Page 1: SAINT FABIANIn other climates, Jews and Christians alike have had to make accommodations over the years. In Italy, everyone carries olive branches today, of-ten brought from their

Our Mission is to be a Reflective and Active Presence

of Jesus Christ in the Community.

We are called by God as the Baptized Community of

Saint Fabian to Embody the Risen Christ we Experience as


Teacher, Healer,

Peacemaker, Compassionate Lover

Embracer of all Cultures and Ages, Celebrator, Comforter,

Servant, Host,

Entrance and Guide

United in faith as

Daughters and Sons, we live and celebrate

God’s Presence




Page 2: SAINT FABIANIn other climates, Jews and Christians alike have had to make accommodations over the years. In Italy, everyone carries olive branches today, of-ten brought from their



I think everyone remembers their times of learning perfectly. The knowledge that we were fed was not always the best. With some statements we agreed, but there were also those we were not able to accept. Some of the items that we had to "count" were not needed later. As time passes, these mat-ters become insignificant. And in memory remains teachers or lecturers who, regardless of the lec-tured subject, were able to teach their students to respect others. Is this how it is today? There are certainly more schools, but are the values transmitted to the young generation right? Do schools or universities teach respect for knowledge, people and society? Who do we become, what kind of people are we today? We lack mutual respect. And not just toward the elderly, parents, or grandparents. We lack respect even for ourselves, which is manifested by a lack of respect for our own health and even life. The same applies to our spiritual life. Spiritual life is not only the Sunday Mass, but also our morning and evening prayers, before and af-ter meals, the worship of Jesus carried to the sick by a priest or minister. It is also respect, showing reverence and love to others, and above all to God. “Indeed I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. Brethren, I do not consider that I have made it my own; but one thing I do, forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the up-ward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:8a,13-14) How significant are these words of St. Paul, how wise and timely. Let us not bid on who is better from us, more worthy, more holy. Listening to God's Word today, let it hurt our hearts and free our better ME. It is the I who does not forget about integrity, dignity, re-spect for others and one’s self. It is easy to correct and criticize others, it is easy to point out to others the evil around the world. But let us remember that we are all sinners. So let us proceed in such a way that we do not find our-selves in the situation of those who heard: “Let he who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her". And then we will all live better. Let us ask our Father to teach us to respect others and ourselves.

From the Pastor

Page 3: SAINT FABIANIn other climates, Jews and Christians alike have had to make accommodations over the years. In Italy, everyone carries olive branches today, of-ten brought from their



Chyba każdy doskonale pamięta czasy swojej nauki. Wiedza, którą nas karmiono, nie zawsze była najlepszym pokarmem. Z niektórymi twierdzeniami zgadzaliśmy się, ale były też takie, których nie byliśmy w stanie przyjąć. Niektóre z przedmiotów, które musieliśmy „zaliczać”, nie były nam później potrzebne. W miarę upływu czasu te sprawy stają się mało istotne. A w pamięci pozostają ci nauczyciele czy wykładowcy, którzy niezależnie od wykładanego przedmiotu potrafili swoich uczniów lub studentów nauczyć poszanowania innych. Czy tak jest i dzisiaj? Szkół jest na pewno dużo więcej, ale czy wartości przekazywane młodemu pokoleniu są właściwe? Czy szkoła lub uczelnia uczy poszanowania wiedzy, ludzi, społeczeństwa? Kim się stajemy, jakimi ludźmi dzisiaj jesteśmy? Brakuje nam wzajemnego poszanowania. I to nie tylko ludzi starszych, rodziców, dziadków. Brakuje nam poszanowania nawet samych siebie, co przejawia się brakiem szacunku do własnego zdrowia, a czasami i życia. Podobnie wygląda to w odniesieniu do naszego życia duchowego. Życie duchowe to nie tylko msza niedzielna, lecz także nasze modlitwy poranne i wieczorne, przed i po posiłkach, oddawanie czci Jezusowi niesionemu do chorego przez księdza czy szafarza. To także poszanowanie, okazywanie czci i miłości innym, a przede wszystkim Bogu. „I owszem, nawet wszystko uznaję za stratę ze względu na najwyższą wartość poznania Chrystusa Jezusa, Pana mojego. Bracia, ja nie sądzę o sobie samym, że już zdobyłem, ale to jedno [czynię]: zapominając o tym, co za mną, a wytężając siły ku temu, co przede mną, pędzę ku wyznaczonej mecie, ku nagrodzie, do jakiej Bóg wzywa w górę w Chrystusie Jezusie.” (Flp 3,8a.13-14) Jakże znamienne są te słowa św. Pawła, jakże mądre i aktualne. Nie licytujmy się, kto z nas lepszy, godniejszy, bardziej święty. Wsłuchując się w dzisiejsze Słowo Boże, pozwólmy by ugodziło ono nasze serca i wyzwoliło nasze lepsze JA. To JA, które nie zapomina o uczciwości, godności, szacunku do innych i do siebie samego. Łatwo innych poprawiać i krytykować, łatwo wytykać innym zło całego świata. Ale pamiętajmy, że grzeszni jesteśmy wszyscy. Więc postępujmy tak, by nie znaleźć się w sytuacji tych, którzy usłyszeli: «Kto z was jest bez grzechu, niech pierwszy rzuci na nią kamień». A wtedy żyć będzie nam się lepiej. Prośmy naszego Ojca, aby nauczył nas poszanowania innych i samych siebie.

