Page 1: saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis institutiIPG successfully collaborates with CIMMYT and ICARDA over the years. The main areas of stud-ies is monitoring of cereal rusts and testing of introduced



saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis instituti

Page 2: saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis institutiIPG successfully collaborates with CIMMYT and ICARDA over the years. The main areas of stud-ies is monitoring of cereal rusts and testing of introduced
Page 3: saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis institutiIPG successfully collaborates with CIMMYT and ICARDA over the years. The main areas of stud-ies is monitoring of cereal rusts and testing of introduced


Table of Content:


Overview ............................................................................................................. 4

mimoxilva ....................................................................................................... 5

Facts and Figures ................................................................................................ 6

faqtobrivi monacemebi ............................................................................ 7

Laboratory of Disease Monitoring and Diagnostics .............................................. 8

daavadebaTa monitoringisa da

diagnostikis laboratoria ................................................................... 9

Laboratory of Genetics of Resistance ................................................................ 11

gamZleobis genetikis laboratoria ................................................ 11

Laboratory of Molecular Biology ........................................................................ 12

molekuluri biologiis laboratoria ....................................13

Scientifi c Directions ........................................................................................... 14

samecniero mimarTulebebi ................................................................... 15

Research and Services ...................................................................................... 16

kvleviTi saqmianoba da momsaxureba ........................................16

Collaboration and Projects ................................................................................. 18

TanamSromloba da proeqtebi ............................................................. 19

First International Transcaucasus Conference on Plant Pathology ...................... 20

mcenareTa paTologiis pirveli

saerTaSoriso transkavkasiuri konferencia ............................... 21

Assisting Georgian Farmers .............................................................................. 22

qarTveli fermerebis daxmareba ....................................................... 22

Page 4: saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis institutiIPG successfully collaborates with CIMMYT and ICARDA over the years. The main areas of stud-ies is monitoring of cereal rusts and testing of introduced


The aim of the Institute of Phytopathology of Georgia (IPG) is to provide research, consultancy and expert diagnostic services for plant disease control, working with partners, academics and collaborators.

IPG’s research aims to develop ecologically safe disease control by accurate diagnosis, testing and recommending crop management practices.

Improving these researches by using modern mo-lecular biology methods will develop a platform for food safety and biosecurity for the country.

The Institute of Phytopathology of Georgia (for-mer Institute of Plant Immunity) was founded on May 22, 1991 by development from the labo-ratories and expertise of a branch of All-Union Research Institute of Phytopathology which was originally founded in Kobuleti in 1959.

In 1964 the laboratories of phytopathology, bio-logical control, selection and genetics of micro-organisms, herbicides, toxicology and fungicides were established. In 1970 a fi eld station was founded in the village of Tsagveri, Borjomi region.

During Soviet times, the work of the laborato-ries was focused on research of highly virulent and the most damaging fungal pathogens of strategic importance. The branch of All-Union Research Institute of Phytopathology was the fi rst in Georgia to study genetic structure of pathogen populations, as well as testing sources of resis-tance towards highly virulent races and screening fungicides and pesticides.

The environmental conditions of Kobuleti are unique for fi eld trials because of the natural isola-tion from major producing areas of test crops and the especially favourable warm humid growing conditions for plant pathogens.

After the break-up of the USSR the institution was handed over to Georgia and according to government order acquired the status of a re-search institute.

The Institute of Phytopathology of Georgia now operates under the authority of the Ministry of Science and Education of Georgia.

On basis of the memorandums signed in Febru-ary 2010, the Institute also closely cooperates with the Ministry of Agriculture and the National Service of Food Safety, Veterinary and Plant Pro-tection of Georgia.

In 2002 the Institute started its cooperation with the UK-based Food and Environment Research Agency (FERA). Under this collaboration, IPG was provided with the modern equipment for the laboratory of molecular biology, the build-ings were repaired and improved, and the staff received help and training.

