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Nama Sekolah : SMPN 11 Kota Bengkulu

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII C/I

Jenis Text : Recount text

Aspek/skill : Reading

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit

Standar Kompetensi

5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive

dan recount yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Dasar

5.1 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esai pendek sederhana dengan

menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi

dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan recount.


1) Kognitif

a. Produk

1. Merespon gagasan umum dalam teks recount secara benar dan cermat.

2. Merespon makna tekstual dalam teks recount secara benar dan cermat..

3. Mengidentifikasi ciri kebahasaan teks recount secara benar dan akurat.

4. Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika teks recount secara benar dan akurat.


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5. Menggunakan past tense dalam teks recount secara benar dan akurat.

b. Proses

Disediakan contoh-contoh teks recount, agar siswa diharapkan mampu :

1. Merespon gagasan umum dalam teks recount secara benar dan cermat.

2. Merespon makna tekstual dalam teks recount secara benar dan cermat..

3. Mengidentifikasi ciri kebahasaan teks recount secara benar dan akurat.

4. Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika teks recount secara benar dan akurat.

5. Menggunakan past tense dalam teks recount secara benar dan akurat.

2) Psikomotorik

a. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan terkait teks recount.

b. Siswa bersama teman melengkapi informasi terkait teks recount.

c. Siswa mencari tahu makna kata sukar dalam teks recount.

3) Afektif

1. Karakter

Terlibat aktif dalam pembelajaran dan menunjukkan karakter dan nilai-nilai yang

sudah diyakini, berperilaku santun, cermat, komunikatif, percaya diri, bersahabat,

jujur, dan bersemangat.

2. Keterampilan Sosial

Merespon dan memahami makna dan ciri kebahasaan teks recount dengan cara yang

komunikatif dan santun.

Tujuan Pembelajaran

1) Kognitif

a. Produk

1. Siswa mampu merespon gagasan umum dalam teks recount secara benar dan cermat.

2. Siswa mampu merespon makna tekstual dalam teks recount secara benar dan cermat..

3. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi ciri kebahasaan teks recount secara benar dan akurat.


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4. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi langkah retorika teks recount secara benar dan


b. Proses

Melalui contoh-contoh teks recount yang diberikan, siswa mampu :

1. Merespon gagasan umum dalam teks recount secara benar dan cermat.

2. Merespon makna tekstual dalam teks recount secara benar dan cermat..3

3. Mengidentifikasi ciri kebahasaan teks recount secara benar dan akurat.

4. Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika teks recount secara benar dan akurat.

5. Memahami penggunaan past tense dalam teks recount secara benar dan akurat.

2) Psikomotorik

a. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan terkait teks recount.

b. Siswa bersama teman melengkapi informasi terkait teks recount.

c. Siswa mencari tahu makna kata sukar dalam teks recount.

3) Afektif

1. Karakter

Siswa dapat terlibat aktif dalam pembelajaran dan menunjukkan karakter dan nilai-nilai

yang sudah diyakini, berperilaku santun, cermat, komunikatif, percaya diri, bersahabat,

jujur, dan bersemangat.

2. Keterampilan Sosial

Merespon dan memahami makna dan ciri kebahasaan teks recount dengan cara yang

komunikatif dan santun.

Materi Pokok dan Latihan


Metode Pembelajaran

Metode: Three-phase technique

Teknik: Cooperative Learning


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Alat dan Media Pembelajaran

- Laptop

- Proyektor

- Gambar yang relevan

- Karton yang berisi teks recount dan aktivitas pembelajaran

Langkah-langkah kegiatan


NO Metode Pembelajaran Kegitan Siswa Waktu

1. Guru memberi salam kepada


“Good morning students.”

“How are you today?”

“I’m fine too. Thank you”

Siswa menjawab salam dari


“Good morning, Miss.”

“ I’m fine, thank you, and you,


1 menit

2. Guru memperhatikan kondisi

kelas dan memastikan bahwa

kondisi kelas sudah kondusif

untuk belajar dan siswa

sudah siap untuk belajar.