Słowo Proboszcza

Page 4: SAINT FABIANIn other climates, Jews and Christians alike have had to make accommodations over the years. In Italy, everyone carries olive branches today, of-ten brought from their



Monday: Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62]; Ps 23:1-6; Jn 8:12-20 Tuesday: Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-21; Jn 8:21- 30 Wednesday: Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Dn 3:52-56; Jn 8:31-42 Thursday: Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-9: Jn 8:51-59 Friday: Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-7; Jn 10:31-42 Saturday: Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31:10, 11-13; Jn 11:45-56 Sunday: Lk 19:28-40 (procession); Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Phil 2:6-11; Lk 22:14 — 23:56 [23:1-49]

I consider everything as a loss because of the supreme good of knowing

Christ Jesus my Lord. — Philippians 3:8


Next weekend, many churches provide palms to be carried in the opening moments of the liturgy, as we gratefully recall Jesus’ entry into the holy city of Jerusalem. The children who greeted him on that day used what was both handy and traditional, since palms were carried to inaugurate the joyful harvest feast of Succoth. To this day, faithful Jews are directed to take a beautiful palm branch, green and straight as possible, called a lulav, and bind it with three myrtle branches fifteen inches long, and two longer willow branches. At the end of the tem-ple service, everyone carries the lulav, circling the sanctuary in a dance called the Hoshanot, singing hymns of joy. In other climates, Jews and Christians alike have had to make accommodations over the years. In Italy, everyone carries olive branches today, of-ten brought from their own garden. In England, for-sythia branches are preferred, a relative of the olive, sign of peace. Germans prefer pussywillows, and others look for flowering spring branches. In our part of the world, what do you think would be the best choice to express joy and welcome, and to remind us of the joy of Christ’s victory even as we prepare to commemorate his passion? —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

THIS SUNDAY - APRIL 7, 2019 On the first Sunday of each month, St. Fabian Parish offers a blessing for expectant mothers, fathers and their unborn children, immediately following the 9:30 a.m. Mass and we’ll meet in the Chapel. The blessing is given to strengthen mothers & fathers during the time of waiting and to pray for the health and safe delivery of their child. This blessing may be received monthly throughout the pregnancy. ~ Deacon Ron




Come visit Jesus in the Chapel anytime this Monday from: 12:00 Noon to 6:30 p.m.

Benediction will be at 6:15 p.m.

Day and night Jesus dwells in the Blessed Sacrament because

you are the most important person in

the world to Him! (Pope Paul VI,

Mysterium Fidei)

With the 5th week of Lent upon us, if you haven’t visited the Adoration

Chapel, why not consider it this Lenten Season. It can be a new way in knowing the Lord in a meaningful


Page 5: SAINT FABIANIn other climates, Jews and Christians alike have had to make accommodations over the years. In Italy, everyone carries olive branches today, of-ten brought from their


Fifth Week of Lent In the Fifth Sunday of Lent, John's gospel brings us the story of the woman accused of adultery. Religious leaders bring a woman to Jesus challenging him: “Now in the law, Moses com-manded us to stone such women.” Jesus responded only, “Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” The crowd quietly dispersed. Jesus seeing there is no one left to accuse the woman says gently, “Neither do I condemn you. Go, and from now on do not sin any more.” For Masses using Cycle A readings for the RCIA, John's Gos-pel will offer the story of the raising of Lazarus. (For more infor-mation, see Praying the Gospels of Weeks 3, 4 and 5.) The first readings this week prepare for the gospels. We begin with the long, but well worth reading, story of Susanna, which ends in “blessing God who saves those who hope in him.” The bronze serpent on a pole reminds us of Jesus' saving cross. Three young men refuse to commit idolatry and show us how God pro-tects “the servants who trusted in him.” God entered a covenant with Abraham. In the midst of his persecution, Jeremiah praises God, “For he has rescued the life of the poor from the power of the wicked!” God promises to unite the people in an everlasting covenant. Our gospels are again from the John, the Fourth Gospel. Jesus continues to challenge the Pharisees, who plot his arrest. Pre-sented with a woman caught in adultery, Jesus replies, “Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Reminding us of the bronze serpent and his death, Jesus says, “When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will realize that I AM.” To the children of Abraham and to us Jesus declares, “If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” “Whoever keeps my word will never see death. ... Amen, amen, I say to you, before Abraham came to be, I AM.” They heard what they thought was blasphemy and tried to stone him. Jesus simply told the truth, because, “the Father is in me and I am in the Fa-ther.” After the raising of Lazarus, the plans were set to destroy Jesus. The high priest says the prophetic words, “it is better for you that one man should die instead of the people, so that the whole nation may not perish.” On Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion we make our way into Holy Week. We read the gospel about Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, Paul's invitation to us to imitate Jesus who emptied himself, and the whole Passion, this year from Luke's Gospel.