IPG successfully collaborates with CIMMYT and ICARDA over the years. The main areas of stud-ies is monitoring of cereal rusts and testing of introduced breeding materials.

Page 5: saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis institutiIPG successfully collaborates with CIMMYT and ICARDA over the years. The main areas of stud-ies is monitoring of cereal rusts and testing of introduced


saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis instituti

(sfi), sxvadasxva partniorTan da samecniero

wreebTan TanamSromlobiT, axorcielebs kvle-

viT, sakonsultacio da saeqsperto saqmiano-

bas mcenareTa daavadebebis diagnostikisa da

maTi kontrolis mizniT.

institutis kvlevebis mizania ganaxorcielos

daavadebaTa ekologiurad usafrTxo kontroli

zusti diagnostikis, mosavlianobis marTvis

meTodebis gamocdisa da rekomendaciebis Se-

muSavebis gziT.

kvlevaTa xarisxobrivi daxvewa molekuluri

biologiis Tanamedrove meTodebis danerg-

viT mniSvnelovan winapirobas Seqmnis qveynis

sasursaTo da biousafrTxoebis uzrunvel-


saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis instituti

(warsulSi mcenareTa imunitetis instituti)

1991 wlis 22 maiss daarsda fitopaTologiis

sakavSiro samecniero-kvleviTi institutis

saqarTvelos filialis bazaze, romelic

qobuleTSi 1959 wlidan funqcionirebda.

1964 wels Seiqmna fitopaTologiis,

biologiuri kontrolis, mikroorganizmebis

seleqciisa da genetikis, herbicidebis,

toqsikologiisa da fungicidebis

laboratoriebi. borjomis raionis daba

waRverSi 1970 wels savele sadguri


sabWoTa periodSi laboratoriebSi

strategiuli mniSvnelobis,

maRalvirulenturi da gansakuTrebiT mavne

sokovani paTogenebis kvleva mimdinareobda.

fitopaTologiis sakavSiro-kvleviTi

institutis filiali iyo saqarTveloSi

pirveli samecniero dawesebuleba,

sadac daiwyo marcvlovanTa paTogenebis

populaciis genetikuri struqturis

kvleva, maRalvirulenturi rasebis mimarT

gamZleobis efeqturi wyaroebis moZieba da

gamocda, perspeqtiuli fungicidebis da

herbicidebis skriningi.

qobuleTis garemo pirobebi unikaluria

savele cdebis Casatareblad, rac

ganpirobebulia sacdeli kulturebis

komerciuli naTesebisgan bunebrivi

izolaciiT da mcenareTa paTogenebis

zrdisTvis xelsayreli Tbili da notio


sabWoTa kavSiris daSlis Semdeg instituti

saqarTvelos saxelmwifos gadaeca da

mTavrobis dadgenilebiT mas kvleviTi

institutis statusi mieniWa.

saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis instituti

amJamad saqarTvelos ganaTlebisa da

mecnierebis saministros daqvemdebarebaSi


2010 wlis TebervalSi xelmowerili

memorandumebis safuZvelze daiwyo

institutis mWidro TanamSromloba soflis

meurneobis saministrosa da saqarTvelos

sursaTis uvneblobis, veterinariisa da

mcenareTa dacvis erovnul samsaxurTan.

2002 wels institutma TanamSromloba daiwyo

didi britaneTis sursaTis da garemos kvlevis

saagentosTan (FERA), romlis farglebSi

fitopaTologiis instituts gadaeca

molekuluri biologiis laboratoriis

Tanamedrove aRWurviloba, gaumjobesda

infrastruqtura, mecnier-TanamSromlebma

gaiares treningebi.

saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis instituti

warmatebiT TanamSromlobs CIMMYT da

ICARDA-Tan. kvlevis ZiriTadi sferoebia

marcvlovanTa Jangebis monitoringi da

introducirebuli saseleqcio masalis


Page 6: saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis institutiIPG successfully collaborates with CIMMYT and ICARDA over the years. The main areas of stud-ies is monitoring of cereal rusts and testing of introduced


The Institute of Phytopathology employes 40 staff,

19 of whom are fully qualifi ed scientists.

