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SATCOMSatellite Communication

Satcom provides communications between aircraft and ground through most of the world. Free from atmospheric interference and limited bandwidth, it is the replacement for High Frequency (HF) as the band for long-range communications. Satcom signals penetrate the ionosphere without bending or reflecting and are unaffected by electrical noise or weather. As satcom avionics build through aircraft fleets, they will eventually replace VHF com, as well. The signals of sitcom are digital, not only for data communications, but voice, as well. This means voice messages can be encrypted for security.

Satcom is also a foundation for the next generation of air traffic control. After a half-century of aircraft confined to narrow routes and tracks, a changeover is beginning to a new architecture known as FANS, for Future Air Navigation Systems. More airplanes will fly safely within the same airspace under a concept known as “Free Flight.” Satcom makes it possible, as well as providing information, entertainment and other services for passengers in the cabin.

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The London-based organization providing satellites and ground support is Inmarsat (International Maritime Satellite). Consisting of more than 60 member countries, it provides the space segment known as “Inmarsat Aero.” Using four satellites, it provides two-way voice and data (fax, internet, e-mail, ATC) over most of the world. Because the satellites hover over the equator, their beams cannot extend into the North and South Pole regions. Future systems will add polar orbits to fill in these limited areas. The four Inmarsat satellites:

Pacific Ocean Region (POR)

Indian Ocean Region (IOR)

Atlantic Ocean Region West (AOR-W)

Atlantic Ocean Region East (AOR-E)

Inmarsat-2 (I-2)

Inmarsat-3 (I-3)

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Each satellite is backed up with a spare orbiting in the same vicinity. The other two major components of the satcom systems are:

Ground Earth Station (GES)These radio stations around the world operate large dishes for communicating

with satellites. They receive messages sent to a satellite by an aircraft, then pass them to a telecommunications company for relaying them to any telephone or data terminal in the world.

If the message is intended for an aircraft in flight, the ground earth station receive it through telecommunications networks and beams it up to a satellite for relay to the airplane.

Ten ground stations like this one are located around the world for communicating with aircraft via satellite. The ground station connects to international telecommunication networks to route calls and messages to any telephone, fax machine or data terminal in the world.

The station’s dish antenna is typically 10 meters in diameter and operates in the sitcom band between 4 and 6 GHz.

Voice sent via satellite uses “codec” for digital voice coding and decoding. Digitizing the voice reduces error in transmission and speech in high in quality.

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The various blocks seen at the bottom of the illustration reveal a wide range of satellite services for aircraft, including air traffic control, passenger telephone, airline operations and data.

Aircraft Earth Station (AES)This is the avionics system aboard the aircraft for communicating with satellites.

It must conform to Inmarsat standards and the specification for ARNIC 741.

Avionics aboard the aircraft for communicating via satellite are known as the Aircraft Earth Station. It sends and receives radio frequency signals to and from the satellite in the L-band (1.5-1.6 GHz). It provides interfaces to various systems aboard the aircraft for voice, data, fax video, etc.

This equipment conforms to ARINC 741, as well as standard from Inmarsat, the satellite service provider.

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The basic components of an Aircraft Earth Station:

Satellite Data Unit (SDU)As the heart of the airborne equipment, the SDU interfaces with the airplane

navigation system. Airplane location is required to steer antennas, select satellites and report position to air traffic services.

The satellite data unit also processes all messages data, protocols and digital coding and decoding.

Radio Frequency Unit (RFU)For date ready for transmission, the RFU converts signals from an intermediate

frequency up into the L-band. They are sent to High Power Amplifier (HPA) for transmission to the satellite.

During receive, the signal from the antenna first passes through a Low Noise Amplifier, then is applied to the Radio Frequency Unit. Signals are converted down to a lower, or intermediate, frequency and sent to the Satellite Data Unit.

The Low Noise Amplifier boosts the radio frequency signals received from the antenna.

Beam Steering Unit (BSU)For high gain antennas, the beam steering unit keeps the elements pointed at the

satellite as the airplane position changes. Position information is received from the Satellite Data Unit.

The antenna may be steered in two ways. For electromechanical types, the antenna array is positioned by a motor. For electro antennas, different combinations of fixed elements are selected to focus the beam.

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Satcom antennas

A component of the airborne system is the antenna, which must always aim directly at the satellite (to receive all of its services). Although the Inmarsat satellites appear never to move (they are in geostationary orbit), the airplane often cruises over 500 mph, rapidly changing position. This is solved beam steering unit on the airplane that operates motor-driven antenna or an electronic system known as a “phased array.” Consider the satcom antenna carries:

Low GainVarious communications via satellite require a different amount of power. A

message consisting only letters and numbers moving at a slow rate (300-1200 bits per second) uses relatively little power and can operate on a “low gain” antenna on the airplane. The antenna is simple, little more than a blade, and picks up signals from any direction.

Low-gain model has conformal antenna mounted on fuselage. Because of its simplicity it operates only on services with slow data rates (600 bits per second) such as traffic control and airline operational messages. Such data may be a stream of characters (letters and numbers) displayed on a screen. Low in cost, the low gain system operates in the “Aero L” service.

High GainThis antenna supports the full range of satcom services, which requires more

power than is possible with a simple blade. The “high gain” antenna is more complex and expensive. The improvement in power (“gain”) is achieved in two ways. First, the antenna is made highly directional with additional elements to focus signals into a beam. The narrow beam, however, must always be aimed directly at the satellite.