” Can you help me to clean

the whiteboard,


Siswa merapikan tempat duduk,

dan menghapus papan tulis.

“Yes, Miss.”

1 menit

3. Guru memeriksa absensi


“Ok class, who is absent


Siswa menjawab pertanyaan


“Everybody is coming, Miss.”

1 menit


1. Guru meminta murid me-

review materi pembelajaran

Siswa menjawab pertanyaan


1 menit


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bahasa Inggris yang telah

dipelajari di pertemuan


“Ok students, who still

remember what material we

have studied yesterday?”

“ Yesterday, we have studied


2. Guru memperlihatkan

gambar Pantai.

“What picture is it?”

Siswa merespon dengan


“Beach, Miss”

1 menit

3. Guru melakukan tanya jawab

terkait gambar.

“Have you ever been going


“What did you do there?”

Siswa merespon dengan


“Yes, Miss I have ever been


“Holiday with family”

2 menit

4. Guru meminta siswa

menebak materi apa yang

akan dipelajari.

“So, who is know what topic

we are going to talk about?”

Siswa menjawab,

“Recount text, Miss.”

1 menit

5. Guru mendorong siswa

untuk menyebutkan tujuan

pembelajaran berikut

kompetensi yang akan

diperoleh siswa.

“Well, students. Who knows

the goals of our lesson


Siswa terdorong untuk

menyebutkan tujuan

pembelajaran dan kompetensi

yang akan mereka raih.

“Students are able to… “

2 menit


1. Guru meminta beberapa

siswa untuk membacakan

teks tersebut dengan nyaring

Siswa membaca teks dengan

nyaring, sedangkan yang lainnya

ikut membaca dalam hati sambil

4 menit


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dan intonasi yang tepat.

“Who wants to read the text

loudly? And the others

please identify the text.”


“ I want to read this text loudly,


2. Guru meminta siswa

menyebutkan gagasan umum

yang terdapat dalan teks


“Well students, find out the

general idea of this text”

Siswa berlatih menemukan

gagasan umum dalam teks


“The general idea of this text is


1 menit

3. Guru membimbing siswa

mencari tahu makna kata-

kata sulit yang terdapat

dalam teks recount.

“Do you find the difficult

vocabularies? Let’s find out

the meaning together”

Siswa dibimbing oleh guru

mencari tahu makna kata-kata

sulit yang terdapat dalam teks


3 menit

4. Guru meminta siswa

menganalisa langkah

retorika teks recount.

“What about generic

structure of this text?

Anybody know?

Siswa dengan bimbingan guru

berlatih menganalisa langkah

retorika teks recount.

“I think the generic structures of

this text are… “

2 menit

5. Guru meminta siswa

mengidentifikasi ciri

kebahasaaan teks recount.

“How about the language

features, students?”

Siswa dengan bimbingan guru

mengidentifikasi ciri

kebahasaaan teks recount.

“Using of simple past tense,

Miss. And then….”

3 menit

6. Guru menjelaskan tentang

recount text dan simple past

Siswa memperhatikan

penjelasan guru mengenai


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tense. recount text dan simple past


7. Guru membentuk kelompok

siswa secara heterogen.

“Ok students, I will divide

you into several groups”

Siswa duduk bersama kelompok

yang telah dibagikan guru.

“We have ready, Miss”

3 menit

8. Guru meminta setiap

kelompok untuk berdiskusi

dan menjawab pertanyaan

berdasarkan teks recount.

“Now, with your groups,

discuss and answer the

questions that I’ve gave for


Setiap kelompok berdiskusi dan

menjawab pertanyaan

berdasarkan teks recount.

“Ok, Miss. We will do ”

3 menit

9. Guru meminta setiap

kelompok berdiskusi dan

melengkapi informasi dalam

teks recount.

“Next, still with your groups,

discuss and complete the

information about this

recount text”

Setiap kelompok berdiskusi dan

melengkapi informasi dalam

teks recount dengan cermat.

