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  • 8/13/2019 Revista Adolescentul 2014


    Nr. 18

    2014 Colegiul "Ion Kalinderu"


    Misiunea adolescentului e s coaguleze neantul ntr-o stea.

    Vasile Ghica
  • 8/13/2019 Revista Adolescentul 2014




    nvtmntul, ncotro ?.......................................................................................3

    ngerul din ziua de Crciun.................................................................................4


    Farmecul dragostei de Craciun............................................................................8


    Maj.....................................................................................................................14Les filles vs les garcons.........15

    Portum Clavem..................................................................................................16

    Just bits of the sequence joke of the day..........................................................21

    Did you know ...................................................................................................22

    Dulciurileenergia creierului.........................................................................23

    Test de inteligenta...........................................................................................25

    tiinele naturii i rolul lor n viaa de zi cu zi................................................28Amuzamente chimice.....31

    Ce aduce 2014 n materie de tehnologie? ...........34


    Rolul lecturii n viaa elevilor.....................................................................38

    n neptrunsa pdure ecuatorial.....40

    O cltorie ... gastronomic.........................................................................41

    Educaia sportiv a copiilor.........45


    Rezultate n anul scolar 2012-2013..........52

    Anul 2013 n imagini... .....53

  • 8/13/2019 Revista Adolescentul 2014




    mi aduc aminte cu mare plcere de fotii mei profesori, uniidintre dumnealor fiindu-mi acum colegi acum. Cnd treceau pe culoarelescolii, ne lipeam de perete pentru a-i lsa s treac. Aproape c nu mai

    respiram. Nu era frica cea care ne determina s ne comportam aa. Pur i

    simplu i respectam. n acele momente, ne doream cu toii s fim profesori.Comunitatea avea un mare respect pentru preot, medic, profesor.

    Reprezentau tot ce avea ea mai bun. Oamenilor de atunci nu le era ruine

    s-i respecte valorile.

    Anii au trecut i multe lucruri s-au schimbat. Pe la biseric se mai duc persoanele n vrsta care,n ciuda modernismului i libertii, i-au pstrat calitile morale. Medicii i caut de lucru n alte ri

    unde li se recunoate valoarea. Profesorii, indiferent de nivelul de nvmnt la care predau, ncearc s

    supravieuiasc unui sistem care nu i mai vrea. i asta nu pentru ca sistemul este perfect. Dimpotriv.

    Problema este c un om nvat pune ntrebri la care trebuie dat un rspuns. Dac rspunsul nu-l

    mulumete, are tupeui insist. Apoi face cercetri pentru a afla rspunsul corect. Ori asta deranjeaz.

    Pentru descurajare se aplica o politica de subfinanare i ngrdire a drepturilor. Toate guvernele de dup

    1989 au fcut la fel. Promisiuni, promisiuni i iar promisiuni. Asta este politica. Suntem importani o

    data la patru ani sau ori de cate ori trebuie s votam ceva. Dup aceea

    Mai nou, suntem i corupi. Mass media ne-a clasificat. De cteva sptmni, pe orice canal de

    televiziune, se discut cu manie proletar, un caz de corupie. Apoi, se generalizeaz la nivelul

    sistemului. Profesorii sunt corupi. Au cerut elevilor civa lei pe an, celor care au posibilitate financiar,

    pentru a asigura desfurarea n condiii satisfctoare a procesului de nvmnt. Nu este pdure fr

    uscaturi! n unele uniti de nvmnt, mai ales la cele cu pretenii, e posibil s fi fost nclcate

    anumite reguli. Dar de aici pn la acuzaii generalizate, este o total lips de respect la adresa cadrelor

    didactice i a nvmntului n general. Iar pe cei ce fac acest lucru cu atta profesionalism, i ntreb:

    domniilor voastre v-a plcut vreodat la coala? Oare cei ce v-au nvat nu merit un minim respect?

    Pentru c trebuie s fim optimiti, vreau s nchei prin a mul umi tuturor celor care, prin

    rbdarea i profesionalismul lor, au reuit s treac peste toate piedicile ce le-au fost puse i au fcut,

    cum i ct au putut, ca flacra cunoaterii s nu se sting, ba mai mult, s lumineze i mai intens i s

    alunge negura pe care alii doresc s o pstreze.


    Prof. Tudor Gheorghe

  • 8/13/2019 Revista Adolescentul 2014




    n fiecare an de pe 24 Decembrie, n satul Humuleti, se audemai n toate casele, drama pe care Ion a suferit-o cu 10 ani n urm.

    Ion era un copil de vreo 9 ani, pistruiat, cu prul rou ca focul,

    dar singur. Prinii si l-au abandonat ntr-un orfelinat, pe cnd el avea

    2 ani. De atunci, el a suferit enorm din pricina celora care l aveau n

    grij la centrul de plasament, deoarece n fiecare zi era maltratat, jign it

    i mai ales fcut de rs n faa colegilor lui.

    Odat, s-a auzit prin sat, c Ion, la vrsta de 6 ani, muncea pecmp i era trimis iarna s dea zpada din faa orfelinatului, din cauze

    banale, de multe ori inventate de cei de acolo.

    Aadar, rpus de toate greutile pe care le nduta, n Ajunul Crciunului, el a decis s plece

    de la orfelinat. Era ger, iar trupul su firav acoperit de veminte subiri, era din ce in ce mai rece.

    Faa lui era acoperit de nea, minile de abia le mai putea mica, n talpsimea durerea sgeilor de

    frig, dar nainta, lsnd la o parte chinurile care l apsau.

    A mers o bun bucat de timp, pn ce a poposit la marginea unei grdini, a crui gard erambrcat n ururi, copacii purtau veste albe, printre care se vedea drumul presrat cu omt, ce

    prea s nu mai aib sfrit. Mergnd, el a observat c i era din ce n ce mai ru, se simea foarte

    obosit i flmnd, aa c a poposit lng un copac. ncerca din toate puterile s nu adoarm, dar

    oboseala l-a nfrnt. ns, nu aipete bine i cineva l deranjeaz. O femeie mbrcat n rochie

    alb, cu prul rou aprins precum Ion, ochii mari i se scldau n ruri de lacrimi, iar glasul su blnd

    i dulce, nclzea sufletul biatului!

    Ion privea mirat spre femeie i nu nelegea ce se nmpl. Cu toate acestea, trsturile

    asemntoare cu ale lui, o ddeau de gol, biatul dndu-i seama c acea femeie era mama sa. Nu

    tia cum s reacioneze, ce s vorbeasc cu dnsa, ns privirea lui fcea ct o mie de cuvinte.

    Dragostea pentru mam era neschimbat, n ciuda greutilor pe care le-a suferit, n sufletul su era

    soare, dei la exterior, frigul i ninsoarea puneau stpnire pe ntregul loc.

    Femeia l mngie duios pe frunte, apoi i spune:

    -Ion, dragul mamii, s nu uii niciodat c acolo sus te iubete cineva! Cnd i e greu,

    vorbete cu cea mai frumoas stea de pe cer i gndete-te c acea stea sunt eu, iar cnd eti fericit,

    nchide ochii i viseaz c eu sunt mndr de tine, de ceea ce eti i pentru cte ai ndurat. mi vine

    s mor ,cnd m gndesc c nu am putut fi alturi de tine, te rog, iart-m!

  • 8/13/2019 Revista Adolescentul 2014




    Vizibil emoionat, copilul i rspunde:

    -Te iert, mam! Dar promite-mi c nu m vei mai lsa niciodat! mi e tare greu fr tine,

    vreau s vin cu tine, nu m lsa printre acetioameni ri!

    -ngerul meu, peste ctva timp ne vom ntlni, eu te voi atepta mereu!

    Apoi l srut printete, iar biatul nchide ochii. Cnd i deschide, mama lui nu mai era i

    ncepe s o caute, dar n zadar.

    Flmnd,degetele i erau tremurnde, buzele de abia le mai mica, nu a mai putut s i

    continuie drumul, aa c se ntoarce la orfelinat. Ajuns acolo, le povestete tuturor c s -a ntlnit cu

    mama sa i c a vorbit cu ea. Toi copiii au nceput s rd i s l ia peste picior:

    -Ce-ai, Ioane? Ai visat stele verzi?

    -Nu, nu! E adevrat! Am vorbit cu mama, am stat lng ea, am privit-o, i-am examinat

    fiecare fir al prului, fiecare colt al feei, am atins-o i i-am simit dragostea.Copiii au izbucnit n rs, iar unul dintre ei i-a spus batjocoritor:

    -Frate, mama ta e moart de vreo 8 ani, ce tot aberezi aici?

    -Ba nu, nu e! Nu sunt nebun! Am vazut-o, credei-m!

    -Hai las-ne cu prostiile tale, vezi-i de nebuniile tale, dac nu te facem noi s i vezi de ele.

    Biatul a lsat capul n jos i a plecat,iar ceilali au continuat s rd de el. Ion nu tia c

    mama lui era decedat, dar era adevrat. El a fost adus la orfelinat, deoarece mama sa era foarte

    bolnav, iar tatl lui s-a mbolnvit i el dup moartea ei.Se spune, c n grdina n care copilul a stat de vorb cu mama lui, s-au ntiprit pe copacul,

    lng care a poposit biatul, dou aripi de nger, care apar n fiecare an de Crciun.

    Dumitrache Carina

    Clasa a X-a A

  • 8/13/2019 Revista Adolescentul 2014




    Sunt convins c fiecare a experimentat n via iubirea,

    acel sentiment att de profund nct ne tulbur realitatea i ne

    schimb viziunea asupra vieii. Pn nu cunoti iubirea, nuapreciezi un zmbet la adevrata lui valoare, nu simi durerea purtat de o lacrim i nu te pierzi n

    gnduri indescifrabile. Putem privi iubirea ca pe o boal sufleteasc la care nu s -a gsit leac, ns

    simptomele sunt clare. Cnd iubeti te schimbi, priveti viaa n mii de culori, te simi mplinit

    sufletete i consideri c nimic nu i poate distruge fericirea. Dar ce se ntmpl cnd flacra iubirii

    se stinge, ce se ntmpl cu toate sentimentele profunde? E simplu! Se transform n suferin.

    Povestea de dragoste dintre doi tineri ndrgostii, Sara i Cristian, ne arat ct de dureros e

    s menii o iubire ce se destram. ntre cei doi exist o poveste aparte, mult iubire, mult ncrederei sentimente sincere. ns timpul a trecut repede i n drumul sau ireversibil le-a stins flacra. Cu

    fiecare clip petrecut mpreun, cei doi se deprtau din ce n ce mai ru, Cristian devenea

    nepstor i nu o mai privea pe Sara cu aceeai iubire. Cu toate acestea, fata nu a renunat, nu a

    plecat chiar dac avea mii de motive s o fac. A gsit mereu cte un motiv pentru care s lupte n

    continuare i s-a agat de fiecare urm de speran.

