Download pdf - Sales culture matters



Sales CultureWhat is it

Why it mattersHow to get it right

Sales CultureWhat is it

Short answer

Expectations & Communication

...not seeing the connection?

Let’s try an

Analogy(or three)

Think about the culture of these groups(or if you prefer - esprit de corps)

The success of the group depends on:

▶︎ Individuals knowing their role

▶︎ Knowing what to expect from the others


Being clear about those expectations via clear


...but what about your sales team?

Is it a loose collection of individual contributors, like an

Or a loose collection of individual contributors with results like this

In either case...’re pretty far from...


“But - so what?”(you might be thinking)

“My reps eat what they kill, they don’t hunt in a pack”

(which begs the question....)

Sales CultureWhy it matters

Are all of your reps pushing hard to get new business?

(probably not all of them, right?)

Are all of your reps getting paid to be there?

Do they all benefit from leads and marketing efforts?

Do they all share a logo on their business cards?

How do you think the ones who are pushing hard...

Feel about the ones who aren’t

How do you think the ones who are NOT pushing hard...

...feel about being there?

In an all-star, individual contributor sales culture, it’s every rep for themselves.

Some thrive, some don’t

...and it is all up to them.

You can do a lot better

and it’s simpler than you think

Sales CultureHow to get it right

So how do you go from

Individual Contributors


Esprit de Corps?

It starts here... the conversations between front line sales managers and the reps who report to them

Is the front line sales manager regularly coaching reps?

◆ Are they having granular, activity-based conversations about what is leading up to new business?

◆ Are the expectations for what was supposed to happen clear before they meet?

◆ Or are they “how’s it going”; Deal-by-deal; War story and “here’s what I would do” conversations?

The vast majority of front line

sales managers don’t coach

Those who do, tend to do it poorly

“How’s it going”

Deal-by-deal (not strategic)

War stories

“If I were you”


When sales managers coach in a way that:

Makes expectations clear

Through regular communication

And supports those making efforts

And deals with those who don’t

Then a positive sales culture begins to form...

Expectations are clear

Support is offered

Communication is robust

And reps feel good about being a part of the team

And when reps feel good about being a part of the team

They work harder

The good ones stay longer

They help each other succeed

And your bottom line grows

Your sales manager is more than a rep

Deployed properly, they can be the glue that keeps a wining team together and thriving

Recognize the value in that

And help make it happen

Then you’ll have a great

Sales Culture...and the growth to

show for it

The Sales TeamSuccess Formula™

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