#ems suh as #he MaPherson s$s#em un#i #he pro4u#ion o3 #he mu#i=in@

    s$s#em7 Due #o i#s superior apabii#ies in amber on#ro an4 #he 3a# #ha# i# is signi3ian#$

    igh#er #han i#s ompe#i#ors6 #he mu#i=in@ s$s#em has beome more popuar i#h ar

    manu3a#urers sine #he 1%%0s7


    he mu#i=in@ 4esign uses se(era shor# in@s EarmsF #o a##ah #he hub arrier #o #he

    ars bo4$7 he in@s are on3igure4 #o ensure #ha# #he amber ange o3 #he hee remains

    unhange4 4uring suspension mo(emen#7 oe an4 as#er 4imensions are aso on#roe4 b$

    #he in@s 4epen4ing on #heir ini#ia 4esign geome#r$7 Mu#i=in@ s$s#ems an use as 3e as

    #hree in@s6 up #o as man$ as 3i(e 4epen4ing on #he 4esign7 $pia$ eah arm has a ba oin#

    or rubber bushing a# eah en47 Conseuen#$ #he$ rea# #o oa4s aong #heir on eng#h6 in

  • 8/21/2019 Review of Vehicle Suspension


    #ension an4 ompression6 bu# no# in ben4ing7

    As #he spin4e #urns 3or s#eering6 i# a#ers #he geome#r$ o3 #he suspension b$ #orueing

    a suspension arms7 he$ ha(e ompe5 pi(o# s$s#ems 4esigne4 #o ao #his #o happen7 Car

    manu3a#urers aim #ha# #his s$s#em gi(es e(en be##er roa4=ho4ing proper#ies6 beause a

    #he (arious oin#s ma@e #he suspension amos# in3ini#e$ a4us#abe7 Mu#i=in@ arrangemen#s

    are use4 on bo#h #he 3ron# an4 #he rear suspensions7 Sine #here isn# a singe se# mu#i=in@

  • 8/21/2019 Review of Vehicle Suspension


    se#up6 4i33eren# manu3a#urers us#omi

  • 8/21/2019 Review of Vehicle Suspension


    I#s prinipe a4(an#age o(er o#her ea4ing ompe#i#ors is in i#s abii#$ #o on#ro

    amber6 #oe an4 as#er7 I#s ompe#e 3e5ibii#$ an4 us#omi

  • 8/21/2019 Review of Vehicle Suspension


    3) MacPherson Strut 


    Ano#her or4 renone4 suspension s$s#em is #he MaPherson hih as in(en#e4

     b$ !ar S7 MaPherson o3 9or4 in #he 1%)0s7 Impemen#a#ion o3 MaPherson suspension6

    inu4es 3ron# an4 ba@ suspension is s#i in use4 un#i #o4a$7 his is a s#ru# base suspension

    s$s#em hereb$ #he spring onne#s 4ire#$ #o #he s#eering @nu@e an4 #o #he hassis an4a#s as a in@ in #he suspension7 his i resu# in a simpe an4 ompa# suspension s$s#em7

    he MPherson s#ru# o3#en has a s#eering arm bui# in#o #he oer inner por#ion7 his

    #$pe o3 posi#ioning is surprising$ simpe an4 #his an be pre manu3a#ure4 in#o a par#iuar

    uni# a# #he assemb$ ine7 o ao more i4#h in #he engine ba$6 simp$ us# remo(e #he

    upper on#ro arm6 #his i #hen ease an$ main#enane or@ or engine 4esign reuiremen#s7  

    his 4esign s#ru#ure is (er$ use3u 3or smaer ars6 par#iuar$ i#h #rans(erse=moun#e4

    engines suh as 9ron# engine6 3ron# hee 4ri(e E99F 4ri(e 4esigne4 (ehies7 9ur#her

    simpi3ia#ion is possibe b$ subs#i#u#ing an an#i=ro bar E#orsion barF 3or #he ra4ius arm7 As

    shon in #he #op e3# pi#ure6 #he #op (ie shos #he posi#ioning o3 #he an#i=ro bar7 his i

    aso ease me#ho4 #o se# suspension geome#r$7 his brea@#hrough ea4s #o #he pro4u#ion