    A urmat o iarn rece. Frigul le-a ptruns n adncul inimii i le-a ngheat ultimele

    sentimente. Distana dintre ei devenise mult prea dureroas pentru Sara, pn ntr-un moment n

    care i-a pierdut sperana, a renunats mai lupte i a lsat relaia lor n mna destinului. Aa c cei

    doi au plecat pe drumuri separate, purtnd n suflet drama unei iubiri destrmate. ntr-o zi, Sara a

    ncercat s i elibereze gndurile i a pornit singur la o plimbare printr-o pdure. Crciunul se

    apropia cu pai repezi, deci toat lumea se bucura de magia srbtorilor. n jur, oraul prea c nvie

    de la attea luminie, de la attea rsete i bucurii. Dar pentru Sara nu aveau nicio valoare. S -a

    aezat pe o banc izolat, unde putea linitit s i ordoneze gndurile, dar era contient c timpul

    a lsat mult prea multe amintiri pe care nu putea s le uite. O btrn ce se plimba ntmpltor pe

    acolo, a vzut-o att de trist i abtut i s-a oprit s i mprteasc un secret..

    - Draga mea, nu cunosc motivul pentru care stai singur ntr-o zi aa minunat de iarn, ns

    pot spune, dup privirea ta, c ceva n sufletul tu te doare. Am s-i spun o poveste. Se spune c

    noaptea de Crciun e magic i c prin minune readuce fericirea n viaa oamenilor. Scrie -i dorin

    pe o foaie de hrtie i d-I foc n miezul nopii de Crciun. ine minte, ai voie doar o dorin i

    trebuie s crezi cu adevrat n ea.

    Btrna a terminat de povestit i a lsat-o pe Sara singur s gndeasc la spusele sale. ns fata

    nu a pus pre pe valoarea mistic a povetii, considernd c nimic nu o poate face fericit. Secat de

    speran i cu lacrimi n ochi, continu s lupte pentru povestea ei de dragoste. ncerc din rsputeri

  • 8/13/2019 Revista Adolescentul 2014




    s-i renvie n sufletul lui Cristian flacra iubirii. Indiferent de situaie, fata nu s-a artat afectat n

    faa lui, chiar dac suferina i depea puterile. ns, toat rbdarea fetei a atins cote maxime i a

    decis s pun capt povetii lor exact n Ajunul Crciunului. De abia n momentul despririi a fost

    capabil s simt ntreaga durere. S-a nscut n sufletul ei un sentiment de dreptate i se nvinovea

    c a acceptat prea multe.Cu toate acestea,i dorea s lupte n continuare,dar i -a dat seama c nu

    mai avea pentru ce.

    Singurtatea i era imposibil de neles. Ani ntregi a purtat n suflet doar iubire, iar acum, de

    srbtori, purta suferin. Noaptea de Crciun btea la u. Sara nu era pregtit sufletete pentru a

    se bucura de magia Crciunului. Ea nu i putea lua gndul de la drama sa. i cum se simea

    singur, s-a ndreptat spre banca unde auzise de povestea cu dorina. tia c acolo era singurul loc

    unde nimeni nu-l tulbura gndurile, departe de fericirea oamenilor, departe de magia decoraiunilor

    de Crciun. n acel loc, linitea era mult prea apstoare, iar singurtatea a fcut-o pe Sara s-idoreasc povestea de dragoste napoi. Pe banc era pregtit o foaie de hrtie cu un pix i lng ea o

    cutie de chibrituri. Doar c n momentul n care Sara a nceput s cread n acea poveste, ceasul

    atinsese deja ora 12 noaptea. Cu mult speran n suflet, Sara i -a scris repede dorina i a dat foc

    hrtiei. Simea cum focul i nclzete minile i i lumineaz privirea. Cnd hrtia a terminat de ars,

    a nceput s ard n Sara nerbdarea. i dorea un semn care s-i readuc zmbetul pe fa.

    Spre uimirea ei, primul semn nu i-a readus fericirea. Prin faa ei, a trecut Cristian innd o

    alt fat n brae cu toat iubirea lui. I-a fost greu s l priveasc i s-l recunoasc. Ea l-a vzut doarnepstor n ultimul timp i chiar uitase ce zmbet minunat avea. Cnd l -a vzut n culmea fericirii,

    a simit c lumea ei i pierde rostul. A nceput s-i plng durerea, iar lacrimile tulburtoare i-au

    inundat sufletul. Totui, a gsit puterea s priveasc spre cer i vede o stea cztoare, att de

    luminoas nct i-a luminat chipul i i-a ters lacrimile. Apoi a simit o atingere cald pe umr.

    Cnd s-a ntors a vzut un chip strin, un biat pe care nu-l vzuse niciodat, dar a crui privire a

    reuit s-I readuc zmbetul pe fa. Doar privindu-l, Sara simea cum sufletul i se dezghea,

    simea cum fericirea ptrunde cu ntreaga sa magie n sufletul ei, alungndu-i suferina. L-a prins de

    mn i a simit din nou iubire. Biatul s-a apropiat uor de ea, i-a ters ultimele urme de lacrimi de

    pe obraz i i-a optit:

    - Sunt Fericirea. Am auzit c m cutai.. Mi-am dorit ca de acest Crciun s ntlnesc

    Iubirea i uite, Dumnezeu m-a trimis la tine. O s te nv s zmbeti dinnou, o s i amintesc cum

    este s iubeti, iar, mai apoi, o s-i druiesc toat dragostea mea.

    Pop Diana

    Clasa a X-a A

  • 8/13/2019 Revista Adolescentul 2014




    Dincolo de acest concept numit " realitate ", exist o lume a

    tririlor intense n care se mai gsete, pe ici pe colo, acea idee de "persoan umana " , de fiin n adevratul sens al cuvantului. Cu defecte,

    slbiciuni, temeri, dar cu sentimente sincere, cu dorina de a iubi i de a

    fi iubit i cu toat generozitatea n ceea ce privete dragostea adevrat.

    Cu ocazia acestei activiti, mi s-a oferit un prilej pentru a discuta pe

    baza acestui subiect . Nu tiu dac voi fi la fel de elocvent precum sunt n mintea mea , dar voi ncerca s v

    mprtesc toate gndurile mele .

    De aceste sentimente d dovad i personajul meu, Maria, care face cunotin cu acea puternic

    senzaie din care nimeni nu mai scap atunci cnd este cuprins, i anume DRAGOSTEA .Toul a prins via odat cu nceperea unui nou an colar, ea fiind nc o copil n clasa a VIII -a, iar

    Alexandru un adolescent n toat regula, n cls a XI-a. Povestea lor a nceput dintr-un lucru att de banal i

    totui att de important, nct nici ei doi nu i -au dat seama c urma s fie ceva cu adevrat frumos i special


    ntr-o seara de iarn, pe cnd ea se ntorcea de la meditaii pentru examenul la matematic ce urma

    s-l susin a doua zi, s-a nimerit ca atunci s apar el. Un tnr chipe, mbrcat elegant cu prul frumos

    aranjat care o atepta pe ea. n clipa n care privirile li s-au ntlnit, cerul s-a nseninat, fcndu-le loc stelelor

    ce le luminau feele uor timide. Atmosfera era parc desprins din poveti: luna plin, parfumul srbtorilorde iarn, Carul Mare pe care-l priveau minute n ir inndu-se de mn i mai ales lucrul ce a fcut ca finalul

    acelei seri s fie perfect ... srutul.

    A doua zi, n timpul examenului, Maria era att de vistoare i se gndea numai la el, la seara

    trecut, dar era att de sigur pe ea , nct dup ce a aflat nota final i-a dat seama c de fapt el i purtase

    noroc. Dup o perioad de vorbit non stop, la telefon, pe Internet, cei doi deveneau pe zi ce trecea mai

    ndrgostii. Lucrul acela banal de la care a pornit totul, era faptul c ei doi erau nscui n aceeai zi de iarn

    a lui Martie. El i spunea mereu Mariei ca ea a fost cadoul lui care s-a nscut atunci cnd el a implinit 3

    aniori. i plcea s o vad cum zmbete aa ca ntr-o zi, cei doi ndrgostii i-au luat inima n dini i s-au

    hotrt ca i prinii ei s afle de existena acestui cuplu. Astfel, n Ajunul Crciunului toat familia Mariei l

    atepta cu braele deschise pe Alexandru. Cnd Alexandru o vzuse pe Maria n acea rochi i cu cciulia

    de Crciuni pe cap, a zmbit ncreztor. A strns-o tare n brate i i-a optit uor la ureche Eti frumoas,

    copila mea !. Parfumul lui a rmas n rochia Mariei , iar ea era att de fericit , nct nu a contat faptul c

    afar era ger iar nasul i degetele i degeraser, i tii de ce? Pentru c erau mpreun, pentru c se tia n

    braele lui i pentru c emoiile pe care le avea o fceau s se gndeasc numai la ct de ru ar fi dac familia

    ei nu l-ar fi acceptat . Odat ajuns n cas, tatl fetei le-a trimis pe soia i fiicele lui (Maria mai avea o sor

    mai mic) n buctrie, pentru a putea sta de vorb cu Alexandru ca de la brbat la brbat. Era el potrivit

    pentru prinesa lui? Era capabil s o fac fericit, s o respecte i s o iubeasc ? Avea s fie o poveste

  • 8/13/2019 Revista Adolescentul 2014




    frumoas de dragoste sau doar vroia s i bat joc de ea? Erau nterbri ce-l mcinau pe tatl Mariei. Dup o

    ndelung discuie, acesta ncepuse s prind ncredere n el, aa c le dduse consimmntul. A urmat un

    Crciun perfect pentru cei doi i clipe de neuitat mpreun. Btile cu zpad erau la ordinea zilei, cnile cu

    ciocolat cald i filmele romantice devenisera un obicei, iar ei ei nu vedeau o zi unul fr altul. Vestea

    proast era ca timpul zbura n timp ce vestea bun era ca el era pilotul, iar ea copilotul.Dup cum bine tim cu toii, nu poate fi totul roz mereu, aa c a urmat o perioad de ceart. Gelozia

    i-a cuprins pe amndoi; simeau ceva att de puternic unul pentru altul, nct nu suportau gndul c ar putea

    interveni o a treia persoan. Ea a intrat la liceu, iar el n clasa a XII -a. Tot anul colar s-au tachinat, dar nu

    ntr-un sens bun. Durerea pe care o simeau atunci cnd se pivreau n ochi era inexplicabil aa c bgau

    capul n pmnt cnd treceau unul pe lnga altul. Ajunseser s se evite cnd treceau pe coridor, ns, dei

    erau certai, nu exista loc n inimile lor pentru o alt persoan. Orgoliul era prea mare, tocmai pentru c

    preteniile erau la fel de mari. Pcat c nu erau contieni de faptul c acele clipe petrecute mpreun urmau

    s fie ultimile.ntr-o zi, inevitabilul s-a produs, iar Alexandru s-a mutat, dar nc era prezent att cu gndul, ct i

    cu sufletul pentru Maria. O ajuta cu sfaturi i vorbe frumoase atunci cnd avea nevoie, ns nu mai era la fel.

