Download pdf - Savior

  • ! ! ! ! ! Chapter 1!! Have you ever came home one day like usual and there was someone you didn't know there just waiting for you? Well that is what happened to me. Hi my name is Nicole Myers Im 16 almost 17 and Im in love with Calum Hood or i did. Its kind of complicated but anyway let me start from the beginning. One day I came home just like normal, but there was someone there. I didn't know the man but he was sitting in my living room talking to my mom. She didn't notice I was there, no one really notices me. Its like I'm invisible to the real world. Anyways she didn't look up until I said hi. Oh, Nicole your home! she said looking up at me putting down her tea. Yeah I said taking off my jacket Whos he? I nodded to the man ini my living room. NICOLE!, Im so sorry She apologized as she pulled my into the kitchen by my wrist. It hurt but I didn't want her to know. That is our new therapist. I think he could help the family. She has been down ever since my dad died a couple years ago. He was drinking because we were running out of money and yet decided to drive home even though I offered to drive him home. But he declined and so he drove home and crashed into a another car. The car he crashed into was empty but my dad died. We dont talk about him and that is kinda the reason I started cutting. There are other reasons but I dont want to get into them. My mom doesn't know but she may figure out one day. Hopefully not soon. What?! I dont want to talk to him She begged me to and I finally said Fine but Im warning you Im not gonna like it Fair enough. She said as we walked back into the living room and I noticed the cups and biscuits on the table and I poured a cup. Hi. My name is Dr. Mc. Adams. Whats yours? He said with his thick english accent finally breaking the silence Im Nicole. Nicole Myers. I said back to him. Ok Nicole, Tell me about yourself. Umm..well I couldn't think of anything the only thing my mind would go to was cutting, My father, my anorexia and my depression. Right at the perfect time my best friend Lucy called me. I looked at my cellphone and thanked the lord I could get out of this situation. Im sorry I have to take this. I said leaving the room. Im sorry about her she gets uncomfortable around new people. I heard her say wile I was leaving. The only thing that is wrong is that its not true. I just told her that so i could stay in my room all day long. Lucy and I were on the phone for at least 20 minutes before she had to eat dinner. As usual I skipped dinner. Later in the night my mom came up and told me i have to take a shower even though it was Saturday. So I went into my bathroom which I share with my 6 year old sister, Gracie. When I walked into the bathroom my makeup was everywhere and Gracie was putting eyeliner on her face. GRACIE WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!! MUM!!!!!! When my mom heard me scream she run up the stairs with her apron on and covered with flower from baking brownies for Gracies class. Oh My Goodness Gracie what have you done?! She asked while mad and yet laughing. I wanted to be just like sissy Im Sowwy. NO DONT TRY TO ACT ALL CUTE AND INNOCENT!! At that moment she started crying and i rolled my eyes. She does this all the time even though she's almost 7 years old and knows not to do this. Nicole calm down its just a little mistake. I wanted to hit her and Gracie so bad but i couldn't because i would get grounded. So I just kept my words to myself and cursed under my breath wile walking away. I walked away and went back into my bedroom and locked the door. I stood staring at a box my Great grandma gave to me when i was little. It has a secret holder in it where i keep my blades. I took one out and put it to my wrist which had many scars on it. I clenched my fist and tore the blade across it. I did that many times finally I stopped when i heard a knock at my door. Niki? Gracie said speaking through the door. (It was my nickname everyone calls me) UMM HOLD ON! I said rushing to grab my bloody washcloth i also hide. Pushing it to my wrist and holding it with many hair ties. I unlocked my door and let her in. Im sowwy i ruined your makeup She said wile crying and giving me a hug. Its ok baby-doll. How about we go get some ice cream? Her face lit up like a christmas tree and ran downstairs. We will be right back mom. She was already in her carseat and bucked so I started the car and we left.!

