
Sayawan Na!!!

An Interactive Pinoy Dance Party


Featuring original pinoy dance music and movesAnd tagalog versions of popular dance hits

Music and Script by Noel Gamboa

Copyright 2010ngamboa. Unauthorized duplication or use punishable by law

This Script is for:____________________________

Playing the Role(s) of :____________________________1

Show Date:______________________________________


- to honor blessed San Lorenzo Ruiz with a show that is based on the lives of Filipino Immigrants because he is the “Patron ng mga Migrante”


- Provide a venue to unite the Fil-Am Community within itself and within other communities

Physical and Mental:

- Make Dancing/Linedancing a vehicle for improving physical and mental health. This results in improved productivity and maintaining an upbeat, positive attitude.


- As a travelling show, it will have the potential of raising funds to benefit a particular church or cause.


- Strengthen Filipino identity by introducing original and tagalog dance music, moves


- Promoting Filipino culture, tradition, and tourism through an entertaining play

- Introduce young and old alike to the “Alamat ng Paglikha ng Pilipinas”, “Si Malakas at Maganda”, and various Filipino folklore

- Provides awareness that we are a mixed culture but proud to cultivate our traditions

- Empower the youth with Filipino pride and heritage- Minimize the “crab”, “gaya-gaya”, and “pataasan ng

ihi” mentalities

CAST/Acts involved: (underline = speaking parts)

1. Mr. Pinoy Linedance: 1s, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

2. Lola: 1s, 19, 20

3. Totoy: 1s, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20

4. Nene: 1s, 2,4, 5,6, 13, 16, 19, 20

5. Sarimanok: 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 14, 19, 20

6. Kawayan Bearers 1: 1m, 9

7. Kawayan Bearers 2: 1m, 9

8. Malakas: 1m

9. Maganda: 1m

10. Flagbearer: 1m

11. Alimango: 1e, 19, 20

12. Chonggo: 1e, 19, 20

13. Tatay/Mr. Reyes: 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. 20

14. Nanay/Ms. Santos: 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20

15. Ate: 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

16. Kuya: 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 15

17. Waitress: 2, 4

18. Priest :13

19. Boyfriend: 8

20. Vocalist of Birthday Girl: 8

21. Vocalist of Giliw: 14

22. Elvis or Pacman: 13

23. HipHop Dancers: 5, 8, 9

24. Guitarist : 8

25. Lightsman Stage:_______________________

26. Lightsman Spot:________________________

27. DJ/Audio-Video Man:____________________


Scene 1: (p. 4) Kwento ni Lola =…………….._____min

Scene 2: (p. 6) Sikat Basta Pinoy =………….._____ min

Scene 3: (p. 7) Balikbayan Slide = …………..._____ min

Scene 4: (p. 7) Hala Bira!! = ………………..._____min

Scene 5: (p. 8) Mabuhay Shout/Ate’s Debut =_____min


Scene 6: (p. 8) Koriente (Electric Slide) = …..._____min

Scene 7: (p. 8) Septiembre = ………………..._____min

Scene 8: (p.9) Birthday Girl/ Pandanggo / Dahil Sa Iyo=………………_____min

Scene 9: (p. 10) HalaBira HipHop/ Kuya’sGraduation=


Scene 10: (p. 11) Di Ba’t Sabi Mo? =………... ____min

Scene 11: (p. 11) TodoTodo!! =………………..____min

Scene 12: (p. 11) Giliw / Sarimanok & Maganda duet & dance = ………………_____min

(Intermission/ Cake Break-Ballroom dance)____min


Scene 13: (p. 11) Step 4 Jesus – Totoy & Nene’s Communion Party = ……...…_____min

Scene 14: (p. 11) I Luv Dancing / Elvis =……_____min

Scene 15: (p. 12) Baile Na! (Nagkagustuhan)=_____min

Scene 16: (p. 12) Lovestep (Wedding Party!) =_____min

Scene 17: (p. 12) Manila Nights = ………...….____min

Scene 18: (p. 13) Tagay Song(LasingDance)= ____min

Scene 19: (p.13) Lola & Sarimanok’s Surprise =____min

Scene 20: (p.14)Sayawan Na!!(Finale, Bows)=____min

Total Minutes:_____________ 28. Stage Manager:_________________________



Scene 1 : Kwento ni Lola

Slide of a typical sala (living room) in background. Lola sits on a Chair, talking to Totoy and Nene. She is wearing a panuelo which when removed from her neck, reveals a surprise mystery at the end of the play. Totoy and Nene are dressed in sleeprobes, both sitting on the floor looking at her.

