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PO Box 197, Doncaster3108

Rotary Club of Doncaster Inc.


Friday, October 08, 2010 Club Web Site

Editor: Russell GurneyIf you have any comments orquestions, email the editor.

Future SpeakersOct 13 2010Rohan Barnett "Vic Police Helping in theSolomons"

Oct 23 2010Achievement Gala DinnerSpeaker "Assistant Commissioner WendySteendam"

Oct 27 2010Lady Treviot "Family History"

Nov 3 2010Heather Swift "Role of Community Radio"

Nov 10 2010PP Geoff Weeks (RC BoxHill) "Interplast"

Nov 17 2010David Tolstup "Adelaide Conference /Membership Night"

Nov 24 2010David Parkin "Cluster Foundation Dinner "

Dec 1 2010Ken Gibbs "Manningham EmergencyServices"

Upcoming EventsWarrenmang Vineyard &Resort WeekendOct 9 2010 - Oct 10 2010Shopping TourOct 9 2010 - Oct 9 2010Potential Rotary LeadersSeminar [PRLS]Oct 10 2010 - Oct 10 2010Manningham YouthSustainability ForumOct 13 2010 - Oct 13 2010Rotary Leadership - Series 2Week 2 [of 3]Oct 17 2010 - Oct 17 2010Sustainability Workshop DayOct 22 2010 - Oct 22 2010District Foundation Seminar


Next Meeting: Wednesday 6:00 PM for 6:30 PM

Beau Monde International, 934 Doncaster Road, Doncaster

13 OCT 2010

Guest Speaker Rohan Barnett -VictoriaPolice

Greeter and Set Up/Down Krishan Aggarwal Cash Desk Alma Reynolds / Robert Neilson

Chair Paul Kounnas

FROM THE BRIDGEby Reece, Roger

It was a pleasure to welcome Ursula Rakova from theCarteret Islands to speak at another well attendedmeeting. Also to Graham Copsie and Honorary memberLing Lingham who joined us for the evening. Ursula’s presentation illustrated the imminent peril her

community faces as a result of rising sea levels. She is literallyfighting for her people’s survival and from the response of membersI am sure we will look at way’s in which we can tangibly help. In the NewsNext Wednesday, 13th October, the Manningham YouthSustainability Forum is being held at the Manningham FunctionCentre, led by Pat Armstrong and her team. Thank you to everyonewho has volunteered to help at this event. I’m sure it will be a greatsuccess and we look forward to hearing more about how it wentsoon. Achievement Gala DinnerA reminder that the Gala Dinner on Saturday 23rd October is apartners evening and replaces the club meeting on the previousWednesday, 20th October. Jack Tanner & Bob Pitts are organisingthis special evening where the guest speaker will be WendySteendam, Assistant Commissioner of Victoria Police.The price of the 3 course meal, including pre-drinks and canapés isbeing subsidised by the club, and will cost $45. So please support

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Oct 22 2010 - Oct 22 2010Achievement Gala Dinner /Club MeetingOct 23 2010 - Oct 23 2010Salvos Working Bee (2 of 3)Oct 23 2010 - Oct 23 2010Salvos Working Bee (3 of 3)Nov 6 2010 - Nov 6 2010Manningham CulturalFestivalNov 13 2010 - Nov 13 2010RC Boronia Golf DayNov 22 2010 - Nov 22 2010District Foundation DinnerNov 24 2010 - Nov 24 2010TwYlight DiscoNov 27 2010 - Nov 27 2010Rotary Leadership - Series 3Week 2 [of 3]Nov 28 2010 - Nov 28 2010Christmas in the Vines cancelled,Dec 11 2010 - Dec 11 2010Rotary Leadership - Series 2Week 3 [of 3]Feb 13 2011 - Feb 13 2010Walk The Torque 2011Mar 6 2011 - Mar 6 2011Rotary Leadership - Series 3Week 3 [of 3]Mar 20 2011 - Mar 20 20112011 District 9810ConferenceApr 7 2011 - Apr 9 2011