Daily Prayer This Week This is the last full week of Lent. We can feel the conflict and struggle developing in the readings. As we read about the drama that surrounded Jesus' last days on earth and reflect upon its meaning, we experience how the drama that is going in our own hearts in more intense the closer we get to the end of Lent. The Spirit of the Lord is really trying to help us be more open and more free, to receive the graces our Lord wants to offer us. There is another spirit that is fighting just as hard to distract us, discourage us, and prevent us from being open and attentive to God's gifts. The closer we get to the mystery of our Lord's pas-sion, death and resurrection for us, the more we can experience struggle. If I experience myself somewhat “at war” with my-self, then these are very important days to keep deliberately asking our Lord to help me. It is also a great time to begin to prepare to renew the baptismal promises at Easter. We can reject the unloving choices we've made, all that is unjust, dishonest, disrespectful and violent. We want to refuse to be mastered by empty promises. Declaring our desire for freedom is a great preparation to receive this great gift. If we are celebrating the Scrutinies with the RCIA candidates and catechumens, this is a wonderful time to pray for them as well, for their protection from the evil one in the last days of their journey. If we have developed the habit of naming a desire the first thing each morning, and carrying on a conversation with our Lord in the brief background moments of the day, we are already comfortable with letting the Word or the Season inter-act with the concrete events of the week. This way of finding intimacy with our Lord, through our daily interaction - even in a very busy life - is so appropriate for the Fifth Week of Lent. We can discover areas that are still resistant to God's grace. We can ask for help to practice new ways of being free, or new ways of loving. We can find ways to make financial sacrifices to give to the poor this week. Each night this week, we can give thanks. The closer we get to celebrating Holy Week and the events that brought us our salvation, each of us can express our gratitude, realizing this was all for me.

You will that our self-denial should give you thanks, humble our sinful pride, and contribute to the feeding of the poor, and so help us imitate you in your

kindness . - Preface for Lent III

Taken from the "Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer" on the Creighton University's Online Ministries web site: Used with permission.

Page 6: SAINT FABIANIn other climates, Jews and Christians alike have had to make accommodations over the years. In Italy, everyone carries olive branches today, of-ten brought from their


Lenten Almsgiving to St. Vincent DePaul

The Society of St. Vincent

de Paul is grateful to our parishioners for keeping the Food Pantry stocked throughout the year. If this Lenten season your almsgiving includes the Society, may we offer the following suggestions:

♦ Week 5 - pasta sauce, rice, toilet paper, Jello ♦ Week 6 - cake Mixes, bread mixes,


April Food Pantry pick-up: 4-15-19 (3rd Monday due to Holiday) Hours: 10 a.m. - 12:00 noon

Your continued support is very much appreciated!

English Lenten Mission The with

Fr. Mike Knotek April 8th, 9th & 10th, 2019

at 7:00 p.m. Fr. Sergiusz Baldyga, OFM - Will give a presentation of the Icon of San Damiano Cross after the 7 p.m. English Mass on

Wednesday, April 10th.

Polish Lenten Mission

with Fr. Boguslaw Jaworowski

April 11th, 12th & 13th, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Fr. Sergiusz Baldyga, OFM - Will give a presentation of the Icon of San Damiano

Cross after the 7 p.m. Polish Mass on Thursday, April 11th.

♦ Note: English Stations of the

Cross will begin at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, April 12th.

Renew My Heart… Refresh My Faith

Next Sunday, April 14th, we will come together at the 11:00 a.m. Bilingual Mass being Celebrated by Bishop Andrew Wypych. Join us as our Lenten project will be revealed and blessed by Bishop Wypych. Please note: There will

be no 12:45 Mass this day.

Page 7: SAINT FABIANIn other climates, Jews and Christians alike have had to make accommodations over the years. In Italy, everyone carries olive branches today, of-ten brought from their

We remember our deceased

parishioners, family members and friends

who are now with the Lord

Steve Hajek Timothy Aaron Grasso

Michael Gniadek Trudy Lavery William Holy Dora Matukas

Please keep them and their families in your prayers!


We welcome these children Into our family of faith.

Aleks Bartus


2019 Holy Week and Easter Schedule

Palm Sunday, April 14 Saturday: 5:00 p.m., Sunday: 8:a.m. & 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. - Bilingual Dedication Mass with Bishop Wypych

Holy Thursday, April 18 Mass of The Lord’s Supper (English) – 6:00 p.m. Mass of The Lord’s Supper (Polish) – 8:00 p.m. Good Friday, April 19 Stations of the Cross – 3:00 p.m. (English) Liturgy of Good Friday (Polish) – 4:30 p.m. Liturgy of Good Friday (English) – 7:00 p.m. Holy Saturday, April 20 10 a.m. & 12:00 noon – Food Blessing (Church & Kash Hall) Easter Vigil (Polish) – 4:30 p.m. Easter Vigil (English) – 7:00 p.m. Easter Sunday, April 21 English Masses: 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Polish Masses: 5:30 a.m. & 12:45 p.m. (No Mass at 7:00 p.m.)

