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Enhanced Science

Sophia Marie D. VerdeflorGrade 10-1 STE

Ma. Aurora A. CalixtoTeacher

Page 2: San andreas movie analysis

FACTS about San Andreas, the Movie

When the head of the San Andreas fault is moving away from the shore toward the water, it absorbs depthless waters and also most of its fault was surrounded by land.

Strong shaking of the ground might result landslide that could also

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cause tsunami. Most large earthquakes with ground rupture have associated tension

cracks that can, at times, get large enough to place an arm into, a far cry from the chasm seen in San Andreas.

The San Andreas earthquake will shake up politicians as death tolls and damages rise.

The San Andreas has been considered as one of the most dangerous earthquake faults because of its length.

The San Andreas system in Northern California consists of five major branches with an overall length of about 1,25O miles.

Experts say there is a 99 percent chance of a magnitude-6.7 earthquake or larger in the next 30 years in California because of the number of fault lines in the region.

The San Andreas Fault that forms the tectonic boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate is the biggest.

Southern California is rocked by a powerful magnitude-9.1 quake followed by an even stronger magnitude-9.6 in Northern California.

The San Andreas is strike-slip fault, in which opposing blocks of rocks slide past each other horizontally.

Giant tsunami waves are formed when the Earth's crust violently shifts, displacing huge amounts of seawater.

The tide suddenly ebbing out signals a tsunami is coming. If you're outdoors when the ground moves, experts recommend bracing

against a wall, similar to what search-and-rescue helicopter pilot Ray Gaines, played by Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, told scared survivors in the movie.

The San Andreas has long been considered one of the most dangerous earthquake faults because of its length.

Computer models show the San Andreas is capable of producing a Magnitude-8.3 earthquake, but anything larger is dubious.

Recognizing water draw down as sign of tsunami is good. Drop, cover& hold on. The right thing to do in an earthquake.

FALLACIES about San Andreas, the Movie

The large earthquake in Nevada happened in the movie can trigger the San Andreas Fault or even can knock down Hoover Dam.

A towering mega-tsunami can cause coastlines and submerge a

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container ship into a bridge. San Andreas Fault will ingest cars, people or even buildings. Large earthquakes are caused by San Andreas Fault. Advanced earthquake-prediction technology. Tsunamis shown in the movie. The fault will break again without prior notice. Magnitude-9 larger can happen even though the fault is not long or

deep enough It takes a magnitude-9 or greater to wreak havoc. When the fault breaks again, multiple magnitude-9 earthquakes will

hit a certain place and can be fest from as far as the East Coast. Scientists can predict when a jolt is coming. San Andreas can spawn tsunamis. San Andreas is capable of producing an earthquake larger than

a 8.3-magnitude. The scientist warned that shaking would be felt on the East Coast. Even the largest possible San Andreas quake would rattle the East

Coast. The earthquake can occur without friction.

(Explanation: The San Andreas Fault Zone forms the boundary between two tectonic plates that are moving in a lateral (side-to-side) motion past one another. The east side of the fault is moving south and the west side is moving north. When the plates grind past one another suddenly, the rapid overcoming of the plate friction is what causes the earthquake.If a chasm or rift were created by the pulling apart of the plates, there would be no friction and, thus, no earthquake.)

The fault opened up. Forecasting earthquakes days or even hours before they occur. Buildings topple and break, the ground buckles and moans, fire

breathes from the occasional skyscraper, a resulting tsunami drowns the metropolis and a rooftop hotel pool becomes simply uninhabitable.

In terms of these big buildings in the movie, some just fall over and others kind of crumble.

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