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Steering the beam is accomplished in two types of high gain antenna, shown on the following pages. One is the electromechanical; the antenna is rotated in azimuth and elevation by electric motors (much the same as done in an astronomical telescope).

An airplane in cruise is always moving with relation to the satellite. To keep the high gain antenna pointing to at the satellite, the airborne satcom steers the beam using information from the airplane’s navigation system. As shown in the illustration, the electromechanical high gain antenna fits in the tail cap of the airplane.

The high gain satcom antenna supports services with higher rates, such as ”Swift 64,” which handles multichannel voice, data , fax and internet connectivity. The transmissions rate is 64K bits per second.

High gain is achieved by an array of antenna elements formed into a beam that focuses on the satellite.

Although the satellite is stationary, the airplane is moving. The antenna therefore needs the “beam steering unit,” which keeps the beam aimed at the satellite. Steering information is obtained from the airplane’s navigation system.

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ConformalThe second type of high gain antenna is the “conformal,” which fits the curve of

the fuselage and protrudes less than a half-inch. The radio signal is shaped into a narrow beam and aimed electronically. Inside the conformal radome are many small microstrip antennas. The beam steering unit adjusts the signal in each microstrip antenna so its energy adds or subtracts according to a pattern that forms a beam. The energy is focused and steered in a technology known as “phased array.”

Conformal antenna location for B-747.

Antenna is positioned so mounting holes along edges and two holes for the RF cables do not interfere with structure of the airplane.

Electromechanically Steered Antenna

Two steerable SATCOM antennas mounted in rudder cap. They operate electromechanically, under control of a beam steering unit. The antennas are aimed toward the satellite, regardless of aircraft position on earth and provide high gain performance.

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Swift64A recent service is swift64, which communicates at 64kilobits. With a high gain

antenna on the airplane, this rate accommodates such wideband services as internet, e-mail and video conferencing.

Intermediate GainA more recent development affects the gain of signals from the space vehicles.

The first two satellite generations broadcast “global” beams to cover as much of the earth as possible --- and the latest generation still does. Recent satellites, however, add “spot beams,” which concentrate power over a smaller area (but total earth coverage is still about 75%). Because of this added power, a third type of aircraft antenna emerged; the “intermediate gain” type, which falls between the low and high gain models. It is less costly and simpler, yet provides a wide range of satcom services.

The “intermediate gain” antenna is a more recent satcom type. Operating in the Aero I service, it can operate with voice, fax and data. It is simpler and lower in cost than a high gain model because of stronger “spot beam” transmission from Inmarsat-3 satellites.

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Cell Phones in the Cabin

Cell phones were banned in aircraft because they contact too many ground stations simultaneously while at altitude. But intense passenger interest is producing new systems that will almost certainly be adopted. The work with the passenger’s own cell phone and billing is done on his regular cell phone account.

The technology places a base station aboard the aircraft that commands cell phones to operate at low power and avoid raising regular ground stations. The base station relays the calls through satellites, then into the regular landline telephone system.

Inmarsat Aero Services

Swift64Based on Inmarsat’s Global Area network (GAN), Swift64 offers mobile ISDN

and IP-based Mobile packet Data Service (MPDS) connectivity at a basic rate of 64 kbit/s to support high-quality voice, fax and data communications for air transport, corporate and VIP and government users.

Aero H The original Inmarsat voice and data service, Aero H supports multi-channel

voice, fax and data communications at up to 9.6 kbit/s anywhere in the satellites global (hemispherical) beams for air transport, corporate and VIP and government users.

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Aero H+An evolution of Aero H. when an Aero H+ equipped aircraft is offering with a

high- power spot beam from an Inmarsat I-3 satellite it can receive Aero H levels of service at lower cost. Outside the spot beams the terminal works with the global beam as if it were a standard Aero H system.

Aero I Exploiting the spot beam power on the Inmarsat I-3 satellites. Aero I bring

Multi-channel voice, fax and data at up to 4.6 kbit/s to corporate aircraft, military transports and regional airliners through smaller, cheaper terminals.

Aero L Low-speed (600 bit/s) real time data, mainly for airline ATC, operational and

administrative communications.

Mini- M AeroSingle-channel voice, fax and 2.4 kbit/s data for small corporate aircraft and

general aviation.

Aero CThe Aeronautical version of the inmarsat C low-rate data system, Aero C allows

non-safety-related text or data messages to be sent and received by general aviation and military aircraft operating almost anywhere in the world. Aero C operates on a store-and forward basis: messages are in non-real-time.

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Four inmarsat satellites are in geostationary orbits, 22,500 miles above the earth. Spread around the globe, they all follow the line of the equato. Because one orbit equals one rotation of the earth, they appear fixed in position. Each satellite has one backup spare in orbit.

Early satellite produced “global” coverage, spreading there power over the greatest area. The present generation, inmarsat-3, also broadcasts “spot-beams”, in which concentrate power over a narrower area.

Spot beams illuminate the busiest air traffic regions and simplify equipment on the aircraft.

Ground Stations Locations

United Kingdom



USA (3)





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Piccio Garden, Villamor, Pasay City, M.M.

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AVT 424Wire and Wireless


Submitted by:

Group II

Denis CalambaCzarina Camunias

Laiza May CarawanaNeil Celaje

Ma. Theresa Cassandra T. ChoyErving Colo

Jerome D. de Leon

Submitted to:

Ms. Mary Grace Bautista(Instructor)