  • !! ! ! ! Chapter 2!! Gracie and I went into the Ice cream shop and I saw a boy there who looked about my age. He was wearing black ripped skinny jeans and a black band tank with a red flannel wrapped around his waist along with a blue-gray beanie. He was with a group of of 3 other boys and i could hear their conversation. They sounded like they didn't have a normal british accent it kinda sounded Australian. He kept staring at me wile I ordered Gracies usual: Chocolate Ice cream in a sprinkle cone with cherries on top. l didn't get anything but Gracie never asks why she's used to it because we go out for ice cream a lot. When I was pulling out my wallet the unfamiliar boy came up and said Here let me pay for this beautiful He handed 20 dollars to the counter lady. I thanked him and walked with Gracie to our table. He came along and pulled up a chair. Hi beautiful Every time he says that i get butterflies in my stomach. Whats your name He asked with a smug smile on his face. Nicole I said quietly. After before he could anything Gracie spilt her chocolate ice cream on her sweater so i told her to go and get some napkins. Well Nicole i think your very beautiful here is my number call me later He wrote the 10 digit phone number on a napkin from his table and left but right before he left he winked. That left me smiling all night long. Later that night I was on my laptop all night on twitter and tumblr. I could not stop thinking about him. I still dont know his name but he is really cute. He was probable dared to do that at the ice cream shop. Around 12:30 I decided to give him a call. Nicole, I have been waiting for your call. And I'm sorry i never introduced myself. Im Calum, Calum Hood. Whats your name? He asked me. I didn't speak for a wile. Then i finally answered You know my name. I said in confusion. No your full name. He said through his smug little smile. Oh well then Nicole Addison Myers. Ok well, Nicole Addison when can i see you again? Well i have work tomorrow so Im not completely sure. After that we were on the phone for about an hour till I had to go. When I woke up i looked at my phone and i had 5 missed calls and 4 texts from Calum. I haven't put him in my contact but i remembered his phone number. So i got up and took a shower because of everything that happened last night. Then i got dressed; Skinny jeans with rips, my black vans and my oversized sweatshirt. Then i finally decided to call him. Nicole addison why have you not been answering me? Are you mad? He asked kinda worried. No Im not mad. I was doing this thing, yeah its called sleeping everyone does it these days. I said sarcastically. Well I couldn't sleep because I was thinking of you all night. He said. I didn't talk for a wile then said thanks I said as i got in my car and put him on speaker. We talk all the way to work then i finally said Ok well i gotta go. NOOOO DONT LEAVE ME IM GONNA MISS YOU TOO MUCH! Well im sorry but i gotta go. I said. After that we said our goodbyes and then hung up the phone. When I walked in i saw a huge line of people and so i hurried and put my apron on. I work at a bakery in downtown England. When my break came I called Calum like i promised before we hung up. Hey Nicole how are you? He asked. Im ok. Well i cant talk for long because Im at work right now. Well where do you work? He asked me. I was quite then I finally told him that i work at the bakery in downtown. He said ok and we talk for about 5 more minutes then we had to go. After that about 10 minutes someone comes in and i saw like normal Hi welcome to the english- I said looking up in amaze. Calum? Hey Nicole. he said walking in, to the counter. Hey Calum.. umm what are you doing here? Well im hungry and I wanted to see you. He said with a smile. Ok well what would you like? To go out on a date with you. I blushed as i told him when i get off of work. *AFTER WORK* I called Calum to come and pick me up. I could just walk to his house because its only about 5 minutes away, but he wanted to pick me up. When he picked me up he was driving fast and hit a trashcan and mailbox. I laughed at him when he finally pulled up in front of my house. Umm. Calum i hate to break it to you but your terrible at driving. I said laughing. GASP! HOW DARE

  • YOU?! he said sarcastically. We listened to 95.1 the whole way. When we got there I was surprised on where we were. It was the fanciest restaurant in town.!!!!! ! ! ! Chapter 3!Today Calum and I went on a walk in the park right next to my house. It was late and he came early and strung up lights. It was beautiful. I didn't have time to buy petals to put on the ground so I just used leaves, Im sorry. He said wile laughing. I told him that it was totally fine and how much i love it. We stopped at a picnic area that he set up himself. We just sat there eating and drinking apple cider. So why did you bring me here? I asked while taking a sip of my drink. Well i wanted to tell you something. I was a little nervous of what he was going to say to me. IUmm, IM GOING ON TOUR FOR A YEAR. He finally blurted out all at once. My eyes started to fill up with tears. Umm Im happy for you. I said with a weary voice. Im sorry Nicole, I really wanted to stay with you. The only time he ever calls me Nicole anymore is when he's really serious. Um Nicole? he asked me with a sad tone pulling me out of my thought. Hmm? I asked not wanting to say anything. Can i tell you something? I nodded. I love you and i know we just met but i really love you and i was wondering if you would