Page 1: Rick kelo – making economics interesting

Richard Arthur Kelo Making Economics Interesting

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Talking about the economy is not something that most people can stomach. For some reason, the average American has only a limited working knowledge of the way that our nation’s economy works, and it is typically not a topic that comes up in casual conversations. Unfortunately, this means that many Americans are equally disinterested and/or uninformed about politics as well. It might not seem like a dangerous issue, but we need only look so far as the recent election to see the devastating affects that apathy and ignorance can have on our country. Luckily, we are all living in a modern era in which untold amounts of information are available to us via the internet. As contributing members of society, it is our responsibility to inform ourselves on the political and economic workings of our nation in order to make more informed decisions about who we elect to office.

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In response to this, many economists and financial experts such as Richard Arthur Kelo (on Tumblr) have taken to the internet in fun and creative ways in order to get people more motivated to learn about the economy. As an Executive Recruiter with TaxScout, the largest tax professional placement service in the country, Richard Kelo understands the economy inside and out. Not only has he worked in the world of finance for most of his life, he holds a Bachelor’s of Science from the United States Military Academy at West Point, and an MBA from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Despite being a full time professional tax recruitment specialist and balance all the responsibilities of a normal high-position career, he also finds time to consistently update his blog, as well as contribute to a number of other online publications.

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What sets Richard Kelo’s blog articles and posts apart from other economists is the fact that they are easily understood by everyone. What’s more, many of them are simply fun to read. For example, he has written blog posts titled “The Minimum Wage Issue”, “What is the Optimal Progressive Tax?”, “Answering for the 2008 Global Economic Crash”, and “Free Market Capitalism and the Drive Towards Progress”. He has also written posts such as  “Socialism and Star Wars” in which he writes about how the Republic in Star Wars is an example of a socialist structure.For more information, search for Richard Arthur Kelo on DeviantArt, WordPress, or any other blogs to which he contributes.