  • 8/21/2019 Review of Vehicle Suspension


    o(erhea4s #o be more os# e33e#i(e an4 ma@ing #his a (er$ ommon 4esign se# up in #o4a$s


    Pi#ure beo sho a muh more 4e#ais regar4ing MPherson Suspension S$s#em7


    Genera$6 #his 4esign is sui#abe 3or sma ars 4ue #o o in os#6 has goo4 ri4e

    uai#ies6 an4 has #he ompa# 4imensionsEsma si

  • 8/21/2019 Review of Vehicle Suspension



    MPherson suspension s$s#em an been seen in man$ ars suh as ;$un4ai A#o

  • 8/21/2019 Review of Vehicle Suspension


    ?asia$6 #he #orsion beam suspension onsis#s o3 #o ongi#u4ina #raiing arms

    a##ahe4 #o #he hassis i#h bushings an4 #he hees7 In be#een #he #raiing arms6 a #orsion

     beam is onne#e47 When a hee un4ergoes an impa#6 #he beam i #is# an4 some o3 #he

    sho@ is absorbe46 re4uing i#s #ransmission #o #he opposi#e hee7 he #orsion beam mus# be

    s#i33 enough #o suppor# a#era 3ores 4uring ornering7 ?esi4es6 i# mus# aso 3e5ibe enough

    #o ao #he righ# an4 e3# han4 hees #o 4ispae 4i33eren#$ hen 4ri(ing o(er a bump7

    orsion beam i#h no oa4 appie47 orsion beam i#h oa4 appie4

    In #he ase o3 roing mo#ion here a rea#i(e 4ispaemen# be#een a e3# hee an4 a

    righ# one ours6 #he #orsion beam mus# arr$ (er#ia an4 ongi#u4ina ben4ing momen#s i#h

    minima 4e3orma#ion6 an4 mus# simu#aneous$ ao arge #orsiona 4e3orma#ion o(er i#s

    eng#h7 In or4er #o sa#is3$ #hese reuiremen#s6 a ross=se#ion o3 #he #orsion beam is usua$

    4esigne4 as or H=shape i#h open or ose4 hanne7 he ross=se#iona proper#ies

    inu4ing #he seon4 momen# o3 iner#ia6 #he poar momen# o3 iner#ia6 an4 #he oi o3 en#roi4

    an4 shear en#er are aua#e4 #o e(aua#e #he suspension per3ormane7 ha# is6 #he seon4

    momen#s o3 iner#ia an4 #he ous o3 en#roi4 are use4 #o e(aua#e ben4ing s#resses7 he poar

    momen# o3 iner#ia isu#ii

  • 8/21/2019 Review of Vehicle Suspension


    o#her han46 #he 4isa4(an#age 3or #he #orsion beam suspension is #ha# i# is no# (er$ eas$ #o

    a4us# #he ro s#i33ness7 he #orsion beam aso anno# pro(i4e a progressi(e spring ra#e i@e

    oi springs7


    Pre(ious$6 #here ere ui#e a number o3 ars #ha# appie4 #orsion beam suspension

    suh as Porshe %2)6 %))6 an4 %>86 aguar !=$pe an4 o@sagen ?ee#e7 ?u# sine #he

    4e(eopmen# o3 in4epen4en# suspension6 #he #orsion beam suspension is no# so popuar

    an$more7 he *enau# Megane an4 Ci#roen C) are #he (er$ 3e ar #ha# s#i using #his @in4

    o3 suspension a3#er $ear 20007

    ) Twin !-Beam Suspension


    In 1%>&6 9or4 in#ro4ue4 a ne @in4 o3 suspension hih @non as #in I=beam

    suspension7 his #in I=beam suspension is use4 e5usi(e$ b$ 9or4 an4 i# is #he mo#i(a#or

     behin4 #he 9or4+s ong suess in seing i#s 9=Series pi@up #ru@s7 I# is a sing a5e #$pe

    o3 in4epen4en# 3ron# suspension7 he #in I=beam suspension is ma4e up o3 3e main

    omponen#s: I=beams6 ra4ius ro4s6 I=beam pi(o# bushings an4 bo#s6 ra4ius ro4 bushings an4

     bo#s6 I=beam pi(o# bra@e#s an4 ra4ius ro4 bra@e#s7 ?asia$6 #his #$pe o3 suspension is

    simp$ repae #he #ra4i#iona one=piee soi4=beam a5e i#h #o separa#e suspension beams