Mr. Pinoy Linedance: (enters) Good Evening, magandang gabi po. Welcome to Sayawan Na! The first interactive dance musical where YOU are the stars! This play is about passing on our Heritage, or Pamana, to our children, and to share the wonderful and richly mixed culture of the Philippines. Ako po si Mr. Pinoy Linedance. We ask that if you know the steps to the dances to feel free to join us, after all this is a play within a party! We begin our show with Lola reading a story of the Alamat ng Pilipinas, or how the Philippines were formed, and how it got its colors, to Totoy and Nene. It is also a story about a magical angelbird called the Sarimanok…. Let us go to the sala…(Slide show starts…spotlight on Lola Totoy and Nene)

Totoy: Lola, please tell us a story about the Philippines, we want to know more about our roots....

Nene/Totoy: Yes Lola, Pleeeease!!!

Lola: O Siya siya. Here goes the story…. (spotlight fades out on them,.Audience focuses on slidehow)

Once upon a time/ during the creation of the world/, Bathala /or the Supreme God,/ felt that something was missing/. So/- He created a beautiful rainbow /and called it BahagHari,/ which is short for Bahag ng Hari, /or drape of the King./ The rainbow reached to the sky/, and ended in the sea below. / Here comes Maguayen, the goddess of the sea, who said/ “ This is my rainbow-, I look good in it!!!”// But Kaptan,/ the God of the sky,/ angrily disagreed, and said, /-“No,- the bahaghari is mine!. I had it first!!!”.// Maguayen and Kaptan started fighting to own the Bahaghari./ The sky grew dark,/ and Kaptan threw rain, thunder and lightning to the sea below./ Maguayen fought back and hurled her angry waves,/ roaring waves/ and hurricanes towards the sky./ Kaptan in turn became furious!/ and threw many,/ many,/ many rocks at the sea,/ some big ones,/ some small ones,// 7,100 rocks all in all,/ that later formed a paradise with beautiful islands.// (Lola, Totoy and Nene exit stage)

Now Magaul,/ the god of the air, /where all the lightning, waves, and rocks passed through/, grew tired of Kaptan and Maguayen’s endless fighting./ So- from the rainbow’s peak,/ Magaul emerged and took the form of a bird called the sarimanok,/ who had all the beautiful colors of the rainbow./ The sarimanok slid down from the top of the arch into the islands.

(Sarimanok emerges and dances for the audience while projector slides and storytelling goes on).

The sarimanok always carried with it the powerful and enchanting Mabuhay magic wand, /made from the most beautiful colors of the rainbow./ Those whom the Sarimanok touched and anointed with the colorful Mabuhay wand stopped their evil ways/ and their fighting /and became united with the power of music and dance. (big gong sound).//

So,/ the Sarimanok spun the Mabuhay wand on Maguayen and Kaptan to stop their quarrelling/ And do you know what happened to them? /Well,/ the sea started dancing with the rhythm on its waves./ The sun in the sky began to do his slow dance at sunrise/ - and sunset, /and the clouds moved with the breeze /and even formed the sarimanok's shape. / With the strong power of the Sarimanok’s mabuhay wand,/ Kaptan and Maguayen fell in love,/ and they produced a seed that grew inside a special bamboo branch by a lake.

