

Name: Class: Date:



Network Concise Potenziamento • Units 13–16

3– 6

Reading P

1 Which sport are all of these people famous for? Tick (✓) a, b or c.

Roger Federer Rafael Nadal Venus and Serena Williams

a golf b athletics c tennis

Now read the text and check your answer.

Emma King, from South Africa, is only five years old, but she’s already a tennis prodigy. She’s having lessons with top tennis coach Ronnie Getty in California, USA. He’s coached a lot of famous players in his career and 1 a lot of grand slam championships. But he says he 2 a better child player before.When Emma was born, her dad thought, ‘She’s going to be a tennis star.’ He even took a tennis ball and showed it to her minutes after her birth! He gave Emma a tennis racket when she was just one year old, and 3 her to California 4 she was three.A lot of people think that Emma’s father is wrong to her to encourage play tennis at such a young age. They think it’s 5 pressure and she’s not having a ‘normal’, happy childhood with her friends at school. But Emma’s dad says, ‘All the people who’ve seen her play say she 6 a star, that’s why I push her, but if Emma decides she doesn’t want to be a professional tennis player, I’ll accept her decision.’Rafael Nadal’s uncle encouraged him to start playing tennis at the age of three – and today he is one of the world’s 7 players. Ronnie can’t be sure that Emma’s going to become a top world champion too, but he doesn’t think her father is wrong to encourage her, especially when she’s obviously got talent.We need to wait and see what Emma does in her life. One day she 8 decide to stop playing tennis!

2 For questions 1–8 choose the correct word, A, B, C or D, for each space.

1 A has won B have winned C have won D won2 A ’s ever seen B ’s never seen C never saw D didn’t see3 A carryied B taked C has taken D took4 A during B at C when D in5 A enough B not enough C too much D much6 A ’s being B ’s going to be C isn’t going to be D going to be7 A good B first C best D young8 A will B might C is going to D won’t


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Network Concise Potenziamento • Units 13–16

3– 6

Reading P

1 Read the text and the statements about the artist Damien Hirst. True or false? Write T or F. Correct the false sentences.

1 He’s British.2 He started to become famous about ten years ago.3 He’s famous only in the UK.4 He’s very rich.5 He produces artworks with dead animals.6 He once sold a work of art for £111 million.

Damien Hirst: death and diamondsDamien Steven Hirst (born 7th June 1965) is a British artist and entrepreneur. He became famous in the 1990s and is the most well-known member of the Young British Artists, a group which dominated the art scene in Britain during that time. He is internationally famous, and is Britain’s richest living artist.

Death is a central theme in Hirst’s work. For the series of artworks which made him famous, Hirst preserved dead animals (including a sheep and a cow) in formaldehyde. A 14-foot (4.3 m) shark in a glass case, The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, became the iconic work of British art in the 1990s and the symbol of ‘Britart’ worldwide.

Hirst has also made ‘spin paintings’and ‘spot paintings’. Spot paintings consist of bright colours and intricate designs which the artist creates by putting different paints onto a rotating surface. The spot paintings, which are often created by his assistants, consist of lines of different coloured circles.

Hirst has also produced artworks using the human body. In 2007, Hirst created For the Love of God. For this work Hirst covered a platinum human skull with 8,601 diamonds. It cost £14 million to produce and one art fan later paid £50 million for it.

In September 2008, he sold all the artworks in one of his exhibitions. He made £111 million and broke the record for a one-artist auction. He sold one of his works, The Golden Calf, an animal with 18-carat gold horns and hooves, preserved in formaldehyde, for £10.3 million.

In the early 2000s, Hirst experienced some criticism. Some people questioned the originality of some of Hirst’s creations and suggested that he copied other people’s work. He is still, however, Britain’s richest living artist and may continue to be for some time.

2 Write questions for these answers.

1 7th June 1965.2 During the 1990s.3 Death.4 In formaldehyde.

5 A human skull covered with 8,601 diamonds.6 £50 million.7 All the artworks in one of his exhibitions.8 The originality of Hirst’s work.


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Network Concise Potenziamento • Units 13–16

3– 6

Writing T

1 Read the film review of Avatar and number the following (a–j) in the order they are mentioned (1–10).

a the storyb the reviewer’s opinionc where the reviewer first saw itd the name of the filme the main characters

f when and where it is setg when it came outh who directed iti the reviewer’s recommendationj the type of the film

2 Write a review (100–150 words) of a film that you have seen recently. Include this information:

Paragraph 1: The film title, the type of film, its director and when it was first in cinemasParagraph 2: When and where it’s set and the main charactersParagraph 3: Your opinion/what you liked most about itParagraph 4: Do you recommend the film? Who do you recommend it to?

I’m going to recommend a film called Avatar. I first saw it at the cinema when it came out in 2010 and I’ve recently watched it again on television. It’s an animated science fiction film and it was the first ever blockbuster 3D film. The name of the director is James Cameron.

