  • Pipeline Corrosion and Coating Inspection Report

    Line ABC - 20

    Joe Pikas VP of Pipeline Integrity

    Verification Dig Project An In-Line Inspection Run was conducted on Line to Assess the Integrity of Line ABC -20. A

    verification dig project was conducted at Station 143+55 using 3D Structured Light to assess a corrosion indication 10 D/S of the weld. This report includes a Pipeline Inspection Report, 3D

    Analysis using Company Interaction Rules and a RSTRENG Analysis to determine the safe operating pressure and mitigation for this defect.

  • In-Line Inspection INTEGRITY PROJECT Pipeline Corrosion and Coating Inspection Report

    Line ABC -20 Dig # 1A

    Page 1

    Pipeline Corrosion and Coating Inspection Report

    Contents (1) Location .............................................................................................................................. 2

    (2) Pipe ..................................................................................................................................... 2

    (3) Reason for Inspection ........................................................................................................... 2

    (4) External Pipe Coating ........................................................................................................... 2

    (5) Coating Evaluation ............................................................................................................... 2

    (6) Environment ........................................................................................................................ 2

    (7) Recoat ................................................................................................................................. 2

    (8) Internal Coating ................................................................................................................... 2

    (9) Magnetic Particle Inspection ................................................................................................. 2

    (10) Evidence ............................................................................................................................ 2

    (11) Corrosion ........................................................................................................................... 2

    (12) Defect, Damage or Corrosion Measurement Table ............................................................... 3

    (13) Conclusions ....................................................................................................................... 4

    Field Conclusions .................................................................................................................... 4

    B31G, Modified and RSTRENG Calculations .............................................................................. 4

    (14) Recommendations and Mitigation ........................................................................................ 4

    Remarks: ............................................................................................................................... 4

    Graphs of Field Scans and Corrosion Pipeline Analysis Pages 5 and 6

    Figure 1 Corrosion Scan Figure 2 Corrosion Pipeline Analysis Figure 3 - Zoomed in Pipeline Analysis

    B31.G, Modified and RSTRENG Pages 7 & 8

  • In-Line Inspection INTEGRITY PROJECT Pipeline Corrosion and Coating Inspection Report

    Line ABC -20 Dig # 1A

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    Pipeline Inspection Report

    (1) Location

    Project Name: ABC Line-20 Project #: 12345 Inspection Date: 1/10/14

    Work Order #: 12345 Line #: Line ABC-20 Align Sheet #: TX ABC 20

    Begin Mile Post #: 2.718 Begin Station #: 143+55 Beg. Valve Section #: 20

    End Mile Post # : 2.801 End Station #: 143+90 End Valve Section #: 30

    City: Wichita Falls County/Township: Wichita County State: TX

    Location Ref: Dig 1A GPS LAT: 33 57.862 N GPS LONG: 098 15.990 W

    Inspector Name and Company:

    John Smith Technical Toolboxes

    Serial # of 3D Unit:

    152049 Verification Calibration Date:


    Exposed Pipeline When an underground pipeline facility is exposed and reveals any corrosion, defect or damage, Operator Qualified personnel shall complete inspection report. This for can also be used for any inspection of pipe, vessels, and other structures.

    (2) Pipe

    Pipe O.D.: 20 Nominal W.T.: .212 Actual W.T.: .235

    MAOP: 800 psi Grade or SMYS: 42000 Class #: 1

    (3) Reason for Inspection

    Leak: NO Anode Installation: No Test Lead Installation: NO Other:

    Tie-ins: NO Anomaly Investigation: YES Foreign Pipeline Crossing: NO

    Third Party Damage: None Name of Third Party: N/A

    (4) External Pipe Coating

    The Exterior Pipe is? Bare: N/A Fusion Bonded Epoxy: N/A Asphalt Enamel: N/A

    Coal Tar Enamel: YES Somastic: N/A Tape: Other:

    Outer Wrap? Concrete: N/A Glass: Yes Rock Shield: N/A Other: Asbestos Felt

    Remarks: Poor adhesion

    (5) Coating Evaluation

    Condition of Coating? Evidence of Soil Stress? NO

    Good: Fair: Poor: YES Comments:

    (6) Environment

    Environment? Clay: YES Loam: NO Sand: NO Gumbo: NO Rock: NO Caliche: NO Other: N/A Depth to Cover: 53 (in.) Above Ground:

    Moisture Content? Dry: Moist: YES Wet:

    (7) Recoat

    Recoated after Inspection? YES Coating Type: Epoxy Coating Manufacturer: 3M Full encirclement repair? N/A Begin Station #:

    End Station #: N/A Spot Repair? Station #: 143+60


    (8) Internal Coating

    Internal Coating? (If Line Cut Open) NO Condition? Good: Fair: Poor: Corrosion?