    4esigne4 #o mo(e in4epen4en#$ an4 #hen hinging i# a# eah en4s7 ?u# i3 i# is 4one6 so #his

    4esign ou4 rea#e amber issues i3 #he a5es ere simp$ hinge4 a# #he en#er o3 #he ar7 So

    #o so(e #he probem6 9or4 eng#hene4 eah a5e so #ha# eah ou4 be hinge4 near #he

    opposi#e hee beause i3 #he a5e is onger6 #he ess #he impa# on amber7

  • 8/21/2019 Review of Vehicle Suspension


    in I=beam suspension7

    his ne suspension ou4 ao bo#h #ires #o be isoa#e4 3rom one ano#her sine #he$

    are no# onne#e4 4ire#$ an4 #heore#ia$ ao #hem #o s#a$ in be##er on#a# i#h #he roa47

    he 4esign sough# #o ma5imi

  • 8/21/2019 Review of Vehicle Suspension


    #her #han #he a4(an#ages men#ione46 #he #in I=beam suspension i aso pro(i4e

    goo4 han4ing an4 orner beha(ior 3or #he (ehie hie ha(ing e5een# oa4 apai#$7 9or4

    aso aime4 #ha# #his suspension i re4ue #ires ear hie pro(i4e goo4 ro s#i33ness 3or

    #he (ehie7 he #in I=beam suspension is appie4 on #ru@s an4 (ans6 suh as 9or4 9=1&06

    hih is #he a#es# 4esign 3rom 9or4 9=series #ru@s7

    ?u# none o3 #hese s$s#ems are more i4e$ use4 or as (ersa#ie an4 eonomi #han #he

    MaPherson S#ru#7 9or #his reason as e as man$ o#hers shon beo6 i# is #he 4esign e

    hose #o re(ie in 4e#ai7


    F*n0"ment"# .)m "n0 .*n!ti)n ). t(e M"!'(es)n st*ts

    Apar# 3rom a #he o#her #$pes o3 ar suspension s$s#em ou# #here6 e spei3ia$

    hose #he MaPherson s#ru#s #o be 3ur#her 4isusse4 in 4e#ais7

  • 8/21/2019 Review of Vehicle Suspension


    ?asia$6 #he MaPherson s#ru#s onsis# o3 a 3e main omponen#s suh as #he oi

    spring6 upper suspension oa#or6 an4 a sho@ absorber hih are moun#e4 be#een #he #op

    arm o3 #he s#eering @nu@e an4 #he inner 3en4er pane7

    he MaPherson s#ru#s assemb$ an aso be brie3$ 4esribe4 b$ #he #eesopi

    sho@=absorber onsis#ing o3 a #ube6 arr$ing a hee moun#ing a# i#s oer en47 9ooe4 b$

    #he ro4 ha(ing a 3ree en4 an4 being abe #o si4e #hrough #he upper en4 o3 #he #ube6 i# aso has

    i#s heia ompression spring surroun4ing #he sho@=absorber an4 a resiien# onne#ion 3or

    onne#ing #he 3ree en4 o3 #he ro4 #o a bo4$ o3 #he mo#or (ehie7 he onne#ion being

    3orme4 in suh a a$ #ha# #he pane in hih #he ro4 bears agains# #he bo4$ o3 #he mo#or

    (ehie is 4ispae4 beo #he 3ree en4 o3 #he ro4 an4 ha(ing a member subs#an#ia$ in #he

    3orm o3 an in(er#e4 up 3i5e4 a# i#s upper en4 #o #he 3ree en4 o3 #he ro47 hen on#inue b$ i#s

    oer en4 #o an annuar bo@ o3 eas#omeri ma#eria onne#e4 #o #he bo4$ o3 #he mo#or


    he MaPherson s#ru# has a (er$ basi 3un#ion6 hih is #o smoo#h ou#6 4ampens

    sho@ impuse an4 4issipa#e energ$ 3rom #he sho@ #ha# is being e5er#e4 3rom #he hee

    #oar4s #he bo4$ o3 #he (ehie7 When #he (ehie passes o(er a bump6 #he suspension an4