Director: Guram Memarne, PhD

Laboratory of Disease Monitoring and Diagnostics

Head: Eduard Megrelidze, PhD

Laboratory of Genetics of Resistance Head: Zoia Sikharulidze, PhD

Laboratory of Molecular Biology Head: Galina Meparishvili, PhD

Contact information:

90 Tavisupleba Str.

6200 Kobuleti


Tel/Fax: (+995) 88 236 67413

Email: [email protected]

fitopaTologiis institutSi 40 TanamSromelia, maTgan 19 - maRalkvalificiuri mecnieria.

direqtori: guram memarne,

biologiis akademiuri doqtori

daavadebaTa monitoringisa da

diagnostikis laboratoria

gamge: eduard megreliZe,

biologiis akademiuri doqtori

gamZleobis genetikis laboratoria

gamge: zoia sixaruliZe,

biologiis akademiuri doqtori

molekuluri biologiis laboratoria

gamge: galina mefariSvili,

biologiis akademiuri doqtori

sakontaqto informacia:

Tavisuflebis q. 90

qobuleTi 6200


tel/faqsi: (+995) 88 236 67413

elfosta: [email protected]


Page 7: saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis institutiIPG successfully collaborates with CIMMYT and ICARDA over the years. The main areas of stud-ies is monitoring of cereal rusts and testing of introduced


Page 8: saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis institutiIPG successfully collaborates with CIMMYT and ICARDA over the years. The main areas of stud-ies is monitoring of cereal rusts and testing of introduced



Monitoring of diseases of cereals (wheat, barley and maize),

subtropical (citrus, tea) and other economically signifi cant

crops in different agroecological zones of Georgia;

Determining the incidence and severity of diseases and

collecting samples of key diseases;

Identifying the causal agents of diseases by using traditional


Study of biology, morphology, pathogenicity and cultural

properties of pathogens;

Study etiology and principles of development of the most

harmful crop diseases;

Maintaining and development of the Georgian National

Collection of Plant Pathogens;

Developing control measures for plant diseases in Georgia.


Page 9: saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis institutiIPG successfully collaborates with CIMMYT and ICARDA over the years. The main areas of stud-ies is monitoring of cereal rusts and testing of introduced


daavadebaTa monitoringisa da diagnostikis laboratoria

ZiriTadi mimarTulebebi: marcvlovanTa (xorbali, qeri, simindi), subtropikuli kulturebis

(Cai, citrusebi) da sxva ekonomikuri TvalsazrisiT mniSvnelovani

sasoflo-sameurneo kulturebis daavadebaTa monitoringi saqar-

Tvelos sxvadasxva agroekologiur zonaSi;

daavadebaTa gavrcelebisa da maTi ganviTarebis intensivobis

Seswavla; ZiriTad daavadebaTa nimuSebis Segroveba;

daavadebebis gamomwvev paTogenTa identifikacia klasikuri


daavadebis gamomwvevTa biologiis, morfologiis, paTogenurobisa

da kulturaluri maxasiaTeblebis Seswavla;

kulturul mcenareTa yvelaze mavne daavadebebis etiologiisa da

ganviTarebis kanonzomierebebis Seswavla;

mcenareTa paTogenebis erovnuli koleqciis Senaxva da gafarToeba;

daavadebebTan brZolis RonisZiebebis SemuSaveba.

