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Rise in the Rate of Car Accidents During Summer

This article on accident car rates in the summer season was created by Cameron D Simpson, Personal Injury Attorney of Fort Walton

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Nearly 1.3 million people die in car accidents each year and most of those cases happen during the summer season. The closer this season approaches, the higher car accident rates get. The following are some of the main reasons why this happens:

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Teens on the road

As summer vacation starts, you will often find more teenagers on the roads than adults. According to studies, this demographic spends about 44% of their time throughout the week during summers driving. That means that the number of inexperienced (and possibly inebriated) drivers increases on the road during those months thus leading to more accidents. Since teens are the number one culprits when it comes to distracted driving, this fact is not surprising.

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Inebriated drivers

This is related to teenagers as well as college students who have been let off for the summer. Since most of them are old enough to drink, they are known to indulge even when they are driving. The resulting inebriation has resulted in more fatal car accidents than any other reason. This also includes tourists who often find themselves in accidents when they are forced to slam on the brakes each time they miss a turn or need to get their bearings in an unfamiliar area.

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More traffic

With college, high school students off for the holidays and tourists crowding the roads, is it any wonder why traffic is so congested during summers? Unfortunately, even if the cars are stationary, rising frustration levels often result in high speed crashes when drivers try to overtake each other or try to race through a green light. Since most vacationers are unaware of their surroundings, the chances of driving accidents reach an all time high. Add weaving cars whose drivers refuse to keep arm’s length away from the bumper in front of them and you have accidents just waiting to happen.

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Tire issues and fatigue

The hot asphalt on the roads is not gentle on tires during the summer. Punctures and melting rubber is commonplace in cars on the road during the sweltering season and this can prove fatal on the highway. Couple that with fatigued drivers who spend their nights partying and you have a high accident rate that is not reducing any time soon. Many travelers also prefer to travel by car to save on the cost of a plane ticket, which contributes to the latter.