It’s set in the year 2154 on the planet of Pandora. Humans are trying to destroy the planet because they want an expensive and rare mineral found there. The Na’vi people, who live on the planet, are fighting to defend Pandora. The main characters are an ex-marine

called Jake Sulley, and a member of the Na’vi race called Neytiri. The story centres on their love story and the fight to stop the humans.

The thing I liked most about the film is the special effects. The colours and the detail are incredible and the 3D effect is amazing. The story isn’t particularly original, but the visuals are spectacular!

All in all, I loved the film and I really recommend it. It’s an easy film to watch for both children and adults and it’s a film you can’t forget, especially if you see the 3D version.

Film Review



Name: Class: Date:



Network Concise Potenziamento • Units 13–16

3– 6




Writing T

1 Read Sophie’s diary. Has she enjoyed her weekend?

2 Where was Sophie and who was she with at the following times?

Where Who with

1 Saturday morning

2 Saturday afternoon

3 Saturday evening

4 Sunday morning

5 Sunday afternoon

6 Sunday evening

3 Now write a diary about your week (100–150 words). Answer these questions:

• What have you done this week?• What did you do each day?• Where did you go and who did you see?• How do you feel now? Has it been a good week or a bad week?

Did you enjoy what you did or not?• Do you think next week will be good or bad? Why?

This week…





Dear diary….




Network Concise Potenziamento • Units 13–16

3– 6

Speaking T

Student A

1 Imagine you are a famous musician with a concert tonight! Read the questions in the ‘About you’ table and answer them with your own ideas.

About you1 What kind of music are you going

to play at your concert tonight?

2 What time will you go to bed after the concert?

3 Where did you play yesterday?

4 How many concerts have you had this week?

5 How many CDs have you recorded?

6 How often do you meet your fans?

2 Now answer Student B’s questions with complete sentences.

Example:Student B What kind of music are you going to

play at the concert tonight?You I’m going to play heavy metal music!

3 Now imagine Student B is training to participate in the next Olympics. You want to interview him or her. Look at the ‘About Student B’ table. Ask questions with going to and complete the column with his or her answers.

Example: You What kind of sport do you play?Student B I play football!

About Student B

1 What kind of sport/you/play?

2 What time/you/get up/ this morning?

3 What kind of food/you/eat?

4 How many hours/you/do sport/ today?

5 What time/you/finish?

6 Which famous people/you/meet?

Student B

1 Imagine you are training to participate in the next Olympics. Read the questions in the ‘About you’ table and answer them with your own ideas.

About you1 What kind of sport do you play?

2 What time did you get up this morning?

3 What kind of food do you eat?

4 How many hours will you do sport today?

5 What time will you finish?

6 Which famous people have you met?

2 Now imagine Student A is a famous musician with a concert tonight! You want to interview him or her. Look at the ‘About Student A’ table. Ask questions with going to and complete the column with his or her answers.

Example:You What kind of music are you going to

play at the concert tonight?Student A I’m going to play heavy metal music!

About Student A1 What kind/music/you/play/at/


2 What time/you/go to bed/after/the concert?

3 Where/you/play/yesterday?

4 How many concerts/you/have/ this week?

5 How many CDs/you/record?

6 How often/you/meet/your fans?

3 Now answer Student A’s questions with complete sentences.

Example: Student A What kind of sport do you play?You I play football!


Name: Class: Date:



Network Concise Potenziamento • Units 13–16

3– 6

Student B

1 Look at the topics (A–C) and for each one prepare four sentences.

A Working abroadThink about:• Why people go to work in different countries• What kinds of jobs you can do in a different

country• The advantages of working abroad• The disadvantages of working abroad

People go to work in different countries because…

B My favourite bookThink about:• When and where it is set• The main characters• The plot• Why I like it

My favourite book is Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. It’s set in…

C Travel experiencesThink about:• The best holiday you’ve ever had• When and where you went and who you were with• Why it was your best holiday• Where you will/might go for your next holiday

The best holiday I’ve ever had is…

2 Now answer Student A’s questions about your topics.

3 Now look at Student A’s topics and ask him or her questions.

Useful language A What’s your favourite film?B My favourite film is…A Where and when is it set?B It’s set in… during…

Speaking T

Student A

1 Look at the topics (A–C) and for each one prepare four sentences.

A MoneyThink about:• How teenagers spend their money• The best way for young people to earn money• The disadvantages of working and studying• The advantages of working and studying

Teenagers usually spend their money on…

B FilmsThink about:• The kinds of films you like• Your favourite film• Your favourite actor• The best film you’ve ever seen

I like different kinds of films, especially comedies and thrillers…

C Life experiencesThink about:• The most exciting thing you’ve ever done• Where and when you did it and who you

were with• Why it was exciting• If you will do it again

The most exciting thing I’ve ever done is…

2 Look at Student B’s topics and ask him or her questions.

Useful language A What kind of books do you like?B I like…A What’s your favourite book?B My favourite book is…

3 Now answer Student B’s questions about your topics.