Page 10: saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis institutiIPG successfully collaborates with CIMMYT and ICARDA over the years. The main areas of stud-ies is monitoring of cereal rusts and testing of introduced


Page 11: saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis institutiIPG successfully collaborates with CIMMYT and ICARDA over the years. The main areas of stud-ies is monitoring of cereal rusts and testing of introduced



gamZleobis genetikis laboratoria


Study epidemiology of cereal rusts and powdery mildews

in different geographic zones of Georgia;

Survey of virulence of wheat rust fungi in Georgia;

Identifi cation of virulence structure of wheat and barley powdery


Maintaining and development of the collection of pathotypes of

cereal rusts;

Testing of local and introduced breeding material under natural and

artifi cial infection of the major pathogens and identifying sources of


Development of immunogenetic methods for rust control of cereals;

Maintaining a differential set of cereal varieties and lines for

identifi cation of phytopathogenic fungal races.

laboratoriis mimarTulebebi: marcvlovanTa Jangebisa da nacrebis epidemiologiis

Seswavla saqarTvelos sxvadasxva geografiul zonaSi;

xorblis Jangebis virulentobis monitoringi;

xorblisa da qeris nacris gamomwvevTa virulenturi

struqturis identifikacia;

marcvlovanTa Jangebis paTotipTa koleqciis ganax-

leba, Sevseba, Senaxva;

adgilobrivi da introducirebuli saseleqcio masalis

gamZleobis donis gansazRvra ZiriTad paTogenTa

bunebriv da xelovnur infeqciur fonze, gamZleobis

wyaroebis gamovlena;

marcvlovanTa Jangebisagan dacvis imunogenetikuri

meTodebis SemuSaveba;

marcvlovanTa jiSebis da xazebis diferenciatorTa

nakrebis gadamravleba-Senaxva sokovan paTogenTa

rasebis identifikaciis mizniT.

Page 12: saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis institutiIPG successfully collaborates with CIMMYT and ICARDA over the years. The main areas of stud-ies is monitoring of cereal rusts and testing of introduced


Diagnosis of plant diseases by using molecular

biology methods, mainly polymerase chain

reaction (PCR) methods;

Study of intraspecifi c diversity of pathogens by

using DNA-based methods;

Development of the Georgian National Culture


Laboratory of




Page 13: saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis institutiIPG successfully collaborates with CIMMYT and ICARDA over the years. The main areas of stud-ies is monitoring of cereal rusts and testing of introduced


ZiriTadi mimarTulebebi: mcenareTa daavadebebis diagnostika

molekuluri biologiis Tanamedrove

meTodebis, maT Soris polimeraza

jaWvuri reaqciis (pjr) gamoyenebiT;

paTogenTa Sigasaxeobrivi mravalfero-

vnebis dadgena dnm-is Seswavlaze

damyarebuli meTodebiT;

fitopaTogenTa kulturebis erovnuli

koleqciis ganviTareba.

molekuluri biologiis laboratoria

Page 14: saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis institutiIPG successfully collaborates with CIMMYT and ICARDA over the years. The main areas of stud-ies is monitoring of cereal rusts and testing of introduced


Survey of diseases of signifi cant crops: Annual disease surveys of crop fi elds and plantations; determining disease incidence and severity, sampling.

Diagnostics of crop diseases: Registration of samples, isolation of pathogens from disease samples, identifi cation and authentifi cation of fungal, bacterial and viral pathogens by classical methods.

Population genetics: Study of pathogenicity and virulence of major crop pathogens; identifi cation of virulence structures of wheat rusts, cereal powdery mildews, etc.; measurement of changes in virulence of popu-lations; providing highly cost effective opportunity to determine the risk presented by pathogen races.

Immunological assessment: Evaluating cereal germplasm for different diseases under natural and artifi cial infection by using fi eld and glasshouse studies. Identifi cation of new sources of resistance for recommendation in breeding programs.

Molecular Biology: Introducing and using new molecular biology me-thods for improved plant diseases diagnosis, screening of virulence mar-kers and assessment of the genetic diversity of pathogens.

National Culture Collection of Plant Pathogens: The collection includes the panel of plant pathogens, mainly fungi important both nationally and regionally.

Risk assessment: Phytosanitary risk analysis for quarantine pests, its diagnostics and management. Developing control strategies of diseases.