One day, while Sarimanok was dancing in the forest,/ it heard some voices singing from that bamboo branch./(18 second break Maganda sings) /Sarimanok was deeply attracted to the heavenly voice,/ and so it perched on the bamboo branch and started pecking and pecking on it./ The voices inside the bamboo grew stronger,/ but the sarimanok became tired of pecking and almost gave up,/ until a fish jumped out from the lake and landed on top of the bamboo /and the sarimanok pecked on it so strongly that the bamboo split open!/ And out came Malakas,/ the strong one, /and Maganda, the beautiful. / They are our ancestors./

Maganda was given an agimat,/ or a magic necklace by the Sarimanok - which had special magical powers to fight evil, but one of the most important powers that the agimat gave- is immortality - that anyone who wore it will have eternal life,/ - and will always live forever!!/ Thus, Maganda, our great great great mother, will never die…/

Many seasons passed,/ Malakas and Maganda bore many children,/ and the people nurtured the Sarimanok with fruits and gold./ Maganda loved her people dearly./ In time- many foreign visitors came to the paradise,/ and the islanders and the Sarimanok were very hospitable and so the island embraced many more colors,/ music/, movements /and tastes./ The Sarimanok was so busy enchanting everyone and everything with its powerful mabuhay wand, that even a plain jeep that some foreigners brought into the country was sprinkled with it and it was transformed into a very colorful jeepney- and the fastest dancer in the land…!!!!// There was also a wise woman named Marcela Agoncillo -who collected her favorite colors of blue, red, white and yellow from the rainbow and wove them to form the island’s flag, now called - the Philippines. (Flagbearer goes on stage to wave large Philippine flag).

But alas/, one night,/ two evil creatures in the islands,/ namely the Alimango,/ or Giant Crab,/ and the Chonggo,/ or the foolish Ape,/ trapped the Sarimanok. /(with a net) They stripped its feathers off and turned it into a rainbow chain./ They then tied the chain around the Sarimanok’s wings to prevent it from dancing /and from spreading the Mabuhay power. The bad Alimango and the Chonggo conquered the paradise and claimed all the glory. /In time, /the islanders,/ now called Filipinos,/ lost touch of their beloved Sarimanok and were under the evil animals. // The Alimango taught the natives not to trust each other and to pull each other down,/ so that he could take all of the island’s gold and fruits./ The Chonggo, on the other hand, did not believe in his own talent and powers, /so he copied /and played everything it saw and heard,/ he did not create or recreate anything with its own riches./

Time passed/, and one day/ Maganda, /our great mother, /finally discovered the trapped and weakened Sarimanok while she was tending to her forests./ Maganda swiftly untied the sarimanok,/ which flew in haste/ leaving behind its colorful feather rainbow chain.//

Maganda held on tightly to the feather chain in the hope that someday- the sarimanok returns to restore its colorful feathers and continue to empower her islands. /

The troubled sarimanok now became invisible because it lost its colors,/ and flew to a far away place,/ but it still carried with it the magical mabuhay wand which still has the power to enchant anyone to dance /and celebrate the goodness of our heritage. Many many islanders also left the Philippines,/ like your parents and grandparents,/ & some went to far away countries and cities....

Scene 2: Sikat Basta Pinoy

Slide of a Pinoy restaurant in the background. Linedancers, and all cast, in various attire, enter stage with the 2 Pinoy Families.

Mr. Pinoy Linedance: Here we are in Woodside, Queens, New York. Ang daming pinoy dito lalo na pag Biernes at Sabado!!!!! I see a doctor, a few nurses, caregivers, students, teachers, at iba pa. They are all in Woodside either to eat, to buy their Filipino groceries and cakes for their parties, or to ship or receive money or goods to the Philippines. (They all freeze pose) Here are two families, not so friendly with each other (spotlight first on the Reyes family and individual members, then the Santoses) First we have the Reyes Family comprised of Tatay, Ate, and Totoy, and we have the Santos family, with Nanay, Kuya, and Nene.This year will be special to them, because they will celebrate their special occasions in different parties. Filipinos LOVE parties don't we?? First, there is Ate, who will celebrate her debut party, then there's Kuya, who will celebrate his graduation party. Totoy and Nene, who are schoolmates, will both be celebrating their first holy communion at the school parish.Don't you worry- you are all invited!!!Who are ready to dance here??

(Sarimanok waves its wand around the frozen people on stage)

But recently, a lot of people in the area have told me that they have felt the energy of what older people call the "mabuhay power" by an invisible mythical bird called the sarimanok, where people are enchanted to dance and celebrate our rich music, language and heritage. They say it can also make people fall in love….

