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Page 1: Salt domes

Salt Domes

Columns of low-density salt that rise through overlying rock units

This cross-section shows rocks of the East Texas Basin between the Oklahoma-Texas

border (on the left) and the Gulf of Mexico coastline (on the right). The purple rock

unit is the Middle Jurassic salt, a low-density rock that has the ability to flow slowly

under pressure. The salt is overlain by higher density rock units, making it buoyant.

The salt has erupted up through the overlying rocks like streams of high-viscosity oil

moving up through a layer of water above. The salt columns and smaller mounds are

called "salt domes." USGS image [1].

What is a Salt Dome?

A salt dome is a mound or column of salt that has risen toward the

surface because it has a density that is lower than the rock above it. The

salt behaves like a stream of high-viscosity oil ascending in slow motion

through a thick layer of water above.

In the illustration above, the purple rock unit (Js) was originally a layer of

the overlying . Now you can see several columns of salt penetrating salt

rock units in their rise to the surface, and several small mounds that might

develop into columns over time.

Page 2: Salt domes

Salt dome forms in salt domes classification

A) Inactive salt domes: salt domes in which the past up welled salt is

eroded and at present it just contains surrounding diaper dipped layers.

B) Active salt domes: These salt domes have dome form and the rate of

salt providing is higher than the rate of erosion.

C) Dome structures: This group is diapers in which they didn.t come to

the surface yet, but they folded upper rocks (Bosak et al. 1998).

In terms of form, salt domes are divided into following groups.

D) Circular salt plug: These domes are commonly found in Zagros.

Generally these domes are surrounded by caldrons with dimension of 3

km or more.

A) Linear salt plug: These salt domes are located in zones or structures

which highly effected by tectonic.

Why Do Salt Domes Form?

that enable it to form salt ) has two properties haliteRock salt (the mineral


1) when salt is buried to depths greater than a few thousand feet, it will

; and, sedimentary rockshave a density that is much lower than most other

2) salt has the ability to deform and flow like a high-viscosity fluid when

it is under pressure.

When a layer of salt is deposited on the floor of an evaporating body of

water, it has a specific gravity of about 2.2. Other sedimentary rocks such

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have lower specific gravities when they are limestoneand shaleas

deposited because the mud that they form from contains a significant

amount of water.

As the depth of burial increases, the specific gravity of salt remains about

the same, but the specific gravity of shale and limestone increases as the

water is squeezed from their pore spaces. Eventually they might have a

specific gravity of 2.4 to 2.7, which is significantly higher than the salt.

That creates an unstable situation where a lower specific gravity material

that is capable of behaving like a fluid is overlain by materials with a

higher specific gravity.

Salt movement can be triggered if the rock sequence is subjected to

tectonic forces. Compression will produce folding, and salt domes might

erupt through the crests of anticlines. Extension will produce thinning and

normal faulting, which might create weaknesses that the salt will exploit.

Shear can produce faults or weaknesses that might be exploited by the

unstable salt.

How Large Are Salt Domes?

Salt domes can be very large structures. The salt cores range from ½ mile

to 5 miles across. The parent rock units that serve as a source of salt are

usually several hundred to a few thousand feet thick. The salt domes

ascend from depths of between 500 and 6000 feet (or more) below the

salt glaciersurface [2]. They usually do not reach the surface. If they do a

might form.

The First Salt Dome Oil Discovery

Salt domes were almost unknown until an exploratory oil well was drilled

on Spindletop Hill near Beaumont, Texas in 1900 and completed in 1901.

Spindletop was a low hill with a relief of about 15 feet where a visitor

could find sulfur springs and natural gas seeps.

At a depth of about 1000 feet, the well penetrated a pressurized oil

reservoir that blew the drilling tools out of the well and showered the

surrounding land with crude oil until the well could be brought under

control. The initial production from the well was over 100,000 barrels of

crude oil per day - a greater yield than any previous well had ever


The Spindletop discovery ignited a drilling spree on similar structures

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across the Gulf Coast area. Some of these wells struck oil. Those

discoveries motivated geologists to learn about the structures below that

held such vast amounts of oil.