Scientifi c Directions

Page 15: saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis institutiIPG successfully collaborates with CIMMYT and ICARDA over the years. The main areas of stud-ies is monitoring of cereal rusts and testing of introduced


samecniero mimarTulebebi

sasoflo-sameurneo kulturebis daavadebaTa monitoringi:

sasoflo-sameurneo kulturebis daavadebaTa yovelw-

liuri monitoringi mindvrebsa da plantaciebSi, daava-

debebis gavrcelebisa da ganviTarebis intensiobis Ses-

wavla, nimuSebis Segroveba.

sasoflo-sameurneo kulturebis daavadebaTa diagnostika:

nimuSebis registracia; paTogenebis gamoyofa daavade-

buli nimuSebidan; sokovani, baqteriuli da virusuli

paTogenebis identifikacia klasikuri meTodebis gamoy-


populaciuri genetika: marcvlovanTa ZiriTadi daavade-

bebis gamomwvev organizmTa Sigasaxeobrivi diferencia-

ciis Seswavla; xorblis Jangebis, marcvlovanTa nacre-

bisa da sxva paTogenebis virulentobis genofondisa da

paTotipuri struqturis identifikacia, Sigapopulaci-

uri cvlilebebis mimarTulebis gansazRvra, gavrcele-

bul paTogenTa rasebis riskis gansazRvra.

imunologiuri Sefaseba: marcvlovanTa Canasaxovani

plazmis Sefaseba sxvadasxva paTogenis mimarT saTburisa

da mindvris pirobebSi, bunebrivi da xelovnuri infeq-

ciuri fonis gamoyenebiT; daavadebebisadmi axali gamZ-

leobis wyaroebis gamovlena saseleqcio programebSi

CarTvis mizniT.

molekuluri biologia: molekuluri biologiis meTo-

debis aTviseba da gamoyeneba daavadebaTa diagnostikis

gaumjobesebisa da virulentobis markerebis SerCevis,

paTogenTa genetikuri mravalferovnebis dadgenis miz-


fitopaTogenTa erovnuli koleqcia: ZiriTadad warmod-

genilia sokovani paTogenebiT. kulturaTa koleqcias

Zalze didi Teoriuli da praqtikuli mniSvneloba aqvs,

rogorc qveynis, aseve regionuli TvalsazrisiT.

riskis Sefaseba: sakarantino mavne organizmebis fitosa-

nitaruli riskis analizi, maTi diagnostika da menejmen-

ti; daavadebaTa kontrolis strategiis SemuSaveba.

Page 16: saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis institutiIPG successfully collaborates with CIMMYT and ICARDA over the years. The main areas of stud-ies is monitoring of cereal rusts and testing of introduced

Research and


Expert consultancy: Provision of expert

diagnostics and advices to the Georgian

Ministry of Agriculture, the National Service

of Food Safety, Veterinary and Plant Pro-

tection, private companies and farmers.

Applied Research: Helping farmers and

other stakeholders to recognize crop

diseases in the fi eld; Providing expert

help with crop diseases; Undertaking risk

assessment work; Recommending on

disease control for farmers and breeders.

Laboratory Services: Providing diagno-

stic services by means of classical and

modern molecular biology methods; sup-

porting the plant quarantine service.

Training and education: Collaborating

with universities, including PhD and MSc

training. Extension services to farmers

through seminars, training courses, open

days and clinics aimed to improve know-

ledge in plant protection.

kvlevebi da


saeqsperto konsultacia: saeqsperto

diagnostikis ganxorcieleba soflis

meurneobis saministros, sursaTis

uvneb lobis, veterinariisa da mcenare-

Ta dacvis erovnuli samsaxuris, saba-

Jo departamentis, kerZo kompaniebisa

da fermerebisTvis.