    (ibra#ion 4ampers are ompresse47 he resu#ing sho@ o3 #he (ehie is absorbe4 b$ #he

    suspension7 he suspension pre(en#s #he sprung mass Ebo4$ an4 pa$oa4F 3rom ma@ing

    on#a# be#een #he un=sprung mass Esuspension an4 heesF7 he spring6 #en4s #o s#ore

    @ine#i energ$ in #hem an4 #hen reeasing i#7 In or4er #o ui@$ re4ue an4 eimina#e #his

    springing osia#ion be#een #he a5e an4 bo4$7 he sho@ absorber ou4 #hen a# as a

    4amper #o 4ampen #he (ibra#ion o3 #he (ehie+s bo4$ ause4 b$ une(en roa4s or 4ri(ing

    on4i#ions an4 #o ui@$ re4ue an4 eimina#e roa4=in4ue4 hee an4 a5e (ibra#ion in

    or4er #o pro(i4e ons#an# on#a# be#een #he #ire an4 #he roa4a$7 his heps ensure goo4

    #ra@ing an4 bra@ing per3ormane o3 #he (ehie an4 aso #he om3or# o3 #he passenger7

    Det"i#e0 set *+ ). t(e M"!'(es)n st*t

  • 8/21/2019 Review of Vehicle Suspension


    he MaPherson s#ru# suspension is genera$ in4ia#e4 a# 10 in 9IG 1 an4 inu4es

    #o uprigh# s#ru# assemb$ 12 in#eronne#ing 3ron# hees 1) an4 a (ehie bo4$ 1>7 As

    shon in 9IG7 26 eah s#ru# assemb$ 12 has an ou#er #ube 18 an4 a sho@ absorber 20 3i5e4$

    reei(e4 #herein7 he sho@ absorber 20 has a pis#on ro4 22 proe#ing upar4$ 3rom #he

    upper en4 o3 #he s#ru# ou#er #ube 18 #o be pi(o#a$ an4 resiien#$ onne#e4 #o #he (ehie

     bo4$ 1>7 he s#ru# assemb$ 12 aso has a bra@e# 2) seure4 #o #he oer en4 o3 #he s#ru#

    ou#er #ube 18 3or suppor#ing a s#eering @nu@e 2>7 Aso seure4 #o #he s#ru# ou#er #ube 18 is a

    oer spring sea# 28 3or re#aining #he oer en4 o3 a 3ron# oi spring "0 pae4 aroun4 #he

     pis#on ro4 22 an4 #he s#ru# ou#er #ube 187 he upper en4 o3 #he 3ron# oi spring "0 is re#aine4

     b$ an upper spring sea# "2 hih has an opening permi##ing #he pis#on ro4 22 #o e5#en4

    upar4$ #here #hrough an4 is urge4 b$ #he 3ron# oi spring "0 agains# #he (ehie bo4$ 1>

     b$ in#erposing #here be#een a bearing ") so #ha# #he upper spring sea# "2 is ro#a#abe rea#i(e

    #o #he (ehie bo4$ 1>7 Moun#e4 on #he pis#on ro4 22 a# a oa#ion be#een #he upper spring

    sea# "2 an4 #he upper en4 o3 #he s#ru# ou#er #ube 18 is a bumper rubber "> a4ap#e4 #o 3un#ion

    as a 4amper 3or arge sho@s7 he 3ron# hee 1) is #hus #urn=abe abou# #he en#re a5is o3 #hes#ru# assemb$ 12 #oge#her i#h #he s#ru# ou#er #ube 186 #he oi spring "0 an4 so on7

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    In #he abo(e 4esribe4 3ron# suspension6 #here is pro(i4e4 be#een #he 3ron# oi

    spring "0 an4 #he upper spring sea# "2 a spring sea# rubber "8 3or insua#ion #here be#een7

    he spring sea# rubber "8 has a spring ons#an# hih sharp$ inreases i#h inreasing

    ompression 3ore appie4 #here#o7 When ins#ae4 in pae6 #he spring sea# rubber "8 is

    sube#e4 #o a rea#i(e$ arge pre=oa4 3rom #he 3ron# oi spring "0 an4 #hus gi(en a arge

    spring ons#an#7 Suh spring sea# rubber "86 #here3ore6 anno# su33iien#$ insua#e #he (ehie

     bo4$ 3rom sho@s6 par#iuar$ 3rom sma (ibra#ions bu# aos #he sma (ibra#ions #o be

    #rans3erre4 #hrough #he bearing ") #o #he (ehie bo4$ 1>7 he abo(e 4esribe4 MaPherson

    s#ru# suspension #hus has #he 4raba@ #ha# i# anno# e33e#i(e$ insua#e #he (ehie bo4$ 1>