    Abia atunci i-au dat seama c viitorul va fi mpotriva lor .

    Au trecut aproape doi ani de cnd s-au cunoscut. Chiar dac timpul i-a forat s se schimbe, ei nu au

    uitat unul de altul . Magia srbtorilor de iarn, spiritul , atmosfera i chiar i prima ninsoare din an le-a adus

    aminte de acele momente speciale n care erau ei doi n prim plan, i nu lumea rea din jurul lor. Nimic nu

    mai era la fel! Lucruri ce i fceau s se iubeasc erau acum doar simple amintiri ce durau. Alexandru a fost

    i va fi ntotdeauna acel el din viata ei, iar Maria acea ea pe care a iubit-o i pe care nu o va uita


    Aceast poveste mi amintete de un citat In iubire, totul se schimb, toate devin nsemnate: dintr-

    un nimic se nate un colos! Tudor Arghezi. Vedei cum lucrurile capt un sens atunci cnd brusc apare o

    persoan n viaa ta i te face s simi lucruri pe care nu le simeai nainte? Intr n viaa ta, devine TOTUL,

    iar atunci cnd pleac, rami fr NIMIC .

    n final avrea s v mrturisesc un lucru: aceasta nu este doar o poveste inspirat de pe Internet

    sau culeas din crticelele de poveti ale surorii mele, ci este chiar o poveste real, povestea mea de Crciun

    de acum doi ani. Maria este al doilea nume al meu, iar Alexandru este al doilea nume al lui. Chiar n aceste

    moment port rochia n care parfumul lui nc se simte i cciulia despre care v vorbeam la nceput i nc

    mai am acea sclipire, acel fior pe care-l simeam de fiecare dat cnd vorbeam despre el.

    Megelea Alexandra

    Clasa a X-a A

  • 8/13/2019 Revista Adolescentul 2014




    O zpad grea cdea peste pmnt. Fulgii mari dansau zvpiai i mprtiai peste tot. Un haos albtcut, poate prea tcut. Picturi ngheate de ploaie...

    tii cum picturile sunt osndite s cad i s se nruiasc, cnd ating pmntul rece. Precum visele

    ce ating realitatea. i ai observat i voi, dragilor, c, privindu-le, o somnolen ne acapareaz trupurile?

    Poate c acesta e blestemul lor. S nu poat fi auzite. S trag cu ele i taina ce-o poart. Un vnt rece s le

    dezordoneze i zpceasc...

    Dar ninsoarea nu spune nimic.

    Iureul alb se dezlnuia i deasupra lagrului

    de deportare i exterminare nazist. Pe placa mare i rece

    postat pe imensele pori se putea citi AUSCHWITZ,

    cu litere sumbre. Vntul era mai nteit prin acele pri.

    Pn i strigtul copacilor aplecai nghea sngele n

    vene. Un paznic solid ddea trcoale n curtea nchisorii

    mortuare, cu pai greoi. uba groas de trei palme l

    fcea s arate ca un urs sleit deputeri care-i cuta hrana i se uita la cerul care nu voia s se nsenineze.

    n interiorul cldirii negre, dup ua din fier masiv, sute de oameni mncai de fum, tciuni ifuningine lucrau de zor. Centralele urlau de foame ncontinuu, lund parc cu fo ra i cte o pictura din

    fragila via a prizonierilor. Fee arse i mini uscate. Mini ce nu au voie s trndveasc.

    Apucnd o lopat, un schelet de om a czut odat cu ea pe podeaua cald. Respira greu i ochii i se

    nchideau ncet.

    - Cohen! se auzi vocea unui camarad care s-a apropiat nevzut de rnit.

    - Cohen, m auzi? Cohen, deschide ochii!

    Dup dou palme, aa-zisul Cohen se dezmetici i deschise ochii, tuind din greu.

    - Aa, prietene, d afar scoate tot scoate mizeria aia din plmni! urma salvatorul.

    - Dorn nguib muribundul. Dorn, vor s-o ia pe Rothe! O duc ntr-un loc pustiu, ascult la mine!

    I-am auzit de nenorocii vorbind o iau pe Rothe!!!

    - Termin! l brusc cel dinti. Tu nici mcar nu mai auzi cu o ureche Rothe acum lipete nite

    tlpici i tu te sperii ca prostu. Hai, sus!

    Dorn l-a ajutat pe rnit s se ridice, dup care l -a btut frete pe umr. El tia foarte bine cu Rothe

    fusese executat trei zile n urm. Mintea lui Cohen era rstlmcit, gndul la soia sa fcndu-l s tremure,

    iar Dorn nu tia dac nnebunise deja, pur i simplu nu accepta nimic, ori nici pentru el sfitul nu era

    departe. Dar continua s zic Da, da i s revin la munc.

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    Pe coridorul lateral vorbeau doi ofieri, din cnd n cnd ipnd sau lovind cu biciul n carnea vie a

    celor mai obosii.

    - Herr Kommandant va fi present ast-sear? ntreb unul din ei, cu o expresie a feei dezolant.

    -Nein, astzi servete masa mpreun cu familia!

    - Vaszic Crciunul acas! S tot mnnci n linite! Herr, pe cuvntul meu, de dou sptmnin-am mai dat pe acas!

    Sunetul asurzitor al centralelor le nfundar vorbele.

    - Ce zi e azi? ntreb un brbat negru ce tocmai cra nite saci cu cenu.

    - 24 decembrie, a rspuns Dorn calm. inuse socoteala tuturor zilelor scurse din clipa n care a fost

    aruncat n acest mormnt viu. De 14 luni ce au prut un deceniu, luni n care a supravieuit. Dar ce scop avea

    aici supravieuirea?

    Tciunii aprini i ardeau trupul. A stat o clip locului, ndeprtndu-se de vpaie. i aducea aminte

    cum o ridica pe micua lui feti s pun steaua n bradul frumos mpodobit. i amintea de zmbetul soiei,

    care intra n camer cu o tav de fursecuri. Imagini a ceea ce a nsemnat fericirea lui i se derulau n faa

    ochilor. Miros de cozonac, de miel proaspt scos din cuptor i voci angelice de colindtori. Tat! striga

    micua cu plete negre

    Acum nimic nu mai conta. Nu mai era real, totul a disprut i disprut rmne. Nicio lumini, nicio

    mbriare, niciun srut. Dorn sttea cu lopata n mna stng ars i cuvntul Crciun nu avea niciun fel

    de semnificaie, niciun impact asupra acestui om de piatr.

    - Dumnezeu e cu noi!!! Ascultai-l! n noaptea asta i va aduce pe lume fiul!!!

    Alt nebun, gndea Dorn. Un brbat aproape dezbrcat, slab mort i cu o barb lung ce-i acoperea

    faa osndit striga cu minile spre cer.

    - Iisus vine la noi! Vine s ne salveze!

    Ceilali muncitori nu-i acordau prea mare atenie; a delira era ceva uzual i incontrolabil.

    - Haaaaaalt! strig un strjer. Nu mica!

    Pustnicul att fcu: cu un rs ciudat rmas n gur, se arunc de pe balustrada amenajat,

    curmndu-i zilele.

    Noroc bun, acum merge la un pahar de vin cu Iisus, gndea Dorn la fel de rece. Ce posibilscpare mai putea fi dac nu moartea? Omul era smintit i irecuperabil

    Spiritele s-au linitit destul de repede i totul a revenit la normal. La normalul unei temnie. Orele

    treceau mult prea ncet i oamenii ncepeau s ias din ritm. Abia dup ce s-a observant o major lips de

    for, oameni mbrcai diplomatic ncepeau s arunce buci murdare de pine, pentru care nenorociii erau

    n stare s se bat. Asta i urmreau: ur ntre semeni, ca i ultima pat de raiune din sclavi s dispar.

    Dorn a avut norocul s prind una i s-a aeza, mestecnd de zor. Aproape uitase senzaia de a

    mbuca ceva. Zmbea fr voie.

    - Pst! Dorn! Psssst!

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    Un bieandru netrecut de 25 de ani, pe numeCaro, ndrgit i ajutat mereu de Dorn, l striga n

    oapt. Acesta se uita mirat.

    - Vino cu mine! contiun Caro.

    - Dac nu te cheam Iisus, nu vin. Nu vezi c mnnc? D-mi pace! rspunse Dorn. Tu ai prins ceva?

    -Nu, nu nu! Ascult-m, n seara asta evdm!Se uita la el ca la un zmintit.

    - Ai mncat pmnt? Vino-i n fire! Las amgirile! contiun Dorn, nghiind i ultima bucic de


    - Uit-te acolo, lup btrn! Replic biatul, artnd spre un ofier mai retras. E totul aranjat. E de-al

    nostru. O s ieim printr-un tunel subteran, afar din mizeria asta! Dorn, vino cu mine!

    Totul era att de rapid. i totui, ce era de pierdut? Viaa oricum nu avea niciun sens ntre pereii

    unei colivii otrvite.

    - Caro...- Avem la dispoziie zece minute s ne facem nevzui i s-o tulim!

    Ochii nzdrvanului biat ardeau de dorin. O poft de via i libertate i curgea prin vene i i-a

    transmis-o i lui Dorn printr-o strngere de mn.

    - Las-m s-l iau i pe Cohen!

    - ...doar pe el, rspunse dup o ezitare. Dorn, acum! Ia-l n cea mai mare subtilitate i linite i


    Nu a ateptat s i se zic de dou ori. Dorn s-a apropiat de prietenul su i, fr s-i mai dea

    explicaii, l-a trt dup el, urmrindu-l pe Caro. Gardienii care mncau i eu nu i-au dat seama ce se

    petrecea, poate doar c cel trt eradus spre un loc mai ferit de foc, unde s poat muri. Dar Cohen nc

    poseda o for, pe care avea s-o dezlnuuie.

    Ajuni lng un perete, salvatorul lor i-a mpins repede printr-o crptur pe care a acoperit-o

    imediat. Locul ntunecat n care s-a petrecut aciunea ferea privirile oricror curioi.

    - S... s fi tu Iisus? vorbea Dorn n timp ce era mpins. Nici nu a apucat s-i vad chipul. Printr-o

    simpl micare, cei trei se aflau ntr-o bezn total. Nici sufletul nu i-l mai vedeau.

    - Rothe! strigCohen. O s... o s-o ia...

    Vocea lui fu ntrerupt de o alta, mult mai puternic i mai binecuvntat.

    - Hai, pe aici!

    Anticipnd urmtoarea ntrebare, Caro continu:

    - Mi s-a spus pe unde este ieirea. n scurt timp, vom da peste un culoar mai larg,pe care trebuie s-l

    urmm sfinete.

    - Caro era nerbdtor. O siguran de fier i acoperea sufletul i trupul i nimic nu-l mai putea opri


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    ntr-adevr, nu trecur zece minute pn cnd coridorul s-a artat. Nu au lipsit trei strigte de bucurie

    i zmbete aduse pe feele zbrcite. Inima lui Dorn btea din ce n ce mai tare, gata s-i sar din piept. Cu

    fiecare rsuflare, presiunea ateptrii era mai mare.

