
Say Bye-Bye to Your Boring Bio and Get Ready for Opportunity Now!

What’s Brewing in Service to YOUR Success Today

• Learn a five-step system that makes writing

attention-grabbing bios fast and easy;

• Get inspired by examples that brought in the

business and the leveraged results;

• Grin at mis-steps to avoid;

• Get your questions answered so you can

take immediate action to create bio wow


Our Expert Guest

Nancy "Broadcast Your Brilliance" Juetten is a word wizard, workshop

leader, and Bye-Bye Boring Bio author on a quest to guide mission-driven

experts to spell out their greatness and broadcast their brilliance through

the power of storytelling and publicity. Whether clients seek to attract

clients, speaking gigs, or media attention, they learn to welcome those

results by acting on Nancy's road-tested and proven advice to tell stories

all their own. Best of all, they broadcast their brilliance with confidence,

readiness, and ease so the right people can celebrate, invest, and benefit.

What is YOUR Story?

In what ways?

Why does it matter?

Are you ready?

Clear Objectives Lead to Clear and Winning Outcomes



• Make your story relevant to specific results

you seek.

• Use this simple five-step approach…

How to Be Ready for Opportunity in 5 Simple Steps

To Attract Your Best Clients, Your Story Should…

• Focus on outcomes, ultimate results, and


• Tell a story that gets the reader to YES fast.

• Be clear about what you want the reader to


Head Turning Examples with a Few Well Chosen Words

• Financial planner – I work with women over 50 to make sure

their money lasts as long as they do.

• Provocative media savvy relationship coach who guides

viewers to welcome love fast

• Electrifying audiences and inspiring sales teams, one riveting

presentation at a time

• Best selling author and inspirational speaker who breaks fire

codes with her sold out and life changing events.


“Before” Bio

• Tommi Wolfe – president of The Startup Expert is America’s leading expert in helping

solopreneurs breakthrough six figures fast. She has been described as the “missing link for

entrepreneurs”, (she hopes that is a good thing)! She is an energetic, charismatic, self-

motivated serial entrepreneur. People hire her for her business smarts, they trust her

because her heart is connected to her work and they love her because she pours both her

smarts and her heart into all that she does.

• Tommi’s journey as an entrepreneur was triggered by a tragic accident and the birth of her

first child. Determined to find a way to support her new baby without leaving the home,

Tommi started her first company and through trial, far too many errors and perseverance

became one of the top 0.02% of earners in South Africa. The Startup Expert became a 6

figure business in less than a year. Tommi passionately believes that life is short and

precious, and that you should be sharing your gifts with the world now. Today, she

specializes in sharing her talents for building small businesses by helping newer

entrepreneurs do the same. She offers a range of services designed to help self-employed

professionals attract clients and get very profitable while still have time for a life! You can

learn more about her by visiting

“After” Bio

“Clients hire me for my business smarts, trust me for

my heart, and create six-figure businesses when they

take inspired action.”

-- Tommi Wolfe, The Startup Expert

Guiding Solopreneurs to Create Six-Figure Businesses Fast

Necessity is the mother of invention.

That is absolutely true in Tommi’s case.

Not long after her first child was born, Tommi’s husband was killed

in a tragic accident. Determined to find a way to support her baby

with a home-based business, she started her first company and

became one of the top 2% of earners in South Africa. She moved

to the USA in 1997, became a proud US citizen, and The Startup

Expert grew to a six-figure business in less than a year. Since

then, she has guided scores and scores of inspired men and

women business owners to achieve this same result and still

have time to enjoy their lives.

Your Call to Action

Before: Tommi offers a range of services …

After: Be clear about the ways clients can

engage so they can find their perfect fit option

and journey forward.

• Clients love me because I share real, straight

talk, from the heart, done it in this

economy, no holds barred, what it actually

takes to make six figures, in the order.