gamoyenebiTi samecniero saqmianoba:

fermerebis da sxva dainteresebul

pirTa daxmareba savele pirobebSi daa-

vadebis amocnobaSi; mavne organizmTa

riskis Sefaseba; daavadebebis winaaRm-

deg RonisZiebebis SeTavazeba fermere-

bisa da seleqcionerebisTvis.

laboratoriuli momsaxureba:

sasoflo-sameurneo kulturebis

daavadebaTa diagnostika molekuluri

biologiis klasikuri da Tanamedrove

meTodebiT, mcenareTa karantinis sam-

saxuris sadiagnostiko momsaxureba.

treningebi da saganmanaTleblo saq-

mianoba: universitetebTan mWidro

TanamSromlobiT magistrantebisa da

doqtorantebis momzadeba; fermerTa

momsaxurebis gaumjobeseba, mcenareTa

dacvis sferoSi maTi codnis amaRle-

bis mizniT leqcia-seminarebis, trenin-

gebis, Ria karis dReebisa da mcenareTa

klinikebis mowyobis Sedegad.


Page 17: saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis institutiIPG successfully collaborates with CIMMYT and ICARDA over the years. The main areas of stud-ies is monitoring of cereal rusts and testing of introduced


Page 18: saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis institutiIPG successfully collaborates with CIMMYT and ICARDA over the years. The main areas of stud-ies is monitoring of cereal rusts and testing of introduced

Collaboration and Projects

The Institute collaborates with a variety of

scientifi c organisations, including:

– International Maize and Wheat Improvement

Center (CIMMYT)

– International Center for Agricultural

Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

– UK Food and Environment Research Agency


– UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

– Washington State University

– International Science and Technology Centre


– Borlaug Global Rust Initiative

– G. Eliava Institute of Bacteriophage, Micro-

biology and Virology

– Lomouri Institute of Farming

– All-Russia Scientifi c Research Institute of



Key international projectsISTC Partner Project (#G-1775p)

„Evaluation of cultivar disease resistance of three im-

portant crops to identify best practice improvements

in crop management for agriculture in Georgia and

potentially other South Caucasian states“.

01 December 2009 - 01 December 2011

International Project (SRO/GLO/*) #/CRN)

„Durable Resistance in Wheat“. Part of the

Project - „Global Cereal Rust Monitoring“.

01 June 2009 - 01 August 2009

Georgian National Science Foundation Project (#308)

„Assessment of relationships among grain yield, grain

quality and disease resistance in introduced and

adapted to the local environment wheat germplasm

to identify improved varieties“.

01 March 2009 - 01 March 2011

ISTC Project (#WS01-SB106/150-08)„First International Transcaucasus Conference on

Plant Pathology“.

25 - 27 September 2008

USDA-CSREES International Collaboration Programme in Agricultural Science in Central Asia and South Caucasus „Virulence of yellow and brown rust pathogens and evaluation of wheat varieties“.

10 May 2004 - 10 May 2006

ISTC Partner Project (#G-1993p)

„Improving Plant Health in Georgia, through impro-

ving disease resistance of wheat, increased know-

ledge of quarantine diseases and establishment of a

National Culture Collection“.

01 May 2004 - 30 April 2008

Page 19: saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis institutiIPG successfully collaborates with CIMMYT and ICARDA over the years. The main areas of stud-ies is monitoring of cereal rusts and testing of introduced


TanamSromloba da proeqtebi

instituti TanamSromlobs sxvadasxva

samecniero dawesebulebebTan:

• xorblisa da simindis gaumjobe-

sebis saerTaSoriso centri


• mSrali regionebis sasoflo-

sameurneo kvlevebis saerTaSoriso

centri (ICARDA)

• didi britaneTis sursaTisa da

garemos kvlevis saagento (FERA)

• gaeros sursaTisa da soflis

meurneobis organizacia (FAO)

• vaSingtonis saxelmwifo


• saerTaSoriso samecniero-teqni-

kuri centri (ISTC)

