Download pptx - Same day delivery blogspot



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In our generation today many people searching and looking for instant delivery service that will provide their needs especially in a time manner. People are looking for the stuffs that they want to buy but they don’t have time to go to the store to buy their needs so most people are looking for a convenient and affordable delivery service that will deliver their needs like clothes, food, medicine and other stuffs. But because many companies now are dealing with their customer with a high fee in delivering their packages, customers have no choice but to accept their offer.You can visit our Website:


To solve your problem our company offer to you the Crowd to go Apps. Crowd to go is a crowd delivery services, or “Crowd-sourcing delivery service” in which the deliverable are to be delivered with some person who has free time, willing to deliver and wants to earn extra money. The Crowd to go aims to help the people who doesn’t have time to buy their needed stuffs because of their busy schedule. We want them to enjoy their time with their love ones and don’t think about the fee and packages if they deliver it on-time. Crowd to go also wants to help the people who need extra money and looking for a part time job.

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Here in Crowd to go, we want you to discover that this kind of home delivery service can save your time and money. Furthermore your safety and quality of service, Imagine if you’re such a bustling type of person, you won’t have enough time to go out just to buy items or goods or hire a personal shopper that will force you to pay more money. Instead of doing this expensive kind of solution, we are helping you out in a simplest or cheapie way to buy and deliver your items and goods on time at home.

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The person who deliver your packages using Crowd to go is called “Crowdie” they are just normal people, willing to pick up and deliver packages. Here in Crowd to go we want you to trust us, we assure you that the delivery service of the crowdie in Crowd to go is reliable and convenient for all the customers, that’s is why we are requiring to indicates some of their important details to assure our customers that the crowdie that they choose is trusted and loyal to their work.

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