  • Saint Katherine Greek Orthodox Church 5965 N. Wickham Road, Melbourne, Florida 32940

    Church Phone: (321) 254-1045 fax (321) 821-0450 Church hall: (321) 254-1445

    email: [email protected] - website:


    [email protected]; cell phone: 321-615-4431

    Orthros: 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy: 10:00 AM Fellowship Hour: Noon

    Church office hours: Mon. through Fri. 10 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. / Saturday & Sunday closed

    ~ VISION & MISSION STATEMENT ~ Our Vision (dream) is to be a growing, loving, united Orthodox Christian family open to all.

    Our Mission (job) is to grow our faith in Christ through love and respect,

    with humility and forgiveness.

    Transfiguration of our Lord, God & Savior Jesus Christ

    ~ Welcome to Our Guests ~ We are delighted that you are with us today. Please keep in mind that according to the Holy Canons and teachings of the Orthodox Church, you must be a baptized and chrismated member of the Orthodox faith in good standing in order to receive Holy Communion. You are welcome to receive a portion of the blessed bread (antidoron) distributed at the end of the Divine Liturgy. Please join us for fellowship hour following services.

    Sunday, AUGUST 6, 2017 Festal Mode

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    Divine Liturgy of St. John the Chrysostom

    Τῆς Ἑορτῆς - Ἦχος βαρύς - σ. 220

    Μετεμορφώθης ἐν τῷ ὄρει, Χριστὲ ὁ Θεός, δείξας τοῖς Μαθηταῖς σου

    τὴν δόξαν σου, καθὼς ἠδύναντο. Λάμψον καὶ ἡμῖν τοῖς ἁμαρτωλοῖς,

    τὸ φῶς σου τὸ ἀΐδιον, πρεσβείαις τῆς Θεοτόκου, Φωτοδότα, δόξα σοι.

    For the Feast of Holy Transfiguration –Grave Mode - p. 221

    When you were transfigured on the mountain, O Christ our God, You

    showed Your disciples Your glory as far as they could bear. So Now,

    for us sinners also, let this same eternal light shine forth through the

    prayers of the Theotokos. O Giver of light, glory to You.

    Κοντάκιον σ. 284 - 286

    Eπί τού όρους μετεμορφώθης, καί ώς έχώρουν οί μαθηταί σου τήν

    δόξαν σου Χριστέ ό Θεός έθεάσαντο. ίναόταν σέ ίδωσι σταυρούμε-

    νον, τό μέν πάθος νοήσωσιν έκούσιον, τώ δέ κοσμωκηρύξωσιν, οτι

    σύ ύπάρχεις άληθώς τού Πατρός το άπαύγασμα.

    Kontakion – p. 285 - 287

    You were transfigured on the mountain, O Christ our God, showing

    Your disciples as much of Your glory as they could bear, so that when

    they see You crucified they will know that You suffer freely and they

    will tell all the world that You are truly the radiance of the Father.

    The Reading is from St. Peter's Second Universal Letter 1:10-19 Brethren, be more zealous to confirm your call and election, for if you do this you will never fall; so there will be richly provided for you an entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Therefore I intend always to remind you of these things, though you know them and are established in the truth that you have. I think it right, as long as I am in this body, to arouse you by way of reminder, since I know that the putting off of my body will be soon, as our Lord Jesus Christ showed me. And I will see to it that after my departure you may be able at any time to recall these things. For we did not follow cleverly devised

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    myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. For when he received honor and glory from God the Father and the voice was borne to him by the Majestic Glory, "This is my be-loved Son, with whom I am well pleased," we heard this voice borne from heaven, for we were with him on the holy mountain. And we have the prophetic word made more sure. You will do well to pay attention to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. The Reading is from The Gospel of Matthew 17:1-9 At that time, Jesus took with him Peter and James and John his brother, and led them up a high mountain apart. And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his garments became white as light. And behold, there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, talking with him. And Peter said to Je-sus, "Lord, it is well that we are here; if you wish, I will make three booths here, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah." He was still speaking, when lo, a bright cloud overshad-owed them, and a voice from the cloud said, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him." When the dis-ciples heard this, they fell on their faces, and were filled with awe. But Jesus came and touched them, saying, "Rise, and have no fear." And when they lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only. And as they were coming down the mountain, Je-sus commanded them, "Tell no one the vision, until the Son of man is raised from the dead." Please pray for our: Spiritual Leaders: Patriarch Bartholomew; Archbishop Demetrios; Metropolitan Alexios; & Fr. Demetri Civil Leaders: President Donald J. Trump, US Congress & Supreme Court; Gover-nor Rick Scott; our County Commissioners, all our civil authorities and our armed forces. Parish Leadership: Parish Council, Philoptochos, Chanters, Choir, Sunday & Greek School teachers & students, Youth & Dance Group leaders and children. Those who are sick, awaiting surgery, recovering from surgery, in need of prayers and/or shut in: Alexandra Diamond, Mae Charos, Theresa Sempepos, Peter & Dorothy Pappademetriou, Bill & Ellen Werner, Olga, Despina Kalimnios,

