Page 1: R.O.W SAFETY SIGNAGE House of Royals n’ Safety INC. Lawrence Beaulieu Don Coyne


House of Royals n’ Safety INC.

Lawrence Beaulieu Don Coyne

Page 2: R.O.W SAFETY SIGNAGE House of Royals n’ Safety INC. Lawrence Beaulieu Don Coyne

Welcome to the new PowerPointHouse of Royals n’ Safety monitors areas with trees, in a scenario like this you should always have a spotter over the site you are working on. Always look for hazards like this when you are doing your F.L.H.A (Field Level Hazard Assessment) prior to work.

Page 3: R.O.W SAFETY SIGNAGE House of Royals n’ Safety INC. Lawrence Beaulieu Don Coyne

Introductory slide

Always use hazard identifiers when obstructing R.O.W work side. This is decreasing the risk of incidents. It is also great visibility for truckers and equipment operators.

Page 4: R.O.W SAFETY SIGNAGE House of Royals n’ Safety INC. Lawrence Beaulieu Don Coyne

Sign in section


The picture of the lath in picture two were in the grass in picture one, NOT visible. Sharp objects such as this are extremely hazardous. Again do a good walk around when you are doing your F.L.H.A. REDUCE RISKS!

Page 5: R.O.W SAFETY SIGNAGE House of Royals n’ Safety INC. Lawrence Beaulieu Don Coyne

Microsoft account explanation

Marking ends of pipe reduces the risk of being dislodged by R.O.W traffic or equipment working in the area.

Page 6: R.O.W SAFETY SIGNAGE House of Royals n’ Safety INC. Lawrence Beaulieu Don Coyne

How Office remembers you

This is the system used by House of Royals n’ Safety to keep traffic off of water courses and also identifying ramps for traffic. Even the skid racks are marked for the equipment working around the area.

Page 7: R.O.W SAFETY SIGNAGE House of Royals n’ Safety INC. Lawrence Beaulieu Don Coyne

Signing in unlocks the cloud

All hazardous blind corners, steep grades and wash outs must be marked with high visibility colors used by House of Royals n’ Safety to ensure equipment operators and other drivers safety. (REDUCE RISKS)

Page 8: R.O.W SAFETY SIGNAGE House of Royals n’ Safety INC. Lawrence Beaulieu Don Coyne

Save section

All material obstructing work side on right of way is marked decreasing the risks on incidents. By marking and identifying hazards it helps emergency units getting to accident site. This increases our time to save a life.

Page 9: R.O.W SAFETY SIGNAGE House of Royals n’ Safety INC. Lawrence Beaulieu Don Coyne

Your work travels with you

All berms should be identified and marked reducing traffic incidents.These berms covered by snow are a very dangerous hazard.This also helps emergency units get to the accident site with out minor delays. Every second counts to save a life.

Page 10: R.O.W SAFETY SIGNAGE House of Royals n’ Safety INC. Lawrence Beaulieu Don Coyne

Saving to the cloud from Office

The skids to your left are wedged underneath the pipeto prevent it from rolling, these skids should have beenmarked and made visible as well. There is still a hazard here, and the skid pile should have been marked as well.

Page 11: R.O.W SAFETY SIGNAGE House of Royals n’ Safety INC. Lawrence Beaulieu Don Coyne

Recent documents being there across multiple devices These markers used

by House of Royals N Safety are very visible at night as well. These markers are used for directional purposes on to bridges - two tones etcetera. Upon noticing these signs use caution, markers identify hazard areas.

Page 12: R.O.W SAFETY SIGNAGE House of Royals n’ Safety INC. Lawrence Beaulieu Don Coyne

SkyDrive folder and Offline SyncArrows indicate where there should have been markers as well.

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