“Ok, Miss. We will do it well”

3 menit

10. Guru bersama-sama siswa

membahas hasil kerja


“Now, let’s discuss the result

of your work.”

Siswa dengan percaya bersama

kelompoknya membahas hasil

kerja kelompok mereka.

“I want answer number one,


8 menit

11. Guru menanyakan kesulitan

siswa dalam memahami teks

recount dengan meminta

siswa bertanya.

Siswa bertanya mengenai hal-hal

yang belum dipahami terkait

teks recount.

1 menit


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“After we studied our lesson

today, what do you feel? Do

you find any difficulties?

“I think, we have understand,


12. Guru meminta siswa untuk

mengerjakan lembar evaluasi

secara individu.

“Well students, If you have

no questions, let’s do this


Siswa secara individu

mengerjakan lembar evaluasi.

“Ok, Miss. We will do it


12 menit


1. Guru membimbing siswa

untuk menyimpulkan materi

yang telah dipelajari.

“Ok, students, who can

conclude our lesson today?”

Siswa menyimpulkan materi

pelajaran yang telah dipelajari.

“We can conclude that……”

2 menit

2. Guru mengapresiasi usaha

murid dalam belajar hari ini.

“You, have done well

students. Keep your spirit


Siswa dengan gembira


“Thank you, Miss”

1 menit

3. Guru memberikan pekerjaan

rumah (PR) kepada siswa.

Siswa mencatat instruksi

pekerjaan rumah.

1 menit


- Internet

- SCAFFOLDING (English for Junior High School Grade VIII)

Instrument Penilaian


Page 9: Rpp Reading Recount

Students’ Work Sheet


Read the following recount text bellow.

I. Complete e the information in the table bellow based on the recount text above.


1 Who…

2 When…

3 Where…


4 Events 1…

5 Events 2…

6 Events 3…


7 Writer’s feeling…


A Beautiful Day at Jogja

Last week, my friends and I went to Jogja last week. We visited many places. First, we visited Parangtritis beach. The sun shone brightly and the scenery was very

beautiful there. We felt the wind blew across to us. Then, we also saw a lot of people in that beach. There were many birds flew in the sky. Also, there were many sellers who sold many kinds of souvenirs. After that, we visited Gembira Loka Zoo. We saw many kinds of animals there such as monkeys, tigers, crocodiles, snakes, etc. We looked around in that Zoo, and also took pictures of those animals. Finally, we felt hungry, so we went to a restaurant. As soon as we finished our lunch, we decided to go home.

For me, that was a beautiful day. We really enjoyed it, and I hope I could visit Jogja again.

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II. Answer the following questions based the text above!

1. What is the recount text about?2. Who are went to Jogjakarta?3. Where did the writer and his friends go for the first place?4. When did the writer and his friends decide to go home?5. Did the writer and his friends enjoy the day in Jogja?

I. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false according to the text.NO Statements T/F

1. The writer and his friends went to Jogja yesterday.2. The sun shine in JOgja was very wonderful.3. Gembira Loka Zoo is the place of animals.4. The writer and his friends decide to go home after they

finished their dinner.5. They did not want to visit JOgja again.

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

a. Bentuk

I. Identifikasi

II. Essay

III. True/False

b. Pedoman Penilaian

1. Jumlah skor maksimal per siswa 100

2. Perhitungan nilai akhir :

Jawaban bagian I benar x 10, maksimal = 70

Jawaban bagian II benar x 10, maksimal =50

Jawaban bagian III benar x 10, maksimal =50

Jumlah maksimal = 170

Skor akhir¿jumla hnilai benar



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Guru Pamong,

Azimar, S.Pd

NIP. 196409241988032005

Bengkulu, Desember 2012



Triyanti Lupikartika



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Materi Pokok dan Latihan

a. Penjelasan tentang teks Recount

- Recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past.

- Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience.