be my girlfriend? There were people around of corse and so i ran into the woods near us. He followed me calling my name when he finally reached me he said Whats wrong? I don't like kissing in public. I said slamming my lips against his. When we finally broke apart he said So is that a yes? I rolled my eyes and said DUH! kissing him again. After that we just walked around the park and he said Do you wanna go back to my place? i was hesitant then i finally spoke up and said Sure let me just text my mum. He nodded in agreement ME: Hey mum I'm gonna stay over at Calums house tonight. She didn't answer for about 10 minutes. MUM: Ok hun don't do anything you shouldn't do;) I just laughed and responded with ok and showed Calum. He was soo happy when he found out that i could stay over. So when we passed my house i ran in and grabbed my favorite sweatpants and then we left. So what are we gonna be doing? I said finally broke the silence Wellllllll.. He said winking at me. I just laughed at him and then he said Im just kidding me are gonna watch Netflix, eat food and fall helplessly in love I nodded in agreement wile laughing. Whenever I'm with him even though we have only been dating for about 35-40 minutes, i feel as if when I'm with him that everything just dissapers; my worries, the hate, everything. I hope he never sees my scars. Its hot in here dont you think? He said releasing my hand to take his jacket off. I hesitated because i didn't want him to see my cuts Uhh.. no idont get hot easily. He looked at me like i was lying which i was. He just said ok as we walked into his house. His house was beautiful. It had a big living room and and upstairs and even more. So we went into his kitchen and got some food. After that we went into his living room which was filled with blankets and pillows. Woah! I said as he laughed at me. He started walking to the cabinet of movies and picked anchorman. I don't wanna leave Nicole. I wanna stay here with you and be happy. He said during the previews. I know i don't want you to go either, can you just promise me one thing please? I asked. He nodded I know there are gonna be a bunch of girls, prettier then me but don't fall for them please. I wont i never would your the only girl for me. As long as you don't do it as well. He said with a smirk. I wont i promise I said pecking his lip. He kissed me right after not just a peck a long passionate kiss. When i gasped for air i said to him his lips all puffed and cute We are a mess He nodded in agreement laughing at me. After I just snuggled into hid chest listening to his heartbeat and fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning i was alone. I smelt Bacon and eggs and thought he was cooking OH NO! He doesn't know about my eating disorder he's gonna expect me to eat. I can just tell him that i Ummmm ate a big dinner and I'm still full. I thought as i walked up to the

  • kitchen. Hey babe how are you? He said with his thick morning Australian accent. Im ok. You? I asked him giving hime a big kiss. Better know that your awake. You fell asleep pretty early last night. I explained how i was just tired and how i couldn't eat. He seemed kind of weird he kept looking at my arms and legs. I wonder if my sleeves rolled up when i was asleep and saw my cuts. Whats wrong baby? I finally asked him when we were in his room. His parents had left earlier and so it was just me and him. Nothing I'm fine he said just as my phone rang. It was my ex boyfriend max. What?! Hey babe how are you? WHAT DO YOU WANT?! Ok, Ok i was just thinking about how we can get back together. What do you say babe? I rolled my eyes and finally said Why would I ever get back with a cheating backstabber like you? I hung up the phone and Calum was looking at me funny. He hands turned into fists and his face go red. Who was that? He asked mad. My ex trying to get back with me but i ditched him I promise! I said with major fear in my voice. Thats maxs fault, He used to get mad and so he would punch and hit me. Babe, babe its ok Im not gonna hurt you. The truth is that i kinda have anger issues. And i cant control it sometimes. He looked kind of hurt a little. Ok sense we are telling the truth here, I have anorexia and depression. And i cut. I said all at one. He looked hurt with tears in his eyes. I explained why like how i wasn't pretty and i was fat and how much i get bullied. After that he just kissed he not saying anything just a long kiss. I love you you know that right beautiful? I smiled and nodded. After that we shared a long kiss then went downstairs for lunch because it was around 1:00. What do you want to eat? I told him my favorite sandwich: Hummus and Tomato on wheat. He made it for me and i ate half and then he put the rest in a bag. It was awesome.!!!! ! ! Chapter 4 !! Today was the day i hated it, the worst day of my life. It was the day when Calum left for tour. The only good thing is that i got to meet his band mates; Luke, Michael, and Ashton. We all talked for a wile then i went to go get a drink. I could over hear Ashton say She's pretty cute and nice then i heard Calum say Hey mate back off she's mine! That made me happy. I ran back and gave him a huge kiss. What was that for? He asked when i realesed. Just wondering if you wanted a drink from Starbucks wile Im gone? He laughed and said no. Then i walked off and they all laughed. I saw Michael getting up and walking towards me. I saw him by his very colorful hair. Hey Michael. I said to him. Hey Nicole whats up? He asked with his deep