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KS3 Stepping stonesThe Circle of Life

Week commencing 08.02.2021Classes in each pathway-Woodhouse: MagpieBoston Spa: Pipit and Wagtail

All about our projects this term:The Circle of Life project will be delving deep into the world of animal life cycles. The ‘Tadpole’s

Promise’ book will be the focus text and you can guide pupils using the Talk for Writing process but adding information text links to develop pupil’s understanding of the caterpillars, tadpoles, frogs and butterflies. During science, we will explore the lives of the human body with the focus of ‘Teeth and

Eating’ and ‘Health and Growth’. Immerse the pupils into the topic of teeth and what our mouths can do? By the end of term, we would aim for our pupils to be able to show an awareness of the different elements that make a healthy body and diet. In Humanities, we will be delving deep into the world of the ‘Great Fire of London’ and exploring this through the perspective of the baker in Pudding Lane!

Maths (Combining groups) English activitiesDominoesCan you pick up two domines to put together?Can you count how many dots are on the dominoes that have been placed together?Can you choose which domino is smallest from choice of 2? Can you draw the dominoes dots on the template with pens or paint printing?

*See ‘Printable Dominoes’ and ‘Blank Domino Template’ on the school website.

Numicon shapes Can you choose a Numicon shape and combine with another? Count how many holes altogether! Can you draw or paint the Numicon shapes to make a combined shape?

*See ‘Numicon Shapes’ on the school website*

Story focus: Tadpoles Promise

Read the ‘Tadpoles Promise’ book via YouTube link: the symbol to mat to find the characters. *See ‘Tadpole’s promise ALD’ on school website

Who and What questions:

Use the scene pictures and symbol mats to express your ideas about what is happening in the pictures. Use the key questions: -Who is it?-What can you see?-Why is the tadpole sad?-How did the caterpillar change?-Where does the tadpole live?

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Further combining group work

Use the home learning challenges for combining groups activity and use objects at home to learn more practically. *See ‘Home Learning Challenges’ on the school website.Can you put a few objects on each hand and combine them together?*See ‘Combining Hands Mat’ on the school website*

Maths linked stories on YouTube:Quack and Count by Keith Baker Don’t forget the Bacon – Pat Hutchins

Education city games:

Fruit Shop

*See ‘Symbols and Character’ sheets on the school website*

Character masks:

Whilst focusing on your ‘who’ questions, make a character mask for each focus character. Use paper plates or any crafts materials you have at home. *See ‘Puppet Template’ on the school website*

Verbal comprehension questions:

After using the symbols, practise your signing and story language by answering the comprehension questions about the book’s illustrations. Read through the story or watch the video whilst questioning key events.

Additional guided reading tasks:

-Guided reading (Oxford Owl eBooks) look for the small colour sticker on the side of each book (Levels range from Lilac onwards and get more difficult through the ages)-Reading Eggs games online

Science Physical activities This week we will finish our Teeth topic for Science. See how much you have learnt about our mouth using three final questions:What can our mouths do?

Use mirrors and the symbols to model and express what functions your mouth has. *See ‘Mouth Actions’ on the school website* What are the parts of your mouth?

Label the different parts of the mouths on your own mouth or the mouth diagram e.g. teeth, mouth, lips, tongue, gums. *See ‘Mouth Labelling Worksheet’ on the school website* Which foods are good for your mouth?

Find foods in your fridge or cupboard on the healthy foods list. *See ‘Healthy Foods List’ on the school website*

Cosmic Yoga- Celebrating difference (YouTube)

Mindful Meditation for Kids (YouTube)

Finger Aerobics- (YouTube)

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Joe Wicks 5 min workouts:

See the workout cards and try to do a physical activity everyday!*See ‘Joe Wicks 5 mins Workout Cards’ on the school website*

In RE we will continue looking at symbols. This week will be our last week on the ‘star of David’ and we will be working on drawing and making our own representations of the Star of David symbol. Can you draw the star by copying the example?Can you overwrite the shape of the star?*See ‘Star Drawing’ on the school website* Look back at all of the symbol work from this half term, can you find work that you are proud of and work that you enjoyed in RE?*See ‘Proud Work Symbols’ on the school website*


This week in PSHE, we will be learning about the different types of families. Watch the BBC videos about different families: Look at the different family photos and explore the differences and similarities. *See ‘Different Family Photos’ on the school website* Can you look at photos of yourself or your family and put them into your own family tree? *See ‘Family Tree Worksheet’ on the school website* Can you draw some of the important people to you in your family?*See the ‘Families Word Mat’ on the school website*

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Enrichment activities:In Humanities, we will have our last Pudding Lane bakery experience. Use many of the resources from the half term to see what you have learnt about the Great Fire of London, what do you know now?Follow the recipe and make a final loaf of bread and choose your own ingredients! *See ‘Bread Recipe’ on the school website* Read through the ‘Fire of London Story’ and sing the London’s burning song. *See ‘The Great Fire of London Story’ on the school website* Extension:

Can you sequence the events from the Great Fire of London?*See ‘Great Fire of London Sequencing Cards’ on the school website*

In Art this week, can you make a big final art piece? Use natural resources in the park, garden or house. Focus on lines and shapes from the half terms work. You could collect leaves, stones, pebbles, sticks, flowers and arrange them into your own artwork on a large scale. Will you use straight lines?Will you use curved lines?

This week is express week which is when you review our learning over the term and share all of our fantastic work! Share your work via twitter or send to my email address to share via the

school twitter page!

In Music, we are going to listen to range of instruments and begin grow an awareness of how each sound. Watch and listen to the Gustav the Mole story and see if you recognise any instruments in the story? Next, use the instrument cards and search the instrument sounds on YouTube. Explore how these instruments all sound. Which sound was your favourite? Which sound was high/ low?

Extra information- We would recommend a short work session for each area listed above for up to 30 minutes per

day or as much as each individual pupil would manage at home.

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- Feel free to share photos and achievements via class Dojo and the school Twitter page.

- Email me directly with any home learning or curriculum issues or questions: [email protected]