• 3 M Revenue Formula - Millionaire Mindset,

Money Making Methods and Business


For Speaking Gigs…

For Speaking Gigs…

Your Story Should …

• Say what you speak about

• Set you apart from others

• Invite action

Five-Figure Gig for a Speaker Who Stands Above the Crowd

“Don’t stand out in a crowd.

Stand above it.”

-- James Donaldson

Five-Figure Gig for a Speaker Who Stands Above the Crowd

Five-Figure Gig for a Speaker Who Stands Above the Crowd

James’ Crowd Pleasing Topic:

How YOU Can Stand Above the Crowd and Fulfill Your True Potential

Standing at seven foot, two inches tall, James Donaldson stands above the crowd

in more ways than physical stature. His stories about making the right choices,

overcoming fear and self doubt, and staying resilient and goal focused in the face

of tough challenges routinely bring audiences to their feet.

Audience members – from business executives to youth groups to guests at major

industry conferences -- walk away standing taller, thinking more boldly, and

believing in unlimited possibilities that they can make happen in their lives and


Call to Action

To engage Donaldson or make volume purchases of his book to delight

your audiences, visit, send email to

[email protected], or call 800-745-3161

For Media Interviews, Your Story Should …

• Establish your credibility

• Showcase your visibility

• Highlight your brand of WOW

• Make it easy for reporters to get in touch!

Direct from USA Today

“People think that being famous is easy, but

there’s so much hard work in it.”

-- Justin Beiber

How Do YOU Show Up?

How Do YOU Show Up?

• Words matter.

• Actions and how you show up matter more.

• How you do anything is how you do


• Last minute Suzie?

• TMI?

• Too Little? Too Late?

• On time, on target, and on the money?

Bio Emergencies Can Be Costly

Bio Emergencies Can Be Costly

• You get known as “a pill.”

• You trip and miss the opportunity to get

invited back.

• Your confidence takes a beating when you

don’t show up at your best.

• You drop other balls to catch the unexpected

one that just came in.

Real-Life Bio Emergency

• When Microsoft came calling, client was

excited and petrified.

• The deadline to submit was tomorrow.

• Her bio was beyond boring.

• She was in “bio emergency” mode.

Bio Emergency Averted to Big $$$

What If…

• The perfect decision maker landed on your

“about me” page?

• A meeting planner landed on your site?

• An influential reporter called and decided to

interview you?

Would You Be Ready?


What Would It Feel Like If …

• You were ready to respond to every opportunity like

a pro with a message you love to share that turns

the right heads every time?

• No more 11th hour scramble

• No more “message point SOS”

• No more dropping other high priority balls to catch

the one you weren’t expecting

• No more “bio emergencies!”

Priceless Outcomes to Take to the Bank and Beyond!

• Make a GREAT name for yourself.

• Pave a path to a winning reputation as an

expert to be counted on.

• Get invited back.

• Opportunity would be calling YOUR NAME.

• You’d be ready for anything and have a wait

list of clients who can’t wait to work with


More Success with Greater Ease

• Once you are ready with a message that

excites you and attracts clients, the sky is

the limit!

• Bylined articles or an ongoing column in the

media that matter to YOUR message

• Pitch letters. press releases, guest blog posts

• Telesummit and webinar invitations,

• Bigger stages and bigger audiences!

Reality Can Bite

Making It a Whole Lot Easier

Learn How to:

• Stand out and be remembered in a cluttered

marketplace …

• Make your impact and attract all the

attention, clients, and money you want …


An Extra Bonus for Taking Inspired Action by June 8, 2012

One More Way to Get Your Transformation with My Support…

• If you want me to put my eagle eyes on your

best draft bio and make it even better, add a

Build Your Buzz Strategy Session to the

shopping cart when you buy!

• Together, we’ll turn your best effort into a

masterpiece that makes you beam with “bio

pride” you can take to the bank!

Time for Q&A

• Ask anything!

Parting Words

• Every day is a chance for each of us to be

important. Let today be that day.