Easter Services

Page 8: SAINT FABIANIn other climates, Jews and Christians alike have had to make accommodations over the years. In Italy, everyone carries olive branches today, of-ten brought from their


Characteristics of a Steward

The Characteristic of Mercy Mercy is an outpouring of compassion toward others--a living out of the Golden Rule: "Treat others the way you would have them treat you." (Mt 7:12) Mercy manifests itself in many ways. Comforting someone in their suffer-ing is one form of mercy. Advising someone in distress or uncertainty is another. Feeding, clothing, and housing those in need, visiting those who are sick or imprisoned, burying those who have died--all of these actions are corporal works of mercy. But perhaps the greatest measure of mercy lies in the degree to which one forgives others. To be truly merciful is to forgive without limit. Peter learned this from Jesus when he asked, " 'Lord, when my brother wrongs me, how often must I forgive him? Seven times?' 'No,' Jesus replied, 'not seven times; I say, seventy times seven times.' " (Mt 18: 21-22) But the willingness to forgive every time we are wronged, or think we are wronged, is not easy. In fact, it can be extraordinarily difficult. When someone hurts us, we find ourselves wanting to fight back--if not overtly, then by holding onto the hurt with anger, resentment, bitterness, coolness in behavior, retaliation, or separation. We be-gin to feel justified in responding this way, because of how we have been treated. Our human nature rages within us to hold on to these feelings; mercy demands that we let go. Jesus spelled out how serious this demand is: "If you forgive the faults of others, your heavenly Father will for-give you yours. If you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive you." (Mt. 6: 14-15) And indeed, each time we pray the Our Father, we are reminded of what God requires from us in the form of mercy: "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." What He expects is really another version of the Golden Rule: Treat others however you would ask God to treat you. Put that way, how can we possibly refuse? And yet, when others cause us to feel overwhelmed by hurt and anger, forgiving them can seem an impossible expectation. It is important to remember that God does not expect the impossible from us. With His grace, He makes it possi-ble for us to love beyond our limited human nature and to let go of feelings of hurt and anger in order to forgive. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states this quite beautifully:

It is not in our power not to feel or to forget an offense; but the heart that offers itself to the Holy Spirit turns injury into compassion and purifies the memory in transforming the hurt into intercession.

To forgive does not mean that we will not experience deep hurt, or desire to hold onto that hurt. It does not mean that the moment we forgive, the hurt will disappear. Nor does it mean that we must wait until we no longer feel any hurt in order to forgive. Forgiveness is not giving in, it is letting go. It is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength. To forgive is to be merciful. And because to forgive is at times so difficult, it is all the more beautiful and holy when we do. When we forgive, we truly unite ourselves to the person of Jesus Christ, who loves us with unlimited mercy, who under-stands our pain, who lived it Himself, and who, in His final moments of agony on the cross, said, "Father, forgive them; they know not what they are doing." (Lk 23: 34)

Stewardship and Mercy The stewardship way of life calls for a letting go of all that we hold on to. To be merciful, espe-

Page 9: SAINT FABIANIn other climates, Jews and Christians alike have had to make accommodations over the years. In Italy, everyone carries olive branches today, of-ten brought from their


cially through forgiveness, is one of the hardest yet most beautiful ways the Christian steward can let go. Mercy is also the spark that fans the embers of stewardship into a fire of compassionate ser-vice. Mercy, through the cardinal virtue of justice, opens the eyes of the Christian steward to see the disparity in the overabundance of what he or she has, compared to what others have not. Mercy compels the already responsible steward into accepting even greater responsibility for the welfare of others. As a result, Christian stewards extend their time, talent, and treasure to those in the parish or local community, and to those within the universal Church who are in great need-whether that need is spiritual, material, or emotional. As with all the characteristics of a Christian steward, however, one grows in mercy by first practicing this characteristic in the home. The opportunities to show mercy to one's spouse, children, and other family members present themselves daily. Indeed, sometimes it is more challenging to forgive those we love most for their hurtful words or actions, than those outside our families. With one's parish family, too, there are many opportunities to practice mercy. Forgiving a pa-rishioner or the members of a parish organization for an action that has caused hurt is a beau-tiful form of mercy. Refusing to speak unkindly about other parishioners or their children is an-other form of mercy. And letting go of any feelings of illwill toward those who do not yet give their time, talent, or treasure in proportion to what they have been given is yet another form of mercy. Christian stewards who practice mercy in all these forms--through compassion, service, and forgiveness--demonstrate in a profound way their understanding that as they do for others, so will our Lord do for them. Deacon Joe

On Sunday, March 10th at the 11:00 a.m. Mass our R.C.I.A. Candidates Richard Chisnick, Elizabeth Mirabella and

Katie O’Hara were presented to St. Fabian and traveled down to Holy Name Cathedral for their "Rite of Initiation." (Pictured from left to right: Joan Macias, Richard Chisnick, Tracy Chisnick, Lisa Mirabella, Elizabeth Mirabella, Katie O’Hara and Keith) Please keep these candidates in your prayers as they continue their journey to receiving their Sacraments at St. Fabian's Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday at 7:00 p.m.