• marcvlovanTa Jangebis globaluri

monitoringis borlaugis inicia-


• g. eliavas saxelobis baqteriofa-

giis, mikrobiologiis da viruso-

logiis instituti

• i. lomouris miwaTmoqmedebis


• ruseTis samecniero-kvleviTi fi-

topaTologiis instituti

mniSvnelovani saerTaSoriso proeqtebi

ISTC-is partnioruli proeqti (#G-1775p)

„saqarTvelos soflis meurneobis gan vi-

Tarebis xelSewyoba: sami mniSvnelovani saso-

flo-sameurneo kulturis daavadebisadmi

gamZleobis Seswavla mosavlianobis marTvis

gzebis gaumjobesebis mizniT saqarTvelosa da

samxreT kavkasiis sxva qveynebSi“.

01 dekemberi 2009 - 01 dekemberi 2011

saerTaSoriso proeqti (SRO/GLO/*) #/CRN)

“xorblis xangrZlivi gamZleoba”, proeqtis

nawili - “xorblis Jangebis monitoringi”.

01 ivnisi 2009 - 01 agvisto 2009

saqarTvelos erovnuli samecniero

fondis proeqti (#308)

“saqarTveloSi Semotanili da adgilobriv

garemosTan Seguebuli xorblis Canasaxovani

plazmis mosavlianobis, xarisxis da daavadebi-

sadmi mdgradobis urTierTkavSiris dadgena

xorblis jiSebis gaumjobesebis mizniT”.

01 marti 2009 - 01 marti 2011

ISTC-is proeqti (#WS01-SB106/150-08)

“mcenareTa paTologiis pirveli saerTaSoriso

transkavkasiuri konferencia”.

25 - 27 seqtemberi 2008

USDA-CSREES saerTaSoriso TanamSromlobis

programa centralur aziasa da samxreT kavkasiaSi

sasoflo-sameurneo kvlevebis sferoSi

proeqti “xorblis yviTeli da mura Jangas

virulentoba da xorblis jiSebis Sefaseba”.

10 maisi 2004 - 10 maisi 2006

ISTC-is partnioruli proeqti (#G-1993p)

“mcenareTa dacvis gaumjobeseba saqarTveloSi

daavadebebisadmi gamZleobis donis amaRlebis,

sakarantino daavadebebis Seswavlisa da kul-

turaTa erovnuli koleqciis Seqmnis gziT”.

01 maisi 2004 - 30 aprili 2008

Page 20: saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis institutiIPG successfully collaborates with CIMMYT and ICARDA over the years. The main areas of stud-ies is monitoring of cereal rusts and testing of introduced


On 25-27 September 2008, the Institute of Phytopathol-

ogy with fi nancial support from ISTC and the UK Ministry

of Defence organised the First International Transcaucasus

Conference on Plant Pathology in Tbilisi.

The conference was attended by over 100 delegates from

12 countries, and also representatives from the Ministries of

Agriculture and Education and Science and National Service

for Food Safety, Veterinary and Plant Protection of Georgia.

The conference received mass media attention.

The aim of the conference was to encourage collaboration

to enhance sustainable agricultural production in the Cauca-

sus region. Delegates reported and discussed the situation

of plant diseases and their threat to production in the Cau-

casus region.

First International Transcaucasus

Conference on Plant Pathology

The conference comprised the following sessions:

• Plant disease survey and


• Quarantine diseases and new


• Diagnostic methods;

• Disease control.

Participants discussed the way

ahead for Georgia to achieve

European standards in Agriculture

through development of disease

control methods.