    (9) Magnetic Particle Inspection

    Magnetic Particle Inspection? YES Die Penetrant Test? NO

    (10) Evidence

    Evidence of? Corrosion: Yes SCC: NO Defect: NO Damage: NO If S.C.C or Corrosion is noted, complete Corrosion Sections 11-17 and MPIR-2. If Defect or Damage I noted, complete MPIR-2.

    (11) Corrosion

    (11) General Corrosion Information Greater than 10%, complete Sheet 2: NO Location: External: Yes Length of Pit: 11 (inches) Maximum Depth: 138 (mils)

    Internal: N/A (12) Cathodic Protection? Impressed: Yes Galvanic: NO (13) Pipe-to-Soil-Potentials at nearest point from Corroded Area? Volts: -0.811 (14) pH of Soil? 6.0

    (15) MIC TEST? NO Test Results? Positive: Negative Remarks:

    (16) Soil Resistivity?

    780 (OHM-CM) (17) Corrosion is? Active: Yes Inactive: N/A

    Remarks: Calcareous deposits found after sleeve was pulled at U/S Girth Weld. No SCC cracking found. There was a combination of flash rust & rain produced yellow rust over 5 section of pipe.

    Moisture found underneath line pipe coal tar enamel coating at corroded area. There was evidence of surface contamination with pitting. Coating holiday found at 6:00 in a 15 x 15 area.

  • In-Line Inspection INTEGRITY PROJECT Pipeline Corrosion and Coating Inspection Report

    Line ABC -20 Dig # 1A

    Page 3

    Defect, Damage or Corrosion Measurement Section 1) Tabulate all dents, gouges, slivers, corrosion, S.C.C., etc. 2) Reference Point - beginning or ending Sta. No. should be correlated to a Girth Weld, Valve, Tee, Road, etc., as shown on Alignment Sheet with a known Station Number. Recommend Girth Weld as a reference. 3) Solid in one dashed line to depict long seam. On seamless pipe, measurements are to e made from the 12: oclock position. If pipe is vertical, substitute North for the 12: oclock position. 4) Defects such as dents, slivers, gouges, etc. shall be tabulated individually. Corrosion cracks and/or corrosion pitting closely grouped may be tabulated as one defect. 5) Defect width and length will be measured along the girth and longitudinal axis respectively.

    Measurement from: X Upstream Weld Flow Direction: X

    Downstream Weld


    Begin Sta. No: 143+55

    End Sta. No.: 143+90



    35 Clockwise Length of Jt.

    (12) Defect, Damage or Corrosion Measurement Table

    Reference Location: NO. Type Distance from

    Referenced Sta. No. Clock Position Width

    (inches) Length (inches)

    Maximum Depth (mils)

    Number of Cracks or Pits

    1. U/S Weld 10 6 4.921 10.906 138 Multiple 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

    Repair Required: Yes Type of repair Required? Composite Sleeve

    Comments: ASME B31.G and Modified B31.G failed the established 550 PSI MAOP. However, the Remaining Strength exceeded the MAOP. Because this is an area for possible encroachment, a composite sleeve was recommended for permanent repair.

  • In-Line Inspection INTEGRITY PROJECT Pipeline Corrosion and Coating Inspection Report

    Line ABC -20 Dig # 1A

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    Conclusions and Recommendations

    (13) Conclusions

    Field Conclusions were as follows:

    1. Corrosion pitting was found underneath disbonded coating. 2. Corrosion pitting was approximately 11 L x 5 W and 138 mils deep. 3. Coating was disbonded in a 15 long by 10 wide patch. 4. Low pipe to electrolyte potentials were found at corroded area. 5. Population growth and encroachment near site were observed.