Careful subsurface mapping of well data, and later the use of seismic

surveys, enabled geologists to discover the shape of salt domes, develop

hypotheses about how they form, and understand their role in petroleum


A satellite image of two salt domes that erupted to the surface of Melville Island, northern Canada. The domes are the round white features surrounded by gray rock. They are each about 2 miles across. The island is surrounded by sea ice. Image by NASA [4]. .

Economic Importance of Salt Domes

Salt domes serve as oil and natural gas reservoirs, sources of sulfur,

, and natural gasoil and sources of salt, underground storage sites for

disposal sites for hazardous waste.


Salt domes are very important to the petroleum industry. As a salt dome

grows, the cap rock above it is arched upwards. This cap rock can serve

as an oil or natural gas reservoir.

As a dome grows the rocks that it penetrates are arched upwards along

the sides of the dome (see both illustrations at the top of this page). This

upward arch allows oil and natural gas to migrate toward the salt dome

where it can accumulate in a structural trap.

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The rising salt can also cause faulting. Sometimes these faults allow a

permeable rock unit to be sealed against an impermeable rock unit. This

structure can also serve as an oil and gas reservoir. A single salt dome can

have many associated reservoirs at a variety of depths and locations

around the dome.


Salt domes are sometimes overlain by a cap rock that contains significant

. The sulfur occurs as a crystalline material rsulfuamounts of elemental

filling fractures, intergranular pores, and in some cases replacing the cap

gypsumand anhydriterock. The sulfur is thought to have formed from

associated with the salt by bacterial activity.

Some salt domes have enough sulfur in the cap rock that it can be

economically recovered. It is recovered by drilling a well into the sulfur

and pumping superheated water and air down the well. The superheated

water is hot enough to melt the sulfur. The hot air converts the molten

sulfur into a froth that is buoyant enough to rise up a well to the surface.

Today most sulfur is produced as a byproduct from crude oil refining and

natural gas processing. The production of sulfur from salt domes is

generally not cost competitive with sulfur produced from oil and natural



Some salt domes have been exploited by underground mining. These

mines produce salt that is used as a raw material by the chemical industry

and as salt for treating snow-covered highways.

A few salt domes have been mined by solution. Hot water is pumped

down a well into the salt. The water dissolves the salt and is brought back

to the surface through production wells. At the surface the water is

evaporated to recover the salt, or the salty water is used in a chemical



Some of the mines developed in salt domes have been carefully sealed

and then used as storage sites for oil, natural gas, and hydrogen.

Page 6: Salt domes

Salt domes in the United States and Russia also serve as national

. Salt is the only type helium gasrepositories for government reserves of

of rock that has a permeability so low that it can hold the tiny helium



Salt is an impermeable rock that has the ability to flow and seal fractures

that might develop within it. For this reason salt domes have been used as

disposal sites for hazardous waste. Man-made caverns in salt domes have

been used as repositories for oil field drilling waste and other types of

hazardous waste in the United States and other countries. They have also

been considered for high-level nuclear waste disposal, but no site in the

United States has received that type of waste.

Different types of oil trap which form as a

result of salt domes

Salt dome cap oil trap: At the top of salt column, breccia cap of hard

rock fragments which separated by salt are formed. If this breccia locates

in suitable condition, it could be a good place for gas and oil


Salt dome amplitude oil trap: Salt dome folds upper beds by the

beginning of its motion and then it breaks them and dipped them in a

direction against the salt column motion. In up dip these dipped layers

end in salt column which is impermeable.

Super cap oil trap: If salt dome reaches to the earth surface it may fold

upper beds inferred dome form anticlinal oil traps which located in

anticlinal oil traps classification.

Stratigraphy oil traps: In a suitable source rock in which hydrocarbons

can flow and a cap rock is located on it, a rupture in permeability in the

direction of up dip is an important factor in the formation of stratigraphy

oil trap.

Reef oil trap: nevertheless in recent reefs, coral reefs are dominant but in

the past geological periods different organisms formed reefs, such as

carbonate alges, bryozoans, sponges.

Gas preservation in salt domes

After well drilling in salt dome and dissolution of salt by water flooding

and discharge of saline water the required space for gas preservation is