    Simea constant un gust de aer curat, cu care s-i poat umple plmnii negrii. Voia lumin, voia

    libertate i credea n ea. Umanitatea i revenise n trup, parc inima lui nu mai btea degeaba.Cohen i-a dat i el seama ce se petrecea n jurul su i a mrit pasul imediat. Toi trei laolalt

    aproape alergau n sperana s gseasc ceva. Orice...

    - Uite! Ia uite! strig Caro.

    Deaspura lor, o lumini. Era mai mult dect suficient. Ceea ce li se arta era o gur murdar i ud

    de canal. Luminia era doar un corp de iluminat, cci noaptea coborse de mult peste pmnt.

    - Urc-te n crca mea, acum! i porunci Dorn lui Caro.

    Biatul fcu ntocmai i reui s desfac grilajul, care czu pe jos, urmat de un strat moale de

    zpad. Cohen nu-i putu stpni un rs. Caro a fost primul care a urcat, urmnd s -i ridice camarazii de

    suferin. Cupicioarele descule i capul descoperit nu simeau frigul deloc.

    Au rmas nemicai n zpad, privind n neant. Dorn nu tia dac a murit, ori visa. i pipi

    picioarele, iar mai apoi minile. Erau nc la locul lor. Simea n aer un miros plcut.

    - Cozonac! Cozonac i fursecuri! Simii?!

    Caro i Cohen priveau spre el rznd.

    - Deja, Dorn, vrei? l cicli Cohen. Hai s plecm de-aici, pn nu nghem.

    S-au adpostit ntr-un automobil prsit i ruginit. Nu aveau unde s mearg, ce s mnnce ori cu ce

    s se mbrace. Dar erau liberi. Oameni crora li s-a dat voie s priveasc zpada panic.

    Clopotele au btut ora dousprezece.

    - S-a nscut Hristos... spuse Dorn ezitnd. S-a... s-a nscut Hristos!

    - S-o aib n pace pe draga, iubita mea, Rothe... continu Cohen, fcndu-i o cruce strmb.

    - S ne dea putere pn mine! ngn i Caro.

    Dorn nchise ochii. O vedea pe micua cu prul negru rznd i srutndu-l. Nu era departe. i nc

    simea miros de cozonac i fursecuri...

    Cuzuioc Ioana

    Clasa a X-a A

  • 8/13/2019 Revista Adolescentul 2014




    Lhistoire de MAJcestune histoire intressante! Cestlhistoire des troisfilles, troisamies qui

    ontvcuuneexprienceinoubliable. Troispersonnesdiffrentes, troispersonnalitsdiffrentesmaisuneseule

    passion: la langue franaise.

    MAJunpsudonyme pour troisamies. Comment se sontelles connues? Ellestaienttoutes les trois

    les esclaves du franais, ellespartageaient la mme passion.Elles se rencontraientchaquesemaine,

    ellesparlaient de nimportequelle chose etellespartageaientleurs opinions, leursexpriencesprofessionnelles et

    les moments importants de leur vie.

    MAJmagie, amour, joietroisadjectifs pour enseigner le franais. Un peu de magie parceque

    sans magie on narrive riencomprendre, un peudamour parceque sans amour rienna du sensdanscemonde, un peu de joie parceque sans elle, les situations et les vnementsdeviennentcompliqus.

    Cest quoi MAJ? La rponsecestassez simple: musicalit, amiti, jeu. La musicalit de la langue

    franaise qui a la capacit de nous loigner des proccupations

    de la vie contemporaine pour nous plongerdansun mirage

    intemporel de beaut et de raffinement. Lamitiquon a

    dcouvert en travaillant ensemble pour unprojetcommun. Le

    jeu la meilleuremodalitet la plus intressante pour

    apprendre la langue franaise, pourmieuxdchiffrercetuniversmagique.

    MAJ . Voil un mot que lon a form lors dune

    rencontre entre 3 personnes, 3 professeurs de franais qui se sont retrouvs un cours de langue franaise.

    Cest ce cours-ci qui les a runies de nouveau, qui les a mises en contact.

    Mde marguerite.


    Jde jasmin

    Voil un bouquet de 3 fleurs diffrentes tout comme les 3 personnes qui forment le groupe de franais du

    lyce Ion Kalinderu .

    MAJ,cest la MAGIEde lamiti, de la collaboration , de la diffrence entre les 3 personnes . Cest enfin la

    beaut de la langue franaise et de lunion quelle peut crer.


    Professeurs :Vivarelli Antonela

    Sprncean Janina

    Nistor-Marin Mdlina

  • 8/13/2019 Revista Adolescentul 2014




    On ditdepuisquelque temps que les hommesviennent de Mars et les femmes de Venus,

    pour reprendre le titredun clbre best-seller amricain. Le cerveauest-ilprogramm la naissance

    pour que les garons ne pleurent pas etquilssoientbons en sciences? Et pour que les filles

    experiment leurs sentiments et matrisentleuragressivit? On a essay de trouvercettediffrencedans

    les rponses quelques questionsdes filleset des garons.

    Queferaistusitutais riche?

    Jaiderais les pauvres.Jachteraisun club de football.Queferaistusituavais des pouvoirssurnaturels?

    Je feraisun monde meilleur. Je lirais les penses des autres.Queferaistusituavais dun coup 20 ans de plus?Je serais plus responsable.Je regretterais le pass.Queferaistusitupouvaiscontroler le monde?Je feraisdisparatre tout le mal. Je ferais la meilleurequipe de football.Queferaistusitu ton/ta petit(e) ami(e) tetrompais?Je seraisdue. Je la tromperaisaussi.Queferaistusitutais invisible?Jespionneraismescopains. Je ferais des farces aux profs.Queferaistusitucroisais ton idoledans la rue?Je suismonpropreidole! Je luidemanderais un autographe.Queferaistusiturestaisbloqudanslascenseur? Je seraispanique. Je telephonerais 112.Queferaistusilterestaitseulement 5 minutes vivre?

    Je prierais Dieu. Je joueraisFIFA 14.Queferaistusituavais la possibilit de voyager dans le temps?

    Je changeraismon pass.Jiraisdanslavenir.

    Cls. XI A, XII AProf. Sprncean Janina

  • 8/13/2019 Revista Adolescentul 2014




    The desecrated library smelled like stale air and a peculiar scent that could only bedescribed as decaying papyrus. The tall bookshelves lined the walls like a phalanx, looming

    ominously over the sole occupant. A beam of sunlight fought through the din, illuminatingthe left corner of the large atrium in its glow. Specks of dust floated peacefully in the warmrays, and it provided a soothing balm to Michelle's racing heart.

    The library carried an aura that radiated danger and not the typical violent, gory,fatal kind. Instead, the knowledge encased in the many tomes scattered about brought a danger of awareness; those whoread and understood what was contained within each leather-bound piece of history would no longer be engulfed inIgnorance's blanket of protection.

    It was almost enough to deter Michelle away, but not enough to force her to flee. It was difficult to decide whichwas worse. Her decision to visit the ancient library on the corner of town was to fight that ignorance. Many denizens of theinner city had witnessed demonic activity at some point in their life; it almost seemed like devils flocked to the grotesquearchitecture that the edifices presented. However, facing the reality proved too difficult for most people, and instead ofchoosing to arm themselves with the knowledge to defend each other, they chose to deny the very existence of the creatures

    that they heard stories of, hiding underneath their beds.Michelle was not quite so foolish.She dropped her bag down on one of the many tables, staring at it doubtfully when the table creaked under the

    weight. After ensuring that it wouldn't collapse, Michelle surveyed the large room around her, wondering where to begin.The building had been left unoccupied for some time, so electricity and heating were no longer present. The chilly

    autumn air breezed through the windows whose glass was broken from weathering and teenagers who thought it fun andentertaining to toss rocks and cause a ruckus. It had been years since the library had a caretaker, and while the room causedunease in Michelle, she would rather not have an audience; solidarity suited her just fine. She much preferred the tranquilityof an abandoned library, than one filled with people researching beside her. While not much of a loner, she would oftenchoose 'quiet' over 'company.'

    "I better get to work before the sun goes down," she reminded. She had packed a flashlight for when that happened,but seeing the room for the first time didn't give her the courage to stay after dark. "Now where to begin?"

    The absence of a card catalogue did less to deter Michelle than she initially thought it would. Due to its age andlack of care, the books and journals were scattered everywhere, rendering the use of a card catalogue pointless. And whilesearching on a computer might give her the answers she desired, she didn't want to chance the government filtering any of thefacts.

    "I suppose it's better to just go through the books one-by-one."Not bothering to grab a chair, Michelle pulled over an adjacent table that looked sturdier than the others and

    started piling books on it. She grabbed what looked the most interesting, planning on reading those more thoroughly once shereturned home. At that moment, however, she was attempting to trace the demonic presence back to its roots. Anything andeverything about the origins of demons fact or fiction was laid about the table in a specific pile. The hardest part of herresearch was sorting through what was real and what was not; she had no basis on what was 'normal' in the demonic sense.

    Michelle had never seen a demon or witnessed a demon attack. She heard countless news reels about bodies foundand mutilated, but it was difficult to discern if it was the cause of demons, or simply the result of a deranged human withstrange fetishes. Michelle didn't doubt that there were humans more demonic than some of the devils wandering the streets.Many of the pages she scanned seemed to hint at humans willingly giving their souls for demonic power, anyway. She wasn'tsurprised.

    Unfortunately, finding where demonic history started was rather difficult, if not impossible. Theories jumped outat her from every angle, almost every one of them contradicting something of the others. No one seemed to know when thedemons arrived or where they originated. It was all painfully unhelpful. Michelle expected as much: humans only had somuch knowledge at their disposal. The reality is that only a demon would know when and where demons began.

    She impatiently threw down more books with various subjects onto the table. Certain titles and chapters rushed outat her - Sacrifices, Demonic Auras and Their Counterparts, Species and Subspecies, Rituals and Adornments. Some of themstood out to her more than the others, yet none were helpful in tracing anything backwards. It seemed that most of the booksonly wanted to go forward through demonic history.

    An uncertain creak kept Michelle from rustling through anymore as the table underneath succumbed to the weightof knowledge. The sound echoed throughout the room. Michelle closed her eyes and held her breath until the last of it drainedout the windows. She glanced at the mess at her feet balefully, wondering whether it was worth the trouble to drag anothertable over. It might just collapse like the one at her feet.

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    "You make quite a racket." Michelle held in a yelp of surprise and turned to face the owner of the voice that shavedfour years off her life. The man held himself regally, donning a blue trench coat and dark pants. His hair, with its strangelackluster shade, was combed back from his eyes. In his right hand he held a sword, whose sheath appeared masterfullycrafted. His face was carefully hidden in the shadows of the room.