- Kinds of recount text:

The generic structures of recount text are:

- Orientation ( it gives the readers the background information needed to understand the

text such as who was involved where it happened ,when it happened)

- Events ( a series of events ordered in a chronological sequence )

- Re-orientation ( restates the writer’s opinion or personal comment of the writer on the


b. Recount Text





magazine article

diary or journa


newspaper report


up of a

trip or





Holiday in Jakarta

Last week, my brother and I spent our holiday in Jakarta. We stayed in our

uncle’s house. We went there by bus. We left from Yogyakarta on Friday. Before

we went there, we prepared some things. First, we booked two tickets at the

ticket agent. Then, we got on the bus from Giwangan terminal at 3 pm. After

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c. Kosa kata yang terdapat dalam teks recount

Holiday : vacation

Travel : journey, trip

Last week : (adverb)

Then : (chronogical order)

Went : go (Verb2)

d. Language Feature of Recount

Introducing personal participant; I, my group, etc

Using chronological connection or time connections; then, first, etc

Using action verb; look, go, change, etc

Using of simple past tense.

Using of adverb and adverbial phrases to indicate place and time.

e. Study of Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense is use to express something that happen in the past.


I went to the zoo yesterday.

S V2

I visited Lake Dendam Tak Sudah last week.

S V2


S + Verb2 + O

Holiday in Jakarta

Last week, my brother and I spent our holiday in Jakarta. We stayed in our

uncle’s house. We went there by bus. We left from Yogyakarta on Friday. Before

we went there, we prepared some things. First, we booked two tickets at the

ticket agent. Then, we got on the bus from Giwangan terminal at 3 pm. After

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Usually, use the following adverbs of time in simple past tense:

Yesterday two days ago

Last week …. ago

Last …

Group Exercises

II. Complete e the information in the table bellow based on the recount text above.


1 Who…

2 When…

3 Where…


4 Events 1…

5 Events 2…

6 Events 3…


Holiday in Jakarta

Last week, my brother and I spent our holiday in Jakarta. We stayed in our

uncle’s house. We went there by bus. We left from Yogyakarta on Friday. Before

we went there, we prepared some things. First, we booked two tickets at the

ticket agent. Then, we got on the bus from Giwangan terminal at 3 pm. After

that, we stopped to have dinner at Ajibarang. After having dinner, we continued

our travel. We arrived at Lebak Bulus terminal. From the terminal, we took the

bus No. C 09. Finally, we arrived at our uncle’s house. It was a long trip, but we

enjoyed it.

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7 Writer’s feeling…

III. Answer the following questions based the text above!6. What is the recount text about?7. Who are went to Jakarta?8. When did the writer and his brother spend their holiday?9. Where did they stop to have dinner?10. Did they enjoy the holiday in Jakarta?

IV. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false according to the text.

NO Statements T/F1. The writer and his brother went to Jakarta yesterday.2. They stayed in a hotel.

3. They left from Jogjakarta on Friday.

4. They have dinner at Lebak Bulus.

5. They did not want to visit Jakarta again.


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Nama : ........................................ No. Absen : ............... Tanggal : .........................

LP 2 : Format Pengamatan Perilaku Berkarakter

Petunjuk :

Untuk setiap perilaku berkarakter berikut ini, beri penilaian atas perilaku berkarakter siswa

menggunakan skala berikut ini :

A : sangat baik

B : memuaskan

C : Menunjukkan kemajuan

D : Memerlukan perbaikan

Format Pengamatan Perilaku Berkarakter

No. Rincian tugas kinerja A B C D

1. Cermat

2. Tanggung jawab

3. Santun

4. Teliti



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Nama : ........................................ No. Absen : ............... Tanggal : .........................

LP 3 : Format Pengamatan Keterampilan Sosial

Petunjuk :

Untuk setiap keterampilan sosial berikut ini, beri penilaian atas keterampilan sosial siswa

menggunakan skala berikut ini :

A : sangat baik

B : memuaskan

C : Menunjukkan kemajuan

D : Memerlukan perbaikan

Format Pengamatan Keterampilan Sosial



Rincian tugas kinerja A B C D

1. Bertanya

2. Menyumbangkan ide atau pendapat

3. Menghargai karya orang lain

4. Menghargai pendapat orang lain