Page 10: SAINT FABIANIn other climates, Jews and Christians alike have had to make accommodations over the years. In Italy, everyone carries olive branches today, of-ten brought from their



Jonathon Aguirre, Kenneth W. Annel, Junior Browren, Anthony Gonzalez,

Maria Gross, Troy Gryga, Joseph Klaus, Thomas Hummel, Michelle Klaus, Christopher Koutsis, David Leyden,

Patrick Leyden, Wayne G. Lewen, Jr., David Malinowski, Kevin McEnaney,

Ryan McHeffy, Michael Michalek, Heather Quinlan, Mike Snee, Anthony Spear,

Richard Stone, Christopher Thomas, Melanie Thomas, Steve Williams, Joel Winter,

Robert Wnek, Cody Wolin




Luz Acevado Joseph Aniol Frankie Annel Betty Armstrong Elizabeth “Lee” Ascensio Katie Aston Jerolyn Auton Bud, Theresa & Christina Baldwin Eugene Bartkowiak David Bender Joan Berquist Joe Bizub Fr. Ted Bojczuk James Burian John Ciciora Sam Clanton Matthew Coughlin Mary Jane Crowhurst D’Agostino Family Mary Daniels Judy Davis Carmen Di Miele Cathy Duska Mary Anne Dyer David & Robert Dziedzic Raymond Figura Nicholas Fillion Carol Fiore Michael Fox Karen Fulton Jim Galemb Rosalio Garcia, Sr. Patricia Gardner Gilbert Garza Eric Gefvert Geri Gestaut Eric Ginther Karen Gleasner Joanna Glow Jose Gomez Irene Graff Nancy Granato Loretta Grossman Pat Guglielmo Beverly Hadley Randall Harding Rusty Harding Michael Herbert Jay Higginson Rachel & Thomas Hernandez Bob Horstmann

Natalie Horvath Edward & Janina Hosaniak Wilma Hudson Stephanie Huskey Marilyn Jaborski-Borowy Walter Jachec Denise & Richard Jandura Eugene F. Janus Elmer Javier Denis Kazelas Nora Kazmierczak Marybeth Kennedy Roman Klepczarek Kim Kirchoff Bernadine Kolodziejczak Daniel Kobylarczyk Audrey Kohlman Velta Kopacek Muriel Kowalski June Krzyston Lorraine Kubal Theresa Kulpa Joseph Lubas Bill & Whitney Luke Charles McKittrick Eileen & Michael McMillan Christine Madera Thomas Mahon Debra Major Graeniel Lance Manuel Joseph Martinez Maria C. Martinez Selva Martinez Kate Meade Grace Medina Robert J. Mercurio David Michaels Stacey Misicka Ido Moisan Dennis & Denise Murphy Ron Mystek Paola Navarrete Joyce Netecke Zofia Niemyjski Linda Norcutt Carmella Smiley - Norvell Danuta Nowak Margareta Odehmal Erik Oller Joan Ormins Steve Otten Mary D. Owens

Linda Panos Andrzej Pawlica Chester Perczynski Virginia Petri Dolores Polkow Marie & Richard Pollak Ken Porter Cindy Poynter Geno & Millie Purpura Iracema Galvani Quinete Meg A. Radcliff Adam Raj Mary Margaret Riccio Irena Rolak Terry J. Scott Justin Sewers Michael Patrick Shilney Alfred Skrobot Vivian Spanczak David Sterling Joyce Stover Lillian Stricker Joseph Studnicki George Sylvester Mary Tadda Julie Teninty Barbara Thomas Judy Venard Maci Villareal Alice Wagner Denise Warda Jack Wasielewski George Wasinski David Weaver Iza Weisenritter Joan & Chester Wiczek Melanie Williams Robert Wilson Pamela Wojdyla Patrick J. Woods Benedict Yerkes Jerome Zaccaro Ronald Zajac Helena Zeglin Tom Zielinski Rachel Zimmer Tommy Zimmer

Date: 3-24-19 3-31-19

Collection: $ 9,921.06 $ 9,898.12

5:00 p.m. $ 1,725.76 $ 2,055.10

6:30 a.m. $ 877.30 $ 756.50

8:00 a.m. $ 1,085.00 $ 1,097.00

9:30 a.m. $ 1,635.00 $ 1,738.52

11:00 a.m. $ 1,689.00 $ 1,462.00

12:45 a.m. $ 1,826.00 $ 1.427.00

7:00 p.m. $ 1,083.00 $ 1,127.00

Mailed in: $ .00 $ 235.00

Total: $ 9,921.06 $ 9,898.12

Weekly Deficit: $ 828.94 $ 851.88

Year-to-date: $ 45,110.25 $ 45,962.13

Weekly Collection

July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019 Weekly Goal: $10,750.00

~ Quips from Deacon Charlie ~

Prayer for the Week: Father, in the darkness of our lives, please help us see the light of Your Son, our Lord and Savior.