Page 21: saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis institutiIPG successfully collaborates with CIMMYT and ICARDA over the years. The main areas of stud-ies is monitoring of cereal rusts and testing of introduced


2008 wlis 25-27 seqtembers TbilisSi, fitopa-

Tologiis institutma saerTaSoriso samecniero

teqnikuri centrisa da didi britaneTis Tavdac-

vis saministros finansuri mxardaWeriT Caatara

mcenareTa paTologiis pirveli saerTaSoriso

transkavkasiuri konferencia.

konferenciaSi monawileobda 12 qveynis 100-ze

meti delegati, aseve, ganaTlebisa da mecnierebis

saministros, soflis meurneobis saministros da

sursaTis uvneblobis, veterinariisa da mcenare-

Ta dacvis erovnuli samsaxuris warmomadgenlebi.

konferencia gaSuqda masobrivi informaciis sa-


konferencia miznad isaxavda kavkasiis regionSi

sasoflo-sameurneo produqciis mdgradi warmoe-

bis ganviTarebas. delegatebma imsjeles kavka-

siis regionSi arsebuli mcenareTa daavadebebisa

da maTi mavneobis Sesaxeb.

mcenareTa paTologiis pirveli

saerTaSoriso transkavkasiuri


konferenciaze ganixiles

Semdegi mimarTulebebi:

• mcenareTa daavadebebis

monitoringi da epidemio-


• sakarantino daavadebebi da

axali paTogenebi;

• diagnostikis meTodebi;

• daavadebaTa kontroli.

konferenciis monawileebma

aRniSnes, rom saqarTvelosT-

vis soflis meurneobaSi

evropuli standartis miR-

weva mcenareTa kontrolis

meqanizmis gaZlierebiTaa


Page 22: saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis institutiIPG successfully collaborates with CIMMYT and ICARDA over the years. The main areas of stud-ies is monitoring of cereal rusts and testing of introduced


The Institute of Phytopathology of Georgia (IPG)

offers farmers better food security and livehoods

through the Ministry of Agriculture by providing in-

formation and applying scientifi c expertise to solve

problems in agriculture.

The Institute helps farmers to learn from research

and share knowledge and best practices concer-

ned with different problems.

IPG scientists are ready to help farmers in dia-

gnostics of diseases and other plant pathologies,

promoting practices that foster more effi cient and

sustainable use of farm inputs and better manage-

ment of crop diseases by meetings, seminars,

training courses, open days and clinics.

saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis institu-

ti (sfi) soflis meurneobis saministros

mxardaWeriT fermerebs sTavazobs mo-

savlianobis gazrdisa da sakvebi produ-

qtebis xarisxis gaumjobesebis saSual-

ebebs maTi informirebisa da saeqsperto

momsaxurebis gawevis gziT.

instituti xels uwyobs fermerebs Sei-

Zinon da erTmaneTs gauziaron mecnie-

rul safuZvelze damyarebuli codna

da praqtikuli Cvevebi, rac maT meurne-

obebSi Seqmnili sirTuleebis daZlevaSi


saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis insti-

tutis mecnierebi mzad arian daxmareba

gauwion fermerebs sasoflo-sameurneo

kulturebis daavadebebis diagnostikasa

da maT winaaRmdeg brZolaSi Sexvedre-

bis, seminarebis, treiningebis, Ria karis

dReebisa da klinikebis mowyobis gziT.

es gaaadvilebs mcenareTa daavadebebis

kontrols da xels Seuwyobs fermeruli

meurneobebis ganviTarebas.




Assisting Georgian


Page 23: saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis institutiIPG successfully collaborates with CIMMYT and ICARDA over the years. The main areas of stud-ies is monitoring of cereal rusts and testing of introduced

Brochure is published in the framework of the project funded

by the UK Global Partnership Programme.

broSura gamocemulia britaneTis globaluri partniorobis

programis mxardaWeriT ganxorcielebuli proeqtis farglebSi.

fotografi | daviT xizaniSvili

Photographer | David Khizanishvili

dizaini da beWdva | regTaimi, Tbilisi

Desing & Printing | RAGTIME, Tbilisi

Page 24: saqarTvelos fitopaTologiis institutiIPG successfully collaborates with CIMMYT and ICARDA over the years. The main areas of stud-ies is monitoring of cereal rusts and testing of introduced