    Michelle knew nothing about swords, swordsman, or swordsmanship, but the stranger carried a threat about himthat had her wanting to run. At the same time, his dispassionate glare forced her to stay still. It was difficult to discern

    whether the intruder meant her any harm or not, and that was the cause of her worry."I'm so sorry," she said in a rush, "I thought I was the only one here.""Clearly," he drawled. He surveyed the disarray caused by her perusal of the books and raised an ashen eyebrow.

    Michelle, however, was scanning the room for a possible entry point that the man might have come through. To herknowledge and she admitted that it was limited the library only had one entrance. It was quite possible that a back doorexisted, but she didn't hear it open, which could only mean that the man was present in the library before she arrived.

    "I didn't mean to disturb you," Michelle apologized again, "I was only researching some things." If luck was on herside, the man would yield to her apology and let her continue. She didn't think the library was owned by anyone.

    "This library caters to a specific area of study," the man said. His voice was cool, almost indifferent. Despite that, itseemed like he was more curious about her presence than annoyed, and while his gaze wasn't friendly, the threat that waspreviously present seemed to have taken a backseat.

    Michelle nodded, "I know.""Strange reading material for a girl your age," he remarked. It was at that moment when he chose to take a step

    forward out of the shadows. Now that she could see his features clearly, he was much more handsome than she initiallythought. His hair had misled her to believe that he was older, but his youthful appearance struck her speechless. "There areonly a few reasons why someone would desire to research demons"

    "I'm curious," Michelle breathed, "most people in the city deny their existence, but there has to be more to it. Themayor and other affiliates cover up the demonic presence, and while I'm sure it's to protect the citizens, I don't believe thatignorance is protection of any kind." She didn't know where the desire to explain herself to this stranger came from. His starehad her feeling like dislodging any and all secrets; his eyes tore the truth out of her better than any other interrogationtechnique.

    To her horror, she began to ramble, "People always say that demons aren't real that they're just bedtime stories tomake children behave or something like that. Everyone heard stories of the monster in the closet or the demon under the bed,even the things that go bump in the night, but humans aren't that creative usually, right? Every story has some semblance oftruth to it, like legends or mythology. People witness these things and then make their own assumptions, so it's safe to saythat what goes bump in the night could have been something very real, which people turned into a story as an excuse to denyits existence.

    "For some reason, the idea of ignorance is better for people than acknowledging that there are things out there thatcan easily kill them. It's like a child's idea of hiding under the covers; when they do that, the monsters, no matter how strong,cannot penetrate the down protection that feathers and cotton provide, which makes no sense, actually. But that's how achild's mind works "

    "Enough." His one word, spoken with such a steel authority, made Michelle close her mouth immediately. While theword was harsh, however, his features didn't seem annoyed or irritated. Instead he looked more tired than anything else, andMichelle resisted the impulse to ask if he was okay. His ice blue eyes caught her hazel ones again and his lips thinned in astraight line of displeasure. "Leave."

    Her jaw dropped, "Why?""This is no place for a child.""You don't look much older than me, you know?" Michelle spat, "and do you own this library? I doubt it. I

    apologize for interrupting whatever you were doing and I will try to keep it quiet, but I promise no more than that. I willcontinue to come back until I find whatever it is I'm looking for." She saw his fingers tighten around the sheath of hissword.

    The ten feet of space between Michelle and the man seemed to stretch for miles previously, but with the man'sstartling irritation, that space seemed to suffocate her. His stature seemed larger than life in that moment, demanding respectwhere Michelle had given him none. And while he appeared tired and haggard, his strength was impossible to mistake. If hechose to attack her in that moment, Michelle would not have been able to defend.

    "You know not of what you're dabbling in, girl." Those were his last words before he turned and disappeared backinto the shadows that he appeared from. Michelle stood uncertainly in the same spot for a few minutes, wondering whethershe imagined the confrontation or not. She didn't hear a door close, or even footsteps walking away, so the idea of ahallucination seemed like a plausible excuse. Boy, the man was quieter than a mouse.

    Now uncomfortable with her hidden audience, she hastened to gather her things. He didn't frighten her as much ashis initial appearance did, but there was still a lingering sensation that she should leave, which had nothing to do with hismood. Glancing around, she realized that it would be useless to 'check-out' a book with no librarian, so she simply stuffed a

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    few of the journals into her pack before shouldering it. Sending a hesitant look back at the corner that the regal strangerappeared in, she fled the building with an urgency that wasn't present beforehand.

    Her walk home was less than comfortable. She saw shapes in every shadow and heard noises in every corner. Hermind was plagued with the inevitable, and with each step closer to her apartment, the unease grew. The city had neverlooked as foreboding as that night and the darkness weighed heavily down on her heart. The sun had yet to completelydisappear beyond the horizon, but the orange glow cast over the buildings only served to make Michelle queasy.

    She had walked down the current road many times in her life, yet none of those times carried the danger that thisone did. The chilly air forced its way down her lungs, freezing her bronchi and making it difficult to breathe. She grasped hersweater closer to her form, trying to keep any heat from escaping, yet the chill seemed to reach her bones in a way that wasanything but normal.

    A silence drifted over the roads and alleyways as a dense autumn fog covered the area like a blanket. Michelle wastorn between staying quiet or saying something to break the silence, but the last thing she wanted was to be seen talking toherself. It didn't seem like such an issue, though, because there didn't appear to be any semblance of humanity around. Noone was outside their apartments and only a few lights were on in the large apartment complexes.

    And just when she had begun to calm down, something crashed through the back wall of the alley, leaping into herpath with a painful screech. Michelle swore her ears started to bleed. She stared at the thing in horror, its grotesque skinappearing to molt as it raised its nose in the air to sniff. Its eyes, a horrid red, scanned the emptiness of the night, searchingfor something she couldn't quite see. Claws or were they talons? covered the tips of its long, scaly fingers. Its handsrepeatedly clenched and unclenched in a manner so deliriously human that it made Michelle nauseous.

    All of those things combined couldn't beat the smell, however. Michelle was certain that rotting corpses smelledbetter than whatever the creature was giving off. Her hand covered her nose and mouth in an attempt to block out the fetidodor, but it penetrated all angles of the alleyway. She tried very hard to contain her sound of displeasure, but a groan ofdisgust managed to fight its way through her closed lips. This being was clearly a demon, and it had finally noticed her. Itgave a shriek of acknowledgement, showing its razor-teeth at her.

    "Portum Clavem " it screeched at her, among many other unintelligible words.Michelle liked to believe she was an intelligent woman, and in that moment, the intelligent thing to do was run for

    her life. So, without much prompting, that's exactly what she did. And the demon, in all its glory, gave chase.Some people say that the adrenaline rush from such circumstances gives humans the ability to do many inhuman

    things; lift extremely large objects, jump long distances, run for a longer duration of timeUnfortunately, the same couldn't be said for Michelle. In the wake of her adrenaline, her panic also arose, so

    instead of doing all of these fantastical things which would increase her chances of surviving, the panic powered by heradrenaline made her a running disaster. She stumbled over the shoulder of the sidewalk, crashing into two trash cans. Shegot to her feet as quickly as possible, tripping and sliding slightly in her panic and bolted down the block.

    She needed to find a place to hide, but would the demon be able to track her down? Was the demon looking for herspecifically, or was she just in an unfortunate place at the wrong time? Was this what she got for researching anythingdemonic? Was this what that man meant in the library?

    Her sprint turned into a stumble as her foot fell into a pothole. She tripped and fell forward onto the asphalt of thefreshly oiled pavement. The large and swift footsteps of the demon behind her were easy to hear and she wondered ifscreaming for help would do any good at all. Screams and yells were commonplace in the city, and there was a good chancethat many people would ignore it, so she got to her feet and continued to run in hopes of reaching a decently populated area.The only issue with that plan was that people had taken to setting self-enabled curfews. Very few people wanted to roamthe streets of the inner city after dark, understandably. And while Michelle was one of these people, she had initiallybelieved that she was safe within the sun's setting glow.

    "Someone help me!" The words crawled their way out of her throat in a plea of desperation. She hadn't meant torelease them in such a strangled cry, but the panic running through her system couldn't translate the words in any relativecalm. As she figured, either no one heard her cry for help or no one cared.

    Well, that's what she thought.Gunshots rang out of the night in a flurry of pinpoint accuracy. The bullets hit their target with deadly efficiency;

    not a single one missed its mark. It was both a relief and an onset of new unease, because if this new person wished to harmMichelle in the demon's place, she would have no hope of outrunning them. At least the demon didn't carry a gun.

    Turning toward the new stranger, Michelle found herself surprised to be facing a pair of heterochromatic eyes thataccessed her with curiosity. She also wasn't expecting to face a woman. Nonetheless, she was Michelle's savior.

    "Thank you," Michelle said. Her heartbeat was erratic from her dash through the inner city and she raised a hand toher chest in an attempt to calm it down. The dark-haired woman stared at Michelle for a moment before holstering herweapons and crossing her arms. For a person who seemed to hunt demons for a living Michelle was only guessing thewoman didn't seem to be dressed appropriately for the job, her chest almost falling out of her suited top.

    "Do you live here?" the woman asked, "or are you a traveler?""I live here." The woman shook her head with an incredulous half-smile on her face.

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    "Then you should know better than to walk the streets at this time of night. Go home." The woman began walkingaway, repositioning the large missile launcher on her back.

    How did I miss that?"I can't go home," Michelle blurted. If her hunch was correct, that demon had targeted her specifically. She didn't

    understand what it had called her, or what that might have entailed, but the reality was that her home wasn't safe. Thesafety blanket that her apartment had created was effectively ruined.

    "Why?""That demon seemed to be chasing me down with a purpose. I don't know too much about demons, but if that'strue, then my apartment isn't the safest place," she explained. The woman only looked more intrigued.

    "This is a low-class demon. They survive on instinct, not intellect. Are you suggesting that it was waiting for you tocome home?" Her disbelief caused Michelle some anxiety.

    "Why would I lie?" Michelle pleaded, "I don't know if it was waiting for me, but I think it was following me. Ican't go back there. Please.

    The cool autumn breeze rushed through the street as the street lamps flickered. Michelle began to feel the chill oflate October seep into her bones and she was certain that she began to tremble. Whether the woman could discern that it wasfrom the cold or fear, she didn't know.

    "What's your name?""Michelle.""Michelle, huh? My name is Lady. I think I may know of a place you can stay for the night. I can't guarantee that

    it's the best living arrangements, but it's honestly the safest place I can think to leave you. The owner owes me a few favors,so he won't complain much."

    Michelle expressed her gratitude again and followed Lady down the street, trusting her to get her there safely. Itwasn't in Michelle's right mind to rely on people for things she believed she could control, but her first encounter with ademon left her clinging to the nearest support. She was hoping praying, if she believed in such a thing anymore thattomorrow she would be back to her normal self.

    "It wasn't my intention to cause so much trouble, honestly," Michelle remarked. Lady looked surprised by theremission.

    "I wouldn't call it trouble. There's a reason I'm in the business: to protect people like you who haven't dealt withdemons before. I definitely wouldn't call it an inconvenience; if demons cared about things like that, they wouldn't attackanyone." Lady smiled slightly, gripping the strap to her launcher. She noticed Michelle shooting glances at it. "It must looklike a bit of overkill, huh?"