    3rom sho@s6 par#iuar$ 3rom sma (ibra#ions6 resu#ing in a 4e#eriora#e4 ri4e uai#$7 In

    or4er #o o(erome #his 4raba@6 #he spring sea# rubber "8 ma$ be inrease4 in soi4

    #hi@ness or heigh#7 his6 hoe(er6 resu#s in ano#her probem o3 an inrease4 (ehie heigh#7

    St*!t*"# "n"#-sis ). t(e M"!'(es)n st*t

    ?asia$6 #he MaPherson s#ru#s onsis# o3 #o maor omponen#s #ha# aos i# #o

    smoo#h ou# or 4amp sho@ impuse6 an4 4issipa#e @ine#i energ$7 he 3irs# is #he oi spring

    an4 #he seon4 is #he sho@ absorber E4amperF7

    Coi Spring

    A me#a spring is use4 #o absorb #he impa# oa4s as i# is a o os# me#ho4 #o re4ue

    #he oision spee4 an4 re4uing #he sho@ oa4ing7 he$ are abe #o opera#e in (er$ ar4uous

    on4i#ions un4er a i4e range o3 #empera#ures7 hese 4e(ies ha(e high s#opping 3ores a#en4 o3 s#ro@e7 Me#a springs s#ore energ$ ra#her #han 4issipa#ing i#7 I3 me#a spring #$pe sho@

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    absorbers are use4 #hen measures shou4 be #a@en #o imi# osia#ion7 ;ene6 me#a springs

    are o3#en use4 i#h (isous 4ampers7 here are a number o3 4i33eren# #$pes o3 me#a springs

    inu4ing heia springs6 be(e ashersEone=springsF6 ea3 springs6 ring springs6 mesh

    springs an4 suh7 !ah spring #$pe has i#s on opera#ing hara#eris#is7

    Sho@ Absorber 

    he #$pe o3 sho@ absorber use4 in a basi MaPherson s#ru#s is #he 3ui4 3ri#ion

    sho@ absorber7 I# in(o(es #he 3o o3 3ui4 #hrough a narro ori3ie Eh$4rauisF6 ons#i#u#es

    #he (as# maori#$ o3 au#omo#i(e sho@ absorbers7 An a4(an#age o3 #his #$pe is #ha#6 i# uses

    speia in#erna (a(e hih auses #he absorber #o be ma4e rea#i(e$ so3# #o ompression

    Eaoing a so3# response #o a bumpF an4 rea#i(e$ s#i33 #o e5#ension6 on#roing oune6

    hih is #he (ehie response #o energ$ s#ore4 in #he springs7 Simiar$6 a series o3 (a(es

    on#roe4 b$ springs an hange #he 4egree o3 s#i33ness aor4ing #o #he (eoi#$ o3 #he

    impa# or reboun47 Speiai

  • 8/21/2019 Review of Vehicle Suspension


    #he ar7 Geome#ri ana$sis shos #ha# i# 4oes no# ao (er#ia mo(emen# o3 #he hee

    i#hou# some 4egree o3 amber ange hange or si4ea$s mo(emen#7 his means #he #ires

    i ha(e ess on#a# i#h #he roa4 4uring ornering7 hus6 i# re4ues #he s#ea4iness o3 

    han4ing o3 $our (ehie an4 i# is no# genera$ onsi4ere4 #o gi(e a goo4 han4ing ompare

    #o o#hers7

    ?esi4es6 #he Mapherson s#ru# has a (er$ #a assemb$ or e shou4 sa$ #ha# i# is ui#e

    eng#h$6 ma@ing #he suspension impra#ia #o be appie4 on super rae ars suh as ?uga##i6

