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    NOVEMBER Right of the month:

    NOVEMBER 2020


    Gowerton School

    Cecil Road



    SA4 3DL Gowerton School @gowertonschool

    ARTICLE 19: The right to be safe.

    I am so proud of our school community in the way that it continues to deal with the ever changing issues we encounter on a daily basis. From local to national lock-downs we continue to adapt to ensure our pupils and staff remain as safe and well as possible and all can continue with enhancing their education. Da iawn pawb.


    It is a long standing tradi-tion at Gowerton to hold a week of Remembrance assemblies for each Year-group culminating in the Annual Service of Remembrance for the Senior pupils (years 11, 12 and 13) and our invited guests from the wider community. This year due to the pandemic we had to adapt our service and therefore we made a ‘virtual assembly’. This can be seen on our school website. On a positive, in doing a virtual assembly it has allowed more of our school community to be able to access it. We believe it is important to understand our history and the sacrifice our Gowertonians have made for us. We also hope that we can ensure peace in our future. Millie in Year 9 performed The Last Post perfectly for our virtual assembly and also for Gowerton Church on Wednesday 11th. An excellent achievement for some-one so young. Year 7 were challenged to paint a poppy on a pebble from their garden. Here is an example. These have been placed by our memorial bench.


    A small group of girls were invited to participate in an interesting ‘virtual event’ organised by The Wave. The girls from years 7-9 were able to listen to inspirational women speaking about their careers. These included Chief superintendent J Maal and TV presenter Anna Ryder Richardson. Everyone that spoke really motivated and enthused the listeners. Pupils were also able ask questions of the women speakers.


    Gowerton Sixth Formers, asked if we could do a ‘Fancy dress’ for both themselves and staff to raise money for the British Royal Legion. On the Friday before half term we dressed up and have raised £1000 for the charity. We were overwhelmed by the contribution. Even Kanga made an appearance! The 6th form staff team were very organised and came as pumpkins!