Page 11: SAINT FABIANIn other climates, Jews and Christians alike have had to make accommodations over the years. In Italy, everyone carries olive branches today, of-ten brought from their



SUNDAY EUCHARIST: [English] 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM (Saturday 5:00 PM) [Polish] 6:30 AM, 12:45 & 7:00 PM DAILY EUCHARIST: 9:00 AM (Monday - Friday) HOLY DAY EUCHARIST: Scheduled prior to the holy day.

RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 4:00 – 4:45 PM First Friday: 6:00—7:00 PM MARRIAGE: Call the Parish Office 6 months in advance. BAPTISM: English - 1st Sunday at 3p.m.; Polish - Every Sunday at 12:45 Mass. No Exceptions. Call the Parish Office to schedule. Parents must attend preparation session. ANOINTING: Call the Parish Office when serious illness occurs.


4-13-19 4-14-19 4-14-19 4-14-19 4-14-19 4-14-19 4-14-19

5:00 PM 6:30 AM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:45 PM 7:00 PM

Lector 1 J. Tipperreiter I. Slota K. Surwillo A. Brachman J. Stafiera

Lector 2 R. Holz R. Purwin J. Vojtanek T. Paluch M. Adamski

Lector 3 E. Jedynasty T. Wroblewska

Host 1 M.A. Moisan E. Jedynasty J. Macias D. Moriarty J. Stafiera

Host 1A D. Fierke I. Slota J. Pawlicki

Host 3 B. Lewis L. Guerrero T. Bosworth

Host 4 J. Schultz L. Sheehan J. Ormins

Wine 1 S. Dedic R. Kavales C. Shubert

Wine 1A M. Beliveau L. Barnes

Wine 2 Deacon Deacon Deacon

Wine 3 E. Nathan A. Montoya V. Bosworth

Wine 4 A. Hallman M. Guerrero P. Swiatkowski

P. Kroll P. Kroll A. Toczek P. Kroll

A. Michalik G. & A. Cichore

A. Gmiterek A. Nedza

Sunday, April 7, 2019 - Fifth Sunday of Lent

6:30 AM Edward Dlugopolski, Jozef Obrochta, Stanislaw Styrczula, Maria, Kazimierz i Andrzej Drozdowski, Elzbieta i Marion Miodonski, Ewa i Wlodzimierz Swiatkowski, Eugenia i Andrzej Kaszewski, Jozefa Miskowiec, Adam Miskowiec, Wladyslaw Miskowiec

8:00 AM Maria Dukic 9:30 AM Matthew Lukaszczyk, Sr. Joyce Hajdukovic, Sr. Della Rodriguez

(Health & Blessings) 11:00 AM Ludwik Wojas 12:45 PM Pawel Lojek, Jozef Ligas, Robert Janik, Jozef Truty, Wladyslaw

Truty, Teri Benedict, Franciszek Mendala, Pawel Gasienica Szym-kow, Wojciech Styrczula, Cierpiace Dusze w Czysccu, Ludwina, Wladyslaw i Krzysztof Zadora, Ludwina i Franciszek Madlak, Anna i Hendryk Pawlikowski (50th Wedding Anniversary), Jan i Antonina Hyrc, Jozef Gawlak, Helena Humanicka, Adam, Janina i Helena Baluch, Jozefa Kasprzyk, Sally Truty

7:00 PM Jozefina i Augustyn Albertusiak

Monday, April 8, 2019

9:00 AM Jane Konik 7:00 PM [English Mission Mass]

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

9:00 AM Maria Filas 7:00 PM [English Mission Mass]

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

9:00 AM James Quan 7:00 PM [English Mission Mass]

Thursday, April 11, 2019

9:00 AM Deceased Parishioners and Their Families 10:00 AM [Polish Mission Mass] 7:00 PM [Polish Mission Mass]

Friday, April 12, 2019

9:00 AM Carl Strupeck 10:00 AM [Polish Mission Mass] 7:00 PM [Polish Mission Mass]

Saturday, April 13, 2019

5:00 PM Carmen Flores, Frances Sadlier 10:00 AM [Polish Mission Mass] 7:00 PM [Polish Mission Mass]

Sunday, April 14, 2019 - Palm Sunday

6:30 AM Adolfa i Jozef Kalinowski, Jozef Komperda, Rozalia i Jan Kowalczyk, Edward Dlugopolski, Jozef Obrochta, Stanislaw Stryz-cula, Jan Pawlik, Jozef i Wiktoria Kopec, Stanislaw Greczek, Stanislaw Komperda, i syn Stanislaw Komperda, Albin Zbela, Zofia, Aniela i Ludwik Karwaczka

8:00 AM John Peregrym, Maria Lach, Stanley Lach 9:30 AM Wilma Gawelda, Matthew Lukaszczyk 11:00 AM Dave & Paula Kroll (Anniversary Blessings), Stanislaw Fafrowicz,

Jadwiga Bobek, Stanislaw Zubek, Bronislawa Gzyl, Maria i Wladys-law Zientara, Zofia i Tadeusz Wilk, Lidia Wilk, Jozef Liptak, Robert Plewa, Pawel Lojek, Helena, Jan i Stanley Maka, The Gult Family, Jozef Ligas, Robert Janik, Franciszek Mendala, Pawel Gasienica Szymkow, Poor Souls in Purgatory

7:00 PM Jozefina i Augustyn Albertusiak

On April 14th there will be a Bilingual

Dedication Mass with

Bishop Andrew Wypych Beginning at 11:00 a.m.