    Michelle smiled, "maybe a little. I don't think I've ever seen someone tote around a missile launcher. Is that reallynecessary to kill some demons?"

    "I've hunted demons for a while. I'm not really going to go into my reasons, other than I think most of them deserveto die "

    Most?"But there are many occasions where it isn't just one or two demons attacking people. Sometimes it's a whole horde

    of them, crawling and mucking about in a pack. In times like those, Kalina Ann here comes in handy. There are also timeswhere the demons are bigger than the one that attacked you. Having a little extra firepower does a world of good. A ladyloves her toys." She gave a slight laugh at her word play, stopping once she turned the corner.

    The first thing Michelle noticed was the large, red, neon sign hanging above a door to a building that had clearlyseen better days. She couldn't judge what was inside, as her apartment building was lacking in proper elegance as well, but itlooked even more derelict than hers. The words Portum lavem flashed back at her, the 'P' flickering here and there, andMichelle couldn't quite tell what she was looking at. She gave Lady an incredulous look.

    It's pretty much a 'what you see is what you get' venue here," Lady explained. "I'm not going to sugar coat anythingthe place is a pigsty, and the guy who owns it is even more so. But, despite his disgusting idiosyncrasies, it's hard to comeby someone as trustworthy as he is. You'll be plenty safe with him, I promise."

    Though Lady's words meant to reassure her, Michelle couldn't help but feel uncertain. The building didn't seem asseedy as the other places they had passed, but the danger permeating the walls of the surrounding area was stifling.

    Lady strode up the steps with purpose, opening the door without as much as a knock. It was well past ten o'clockin the evening, and Michelle was certain the business was closed, yet that didn't hinder Lady's agenda at all. In fact, Ladyushered Michelle in before her, closing the door and sealing the room off from the harshness of the night air.

    Michelle took a moment to look around, noting that the place was, as Lady had kindly put it, a pigsty. Emptypizza boxes were scattered about the room and the dust was so thick, someone could slice it with a knife. There was a muskyscent in the air that smelled like mothballs or stale bread. There was a staircase to the far left that she imagined led up to theproprietor's room.

    Various instruments were piled underneath the stairs a drum set, many different types of guitars leadingMichelle to believe that the owner was something of a virtuoso, or at the very least knew how to play a tune or two. A

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    jukebox with a refrigerator sat on the opposite side of the room with a small bar in the right corner. A door, which Michellebelieved led to a bathroom, was placed behind the mahogany desk where a man clothed in dark crimson sat with his feet uptop and a magazine in his hands.

    His head was hidden from her gaze, and he flipped through the pages with a nonchalance that matched the interiorof the room. But the most surprising of decorations was the various weapons mounting the walls, as if to mock modern-dayanimal hunters. Demon heads and corpses were mounted on the far wall above the counter-top of the bar. In many ways,

    that was exactly what this man and woman were doing, otherwise 'Demon Hunter' might not have been the appropriatetitle."Dante," Lady said, stopping in front of the idle man's desk, hands on her hips."Whatever it is I owe you, just put it on my tab, like you do every other time," he responded, "I don't have any

    money.""That's not what I'm here for, and if you didn't waste your money so quickly, you might have some to spare." The

    man, Dante, scoffed."The reason I don't have any money is because you always find a way to take it from me, whether through debt or

    payments. I don't have anything. You know where the door is.""Consider this payment for a chunk of the debt, then. I need you to do this." Dante finally lowered the magazine,

    giving Michelle a good look at his features.She was speechless when his eyes caught hers and she was met with a familiar ice blue and silver hair. His features

    were identical to the man she had met earlier that day, but his mannerisms were entirely different and more laid back."Who's this?" Dante asked, gesturing towards Michelle."This is Michelle. She was attacked by a demon when I was finishing up my patrol tonight," Lady responded.

    Dante blinked, staring between the two. His posture hadn't changed apart from the lowering of the magazine."So what?""The demon was trailing her home before it attacked." Dante raised both eyebrows before finally dropping his

    magazine on the desk. He stood up, towering over Lady with a height that was intimidating. He came around the desk tolean back against it, crossing his arms over his chest.

    "Can't say I've never heard that before," Dante remarked, but his interest was clearly piqued; if Lady was making abig deal out of something relatively commonplace, than the Devil Hunter was interested.

    "It is uncommon, but not unheard of. Her apartment, if it's not completely destroyed, isn't safe.""So she needs a place to crash." Lady nodded. Dante continued, "And you think that the best place is here." Dante

    sized Michelle up, scanning her figure. His gaze wasn't lecherous as he looked her up and down, probably wondering why ademon singled her out for an attack. It was clear that he didn't notice anything abnormal about her.

    "You'll do it, right?" Lady prompted, laying a hand on Michelle's shoulder. He sighed before grinning slightly."I'd never turn such a pretty face away," Dante joked. He turned to Michelle, scratching the back of his head in a

    way that would have seemed bashful if he didn't look so mischievous. "It's not a five-star joint, though.""That's fine. Thank you for this, really." Michelle smiled."Well, look at that, a woman with manners. I was wondering whether you all went extinct," he jeered. Lady

    scoffed and, seeing that her work was clearly done, made her way to the door."Tomorrow he'll take you back to your apartment and take a look around, Michelle." Lady strode out the door,

    leaving Michelle alone with the illustrious Demon Hunter. As her luck would have it, she had a hard time trying to not lookat him and he noticed.

    "I would offer my bed to you, but uh" He trailed off, scratching his head."Your room is dirtier than your foyer?" Michelle supplied. "It's fine. I wasn't planning on taking your bed, anyway.

    I appreciate your hospitality." He shrugged, looking completely at ease with the situation."Make yourself at home." He left Michelle to her thoughts as he entered the bathroom through the door behind the

    desk. The sound of running water permeated the stillness and Michelle moved towards the sofa and sat down.The fact that Dante looked almost exactly like the mysterious stranger that confronted Michelle in the library

    couldn't have been a coincidence. She remembered the stranger warning her that she had 'no idea what she was dabbling in,'and reflecting on those words, she realized that Dante and that other man were obviously connected. Perhaps they werebrothers? Just because Dante was a Demon Hunter didn't mean he couldn't have family.

    She laid down on the sofa with the intention of making herself more comfortable, but the results of the frighteningnight that she had experienced had finally set in. Her exhaustion hit her with a ferocity that she was unprepared for and hereyelids felt like lead, weighing down on her. Without proper coherency, Michelle fell into a deep sleep.

    Bogdan KraincevikClasa a X- a A

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    Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He's all right now.

    I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down.

    I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.

    The other day I held the door open for a clown. I thought it was a nice jester.

    I'm glad I know sign language, it's pretty handy.

    It's not that the man did not know how to juggle, he just didn't have the balls to do it.

    I couldn't quite remember how to throw a boomerang, but eventually it came back to me.

    Did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of soda? He was lucky it was

    a soft drink.

    I used to have a fear of hurdles, but I got over it.

    Police were called to a daycare where a three-year-old was resisting a rest.

    Bogdan Kraincevik

    Clasa a X- a A

  • 8/13/2019 Revista Adolescentul 2014





    ... tigers are the biggest cats in the world ?

    ... tigers are the only cats that swim for pleasure?

    ... the smallest cat was 7 cm long adult named Tinker?

    ... elephants are the only mammals that have 4 knees and cant jump ?

    ... all polar bears are left-handed?

    ... the tongue of a blue whale weighs more than an african elephant ?

    ... the ferrets sleep up to 20 hours per day?

    ... the hedgehog is immune to many poisons,being able to survive five grams of cyanide, while a catdies at one gram of the same substance ?

    ... a hedgehogs heart beats 300 times per minute and a blue whales heart beats 6 times per minute?

    ... on our planet there are only 3000 orangutans and 1500 gorillas left?

    ... the fingerprins of a koala bear are so similar to the human ones that the Australian police hastroubles in investigations because of them?

    ... the smallest mammal species is the Etruscan shrew, with only 1.8 grams, and the biggestmammal is the Blue whale with 170 tons?

    ... the biggest ears on the globe belong to the african elephant having a surface of 8 square meters?

    ... orangutans make umbrellas to protect themselves against the rain ?

    ... a hippo can run up to 45 km per hour ?

    ... with a body temperature of 40,7, the wolf is the mammal with the highest body temperature?

    ... the slowest mammal is the sloth; it is so slow that it cannot move faster than 1 km per hour andalgae are growing on its fur?

    ... the platypuss is the only venomous mammal ?

    elev: Ciobanu Teodor, cls. a IX-a A

    prof. Daiana Paraschiv

  • 8/13/2019 Revista Adolescentul 2014




    Dei creierul reprezint doar 2% din greutatea

    corporal, primete 15% din cantitatea total de snge din

    organism, 20% din cantitatea total de oxigen i 25% din

    glucoz necesar ntregului corp. La 57 ml/100 g-min,

    creierul extrage aproximativ 50% din oxigen i 10% din

    glucoz din snge.Glucoza este compusul organic

    aparinnd clasei zaharidelor, ce alimenteaz furnalele din

    mitocondrii ce dau energie creierului. Deoarece neuronii nu pot stoca glucoz, acetia depind de

    fluxul sanguin pentru a le asigura o aprovizionare constant de energie. Glucoza este n mod natural

    obinut din carbohidrai.Cum activitatea mental necesit mult energie, este necesar o dietzilnic bogat n carbohidrai. Un neuron necesit de dou ori mai mult energie dect o celul

    obinuit, deoarece sunt ntr-o permanen stare metabolic. Neuronii nu se odihnesc nici mcar n

    timpul somnului, acetia repar i reconstruiesc structurile componente; din acest motiv dimineaa

    putem gsi rezolvarea unei soluii ce ne-a dat bti de cap n ziua anterioar. Pe baza informaiilor

    acumulate n ziua respectiv se creaz noi legturi ntre neuroni, iar informaiile se solidific.Dac

    v-ai ntrebat de ce este nevoie s dormim att de mult, acesta e motivul. Creierul are nevoie de o

    pauz pentru a-i pune n ordine ideile, altfel, corpul s-ar putea odihni chiar dac nu dormim cistm doar pe scaun sau comfortabil pe canapea.

    Energia gndului

    Ai observat c atunci cnd rezolvai probleme la matematic, sau efectuai o munc intelectual

    obosii mult mai repede dect dac v-ai fi uitat la un film. Munca intelectual poate fi extrem de

    obositoare, iar cnd ne solicitm creierul foarte mult poate aprea senzaia de oboseal i somn, ca

    i cum creierul v-ar implora s i dai o pauz s-i pun ideile n ordine.Ultimele descoperiri au

    artat c atunci cnd suntem foarte concentrai, glucoz se scurge ctre o parte cheie a creierului,asociat cu memoria i nvarea artnd ct de crucial este glucoza pentru o funcionare

    corespunztoare a creierului.Profesorul Paul E. Gold a cercetat nivelul glucozei n creier.

