
#6 – “Faithful When Facing the Lions”

Series: Living Faithfully in Babylon

I. How the Lion’s Den Came About

A. Promotion of the Prophet (6:1-3)

Excellent Spirit =Yattiyr (Aramaic) Pre-eminent,

Exceptional, Extraordinary

B. Persecution by Jealous Politicians (6:4-5)

“In fact, all those who want to live a godly life in Christ

Jesus will be persecuted.” 2 Timothy 3:12

“The administrators and satraps, therefore, kept trying to

find a charge against Daniel regarding the kingdom. But they

could find no charge or corruption, for he was

trustworthy, and no negligence or corruption was found in him.”

Daniel 6:4

C. Pronouncement from the Palace (6:6-9)

II. How the Devotion of Daniel Played Out (6:10-17)

A. He Prayed with Consistency (6:10)

“When Israel is captive in a foreign land, they are to pray toward their land, the city Yahweh had chosen, and the house Solomon had built in Yahweh’s name.”

1 Kings 8:46-51

B. He Prayed While His Enemies Conspired (6:11-13)

C. He Prayed While Darius was Constrained (6:14-17)

III. How the Deliverance of God Prevailed (6:18-28)

A. The Lion of Judah vs The Lions of Babylon (vs. 18)

B. The Lord of Heaven Preserves Daniel (6:19-22)

C. The Law of Retribution (6:23-24)

IV. How the Promise of God Was Proclaimed (6:25-28;Ps. 138:4-5)

A. By Royal Decree

B. By Divine Deliverance

C. By Prospering Daniel

“When you face the lions of this world be they at work, at school, or wherever…when you find yourself betrayed, hold on to your integrity. Pray to your God, Trust His deliverance and see with Heaven’s eyes.”

--Dr. Deron Cobb