(Sarimanok waves wand at Mr. Pinoy LD then exits stage) Hey! (asks the audience) what was that? Did you feel that? Did you see something? Oh well, let’s go to my favorite ihaw-ihaw restaurant! Gutom na ako!!

(Slides show restaurant interior, waitress approaches Mr. Pinoy Linedance)

Waitress: Boss, ano ho ang gusto nyo?

Mr. Pinoy Linedance: Gusto kong sumayaw!

Waitress: Hindi ho..anong gusto nyong pagkain? Pero kung gusto nyong sumayaw- gusto rin namin ano? (Crowd goes down from stage to audience level).. hay Naku! (she removes her apron) Call me when you are ready to order…right now I will lead the linedancing !!!(she goes down to audience level too and will lead the Linedancing)

Mr. Pinoy Linedance: Hay Naku!!! Marami kasi akong akong gusto!!! (Intro to Sikat Basta Pinoy plays, slideshow of food .Mr. Pinoy Linedance sings)…Gusto ko ng balot!.., everybody dances.

Scene 3: Balikbayan Slide

(Slide of Johnny Air Cargo or a sponsor forwarder on screen)

Mr. Pinoy Linedance: Here we are at Johnny Air Cargo where you can send or receive balikbayan boxes filled with goodies. Even though there are duty free stores there, iba pa rin ang galing Amerika! When we become balikbayans, we always think of gifts to our special loved ones back home - So let me tell you about my balikbayan trip together with my good friend- the balikbayan box! taraaa!

(Slideshow and monologue of Coming Home- then Balikbayan Slide Song starts – people dance.)

Scene 4: Hala Bira!

After the dance the Sarimanok rolls in a balikbayan box to side of stage. It spins the wand on it and leaves. The two families enter the stage.

Nene: oooh Nanay, there is a box addressed (reads) “ To the Reyes (then looks puzzled) and Santos Families” !!!(Both families approach the box in excitement)

Totoy: O what could this be? (Tatay rolls in the box in the middle and opens it, the box is full of masks) Oh, there is a letter - let us read it!

(Voice of Sarimanok) :

Dear Tatay, Ate, and Totoy, and Nanay, Kuya, and Nene,

Mabuhay, I am your friend. You may not see me, but I brought you some special gifts for your future parties. These are masks made from the few remaining colorful feathers that I had after the Bad alimango and Chonggo stripped them off. Now that you are in a place far from the Philippines, I will make sure that with these masks that your parties will show how beautiful and rich our music, dance, and language are! Do not fall into the spell of the alimango and chonggo, so make sure you cultivate the culture of your ancestors. These masks have been blessed with the Mabuhay magic wand! Be it known that Mabuhay is an acronym for Marking and Building Unity for Heritage Advancement of the Youth! For the children are the flagbearers of our rich colors.

Hala Bira!!!

Signed, Sarimanok

Nene: Sarimanok??- it must be a good friend who is shy…. But what does Hala Bira mean?

Nanay: It means "Go Beat It" Beat to the rhythm, beat to the spirit!!

These are wonderful festival masks!! You know in the Philippines we have a lot of festivals in different parts of the country, we have the Sinulog, the Pahiyas, the Masskara, (show slides of these festivals) but my favorite is the Ati-atihan in Kalibo Aklan, where we all dance to the drum beats and shout Hala Bira!!

And we have a dance – do you want to learn it?

Nene and Kuya: Yes!! Yes!!!

Tatay, Ate, and Totoy: Yes let us all learn it!!

Mr. Pinoy Linedance: (enters and asks the audience;) Do you want to learn it too??

Audience says yes, people join and Mr. Pinoy Linedance teaches the refrain steps. Once they have learned the basics, the cast wears the masks and dance the Hala Bira!! Mr. Pinoy Linedance leads the audience to shout "Hala Bira" at end of song.

Mr. Pinoy Linedance: That was such a fun dance wasn't it? That powerful Mabuhay wand seemed to have cast a magic spell to everybody in this room!!After dance- masks are returned to the box, box is carted away

Scene 5: Mabuhay Shout! at Ate’s Debut

Background Slide to show a hotel party scene/Ate Rowena’s Debut. Tatay, and Totoy enter stage.