voice as he stood right next to me. Im holding a panda for Calum his name is Gorge. I said sarcastically as he just laughed at me. well he is cute He said petting the invisible animal. I stood and laughed then noticed i was next in line. I was up i ordered my usual; Cotton candy frapachino. Michael who was behind me walked next to me and said let me pay for that. No its ok i got this It was too late. He was already ordering his drink and paying. He gave me a quick wink. does he know that I'm dating Calum? Does he like me. Calums his best friend he would never do anything like that to him would he? All of these questions ran through your head. Just then something snapped you out of your thought. Nicole? Hello? You heard the deep voice call you. Oh im sorry i was just thinking. You said as you took your drink thanked him then went to sit with him. What are you thinking about? He asked finally breaking the silence. Oh just normal things. I just sat there not saying anything. Enough about me tell me about you. I said finally breaking the silence. He told me everything and then mumbled and I love you at the end i heard him clearly but yet said what? Oh nothing. He said looking down at his drink. Just then Calum walked in and kissed him like he was mad or something. Babe can i talk to Michael, alone? I nodded grabbing my drink and left to hang out with the other boys. What did you need to talk to me about? Michael asked Calum. He slammed his hands on the table YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID! YOUR FLIRTING WITH MY GIRL! he screamed at

  • him. Everyone looked at him. You should go talk to your boyfriend. Like now. Ashton said to me as i ran off to him. Everyone was in my my way so it took me a little longer when I got there I saw Calum put both oh his hands on Michaels chest and pushed him super hard. When I saw him clench his fist i knew he was gonna punch Michael but I stood between them and Calum hit me instead. OH MY GOD BABY IM SO SORRY! WHAT WERE YOU DOING?! WHY DID YOU GET INFRON OF ME?! IM SOO SORRY! He said kneeling down to me. I was crying my face red, I-I wanted you to s-stop. I said with a cracked voice. He was crying just as their flight got called. He helped me up and got me an icepack and another drink. He also gave me a couple of his shirts because i always sleep with his shirts on. I was crying even harder because he was leaving for a year. When we finally shared out good-byes and I love yous We shared a long passionate kiss. After that i just drove home crying in silence expect for the radio playing their music softly. Then amnesia cam on and i turned it up and sang along. I wish that i could wake up with amnesia, and forget about the stupid little things. Sing that made me thing of the whole punch and everything. I dont know what Im gonna do for a whole year without him.!!! ! ! ! Chapter 5!Its been about 8 months since Calum left. I keep thinking of what Michael said to me. He knows Im dating Calum, they are best friends. This whole thing is running through my head. That night i came home from the airport i cut again, many times. I know it wasn't his fault but still. I finally stopped when i saw i have a face-time call. I looked at my phone and it said Favorite Rockstar and knew it was Calum. In no rush I got my washcloth and hair ties, put everything together and pulled my sleeve down. Hey babe why did it take so long to answer? He asked me right when i answered. Because i was putting my unicorn in her cage. I said sarcastically. He laughed at me and we talked all night long telling each other every once in a wile that we missed each other. Then he finally said Well I think something awesome is coming up tomorrow. I know what he was talking about; it was my birthday tomorrow. I was turning 17 Yeah, Do you remember what that something is? I asked through my big smile. Yep..its.the day my album comes out! He said very excitedly. My smile faded. How could he forget my birthday? We have been dating for almost a year and how could he not remember? Um hello? Nicole?! You there? Baby whats wrong? After that he just hung up. I broke out into tear at the thought he forgot my birthday. I had to forget all of this. I walked around in my little apartment that I just moved into. Then I remember something; My blades. I ran to the little box that my grandmother gave to me and I opened the secret drawer and looked inside. My blades were gone and replace with a note. I took the note out and sat on my bed. It read Dear Nicole, when you read this you will probably be stressed, mad or sad about something. Well, You dont have to do this. When you read this i will probably be on tour by now and I can just say, I miss you like crazy. You are the only one for me. Even though there are gonna be a bunch of girls on this tour none of they will be as beautiful as you. If you look under you mattress there is a surprise for you. I hope it didn't run out by now. I love you baby girl. Love, Calum. I quickly told up and moved my mattress. There on top of my box-spring was a ticket to his concert, a plane ticket and money for when i arrive there. The concert was in america. I looked at the dates on the tickets, It was my birth date! I called him talking about the tickets and he said So you finally got my letter. What was the reason for going in the box? I stayed quite for a little bit then finally spoke up and said quietly You forgot didn't you? Then he stayed quite and finally said Im sorry baby. What did i forget? I started crying and hung up the phone in anger. Why did he have to take my blade?! Why does he care? He forgot my birthday I'm sure he forgot everything else! All these things ran through my mind over and over again. Then i remembered that i live in my own apartment I have my own knifes.I ran out of my room and to the kitchen and ran back into the bathroom. I put the knife to my skin. I just sat there then

