Page 1: Rocket Lawyer Workplace Solutions FAQ

Workplace Solutions FAQ

Can you walk me through your program?Yes. We’d be happy to provide an online or in-person demo. Contact me at (925) 298-6671 or [email protected] to schedule one today.

What if I already have an EAP?Rocket Lawyer coexists with, and in fact complements, the services provided by an EAP. Current customers consider our solution a deeper, more robust dive into the legal aspect of an EAP, as we offer a breadth of web-based services for unbeatable convenience and coverage.

What if I already offer a voluntary legal option?We have customers who offer Rocket Lawyer in parallel with a voluntary legal program as well as customers who offer Rocket Lawyer in lieu of a voluntary program. Rocket Lawyer differs from a voluntary program in that it’s available to all employees, not just those who opt into a payroll deduction.

Are pre-existing issues covered?Yes. Any personal legal issues that began before the employee began a Rocket Lawyer member are covered, except for matters involving the employer.

How much does it cost the employee?Nothing. Rocket Lawyer partners with the company to offer the membership to all employees as a corporate-sponsored perk, so employees can access the service for free whenever they need it.

How much does it cost the employer?Companies over 100 employees are billed a flat fee that is calculated on a per employee per year (PEPY) basis, and any additional employees hired during the year term arecovered for free. List price is $32 PEPEY, but depending on the number of livesand the length of coverage this can drop to as low as $10 PEPY. Email [email protected] to get a quote.

Companies with less than 100 employees are billed an annual flat fee of $3,000.

Is there a minimum group size or participation requirement?No, there are no minimum requirements.

How many employees typically choose to useRocket Lawyer?The more technological DIY approach helps to employer employees to use the service frequently, for a wider range of issues than they would if they had to engage an attorney through traditional means. Typical engagement rates in the first year are between 20-25% of the employee population.

Can you give me an example of how my employees would use Rocket Lawyer?A good example is creating a simple will. Using a voluntary services or directly hiring an attorney to complete this simple document could take weeks, and might require in-person meetings which would take employees out of the office. With Rocket Lawyer, an employee could create and customize a will and get any quetsions they have answered by an attorney in a matter of hours, without ever having to pick up the phone or leave their desktop.

Ask for a trialEasy to implement. Easy to use. Easy to measure.

(925) [email protected]

Page 2: Rocket Lawyer Workplace Solutions FAQ

Workplace Solutions FAQ

What are the most common reasons employees use Rocket Lawyer?Common areas of interest include Estate Planning, Family & Personal, Real Estate , Landlord/Tenant, Finance, Contracts, and Immigration.

Can employee family members use Rockett Lawyer?Yes. Employees, their spouses or partners, and dependents are all included.

Can employees sue their employer?No. Issues involving a current or past employer are not covered.

How will the program be implemented?All you have to do is give us an encrypted .CSV file of employee names and emails, and then we’ll activate their accounts. New hired can be submitted for activation anytime.

Does Rocket Lawyer help me communicate the benefit to my employees?Yes. Rocket Lawyer will work with you to create customized content to help communicate the benefit to employees, including 1-pagers, demos, Q&A, and more.

How will I know if the benefit is effective?We provide regular tracking and usage reports to help companies measure their employees’ engagement in theservice.

Who uses Rocket Lawyer?Companies like Twitter, Constant Contact, Advent Software, App Dynamics, and more offer Rocket Lawyer as a benefit to their employees to make their lives easier.

Ask for a trialEasy to implement. Easy to use. Easy to measure.

(925) [email protected]