Tatay: (In a Batangueno or Ilokano accent) Welcome to my beautiful daughter’s debut!! Thank you for coming!!!. Well if the Americans have their sweet sixteen, and the Mexicans have their quinceneria, we Filipinos have our debut- which is presenting our teenage daughters to society. Debuts are traditionally set at 18 years old, but here in the States we Filipinos do not have a set age for our daughters’ special birthday. Pwedeng 16, 17, 18, kung kailan magkapera!!! But the most important thing for us parents is that, this coming of age party will be unique and special for her, and we will call it the "Pamana Party". This will be the special birthday celebration for our dalagitas, to make sure they are in touch with their Philippine roots and values. We parents have the responsibility to propagate our rich heritage diba?? Our heritage and values are the best inheritance we can give, that’s why we will call it the Pamana party. Amen!!

You know, Rowena grew up here and is very close to her friends who are all hiphop and too modern – hay naku I don’t understand and I cannot keep up!!! So the first part of the Pamana party will present her in a modern hip fashion, but the second part!! Hay naku! Is very special and is a surprise because she will be reintroduced with our Philippine Heritage…Oh oh oh here is the opening number! Her friends are here already!!!

Mabuhay Shout plays (Hip Hop Dancers breakdancing and traditional Hiphop moves then sarimanok strokes her wand – then they dance to ethnic inspired hip hop moves then Soul Train, ate dances in), Mr. Pinoy Linedance and Pinoy Family lead the audience to the refrain moves.

Scene 6: Koriente : Electric Slide

Mr. Pinoy Linedance invites everyone to do the Electric Slide Pinoy version..C’mon y’all!!!

Scene 7: Septiembre

Mr. Pinoy Linedance invites everyone to linedance September . (Ate changes to Terno during this act).

Scene 8 : Birthday Girl/ Pandanggo / Dahil Sa Yo

Mr. Pinoy Linedance : Indeed, even if the songs Electric Slide and September are very western, dancing to the Tagalog versions give us that special spark. That Pinoy touch. Let us take our seats ladies and

gentlemen. Now we are going to witness the second part of Ate's Pamana Debut, and this is what makes the big difference in a Pamana party. (Sarimanok enters and dances and waves Mabuhay wand in the air, then exits) . This is the time when Ate is presented to the world as a Dalagang Pilipina. The escort and the Father change into their handsome Barongs, we are now ready to meet the belle of the ball. Here to sing Birthday girl is ___________ (Birthday Girl minus one plays, Kuya or boyfriend who escorts Ate, now dressed in a terno, march in, Kuya (or boyfriend) hands Ate to Tatay, father daughter dance starts, in the middle of the song, Mr. Pinoy Linedance invites the audience to dance the slow dance.)

Then Ate dances the Pandanggo with 2 friends, or with Nanay, Tatay, and Kuya and/or boyfriend.

Mr. Pinoy Linedance: Then the pamana debutante is given 18 candles and roses by his family and friends after their speeches, let us hear some of them:

Tatay: Ala -eh- We had to sell all our carabaos to make sure you hab a nice parte. Magpakabait ka anak hane, “you are the apple of my eye, mango of my pie etc... (see page 15)(starts to cry...)

Totoy: Hi Ate...You have been a very good sister who always helps me with my schoolwork. I hope we can remain best friends forever!!

Nanay: Hello beautiful lady, Hay Naku you are lucky that you are so beautiful and good not like your father!! Well Mr. Reyes did a good job here!..but I promise I will throw a better party for my son!!! Speaking about my son, Porget your boyfriend and just be lovingloving to my son ober here…O anak, say something…You better say something good because I will throw a much bigger and better party for your graduation!!!