    Experimentele sale fcute pe obolani de laborator au artat un nivel mai crescut de glucoz n

    hippocampus o regiune a creierului necesar pentru nvare i memorie iar nivelul scdea o

    dat cu naintarea n vrst a organismului. Lipsa glucozei nu afecteaz doar memoria i nvatul,

    ci poate mpiedica sinteza acetilcolinei, unul din neurotransmitorii cheie ai creierului.

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    Ce e prea mult, strica

    Probabil v-ai ntrebat, dac tot este att de necesar glucoz, de ce nu este bine s

    consumm mai mult?

    O gustare mic dar bogat n glucoz ridic nivelul de zaharuri n snge dar pentru o scurtdurat. Atunci cnd mncm un aliment bogat n zaharuri pancreasul ncepe s secrete insulina.

    Insulina provoac celulele din corp s depoziteze glucoza pentru a o folosi mai trziu. Acest

    mecanism de reglare este esenial, ns n curnd, glucoz se va sfri iar creierul va rmne fr

    combustibil. Neuronii, neputnd stoca glucoza precum o celul normal, vor intra ntr-o criz de

    energie. Cteva ore mai trziu te vei simi mai slbit, mai confuz i / sau nervos. De asemenea,

    abilitatea de concentrare va suferi. Deficiena de glucoz se numete hipoglicemie i poate duce

    chiar i la incontienta.

    n mod normal, nivelul de glucoz n snge este de 100 miligrame pe decilitru. Adic un

    gram de zahr la un litru de snge, ceea ce nseamn aproximativ 5 grame n tot sistemul circular.

    Atunci cnd consumm o butur rcoritoare bogat n zaharuri de 10 ori mai mult dect aceste

    valorisenzorii din hipotalamus vor comanda pancreasului s secrete insulina, ce va avea ca efect

    scoaterea excesului de glucoz din snge pentru a fi pstrat pentru mai trziu. Chiar i cnd nivelul

    de zahr din snge ajunge napoi la normal, nivelul insulinei rmne crescut deoarece ficatul nu

    poate scoate insulina din snge att de rapid.

    Zaharurile i persoanele diabetice

    Persoanele ce sufer de diabet au anse mai mari de a suferi de probleme mentale o dat cu

    naintarea n vrst. Diabeticii pot suferi i de o ncetinire a procesrii informaiei i o reducere a

    capacitii de memorare.

    Cum poate aprea diabetul

    Dac mai muli ani la rnd, o persoan consuma multe zaharuri i suprancarca circuitul

    sanguin cu acestea, corpul va nceta s rspund la insulina. Receptorii pentru acest hormon nu vor

    mai funciona corespunztor devenind rezisteni la insulina, iar nivelul de zaharuri din snge va

    rmne crescut chiar dac pancreasul va continua s secrete insulina.

    i dac tot am vorbit despre creier i nevoia sa de dulce v propun n continuare un test de



  • 8/13/2019 Revista Adolescentul 2014




    Urmrii problemele de mai jos i rspundei ct mai repede posibil. Avei la dispoziie 20 de

    minute. Succes!

    1. Cea de a aptea lun a anului n curs este: a) ianuarie; b) iulie; c) decembrie; d) aprilie; e)noiembrie.2. A vorbieste opusul lui: a) a aeza; b) a tace; c) a se aventura; d) a captura; e) a degrada.3. Majoritatea cuvintelor de mai jos au ceva n comun. Care dintre ele difer de celelalte?

    a) august; b) februarie; c) octombrie; d) duminic; e) decembrie.4. Completai seria de mai jos:1, A, 2, B, 3, C, 4, D, 5, E, 6, 5. Rspundei cu DA sau NU dac A.M.nseamn PITORESC.6. Scriei numerele lips: 7, 10, 9, 12, 11, 14,

    7. Permanent este opusul lui: a) rar; b) obinuit; c) regulat; d) ferm; e) ntotdeauna.8. ABCD este pentru DCBA, aa cum GFEDeste pentru...9. Care dintre cuvintele urmtoare nu aparin seriei: a) tun; b) casca; c) sabie; d) plug; e) obuz?10. Ce numr nu face parte din urmtoarea serie: a) 12345; b) 678910; c) 1112131415; d)11345678; e)161718192021?11. Un elicopter parcurge n zbor 150 m n secund. La aceeai vitez, ci metri va parcurge n12 secunde?...12. A vindeeste fa de a cumpra c a ofer i fa de: a) a ruga; b) a ntreba; c) a vorbi;D) a oferi; e) a solicita.13. n seria de cuvinte de mai jos, care este cuvntul aflat n plus?A) iarna; b) nava; c) toamna; d) vara; e) primvara.14. Aproape este opusul lui: a) izolat; b) departe; c) grbit; d) exact; e) ncet.15. O feti are 7 ani, iar fratele ei de trei ori mai mult. Cnd sora va avea 10 ani, ce vrst va aveafratele ei?16. Completai seria: 25 2424232222...A) 212119; b) 2021 - 21; c) 2121 - 20; d) 2120 - 20; e) 21 - 2019.17. Cltor/cltorieaceste cuvinte:A) au neles asemntor; b) au neles contradictoriu; c) nu sunt nici asemntoare, nici opuse.18. n 30 de zile, Marian a economisit 50 RON. Care au fost economiile lui zilnice?19. Completai irul de numere de mai jos: 17, 14, 16, 13, 15, 12...20. Trector/trecere- aceste cuvinte:

    A) au neles asemntor; b) au neles contradictoriu; c) nu sunt nici asemntoare, nicicontradictorii.21. Mereueste pentru rar aa cum insuficient este pentru:A) des; b) rar; c) deloc; d) destul; e) prea mult.22. Privii seria de litere care urmeaz: A/bb/CCC/dddd/EEEEE/. Dintre urmtoarele grupe delitere, care este aceea care continua seria: a) FFFFF; b) FfffF; c) ffffff; d) Ffffff; e) ffFFFF; f)FfffFF?23. Rspundei cu DA sau NU dac P.M.nseamn STOP.24.Plrie/Opincuenelesul acestor cuvinte este:A) asemntor; b) contradictoriu; c) nici asemntor, nici contradictoriu.25. Selectai cuvntul care desemneaz obiectul ce nu corespunde seriei:

    A) caiet; b) creion; c) scoal; d) grdinar; e) clas.26. Oamenii inteligeni sunt nenelei. Eu sunt neneles. Eu sunt o persoan important.Presupunei c primele dou afirmaii sunt adevrate. Ultima afirmaie este:

  • 8/13/2019 Revista Adolescentul 2014




    A) adevrat; b) fals; c) fr rspuns.27. Dou din urmtoarele proverbe au neles asemntor. Care sunt acestea?A) Nu poi s faci o rochie de mtase dintr-o blan de urs.B) Azi furi un ou, mine un bou.C) Rostogolirea unei stnci nu aduna muchi.D) Nupoi strica o sculptur spart.E) ncepi s absentezi o zi i uii s mai ajungi la program.28. n seria urmtoare de cuvinte, unul singur se deosebete de celelalte. Care este acel cuvnt?A) colonie; b) mulime; c) echip; d) grup; e) individ.29. Vladimir are aceeai vrst cu Andaluza. Andaluza este mai tnr ca Petric. Costin este maitnr ca Petric.Presupunei c primele dou propoziii sunt adevrate. A treia va fi:A) adevrat; b) fals; c) incert.30. Nicolae este mai nalt dect Petre cu 7 cm. Vasile este mai mic cu 17 cm dect Nicolae. DacPetre are 1,63 cm, atunci ce nlime va avea Nicolae?A) 1,75 cm; b) 1,41 cm; c) 1,55 cm; d) 1,70 cm; e) 1,65 cm.31. Urmrii cu atenie irul de numere de mai jos i notai cte perechi de cifre apar:7534226288314556679211898898911345221211217667.32. Completai seria: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18, 27, 45,...33. VOIsuntei pentru AI EI, aa cum NOIsuntem pentru:A) AL MEU; b) AI LUI; c) AI MEI; d) AL LUI; e) AL EI.34. ntr-o gospodrie sunt rate i iepurai. tiind c sunt 17 capete i 48 picioare, ci iepurai suntn gospodrie?35. Ce numr urmeaz n irul de mai jos?1, 112, 2234, 33345, 44443456, 5555534567,...A) 66264133456; b) 66662342786; c) 6636787901; d) 666623456; e) 666666345678; f)66666564678.

  • 8/13/2019 Revista Adolescentul 2014





    Fiecare raspuns corect se noteaza cu un punct. In final se face scorul total si se raporteaza direct la Scala QI WAIS.



    1 e 1 59

    2 b 2 61

    3 b 3 64

    4 F-7 4 67

    5 NU 5 69

    6 16-13 6 71

    7 a 7 73

    8 DEFG 8 75

    9 d 9 78

    10 d 10 80

    11 3600 11 8112 e 12 83

    13 b 13 86

    14 b 14 88

    15 24 15 90

    16 d 16 93

    17 c 17 95

    18 16666,6667 18 97

    19 11-14 19 98

    20 c 20 100

    21 d 21 102

    22 c 22 104

    23 NU 23 10624 c 24 108

    25 d 25 111

    26 b 26 113

    27 b-e 27 114

    28 e 28 116

    29 a 29 118

    30 d 30 120

    31 10 31 121

    32 72-117 32 123

    33 b 33 125

    34 7 34 128

    35 e 35 133



    98 Mediu-inferior

    99-104 Mediu

    105-109 Mediu-superior

    110-120 Bine

    121-129 Foarte bine

    130 Exceptional

  • 8/13/2019 Revista Adolescentul 2014




    tiinele naturii sunt:

    matematica, fi zica, biologia i chimia.Oamenii de tiin au ntotdeauna o atitudine riguroas,

    teoriile i concluziile emise de acetia, fiind mai nti supuseexperimentrii sau testrii i abia apoi suntacceptate.Valabilitatea unei teorii se stabilete prin:observare, clasificare, teoretizare i testare etapeimportante ale metodei tiinifice.

    Observarea atent a lumii nconjurtoare scoate n eviden dou mari entiti: materia i


    Materia reprezint tot ce are mas i ocup spaiu. Ea include att lucrurile pe care le putemobserva n jurul nostru (apa, solul, pietrele, copacii, mainile etc.), ct i lucrurile care nu pot fiobservate n mod direct, dar care pot fi identificate prin diverse mijloace (aer, alte gaze, atomi, ioni,molecule, protoni, electroni, neutroni).

    Energia reprezint capacitatea de a efectua un lucru mecanic; ea mai poate fi definit dreptcldur, sau ceva anume care poate fi convertit n cldur. Cteva forme de energie sunt: energiaelectric, mecanic, radiant, chimic i nuclear.