There will not be a

12:45 p.m. Polish Mass this weekend.

Stations of The Cross Friday 6:00 PM (English) April 12 only, 7:00 PM (Polish)

Page 12: SAINT FABIANIn other climates, Jews and Christians alike have had to make accommodations over the years. In Italy, everyone carries olive branches today, of-ten brought from their



Iz 43,16-21 Obietnica nowego wyz-wolenia

Czytanie z Ksiêgi proroka Izajasza

Tak mówi Pan, który otworzy³ drogê przez morze i œcie¿kê przez potê¿ne wody; który wiód³ na wyprawê wozy i konie, tak¿e i potê¿ne wojsko; upadli, ju¿ nie powstan¹, zgaœli, jak knotek zostali zdmuchniêci. „Nie wspominajcie wydarzeñ minionych, nie roztrz¹sajcie w myœli dawnych rzeczy. Oto Ja dokonujê rzeczy nowej: pojawia siê w³aœnie. Czy¿ jej nie poznajecie? Otworzê te¿ drogê na pustyni, œcie¿yny na pustkowiu. S³awiæ Mnie bêd¹ zwierzêta polne, szakale i strusie, gdy¿ na pustyni dostarczê wody i rzek na pustkowiu, aby napoiæ mój lud wybrany. Lud ten, który sobie utworzy³em, opowiadaæ bêdzie moj¹ chwa³ê”. Oto S³owo Bo¿e.


Ps 126,1-2ab.2cd i 4.5.6 Pan Bóg uczyni³ wielkie rzeczy dla nas.

Gdy Pan odmieni³ los Syjonu wydawa³o siê nam, ¿e œnimy. Usta nasze by³y pe³ne œmiechu, a jêzyk œpiewa³ z radoœci. Mówiono wtedy miêdzy poganami: „Wielkie rzeczy im Pan uczyni³”. Odmieñ znowu nasz los, Panie, jak odmieniasz strumienie na Po³udniu. Ci, którzy we ³zach siej¹, ¿¹æ bêd¹ w radoœci. Id¹ i p³acz¹ nios¹c ziarno na zasiew, lecz powróc¹ z radoœci¹ nios¹c swoje snopy.

Pan Bóg uczyni³ wielkie rzeczy dla nas.


Flp 3,8-14 Upodabniaj¹c siê do œmierci Chrystusa, dojdê do powstania z martwych

Czytanie z Listu œwiêtego Paw³a Aposto³a do Filipian

Bracia: Wszystko uznajê za stratê ze wzglêdu na najwy¿sz¹ wartoœæ poznania Chrystusa Jezusa, Pana mojego. Dla Niego wyzu³em siê ze wszystkiego i uznajê to za œmieci, bylebym pozyska³ Chrystusa i znalaz³ siê w Nim, nie maj¹c mojej sprawiedliwoœci, pochodz¹cej z Prawa, lecz Bo¿¹ sprawiedliwoœæ, otrzyman¹ przez wiarê w Chrystusa, sprawiedliwoœæ pochodz¹c¹ od Boga, opart¹ na wierze - przez poznanie Chrystusa: zarówno mocy Jego zmartwychwstania, jak i udzia³u w Jego cierpieniach, w nadziei, ¿e upodabniaj¹c siê do Jego œmierci, dojdê jakoœ do pe³nego powstania z martwych. Nie mówiê, ¿e ju¿ to osi¹gn¹³em i ju¿ siê sta³em doskona³ym, lecz pêdzê, abym te¿ pochwyci³, bo i sam zosta³em pochwycony przez Chrystusa Jezusa. Bracia, ja nie s¹dzê o sobie samym, ¿e ju¿ pochwyci³em, ale to jedno czyniê: zapominaj¹c o tym, co za mn¹, a wytê¿aj¹c si³y ku temu, co przede mn¹, pêdzê ku wyznaczonej mecie, ku nagrodzie, do jakiej Bóg wzywa w górê w Chrystusie Jezusie. Oto S³owo Bo¿e.


J 12,13 Chwa³a Tobie, S³owo Bo¿e

Nawróæcie siê do Boga waszego, On bowiem jest ³askawy i mi³osierny.