  • i tore it across my wrists and did that many times before i broke down crying. All of a sudden i heard the phone ring. I knew it was Calum by the ringtone. So i walked in no rush to my phone and answered. Nicole, Im soo sorry i forgot if you could just tell me. I sighed You really don't know do you? There was a silence. Then Calum spoke up his voice cracked. Im sorry. I hung up again not wanting to talk about it. Then my phone rang. Expecting it to be Calum i picked it up and saw that it was Michael. I finally forgot everything that happened at the airport then it all came racing through my mind. Hello? I said with a quite cracked voice. Are you okay? he asked me. Why would i be? Calum forgot my birthday. Michael made a small quite gasp. Nicole.. Im sorry. Right then tears stared streaming down my face. I-Its ok. Im used to it. Do you want me to tell him? please I whispered. Okay Nicole, Get some rest now. Goodnight Night I said in response. After that i just went to bed and dreamed about me and Calum.!!!! ! ! ! Chapter 6! Finally today was the day. The day i get to go and see Calum. I was so excited.He has been texting me all day long. He does not know that I'm coming. He must have forgotten. Anyways i stood at the airport waiting for my flight to be called wile just checking my tumblr and twitter. I notice people follow me a lot more have been following me then usual. Maybe Calum told everyone about me. But how would they find my twitter? These questions raced through my head. All of a sudden a boy sat next to me with a black hoodie. He looked at me once, Just a glance nothing much. Then he started to inch near me. Hi. he said to me rather then staring at me. I gave him a small not really smile kind of thing as to say hi. Im Gabriel He said to me. I still havent got to see his face yet. Then we looked at each other at the same time and realized it was GABRIEL CONTE. He was my favorite viner/youtuber ever! Ive always dreamed of meeting him. He realized that i was shocked and said SHH don't say anything. Im trying to keep a down low profile. That got me thinking Why are you talking to me then? He just smiled Because i think your pretty. Millions of butterflies were in my stomach. I just smiled and laughed Youre not to bad yourself He gave me a small laugh. So where are you headed? Im going to New york. I said back to him. Hey, me too! He showed me his ticket and i did the same and realized that we sit in the same seat row. Well would you look at that he said with a soft smile. I knew someone who had that same smile. The whole world felt invisible just me and Gabriel. CALUM! Thats who has the same soft smile and those big brown eyes and the only other one who can make me feel that way. Do you have a phone? He asked with his cute american accent. I healed it up for proof. Well can i maybe have your number? I smiled and handed him my phone and he did the same. After we traded number out plane got called and we walked together to our plane. We most just talked the whole way to America and we watched a movie then when we we all getting up to leave. Dont forget to text me. i nodded as to say okay. For a minuet we stared into each others eyes and then he leaned in slowly. I know what he was about to do. He was going to kiss me. I let it happen. It was nothing like Calum; It was better. Bye beautiful he said winking at me Gabriel wait. I have to tell you something. Yeah, anything. I was quite for a second then finally got the courage to say I. have a boyfriend. His smile faded away. Why can't you break up with him and date me? A single tear rushed down my face Im sorry I said in a cracked voice. Will this change your mind? Again he kissed me not a sort kiss a really long one. Our lips moved in sync until the flight attendant came a broke us up. I stopped crying and we left the plane. Wile i was going down the steps Gabriel came up behind me Just think about it please. please He said out of breath. After me and him had to walk separate ways and i see my name on a white card. It said Nicole addison So i knew it was Calum. When I walked over to the driver, he brings me to a nice limo. After the we pulled up to a hotel. I booked a hotel before i left. Excuse me, what are we doing here. He

  • didn't answer me. I asked him again and still didn't answer. So i just sat back wile he opened my door. I walked in and there were a line of flowers leading to the elevator. There was a note saying to pick them all up so i did. When i got up to the 3rd floor there was more flowers. Who did this? Could it be Gabriel? Thoughts like that popped in my head. All of a sudden i ran into a wall. I must have been going the right way because the trail stopped at the door right next to me. I knocked on the door. No body answered so i called out Calums name. After that i heard a lot of shuffling. Then the clicked and opened up and there he was; Calum. He was standing there with a big grin and i finally asked Ive come out all this way and i don't get a hug? Then he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. I missed you. He said in a low voice. Then gave me a hug. He said to me What do you want to do? I