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Rules of power tactics

1 power is not only what you have ,but what the enemy thinks you have.

2 never go outside the experience of your people

3 wherever possible go outside the experience of the enemy

4 a good tactic is one that your people enjoy

5 a tactic that drogs as too long becames a drog

Power:_ power is a part of all organization is a instrument that is people use power as an aid to achevie their intended results.we use power to achieve other goal tha power itself.this idea of power has both emotional and ethical impact.for many it carries negative connotations.all organization member use power to secure their goal.the ability of one person to affect the behavior of someone else in a desired way


The science and art of disposing military and naval forces in order for battle, and performing military and naval evolutions. It is divided into grand tactics, or the tactics of battles, and elementary tactics, or the tactics of instruction.

Identified nine distinct influence tactics:

1. Legitimacy: Relying on ones authority position or stressing that a request is in accordance

with organizational policies or rules.

2. Rational persuasion: Presenting logical arguments and factual evidence to demonstrate that

a request is reasonable.

3. Inspirational appeals: Developing emotional commitment by appealing to a targets values,

needs, hopes, and aspirations.

4. Consultation: Increasing the targets motivation and support by involving hi or her in deciding

how the plan or change will be done.

5. Exchange: rewarding the target with benefits or favors in exchange for following a request.

6. Personal appeals: Asking for compliance based on friendship or loyalty.

7. Ingratiation: Using flattery, praise, or friendly behavior prior to making a request.

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8. Pressure: Using warnings, repeated demands, and threats.

9. Coalitions: Enlisting the aid of other people to persuade the target or using the support of

others as a reason for the target to agree.

Some tactics are usually more effective than others. Specifically, evidence indicates that

rational, persuasion, inspirational appeals, and consultation tend to be the most

effective. On the other hand pressure tends to frequently backfire and is typically the

least effective of the nine tactics.

You can also increase your chance of success by using more than one type of tactic at

the same time or sequentially, as long as your choices are compatible. For instance,

using both ingratiation and legitimacy can lessen the negative reactions that might come

from the appearance of being dictated to? by the boss.

But some influences tactics work better depending on the direction of influence. As

shown in the table below studies have found that rational persuasion is the only tactic

that is effective across organizational levels. Inspirational appeals works best as a

downward influencing tactic with subordinates. When pressure works, its almost always

to achieve downward influence. And the use of personal appeals and coalition are most

effective with lateral influence attempts.

In addition to the direction of influence, a number of other factors have found to affect

which tactics work best. These include the sequencing of tactics, a persons skill in using

the tactic, a persons relative power, the type of request and how the request is

perceived, the culture of the organization, and country-specific cultural factors.

Preferred Power Tactics by Influence directionUpward influence

Downward influence Lateral influenceRational persuasion Rational persuasion

Inspirational appeals PressureConsultation Ingratiation Exchange Legitimacy

Rational persuasion Consultation Ingratiation ExchangeLegitimacy Personal appeals Coalitions

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Youre more likely to be effective if you begin with softer? tactics that rely on personal

power such as personal and inspirational appeal, rational persuasion, and consultation.

If these fail, you can move to harder? tactics which emphasize formal power and involve

greater costs and risks such as exchange, coalitions, and pressure. Interestingly, its

been found that using a single soft tactic is more effective in a single hard tactic; and

that combining two soft tactics, or a soft tactic and rational persuasion, is more effective

than any single tactic or a combination of hard tactics.