NewsRI 2011 Conference - May 21 to25 New Orleans USA

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this special event by confirming your attendance on ClubRunner orby contacting Jack or Bob ASAP. Sing and Win CompetitionWe have been advised by David Jones, Foundation Director of St.Vincent’s Hospital that Christmas in the Vines has been cancelledfor 2010 due mainly to a number of key artists withdrawing. Theyare very keen for this event to succeed and they will be working onthe feasibility of the 2011 event. However the Sing and Win competition will proceed independentlywith the closing date being extended to the 10th December. This isopen to musically talented people, both young and old so pleaseencourage people you know to upload a video of themselves. Formore information go to District Foundation DinnerGreg King mentioned at the meeting that ‘David Parkin’ will bethe guest speaker at the Foundation Dinner on Wednesday 24th

November at Monte Carlo Receptions, East Doncaster. Please putthis date in your diary, as it is a partners night and will replace ournormal club meeting. It is hoped we will get strong support bothfrom clubs in the cluster and the district. Did you know?How time flies - John Lennon, member of the Beatles, solo artistand peace campaigner, would have celebrated his 70th birthday thisSaturday, 9th October. Track of the week ‘Vide Cor Meum' composed by Patrick Cassidy. The lyrics arebased on Dante’s ‘La Vita Nuova’. Click on the link to relax and enjoy. The weekly brain teaser to keep those grey cells young! Only one of Shakespeare’s plays has the name of an animal in itstitle. What is it? The answer to last weeks question‘What kind of wood are piano keys made from?’ is ‘Ebony’ A few words from author of ‘Living Simply’, Laurie Stockwell ‘Property is not essential, but happiness, a love of beauty, friendshipbetween all peoples and individuals is life itself.’ So as you go about your week, remember what Rotary does bestBuilding Communities Bridging Continents

PresidentRoger ReeceCLUB MEETING 6 OCT 2010

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Please visit our Club WebsiteSponsors.

To place your ad click here.

Attendance: 81%; 39 Members; 2 Guests; 0 Makeups

Meeting Chairman's Report:

Regretfully our earlier Bulletin deadline has resulted in the meeting report beingdelayed until next edition ......... all Editorial staff are off the weekend fellowshipevent at Warrenmang! Needless to say it was a truly inspirational presentation by an inspirational speaker........... well done to Helen for finding time for Ursula to visit our Club during herbusy schedule.


Rotarians in Pakistan boost polioeradication, flood relief. By Antoinette Tuscano Polio eradication workers and resources have been mobilized to supportflood-relief efforts for millions of displaced people in Khyber Pakhtunkhwaand Punjab, Pakistan, many of whom are living in camps with poor sanitation.

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The country’s extensive polio eradication infrastructure is being used to helpassess needs and monitor water-borne and epidemic diseases. Polioepidemiologists and surveillance officers in the worst-affected areas areequipped with vehicles, radios, satellite phones, vital medicines, and potable-water tanks. The floods killed an estimated 1,500 people and have affected more than 20million others, according to the United Nations. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called the disaster the worst that the UN has seen. The flooding has severely strained the region’s health care system, includingthe cold chain, which is critical for transporting the polio vaccine at theappropriate temperature. "The floods all over Pakistan have made polio eradication more difficult andchallenging. We are trying to give polio drops to children in the camps, andwe hope to continue doing it," said Pakistan PolioPlus Committee Chair AzizMemon. "There is a very real risk of a substantial expansion of transmission in thesecond half of 2010," reported the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. Toprevent that from happening, National Immunization Days (NIDs) werescheduled for September and October, aimed at reaching 24 million childrenunder age five. Rotary International funded 90,000 vaccine carriers for theSeptember NIDs. The flood victims have many needs, and throughout Pakistan, the family ofRotary has offered assistance. Rotary and Rotaract clubs in districts 3271and 3272, which cover Pakistan and Afghanistan, are working within theirregion to help provide food, clothing, medical care, and shelter. Kashif Aziz and Baldev Kumar Maheshwari, both doctors in the Rotary Clubof Samaro, Sind, and other Rotarians ran a medical camp at Pir Patho in lateAugust and early September, treating more than 2,300 patients. Rotariansalso distributed 200 bags of food, 2,000 items of clothing, and 300 pairs ofshoes at the camp, under the supervision of club president Nadeem NabiKaim Khani Source: Rotary International News – 4 October 2010

WORLD POLIO DAY - 24 OCT 2010by Reece, Roger

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District Newsletters:

Looking Forward # 11

Past Club Bulletins:


Our web site :

Club Calendar of events and speakers

Missed a meeting? Why not try an online make-up ?