suggested a lot of things then we finally decided to take a walk around time square, I was amazing.!!!!! ! ! ! ! Chapter 7!Today i was alone in the hotel room. Calum and the rest of the band had to rehearse. I was sitting on the bed watching the t.v then my phone rang. Waiting a few minutes to answer it because I'm lazy. Then i got up to expect to see Calum's contact name on it but it wasnt, It was Gabriel. I finally answered it: Hello? I said fairly quickly putting the phone between my cheek and shoulder. Sitting back on the bed and getting my bag of pretzel rods. Hey beautiful. How are you? He asked me. Im doing well. So what do you need? I asked not trying to sound mean. He just laughed Well i am walking around and i was wondering if you would like to tag along and got shopping and get some coffee? I was hesitant at first then finally said yes. I knew Calum would be back in about an hour so i just wrote a note to him that said: Hey rockstar, Im gonna be out for a wile with Gabriel see you soon xoxo, Nicole. Then i thought about it and scratched out Gabriel and wrote a friend. Then texted Gabriel to come pick me up at the hotel and grabbed my coat and went to the lobby realizing i was still in my sweats! So i ran back up the stairs. I put on my High wasted shorts (because i knew Gabriel wont make fun of me and plus it was hot outside.) Then a teeshirt that said Not a monday chick. Then Gabriel texted me and said he was here. I told him to come up to my room because i have not put my make up on yet. He can up then i head a knock on my door knowing it was him i opened it. He can in and i walked straight to the bathroom him following me. I started putting my makeup on wile my hair straightener was heating up. I put on light foundation, Swiped my eyeliner across my eye lid then put mascara and red lipstick on. Gabriel just looked at me and smiled. I ignored it wile starting to straighten my hair. After 15 minutes of getting ready i put a beanie on and we left. We went to the mall and the first place we went to was, Starbucks of corse. I went up and ordered and resized i forgot my purse. Before he could start making my order i said never mind because i forgot my money then Gabriel came behind me and started kissing me like the one we had on the plane. Meanwhile wile still kissing he payed for my drink but i didn't know at the time. The Counter guy stood there smiling and gave me my drink which had Maybe vary tales do come true:) on it. I just smiled and laughed and said thank you. By then Gabriel was holding my hand and we left after he got his drink. So far he's a great person but what about Calum? These kind of thoughts ran through my head as we left Starbucks. We walked around the mall until we met the food court. We went to a sushi place and sat down at the counter and waited. I looked behind me to see what stores are near and i saw a familiar face or should i say faces; 4 of them. I cant believe Calum, Michael, Luke and Ashton was there! I let go of Gabriels hand and told him what was going on. Then when Calum saw me he ran over to me with the boys following him. He gave me a hug and i guess he saw Gabriel and he tensed up and he clenched his fist. I knew he was jealous. Whos you uh Friend?! He said in a very deep tone which gave me the

  • clue that he was mad. This is Gabriel Conte. I met him on the plane. Calum just stood there and didnt say anything. He stood there for like 2 minutes and then left. What was that about? He asked me when i sat back down. He is just jealous. I said as he looked at me puzzled. Why would he be? He asked. Maybe one of the guys saw us holding hands and they told him. Im not sure. I said to him wile taking our sushi and thanking the counter guy. We ate our sushi in silence and then when we went to the rubbish bin he just stared into my eyes. I got butterflies in my stomach and my mind was going crazy i didn't know what was going on. After that he just kissed me. Not long but not short. It was nice until he pulled away and said in a whisper Wanna go to my hotel for a little? I just smirked and whispered back to him After you buy me clothes. I laughed as i grabbed his hand and ran away. Moments like these i love because i can get my mind away from everything and forget about everyone and everything that ever hurt me in the past. The first store i went to was hot topic not knowing Calum and the boys were there. We were looking around when Gabriel whispered something. I didn't know what he said or if he was talking to me. What? I asked him turning around and him grabbing my waist and pulling me closer. I said i love you Nicole. Then he kissed me AGAIN. All of a sudden i hear my name being yelled. I quickly pulled away and Gabriel let go of me. I see Calum standing there tears and anger on his face. NICOLE!! I know i forgot your birthday, but i love you! I thought you did too. But that doesnt give you the right to go and cheat on me! I spent my own money to buy tickets to come and see me and this is how you repay me?!?! He just yelled and yelled at me until i just ran out and both Gabriel and Calum running after me. I looked back and saw no one run towards me. But i heard someone call my name. Knowing it was calum i just ran faster. My heart was beating out of my chest. I ran out of the mall and ran to the trashcans.!!!! ! ! !! Chapter 8 !! I hid for ages or so if felt like that. I wish i was home! I wish i had my blades or something right now. I haven't cut or self harmed in anyway for a couple weeks. The sushi is the only