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    Nazieh & Yvonne Yacoub, Savannah & Zander Kelly, Vada Ganakos, Mirsini Sirounis, Suzanne Orosz, Faye Nicholas, John & JoAnne Macheras, John Comninos, Van Katehakis, Angela DeCosta, Marlaine & Jim Manus, George & Sue Kanazeh, Joseph, Jay & John Paul Figari, Jan & Mary, James Petersen, David & Ashley, Bill Kokotis, Leah Thomas, Mary & Pete Faines, Robert & Vel, Katie, Jamie, George & Steven, Kiki & Howard Davidov, Georgia & Vasili Menegas, Brandon Gilsenan, Bob Dearmin, Aurelia Bocanu, Peter & JoAnn Zuras, Tom & Yvette, Kris & Jonathan, Athena Giglio, Peter, Alice & Jim Zavitsanos, Michael Cora & family, Irene Decker, Harry Paris, Samuel Smith, Fred Catalano, Kosta, Anastasia, Maggie & Andromahi Theodorou, Peter Katsoulas, Stylianos Theodorou, Isabella Inzirillo, Manny, Androniki, Photos Nichols, Margie Clore, Peter Thomas Zavitsanos, Teresa Swiderski. For those expecting: Nicolas & Julie Melitas, Jonna & Shane Myatt For those with new babies: Sarah & Stephen Roman, welcome Alexander Elias Those preparing for Baptism: Alexander Elias & Noah James Those serving in the Military: Joseph Abadiotakis, Jr., Harold David Ballard, Nicholas Cannaverde, James Christian Figari, Travis Hunter, Samuel Joseph III, Ethan Macheras, Elias Panayiotis Maldonado, Matthew Ryan Stinnett, Nicholas Tsamoutales, Yanni Tshontikidis. For the protection of Christians who are being persecuted for their faith. For the protection and freedom of the kidnapped Metropolitan Boulos Yazigi and Archbishop Yohanna Ibrahim, both of Aleppo, Syria. Those preparing for Marriage: Alyssa Karas & Christian Stumpf College Students: Brandon Arena, Arianna & Theodora Bendlin, Michael Courey, Joseph Daniel Figari, Elizabeth Gaherty, Telly & Tony Galanopoulos, Alyssa Giglio, Alyssa, Marianthi & Callia Karas, Kimberley & Dana Marie Koines, Jennifer & Andrew Loso, Melanie Niarhos, Tommy Panouses, Catherine Psarakis, Ronnie Rickard, George & Jessica Saad, Catie & Sydney Sergis, Costas & Alex Stathis, Leah & Austen Thomas. (If you know of anyone that should be added to this list, please call the Church office.)

    Please turn your cell phones & pagers off

    or on vibrate before entering Church

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    Fish, Oil & Wine Allowed