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Mark your diaries: Saturday, 13 Nov 2010 11am to 5pm

We will be hosting a stand promoting Rotary, selling coffee and selling Indian food.

Why not join in ..... an "event" has been set-up in CLub Runner for two shifts plussome assistance with setting up and packing down. [Remember to hit the "volunteerbutton" on your preferred time]

Stay tune for more from Krishan.


Mark your diaries - 2 weeks ... ... until our Achievement program and Achievement Gala Dinner. This Saturday dinner will replace the normal Club meeting on thepreceding Wednesday. Why not join this years participants, their employers and somespecial guests for a great evening. Time: 6:30 pm pre-dinner drinks; 7 pm dinner commences; 10:30 pmGala finishes. Cost: Normally $85 for a sumptuous three course meal, but thishas been subsidised down to $45 per head for Rotarians andpartners. Guest Speaker: Asst Commissioner Wendy Steendam Please opt in via Club Runner or advise Alma your intentions

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ASAP so your booking can be confirmed.

BRETT'S BITSby Brett Stevens

DATES TO REMEMBER - OCTOBER Sun 24 October World Polio Day Mon 15 November ROMAC "Rosa the Russian Beautician" show anddinner MEETING APOLOGIES REMINDERA reminder to notify Catering Officer, Alma Reynolds, if you are not able to attend ameeting.This should be done by email: [email protected] or by telephone 0434 642570. Also don't forget to email your Make-ups to me within 7 days of a missed meeting: [email protected] and please include the date of your makeup. RC BELGRAVE BUSINESS BREAKFAST - OCT 26A must for the early risers!

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RC BORONIA GOLF DAY - NOV 22A must for the golfers in our Club. Please support this annual event .... more detailsand flyer in CLub Runner Events Section.


ANOTHER GOLFING STORY Arthur is 90 years old. He's played golf every day sincehis retirement 30 years ago.

One day he arrives home looking downcast.'That's it, he tells his wife, 'I'm giving up golf. My eyesight is sobad once I hit the ball, I can't see where it went.'

His wife sympathizes, and as they sit down, she says,'Why don't you take my brother with you, and give it one more go.'

'That's no good,' sighs Arthur'Your brother is ninety five. He can't help.'

'He may be ninety five', says the wife, 'but his eyesight is perfect.'

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So the next day, Arthur heads off to the golf course with hisbrother-in-lawHe tees up, takes a mighty swing, and squints down the fairway.He turns to the brother-in-law.'Did you see the ball?'

'Of course I did!' says the brother-in- law. 'I have perfect eyesight.'

'Where did it go?' asks Arthur. 'Can't Remember' NO SEX SINCE 1955 - A GOOD OLD ARMY JOKE A crusty old Marine Sergeant Major found himself at a gala eventhosted by a local liberal arts college. There was no shortage ofextremely young idealistic ladies in attendance, one of whom approached the Sergeant Major for conversation.

'Excuse me, Sergeant Major, but you seem to be a very seriousman. Is something bothering you?'

'Negative, ma'am. Just serious by nature.'

The young lady looked at his awards and decorations and said, 'Itlooks like you have seen a lot of action.'

'Yes, ma'am, a lot of action.'

The young lady, tiring of trying to start up a conversation, said, 'You know, you should lighten up a little. Relax and enjoy yourself.'

The Sergeant Major just stared at her in his serious manner.

Finally the young lady said, 'You know, I hope you don't take thisthe wrong way, but when is the last time you had sex?' '1955, ma'am.'

'Well, there you are. You really need to chill out and quit takingeverything so seriously! I mean, no sex since 1955! She took hishand and led him to a private room where she proceeded to 'relax'him several times. Afterwards, panting for breath, she leaned againsthis bare chest and said, 'Wow, you sure didn't forget much since1955.'

The Sergeant Major, glancing at his watch, said in his serious voice,

'I hope not ma'am, it's only 2130 now.'

BASIL'S BADINAGEby Basil Ornellas

An Odd World .....

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Price savings!


Forthcoming Club CommitteeMeetings:

Fundraising Oct 13 Beau Monde @ 7:30pm Achievement Oct 13 Beau Monde @ 7:30pm BOARD Oct 27 Beau Monde @ 8:00pm


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