thing i have eaten though in a while just because i didn't want Gabriel to know that i am anorexic. After i caught my breath i got up and started walking around just to think. Finally i got my phone and called a cab to bring me back to the hotel room. When i got there i went to the lift and saw someone standing in there but didn't look at their face. I got in and Calum's room was all the way at the top so it took a long wile to get up there. Uhh hello? I was in the middle of daydreaming until someone took me out of it. I turned around and saw them; Luke and Ashton! Ohh..Uhh hey. I said giving a weak smile to them and weakly waving. It was very awkward between all of us Were you there when I ran off? I asked them. They looked at each other and frowned Yeah.. I frowned back with tears starting to come out. Before i could say anything the door opened. I went to Calum's room and saw my stuff out in the hallway with a not on top. Im guessing that he was there because i could hear someone knowing stuff down. I just slid my key under and went to Michaels room knowing he would take me in. I found Michaels room and I took a deep breath and finally knocked. I heard a lot of rustling and then the door opened. I had stains on my cheeks and my makeup all over my face because of my tears. Imdeatly he pulled me into a hug knowing i needed it. I hugged him back and cried into his shirt. We stood there for about 5 Muinets and then we pulled apart and I asked him Can i stay here until i leave because Calum kicked me out and my hotel room got given away. please. I wanted to scream my lungs out. My phone kept ringing and Sounding off. Then Michael said Of corse you can. I may be Calums best friend but you are mine. I weakly smiled, thanked him and hugged him. I walked in and the hotel room was HUGE! But the problem was there was only one bed. I grabbed some sheets and blankets from the closet and started putting it on the couch. Michael looked at me confusingly. What are you doing? He walked over to me wile asking. I respond by saying Well

  • I'm making the couch up because there is only one bed. He just laughed. Well why dont we just sleep in it. Like not together or anything but, it is really big so its not like were sleeping together its just in the same bed. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked down. Was he seriously trying to hit on me after the whole Calum thing?!?! I just looked at him and thought about it and finally said okay and he smile and ran to give me a hug. When we released from the hug we went downstairs to go out and eat. When we went down we were holding hands. After ages on the lift we finally got to the lobby. Right away there was some people like paparazzi and fans to see Michael. We were still holding hands. I started to let go but he grabbed on harder. I never told anyone but i am vey Claustrophobic. Michael, I cant do this. You go on ahead and i will meet you outside. Come on Nicole its not gonna be that bad, just a couple people. He said to me. There was more then just a few people so i just sucked it up and went through. Before we went through i asked him if we could go fast then you could go later to meet the fans. He kind of gave up fighting with me and finally said Of corse baby anything for you. I blushed and we ran through the crowd and he yelled at the fan that he will come back later and meet them. We walked around for for a little bit and then finally picked out subway. We went up to the counter and made our sandwiches then sat down. Me and Michael just had a conversation. We just got to know each other and told stories. Around 4:00 we left subway and headed back to the hotel. There was still al the fans there and he told them he was going to just bring me up and he will come back down. When we got to the hotel room he put the key card in and let us in. He put on a movie and made popcorn for me. Before i could sit-down he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. Im sorry that you and Calum just broke up but i just wanted to say that i love you and i have ever scenic i met you. Without saying anything i just pulled him in for a long kiss. The whole time i was thinking about how wrong this is and wondering why i liked it. He pulled apart and grabbed his jacket and gave me a quick kiss and then left. About half way into the movie I heard knocking at the door and then someone said Hey Mikey Im coming in. I didn't her the voice clearly so just let it be. Then the door opened and i saw him; Calum was standing there in the door way. He just closed the door and asked me Why are you here. i looked at him angry and paused my move then got up and walked to him. Because my ex-boyfriend kicked me out and so my new boyfriend took me in. Just then the door opened and it was Michael. FINALLY! I ran over to him dropping my blanket and hugged him and gave him a huge kiss. I knew Calum was jealous and i was happy it was a win for me:)!!! ! ! ! Chapter 9:!! Calum stood there watching us. I was kind of weird but I didn't care. When we finally released Michael said Uh Nicole you know who is here. Pointing to Calum, and i told him how i didn't care about him anymore. After a few minutes i broke the silence and asked if anyone wanted to watch my movie. Nobody said anything and so i just walked away. I could hear them whisper and then then Calum left and Michael walked over to me. What was that about?! He asked sitting down on the couch. I didn't know what to say. I just contained to watch my movie and did not say anything. I saw