
Salt Water Cleanse | Top Rated Colon Cleanse

The salt water cleanse is increasingly

becoming popular for those that seek to

do a master cleanse or fast. Typically,

people think of drinking lemon and maple

syrup together all day. However, when you

consider the salt water cleanse, you take it

as soon as you wake up. This method is

preferred if you'd like to clear your insides

of additional waste.

Sound simple doesn't it? The drink

combination is even simpler! Everyone has

room temperature water don't they? By

adding 2 teaspoons of sea salt, you are in

business. Remember, we're talking about sea

salt here and not year table salt that you usually have with your meals. Table salt is iodized while sea salt

is not. You must remember this critical fact as you need non-iodized salt if you would like to have a

proper sea colon cleanse. Some further to add a little drip of lemon juice to add flavor and who doesn't

like a little flavor in their drink? This cleanse does not have to be difficult.

It is a revisable to start your salt water cleanse first thing in the morning. Why is that? Well, there is a

tendency to use the bathroom shortly after drinking this beverage. It's often better to be in your home

environment where you are comfortable so that you can take care of this.

What about the cheaters? Well, cheaters don't use the drink the whole glass of this top rated Colon

cleanse. The first time is usually the hardest in a gets much easier after that. Please make know that

you're not to force yourself to drink this if it makes you uncomfortable. Herbal tea has been known to

have laxative ingredients in you may want to take this in conjunction with your salt water. Try drinking

the salt water in the morning and having tea in the evening so as not to cause a major disruption in your


You must never proceed with these types with salt water flushes alone. It is preferable to receive an

expert opinion before deciding to start this fast. The experts can give you an overview of all the options

that you have so that you can have a piece of mind.