    ~ Upcoming Liturgies & Events ~

    Wed., Aug. 9th - 6 PM Paraklesis Service Fri., Aug. 11th - 6 PM Paraklesis Service Sun., Aug. 13th - Festival Meeting: We are in need of Area Coordinators Prayerfully consider your role and come to the meeting. Sun., Aug. 13th & 20th - Ministries Registration - We need 7th & 8th grade teacher or co-teacher. If you are interested please contact the Church office. Mon., Aug. 14th - Dormition of the Theotokos: 6 PM Vespers Tues., Aug. 15th - Dormition of the Theotokos: 9AM Orthros/10AM Divine Liturgy Wed., Aug. 16th - 6:30 PM Our Great Exchange Faith Study Sun., Aug. 20th - Paniyiri following Divine Liturgy see p. 7 Sun., Aug. 27th - 1st day of Sunday School Tues., Aug. 29th - Beheading of Baptist John : 9AM Orthros/10AM Divine Liturgy Fri., Sept. 8th - Nativity of the Theotokos - 9 AM Orthros/10 AM Divine Liturgy Thurs., Sept. 14th - Exaltation of the Holy Cross - 9 AM Orthros/10 AM Divine Liturgy - Strict Fast Day Thurs., Sept. 14th - ZOE Event - see p. 7 for more information Tues., Sept. 26th - Falling Asleep of St. John the Theologian - 9 AM Orthros 10 AM Divine Liturgy Fri., Sat., Sept. 29th & 30th - Philoptochos Rummage Sale - see p. 10 Sat., Oct. 28th - Taverna Night - more information to follow

    Check our website for updated Liturgies & Events:

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    My Beloved Ones,

    This Sunday we are blessed to celebrate the feast of our Lord’s Transfigura-tion. When the August 6th falls on a Sunday, the usual rubrics for the Divine Liturgy are replaced by the celebratory Liturgy of the Transfiguration. This Feast is a special observation as it one of the major Feasts of our Lord which commemorates a miracle that that occurred to Himself, and not others. Shortly before His Crucifixion, our Lord brought the “inner circle” of His Disci-ples—Peter, James and John—with Him to pray on Mount Tabor. The Evange-list Luke tells us that the Disciples were resting, but they awoke to an amazing sight: there, at the summit of the mountain stood the Transfigured Christ. His “...appearance… was altered, and his raiment became dazzling white” (Luke 9:29). Also amazing was the presence of Moses and Elijah, “who spoke of his departure, which he was to accomplish at Jerusalem”. Peter suggests to Christ that they “…make three booths, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah” (Luke 9:30). Finally, completing the miraculous nature of the event, the voice of the Father was heard telling the Disciples “This is my Son, my Beloved; listen to him!” (Luke 9:35). During this manifestation of Christ’s two natures, an important detail that should not be overlooked is Peter’s misunderstanding of the significance of the event. Human beings have the tendency to think in materialistic terms, often because we chose to focus on the physical reality of what we can see in front of us, rather than the spiritual reality which God intends for us to see. Only days before, Peter had grown is his discipleship by correctly praising Je-sus as the Son of God. Now, when he is presented with Christ in His glorified state—as well as confirmation of Christ’s Death and Resurrection as the fulfill-ment of both the Law (through Moses) and the Prophets (through Elijah)—Peter is instead blinded by material matters. Instead of focusing on the mira-cle’s preparation for salvation, he wishes to prolong the miracle to bask in the presence of these great men. As a faithful man, his intentions were not im-pure, but misguided. Only after his misunderstanding does the voice of our Father appear, as He did during the Baptism in the Jordan—to guide us all to-ward our true focus, which is Christ. My beloved ones, the path to discipleship is not an easy task. Peter, who was the first to proclaim his Teacher as God, made this mistake merely days later (and it would certainly not be his last before the Crucifixion of our Lord). Let

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    Do you know someone looking for a “move in ready”

    home near the church (1.6 miles)? Louka & Elenie Luke have a 3-2, ranch style, open floor plan, 1800 sf home for

    sale by owner; custom built in 2011 with many options.

    $304,500. Call 321-622-6065 to see. (MLS 784681)

    us use the coming Feast of the Transfiguration to prayerfully consider the ways in which we too can focus more on the glory of God, and not our own understanding. +ALEXIOS Metropolitan of Atlanta

    As we celebrate the Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord, God, and Sav-ior, Jesus Christ, this weekend, may we thank Him for the strength that He gives us to share and minister to others. May we acknowledge His blessings in providing us the many talents by which we may help others. In spite of our wrongdoings against Him and our neighbors, may He show us great mercy in overlooking our ignorance and unbelief. May our Transfigured Lord provide us with opportunities and encouragement to serve Him and His creation. Through our faith and our response to the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, may we beseech Him to overflow in each of us the faith and the love that are available in Him. And may we always proclaim the truth that our Lord Jesus Christ came into the world to save humankind. Glory to Him forever! Amen.