out of the corner of my eye he was staring at me. I looked over at him. We were just looking at each other for ages or so it felt like it. Finally he said something Um its getting pretty late I'm gonna head to bed. Then he got up and i didn't move. After 15 minutes i went to the bedroom. Michael was in the shower so i just laid in bed. After a while he came out with a towel wrapped around his waist. The pink in his hair was fading so i suggested to dye it again. He agreed and we went to the local supermarket. We went to the hair aisle and picked out a pretty purplish blueish color sort of like galaxy colors. So then we walked around for a little bit and picked up the movie P.S. I love you. and a bunch of more. Then we walked into the candy isle and pick up A LOT of candy. Then we went to the pay counter. The whole things costed about $30. Michael paid and we headed back to the hotel. We went straight to the

  • bathroom to color his hair. First we bleached it then colored it. Then he was just looking at me. What?! I said to him. We should dye your hair!!! We argued for a while then i finally agreed. SO we bleached then dyed it. When it was finally done then we rinsed our hair and looked in the mirror. Our hair was awesome and we also bought the same shirts. Okay let go to bed now. He said giving me a kiss. I nodded in agreement and left the bathroom. The next day we had matching hair and the same whole outfits. We were wearing a rolling stones muscle tee black ripped jeans and black vans. I put my makeup on, straightened my hair and then we left to go out to Michaels rehearsals. I knew Calum was gonna be there but I didn't care. We looked awesome.We couldn't go anywhere without Michael getting mobbed. But today was different Michael and I were holding hands while his arm was around me. A couple people came and asked pictures but we weren't mobbed. We finally got to the studio and we met the boys inside. It took a while to find them because of the building being so large. When we finally found the studio room they were all there. When we walked in they were all staring at us because of us matching. They finally dropped it after asking us a bunch of questions. They all got into the booth to record. Michael went first with his solo. Calum randomly said Im gonna head to the bathroom ill be right back. They all nodded and turned away. They weren't facing my direction so they couldn't see me at all which was not a very good thing. Calum came out of the booth and grabbed my arm to pull me out of the room. He pulled me far from the room. I hope you know your way back because I dont fancy being lost anytime today. He didn't answer me and kept walking. We finally stopped by a doorway. Whyd you do it? He asked me in a sort of angry voice. I looked confused Did what? I asked him. He looked at me and rolled his eyes. You know Michael, Gabriel and theirs probably more that i dont know. I was confused for a second then remembered. I scoffed at him. I didn't cheat on you with Gabriel. He was the one who was holding my hand he was the one who kissed me. I told him a million times that i had a boyfriend but i guess that didn't go through his head like I'm guessing this is not gonna go through your thick skull! His expression changed. It went from angry to sad. I looked at him Happy now? I asked him them walked off. I just walked around the corner and stopped. I looked back at him. He was sitting on the floor with his back pressed against the wall. I walked back over there after i cooled down. He wouldn't look up. I lifted his head up a little so our eyes would meet. I love you. I said then i slammed my lips against his. He slowly stood up then we were just standing there like nothing else was around us. It was just us nobody else. Ive missed him, Ive missed kissing and hugging him. When we finally released he whispered to me I love you too baby. I laughed and we walked hand in hand to the studio. On the way there he was asking me a bunch of questions. Finally he said when we got to the studio, before we went in he asked me So are you and Michael dating or you and He didn't finish. I knew he was talking about himself. Im not sure. Let me talk to Michael then ill get back to you. He nodded and went back in the studio but before he did he kissed me real quick. I was gonna have to make that choice. !!! ! ! ! ! Chapter 10 !! Choice. That was the only word i could think of. I had to choose, Michael or Calum. What if i didn't want to date either one of them? Then my phone buzzed. I looked at my screen and saw Favorite Youtuber/viner It was Gabriel. Hes been texting me since the whole thing happened. I haven't been answering him only reading his messages. Finally i decided to give him a call. Hello? Nobody answered at first. Then finally someone answered. They sounded tired. It didn't sound like Gabriel. Gabriel? Is that you? I asked him. Very quietly he said yes. Whats wrong? He explained the whole thing. Like how he could not stop thinking about me. And how he hadn't gotten out of his room only to eat food and nothing else. I pressed the FaceTime button on my phone. When he answered he looked terrible. His hair was a huge

  • mess. Hey, You need to get out. Meet me at the coffee house at 4. okay? He nodded his head I hung up and looked at the time. It was 3:30. I had plenty of time to get ready. Even though i am already ready. Around 3:45 i got up and fixed my hair and makeup. I grabbed my shoes and took my phone off the charger. The coffee house was no that far from my hotel.