Chwa³a Tobie, S³owo Bo¿e


J 8,1-11 Od tej chwili ju¿ nie grzesz

S³owa Ewangelii wed³ug œwiêtego Jana

Jezus uda³ siê na Górê Oliwn¹, ale o brzasku zjawi³ siê znów w œwi¹tyni. Wszystek lud schodzi³ siê do Niego, a On, usiad³szy, naucza³. Wówczas uczeni w Piœmie i faryzeusze przyprowadzili do Niego kobietê, któr¹ pochwycono na cudzo³óstwie, a postawiwszy j¹ na œrodku, powiedzieli do Niego: „Nauczycielu, kobietê tê dopiero pochwycono na cudzo³óstwie. W Prawie Moj¿esz nakaza³ nam takie kamienowaæ. A Ty co mówisz?”. Mówili to, wystawiaj¹c Go na próbê, aby mieli o co Go oskar¿yæ. Lecz Jezus, nachyliwszy siê, pisa³ palcem po ziemi. A kiedy w dalszym ci¹gu Go pytali, podniós³ siê i rzek³ do nich: „Kto z was jest bez grzechu, niech pierwszy rzuci na ni¹ kamieñ”. I powtórnie nachyliwszy siê, pisa³ na ziemi. Kiedy to us³yszeli, wszyscy jeden po drugim zaczêli odchodziæ, poczynaj¹c od starszych. Pozosta³ tylko Jezus i kobieta, stoj¹ca na œrodku. Wówczas Jezus, podniós³szy siê, rzek³ do niej: „Niewiasto, gdzie¿ oni s¹? Nikt ciê nie potêpi³?”. A ona odrzek³a: „Nikt, Panie!”. Rzek³ do niej Jezus: „I Ja ciebie nie potêpiam. - IdŸ, a od tej chwili ju¿ nie grzesz”. Oto s³owo Pañskie.


Page 13: SAINT FABIANIn other climates, Jews and Christians alike have had to make accommodations over the years. In Italy, everyone carries olive branches today, of-ten brought from their



PrzyjdŸ odwiedziæ Jezusa w kaplicy w ka¿dy poniedzia³ek od

godz: 12:00 p.m. do 6:30 p.m. B³ogos³awieñstwo o godz.

6:15 p.m.

Rozk³ad Mszy Œwiêtych i Nabo¿eñstw w Wielkim Tygodniu 2019 Niedziela Palmowa Niedziela 6:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. Dwujęzyczna msza dedykacyjna z Biskupem Wypych, i 7:00 p.m.(nie ma Mszy św. o 12:45 p.m.) Wielki Czwartek, 18 kwiecień Msza św. Ostatniej Wieczerzy Pańskiej (w j.angielskim) - 6:00 p.m. Msza św. Ostatniej Wieczerzy Pańskiej (w j.polskim) - 8:00 p.m Wielki Piątek, 19 kwiecień Droga Krzyżowa (w j. angielskim) – 3:00 p.m. (w kościele)

Droga Krzyżowa (w j. polskim) – 9:00 p.m (na zewnatrz)

Liturgia Wielkiego Tygodnia (w j. polskim) – 4:30 p.m.

Liturgia Wielkiego Tygodnia (w j. angielskim) – 7:00 p.m. Wielka Sobota, 20 kwiecień Poświęcenie pokarmów w kościele i Kash Hall – 10:00 a.m. & 12:00 p.m. Liturgia Wielkiej Soboty (w j. polskim) – 4:30 p.m. Liturgia Wielkiej Soboty (w j. angielskim) – 7:00 p.m. Niedziela Wielkanocna, 21 kwiecień Msze św. (w j. angielskim) – 8: a.m., 9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Msze św (w j. polskim) – 5:30 a.m. (Rezurekcja) & 12:45 p.m. (nie ma Mszy św. o 7:00 p.m.)

Easter Services

Page 14: SAINT FABIANIn other climates, Jews and Christians alike have had to make accommodations over the years. In Italy, everyone carries olive branches today, of-ten brought from their

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Page 16: SAINT FABIANIn other climates, Jews and Christians alike have had to make accommodations over the years. In Italy, everyone carries olive branches today, of-ten brought from their e-mail: [email protected]

St. Fabian Catholic Community Pastor: Rev. Gregory Warmuz

8300 S. Thomas Avenue - Bridgeview, IL 60455

Parish Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (Closed from 1-2 p.m. for Lunch) Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Closed Sundays)

Parish Office 708-599-1110 Religious Education 708-458-6150 Parish FAX 708-599-0673 Religious Education FAX 708-458-2698 Music Director 708-594-7540 Polish School 708-458-9120


Pastor - Rev. Grzegorz Warmuz Weekend Associate: Rev. Marek Smolka Diaconal Ministry - Deacon Ron & Pam Zielinski Deacon Tom & Rhonda Hyde Deacon Joe & Linda Stalcup Senior Deacon Charles & Janet Tipperreiter

Administrative Secretary - Mary Harvey Office Manager - Monica Lassak Business Manager - William Brennan Night Crew - Ewelina Soltys, Kasia Nowak

RCIA - (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)

Ministry of Care - Director - Paula Daley 708-458-2562 Religious Education : English Program - Coordinator - Cindy Schlesser (M-W-F 9:00 am - 3:30 pm) Polish Program - Director - Rev. Gregory Warmuz Administrator: Maria Pocica (Czwartek & Piatek 5:00 - 9:00 pm; Sobota 11:30–3:30 pm) Music Ministry – English & Polish Director - Grazyna Bogutyn Maintenance Ramon Plascencia

8300 S. Thomas Avenue Bridgeview, IL 60455