    Pagani6 9errari an4 so on7 I# is no# rea$ sui#abe 3or super ars beause superars mus# be

    oB ha(ing o en#re o3 gra(i#$ aos #he ar #o ha(e e(en be##er s#abii#$7


    Mapherson s#ru# suspension aso #ransmi#s noise an4 3ri#ion i#h #he in4 4ire#$

    in#o #he bo4$ she6 ea4ing #o higher noise e(es7 hese are a e5#erna noise resu#ing 3rom

    e5#erna 3ri#ion o3 boun4ar$ a$ers7 In or4er #o re4ue #he noise6 noise re4u#ion or 

    anea#ion an4 isoa#ion mehanisms are nee4e4 #o be appie4 aong i#h #he suspension7

    9igure beo shos (arious #$pes o3 soun4 insua#ion #ha# an be ins#ae4 on#o #he ar7

  • 8/21/2019 Review of Vehicle Suspension


    ?esi4es #ha#6 #he (ehie i 3ae Srub *a4ius Issues7 Mapherson s#ru# euippe4

    (ehies usua$ ha(e nega#i(e srub ra4ius7 he mos# ommon srub ra4ius i be #he

     posi#i(e srub ra4ius7 he a4(an#age o3 ha(ing posi#i(e srub ra4ius is #ha# #he #ire ros as #he

    hee is s#eere46 hih re4ues #he e33or# hen par@ing7 his aso aos grea#er i4#h in #he

    engine ba$6 hih is (er$ impor#an# in some ompa# spor#s ars7

    ;oe(er6 nega#i(e srub ra4ius pro(i4es en#re poin# s#eering in #he e(en# o3 a #ire

    4e3a#ion6 hih pro(i4es grea#er s#abii#$ an4 s#eering on#ro in #his emergen$ si#ua#ion7

    he MaPherson suspension s$s#em se#up ea4s #o Srub *a4ius Issues as i# auses higher 

    4i33iu#ies #o inrease #he #ire i4#h on #he ar7 he on$ sou#ion #o inrease #he #ire i4#h on

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    #he ar is #o inrease #he srub ra4ius o3 #he #ire as i# mo(es #hrough #he range o3 suspension

    #ra(e7 ;oe(er6 #his sou#ion is no# reommen4e4 as i# i #hen inrease si4e oa4ing on #he

    suspension an4 ben4s #he omponen#s7 n #he o#her han46 #here i be a@ing o3 hamber 

    gain7 he s#ru#ura 4esign o3 #he s#ru# suspension auses i##e hamber gain as #he hees

    ro o(er a bump7 his phenomenon i #hen auses #he #ire #o ro in#o posi#i(e hamber as

    #he hassis ros on #he suspension7 hus6 #his resu#s in o(era re4u#ion in ornering poer 

    o3 #he #ire7

    Im+)$ising t(e M"!'(es)n st*ts 0esign

    Hn4esire4 a#era 3ore #ha# is #ransmi##e4 3rom #he hee ine(i#ab$ e5is# in #he

    MaPherson suspension s$s#em7his a#era 3ore is iabe #o ause #he sho@ absorber #o ha(e

    a si4e ear an4 inrease4 in #he 4amper+s inner 3ri#ion7;ene6 4ereasing #he ri4e

     per3ormane 3rom #he suspension s$s#em7 In e5#reme ases6 #he a#era 3ore ma$ ause #he

    sho@ absorber #o ben4 #o a poin# here i# ou4 amme4 up #he sho@ absorber #ube ausing

    i# #o ma3un#ion7

    In or4er 3or #he MaPherson s#ru#s #o 3un#ion i4ea$6 #he en#er a5is o3 #he oi spring

    has #o be oini4en# i#h #he a5is o3 #he sho@ absorber as shon on #he e3# 3ig7 17?u# ina#ua si#ua#ion6 #he oa4 W a#ing 3rom #he groun4 ou4 auses a ben4ing momen# in #he