    B31G, Modified and RSTRENG Calculations:

    ASME B31.G and Modified B31.G failed the established 550 PSI MAOP.

    Remaining Strength Calculations (Effective Area) found Safe Operating Pressure at 580 PSI and Safety Factor at 1.45.

    Other safety factors were used to make recommendations.

    (14) Recommendations and Mitigation

    Mitigation consists of Recoat, Repair, Replace, Reduce Pressure or Other i.e. Additional CP, Reduce Interference, etc.

    Recoat Repair:

    Yes Type of Coating: Epoxy Manufacturer: 3M

    Composite Repair:

    Yes Type of Composite: Composite Reinforcement Manufacturer: Clock Spring

    Reduce Pressure:

    No % Reduction: N/A New Operating Pressure:


    Replace Pipe:

    No Cylinder Length of Pipe:

    N/A Coating Type: N/A

    Other: Increase Rectifier Output

    Type of Mitigation: Additional CP to offset low potentials

    Adequate CP Potentials:

    -1.15 Volts OFF


    Because of encroachment and other issues, ABC manager elected to use a permanent composite sleeve to maintain the integrity of the pipeline in this area.

  • In-Line Inspection INTEGRITY PROJECT Pipeline Corrosion and Coating Inspection Report

    Line ABC -20 Dig # 1A

    Page 5

    Figure 1: Corrosion Scan of 20 Diamter Pipe

    Figure:2 Corrosion Analysis of 20 Diameter Pipe

  • In-Line Inspection INTEGRITY PROJECT Pipeline Corrosion and Coating Inspection Report

    Line ABC -20 Dig # 1A

    Page 6

    Figure 3: Zoomed In Area of Corrosion with 3D River Bottom Path

    And 2 D Profile of Pitting


    ASME B31.G Interaction Rules Selected were 3D Longitundial and 3D Circumferential

    Grid Size was slected Convex Hull was selected outlining corrosion Color graphing used with deepest in dark red

  • Station:



    Prepared By: Approved By:


    00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    PIT D



    PIT LENGTH [in]


    P = 2StFT/D [psig] - Calculated Pressure 641.088Established MAOP [psig] 550

    Pipe Outside Diameter [in] 20.00Pipe Wall Thickness [in] 0.212SMYS [psi] 42,000

    Total Length [in] 11.018Effective Length: Start [in] 0.20 End [in] 10.77

    Effective Length [in] 10.57Effective Area [in] 0.743Max. Pit Depth [in] 0.138Max.Depth/Wall Thickness 0.65



    METHOD Max. Safe Pressure [psig] Burst Pressure [psig] Safety FactorRSTRENG - Effective Area 580 806 1.46RSTRENG - 0.85dL 412 573 1.04ASME B31 G 247 344 0.62

    Line ABC - 20

    U/S Weld Sta 143+55 1/17/2014

    Joe Pikas

    Design Factor 0.72

  • Station:



    Prepared By: Approved By:

    1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.

    0 0.197 0.453 0.571 0.886 1.063 1.26 1.732 1.969 2.067 2.343 2.736 2.756 3.11 3.346 3.524 3.917 4.232 4.291 4.508 4.803 5.236 5.492 5.669 5.768 6.24 6.476 6.535 6.752 7.087 7.421 7.539 7.795 8.248 8.406 8.72 8.76 9.154 9.488 9.646 9.862 10.236 10.433 10.551 10.768 11.018

    0 63.322 52.799 63.938 63.082 87.385 69.799 56.635 78.323 61.26 54.164 64.552 63.013 79.456 76.132 68.773 81.693 90.363 102.799 80.912 51.721 39.04 53.507 79.178 65.697 76.728 109.844 109.941 60.624 58.154 77.492 84.281 67.404 59.257 71.739 70.923 72.246 52.127 84.314 86.425 47.282 57.236 137.614 129.263 93.354 0

    Nr. Increment [in] Pit Depth [Mil]CORROSION MEASUREMENT:

    Line ABC - 20

    U/S Weld Sta 143+55 1/17/2014

    Joe Pikas

    Pipeline Inspection Report CorrosionLine ABC - 20 Corrosion