    Matematica este un exercitiu al minii, pregtitorpentru marile probleme ale vieii, ale profesiei, ale carierei.Ce altceva poate fi matematica dect saltul peste timp, dela stadiul de gndire empiric, ineficient, la gndireaeuristic, furitoare de creaii noi? Putem afirma ca nu

    poate exista cunoatere care s nu treac prin matematic.Prin intermediul matematicii, oamenii pot atinge limite,care, altfel, li s-ar prea de nenvins.

    Se poate afirma, fr a grei ctu

    i de pu

    in, c


    ele naturii au legtur cu tot ceea ce nenconjoar i c aceste tiine au o serie ntreag de elemente comune i sunt discipline strns legate

    ntre ele.

    Fizica studiaz fenomenele care au loc n natur ielucideaz desfurarea tuturor acestor fenomene, prinintermediul unui numr ridicat de legi i modele matematice.Fizica este cea care ne ofer rspunsuri clare la ntrebri i

    probleme pe care ni le punem nc de la vrste fragede. Deexemplu datorit fizicii putem cu uurin s rspundem la

    urmtoarele ntrebri din viaa cotidian :

    1) Se va topi oare gheaa ntr-o ncpere unde se menine o temperatura de 0C? Argumentai.

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    R: Gheaa adus n camer se va nclzi pn la 0C. Pentru ca ea s se topeasc trebuie s-itransmitem cldur. ntruct temperatura aerului nconjurtor este 0C, schimbul de cldurlipsete i gheaa nu se topete.

    2) O bucat de gheaa este adus ntr-o camer cald. Se va topi mai repede gheaa, dac o vomacoperi cu o blan?

    R: Blana conduce ru cldura, ea reine aportul de cldur la gheaa i topirea se ncetinete.

    3) Este posibil ca seminele de gru puse de toamna n pmnt s degere de frig n timpul iernilorgeroase. n ce situaie?

    R: Dac Pmntul va fi acoperit cu zpad seminele nu vor nghea. Cristalele de ghea iaerul dintre ele nu permit solului sse rceasc.

    4) De ce la ferestre se fac geamuri duble ?R: ntre geamuri este aer, care conduce ru cldura i nu permite s ias cldura din ncpere.

    5) De ce flacra unei lumnri pe vreme fr vnt este ndreptat vertical n sus ?R: Aerul cald, nclzit de flacr, are densitate mai mic i se ridic n sus.

    6) De ce nainte de ploaie afar se nclzete ?

    R: n timpul condensrii vaporilor de ap, din care e format norul se degaj cldur.

    Chimia este tiina materiei care studiazcompoziia, proprietile i transformrilesubstanelor. La fel ca i celelalte tiine alenaturii, chimia este legat de tot ceea ce nenconjoar.

    Viaa oricrei celule vii, nu ar fi posibil dacnu s-ar desfura numeroase fenomene chimice.

    n aer, n apa mrilor, a oceanelor, a rurilor, n sol sau n adncul pmntului se produc n

    permanen fenomene chimice.

    Prin intermediul chimiei i a celorlalte tiine ale naturii, omul a reuit s reproduc acestefenomene n laboratoare, dar s i descopere alte fenomene care nu se produc n mod natural,reuind astfel s-i fac viaa mai plcut i mai uoar.

    nceputurile chimiei ca tiin sunt marcate de descoperirea oxigenului n 1774 de ctreJoseph Priestly i elucidarea ulterioar al sensului adevrat al arderii de ctre Antoine Lavoisier. Peaceste baze, chimitii de la nceputul secolului al XIX- lea au trecut la nlocuirea tradiiiloralchimiste cu legi simple dar riguroase. Chimia epocii moderne este chimia asociat cu metalele,

    materialele plastice, spunurile, detergenii, medicamentele, antisepticele, anestezicele, alimenteleprelucrate, ngrmintele, combustibilii nucleari. Exist un numr foarte mare de substane cu

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    proprieti extrem de variate; substanele chimice sunt constituienii a tot ceea ce suntem, folosimsau vedem.

    Biologia este tiina care se ocup de studiul tuturor

    organismelor vii, precum i al entitilor (virusuri / virui,

    viroizi) i fenomenelor legate de acestea. Termenul a fostcreat i introdus n tiin in 1802 de ctreJean-Baptiste de

    Lamarck iG. Treviranus i provine din cuvintele greceti

    bios, via i logos, cuvnt, discurs, tiin. Cele

    mai vechi cunotine scrise din domeniul biologiei dateaz

    de laAristotel iTeofrast.

    Clasificarea organismelor

    Clasificarea fcut deAristotel (384 - 322)Hr

    Dup Withaker-Margulis,1978

    Clasificarea dupSrbu Anca,1999

    Clasificarea dupMohan GH, 2004

    Clasificare dupAriniI, 2000

    1 2 3 4 5

    Nevertebrate Monera MoneraMonera(Procariote)


    Peti Protista Fungi


    (Protista) Protista

    Broate Fungi ProtistaPlantae(Metaphyta)


    Reptile Plantae Plantae Fungi (Eumycota) Plantae (Plante)

    Psri Animalia AnimaliaAnimalia(Metazoa)


    Mamifere - - - -

    Datorit matematicii, fizicii, chimiei i biologiei omul a reuit s neleag fenomenele ce se

    produc, att n natur ct i n organismele vii, reuind n felul acesta s-i nbunteasc n modconsiderabil viaa.

    Prof. Buruiana Petre Prof. Badica Andreea Prof. Tudor GheorgheProf. Ciobotaru Viorel Prof. Dobrea Mirela Prof. Belu Radu-Valentin

    Prof. Drcea Lavinia
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    1. Cutia de focSepregtetedin timp un amestec de substanedupcum urmeaz:2 g fieer (pilitur),7 g

    sulfat de cupru (piatrvnt),2 g clorurde sodiu (sare debuctrie),1 g clorurde calciu i 1gclorat de potasiu.

    Cnd vreisfaceiexperienn faaprietenilor, folosiio cutie metaliccu capac(exemplu o cutie de ness-cafe) n carepuneio lingurrasdin amestecul de maisus. Adugai1/4 pahar de ap,

    puneicapacul irugaiun prieten sincutia subpretext cmai aveide pregtito experien.Cutia se nclzeteaproape imediat,devenind att de fierbinte inct nu mai

    poate fi inutn mn.

    2 Caloriferul de buzunar

    Pregtiiun amestec de clorurcupric(solid)ipiliturde aluminiu, npariegale, de exemplu cte 5g pentru fiecare.Pentru ca producerea clduriisdureze maimult se amestec aceste substane cu 20g de negrude lemn bine uscat imrunit.

    Cu acest amestec umplem opungde hrtie cerat, opungde plastic mai grossau o cutie

    ca n cazul precedent. Dacse folosesc pungi ele trebuie nchise bine la ambele capete,cu un spaiupentru introducerea apei. Cnd vrem sfuncionezecaloriferul adugmaproximativ 10 ml ap.

    Se va produce o nclzireputerniccare poate dura chiar cteva ore.

    3.iraguri decristale strlucitoare

    n patru pahare umplute pejumtatecu apfierbinte se adaugo cantitate de sulfat de magneziu(MgSO4), de bicromat de potasiu (K2Cr2O7), de sulfat decupru(CuSO4), respectiv alaun de potasiu

    [KCl (S04)2 x 12H2O] pnse obineo soluiesaturat.n fiecare pahar scufundaio adecare atrno micgreutate (pentru a ineaaintins). Cellaltcaptal aeise trece peste marginea

    paharului ise lassatrne.

    4.Cristale bicolore

    Din soluiide alauni se pot obinecristale deosebit de frumoase.tiai?Alaunii sunt sulfaidublii ai unui metal trivalent iai unuia

    monovalent, cu formula general:Me





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    Ei sunt de fapt sruriduble formate dincristale mixte. Cristalizeazn sistemul cubic.Cum se obinalaunii?Alaunul de potasiu KAl(S04)2x12H20 se obineprin adugareaunei soluiiconcentrate de

    K2S04ntr-o soluiecaldde A12(S04)3sub continuagitare.

    La rcire cristalizeaz.Alaunul de crom KCr(S04)2x 12H20 prin cristalizarea soluieideK2S04ia celei de Cr2(S04)3.

    La fel se obintoialaunii. Suspendaipe o acristalizeazviolet de alaun de crom ntr-un pahar cu soluiesuprasaturatde alaun de potasiu.

    Veiobineun cristal alb cu ,,miez violet.

    5. Cristale gigant

    Preparaio soluie saturatde sulfat de cupru,o decantai

    (sau o filtraidaceste cazul) io turnai ntr-un cristalizor.

    A doua zi alegeidin vasul de cristalizare uncristal mai mare il suspendaicu ajutorul unei srme subirisau cu o a ntr-un pahar de laborator n carese aflo nousoluiesaturatde sulfat de cupru,fltratnprealabil. Repetaioperaiazilnic,apoi a doua zile. Veiavea nevoie de vase mai mari pe msurce cristalul se mrete.Dacperseveraiputeiobineuncristal de cteva sute de grame.

    6. Stalactite istalagmite n laborator

    tiice sunt cum se formeazstalactitele istalagmitele?Slalactitele sunt coloane calcaroase fixate de tavanul unor galerii subterane iformateprin depunerea carbonatuluj de calciu dinpicturilede ap.Stalagmitele sunt coloane calcaroase formate pe podeaua unor galerii icare se obincastalactitele.Apele bogate n CO2, trecnd peste roci calcaroase, conduc la reacia:H2O+CO2+CaCO3Ca(HCO3)2 Carbonatul acid de calciu este solubil.Ca atare, apele din zonecalcaroase sunt bogate n bicarbonat de calciu (Ca(KCO3)2).

    Cndpicturileacestei soluiise prelingnpeteri, datoritcurenilorcalzi,se elibereazCO2ise

    depune calcar.Puteiobineopetern miniaturcu stalactite istalagmite.

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    De faptputeiobinecristalizricare simite aceste formaunidin natur.Pentru aceastluaiocutieparalelipipedic , nu prea mare, frcapac. Pe una din laturile mai mici tiaicartonul astfel nct scroii,,gurapeterii.Pregtiipatrubucide sfoarprinse lacapete pe doua cuie. Pregtiiidou pahare de laborator cu soluiiconcentrate de sulfat de rmagneziu (MgSO4) pe carele asezaide o parte ide alta a scutirii in care se introduc cuiele, dar cu posibilitatea satrne

    puinn interiorul cutiei.

    Lsaiinstalaiatimp de o sptmnaipe sfori, n interiorul cutiei,vor apare cristale ceimit stalagmitele istalactitele.

    Dacn soluieturnai ctevapicturide cernealcolorat,atunci se coloreazicristalele.

    7. Precipitate miraculoase

    ntr-o sticlalbde 500 ml turnai450 mil soluiede silicat de sodiu (sau sticlsolubil).

    Aceastsubstanseprocurde la magazinele de chimicale.

    n soluiadesticlsolubilaruncaicristale mici de sulfat de cupru,sulfat feros, sulfat de nichel, azotat de plumb, azotat de cobalt, sulfat de aluminiu.

    Lsaisticla nchiscu un dopsstea cteva ore. Se formeazs