  • 8/21/2019 Review of Vehicle Suspension


    sho@ absorber6 #he 3ri#ion is inrease4 4ue #o #his ben4ing momen#6 hih resu#s in

    inrease4 in ri4ing 4isom3or#7 ne ommon approah o3 re4uing #his 3ri#ion is b$ using an

    o33se# s#ru#6 shon on #he righ si4e o3 3ig717Wi#h #his #$pe o3 s#ru#6 #he 3ri#ion an4 si4e oa4

    an #heore#ia$ be eimina#e47 ?esi4es #ha#6 subs#i#u#ing a ne si4e oa4 spring i#h ur(e4

    en#erine 3or #he on(en#iona oi spring has been pro(en #o so(e #hese probems an4 aso

    i#h #he hep o3 mu#ibo4$ 4$namis ana$sis ombining i#h 9!A7

    ;oe(er6 #he a#ua si4e oa4 ma$ no# beome

  • 8/21/2019 Review of Vehicle Suspension


    Pi#ure abo(e shos #he s#ru#ura 4i33erenes be#een MPherson E'e3#F an4 Doube

    Wishbone E*igh#F Suspension s$s#em7 We an ear$ see #ha# #he ma#erias reuire4 in

    MPherson are 3ar esser #han Doube Wishbone7 Sine #he MPherson is pro4ue in arge

    uan#i#$6 supp$ing mos# o3 #he ars aroun4 #he or46 #he manu3a#uring os# is 4e3ini#e$

    oer ompare4 #o o#her s#an4=aone suspension s$s#em7 n #he o#her han46 MPherson

    suspension s$s#em 4ispa$s o un=sprung eigh#6 #his is a grea# sap #o o#her suspension

    s$s#em beause #his re4ues #he o(era eigh# o3 #he (ehie hie inreases #he ar+s

    aeera#ion7 In #he ana$sis o3 ar+s aeera#ion6 i# is ruia #o ha(e high #orue engines

    suh as #he 12 engine7 ;oe(er #he eigh# o3 engine inreases #remen4ous$ 3rom > #o 8

    an4 as#$ #o 127 his i #hen a33e# #he aeera#ion as #he o(era ar bo4$ is soer7 In

    simper or4s6 e an ana$

  • 8/21/2019 Review of Vehicle Suspension


    resu#s in #he han4ing s#a@es7 he 4esign o3 MPherson suspension s$s#em is e5#reme$

    ompa# an4 aos 3or smaer o(era hassis 4imensions7 ne o3 #he main reasons h$ #his

    4esign is (er$ ompa# is beause #he s#ru# is (er#ia$ posi#ione47


    ?esi4es #ha#6 #he MPherson s#ru# has a s#eering arm hih is bui# in#o #he oer

    inner por#ion Ehighigh#e4 in re4 oour in #he pi#ure abo(eF7 his assemb$ is e5#reme$

    simpe an4 an be pre manu3a#ure4 in#o a uni# a# #he assemb$ ine7 ?$ remo(ing #he upper

    on#ro arm6 uni@e Doube Wishbone suspension s$s#em6 i# aos 3or more i4#h in #he

    engine ba$6 eases an$ main#enane ob6 mo4i3ia#ion or engine 4esign reuiremen#s7 Wi#hou#

    an upper arm manipua#ing #he boun4ar$6 #he suspension s$s#em 4esigners an 4ire#$ bo@(ibra#ion 3rom reahing #he passenger ompar#men#7 his i #hen ensure #ha# #he passenger

    i 3ee muh more om3or#abe7 ne o3 #he main reasons h$ #he upper arm is no# reuire4

    in MPherson suspension s$s#em is #he presene o3 #eesopi sho@ absorber hih ser(es as

    a in@ #o on#ro #he posi#ion o3 #he hee7 here3ore6 e an sa$ #ha# MPherson Suspension

    s$s#em is a e=baane 4esign7


    o summari

  • 8/21/2019 Review of Vehicle Suspension


    Re.een!es 1F ;e$oo46 76 Muer6 G76 K urose@6 M7 E1%>&F7 in=I=?eam A Hniue ru@

    In4epen4en# 9ron# Suspension7 SA! ehnia Paper6 >&01&"7 4oi:107)21/>&01&"7

    2F Si(eira6 M7!76 asoneos6 '76 K Chris#o3oro6 A7 E2012F7 Numeria simua#ion o3

    #he @inema#i beha(ior o3 a #is# beam suspension using 3ini#e eemen# me#ho47ourna o3 Mehania !ngineering an4 Au#oma#ion 20126 2E>F6 1&0=1&87 4oi:


    "F Sugiura6 ;76 MiF7 p#imi

  • 8/21/2019 Review of Vehicle Suspension