    +Fr. George Tsahakis Chancellor

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    August 20,2017

    Ticket sales available Sunday July 30 in

    Community Center following the Liturgy

    Please see Stephanie Zavitsanos

    Packets of ten tickets for anyone interested

    in helping with sales

    Family style lunch Adults $15

    Children $10 or $40 per Family (family includes mother, father & children 17 & under)


    Meze: dolmathes, spanokopita, olives

    Salad and Pastichio (w vegetarian option also)

    Dessert: Ravani and Watermelon

    Cash Bar for wine/beer

    Come celebrate in fellowship Music/Dancing

    Waterslide for young and old


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    ZOE Hello to all our ZOE members,

    Summer is fading, date-wise anyway, and September will be upon us soon.

    We hope to once again have monthly gatherings for fellowship, fun and infor-mation.

    Our 2nd year went out with a bang with our exciting violin concert by Mary Beth Ions and delicious luncheon from Kelsey's.

    Our 3rd year will hopefully invigorate our minds and bodies as well, there is much in store.

    For our first meeting on Thursday, September 14th, a Lenten potluck luncheon is planned, please bring a dish of choice. if you are not fasting, that is fine, bring whatever you would like to share. A movie is planned to pep up our day. Also at our first meeting we will be asking for volunteers to chair certain events, that way the time and effort to present and carry out all these wonderful festivities for ZOE, will not fall on one person. We will discuss fur-ther ideas for meetings like speakers and venues.

    Thursday, October 12th finds us trotting off to Merritt Island to the Vet-erans Memorial Center Museum on Sykes Creek Parkway, Since the museum operates via donations, we are asking each guest to pay a $2.00 donation which will be given to the Museum. A luncheon to follow at Victoria's res-taurant in Merritt Island. Reservations will be required in late September/early October with appropriate deadlines.

    On Thursday, November 9th there will be a meeting with a speaker and a lunch to be announced.

    Our Christmas luncheon celebration on Thursday, December 14th at the Duran Country Club in Viera will have lots of delicious food, fun and enter-tainment and will need reservations as well by the 1st week in December.

    All details for all events will be announced in a timely manner.

    We hope to see all of you back and then-some, for the 2017-2018 year of ZOE. Remember this is YOUR group, tell us what you want to do/places you want to visit. Our meetings are the 2nd Thursday of the month. Tresa Roman 757 9404 Christine Balba 213 6441 Elaine Roman 757 4348

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    FRI & SAT. SEPTEMBER 29 & 30

    9 AM - 2 PM

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    If any parishioners, families, group of families,

    koumbari or friends would like to host a fellow-ship hour following Sunday Liturgy please

    contact : Church office - 321.254.1045 Or email - [email protected]

    This is a wonderful opportunity to extend our Christian hospitality with one another and any guests or visitors who attend our services.

    Duties: Set up the two coffee pots in hall Provide a simple snack, Clean up

    Available dates:

    August 6 & 13 (Fast Days), 27

    Please join Jennifer Loso and Julie Melitas in our Community Center.

    Next Study is: Wed., August 16

    6:30 pm

    God has great plans for us all to use our abilities for becoming who

    God created us to be. The link below shows the video that is be-ing used along with the Orthodox Study Bible. Will continue 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month. Length will be 1 1/2 hours at the most. "When two or more are gathered....." Produced by the Acton Institute and is a small group study based on their Effective Stewardship DVD. Here is a link to a de-scription of the OUR GREAT EXCHANGE Curriculum:


    In the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

    Lord Jesus Christ our God, accept our offerings as You have accepted the gifts of Your people throughout the ages. We offer these gifts to Your glory, for the support of the ministries of Your Holy Church, for the alleviation of suffering and hunger, and for the proclamation of Your Gospel to the whole world. Grant us Your blessing, Lord our Savior, that we may always be faithful stewards, continuing to share the gifts you have given us, by the power of Your grace, mercy and love. May Your name be glorified forever. Amen.


    134 Stewards Pledging $148,375. Average Stewardship per family $1,107.

    Paid to date: $93,205.

    Thank you to the 54 Stewards who have completed their 2017 Stewardship!

    31 Friends of St. Katherine have paid $23,750.


    For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

    Luke 12:34


    Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ, Υἱέ Θεοῦ,

    ἐλέησόν με τὸν ἁμαρτωλόν.

    (τὴν ἁμαρτωλόν if prayed by a female)

    Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.