Kuya: (Looks at his mom weirdly but torpe. Looks at Rowena in the eye but chickens out) I just want to let you know that I really love you..r party..…okay okay, jeez, I ‘can’t say it yet..but.. just don’t stick around with this loser..(points to Ate’s boyfriend)

Boyfriend: (arrogant) Who you callin loser?? Hey, babe, (to Rowena), I honestly think you all look ridiculous and old fashioned in those silly outfits.. get something like mine which is imported- from New Jersey!!!, You guys smell like patis and bagoong…

Ate’s Girlfirends: (they grab the microphone from Boyfriend) you are so Over!! Dump this jerk!!

Mr. Pinoy Linedance: Now let us hear from the most magandang dalaga, the celebrant:

Ate: I would like to thank my papa, too bad I wish Mama can see me now (looks up), and of course Totoy for being my chaperone. And to you (looks at boyfriend) I am sorry that it is over, I will try to start over and maybe concentrate on school for now…and besides, I think I found my soulmate (looks at Kuya). I would like to thank all of you for participating in my Pamana Debut Party, because although I have spent much of my growing years here, I am extremely proud to be Pinay, a dalagang pilipina with all our good virtues and heritage. “Ang hindi lumingon sa pinanggalingan ay di makararating sa paroroonan”. Magandang gabi po…

Mr. Pinoy Linedance: Ahh that was sweet. Another special feature of the Pamana Party is the harana or serenade for Ate. Let us all sing Dahil Sa Iyo. (Mr. Pinoy Linedance plays guitar live, Lyrics are on the Screen).

Scene 9: Hala Bira Tribal Mix/ Pamana Graduation Party for Kuya

HalaBira Tribal intro plays. Backround Slide shows Kuya’s Graduation party. Kuya is wearing barong with toga hat.

Nanay: (Loud) Finally - welcome to my son’s Graduation party!! Jun Jun finished college/high school and is soon going to be on his own!!! Sa wakas!!! Now if the girls have a Pamana debut party, don't you think that our binatang Pilipino, our male teenagers, need to be empowered too? (Sarimanok enters and dances and waves the Mabuhay wand in the air, then exits). Our binatas should celebrate the success of the one most important pamana- the one thing that we Filipino parents break our backs for- and that is for our children’s education. That's right, a good education is the most lasting inheritance or pamana we can give!!!

Anak, I really looked forward to this day of your graduation!! I’m so proud of you!! Where are you??

Mr. Pinoy Linedance: In the Philippines we have an expression - hwag kang magbuhat ng sariling bangko!! which means do not carry your own chair - or do not brag about your accomplishments. Let others speak of your merits, and with that we have a very symbolic way to present our Binata- Bayanihan style, wherein he is raised symbolically by his family and friends!! It is symbolic of the people wanting him to reach the top!! And is also a symbol of Royalty!!

(Hala Bira Tribal mix music plays, Kuya enters bayanihan style on a seat raised by 2 bamboo poles, then Kuya is lowered, the group dances to modern hiphop and tinikling)

Mr. Pinoy Linedance: After that symbolic entrance of Kuya, one of the highlights of the Pamana Graduation party is the rolling of the Kapalaran or Fortune die. The die has six sides- and each side is as follows: Kalakasan/Strength, Pagibig/Love, Kayamanan/wealth, Maginoo/Noble, Karunungan/Wisdom, Mapaglingkod/Service. Let us now have Kuya roll and let us see his fortune:

(Kuya rolls die,after it stops, everyone shouts:)

Everyone: Kayamanan!!

Mr. Pinoy Linedance: Anong sey mo Nene?

Nene: Oh kuya, if you get rich, you can buy me more songs for my Ipod!!

Nanay: Anak, when you are rich and famous, you take care of your little sister’s college education! Naku, I want to retire in __________________________ and shop in Macy’s and Conway everyday!!

Kuya: Maraming Salamat po Nanay. Thank you for coming to my Pamana Graduation party. This is a celebration of my personal success, which reflect’s my mom’s success, because I know that she immigra-ted here so that I would have a better education and future. And thanks to you my little sister- if I get rich, not only will I give you unlimited Ipod downloads, but you’ll have your favorite halohalo everyday!!

Mr. Pinoy Linedance: Now it is Ballroom Dance time!! Let us do the Rhumba with the song "Di Ba't Sabi Mo?"

Scene 10: Di Ba’t Sabi Mo ( rhumba dance )

Scene 11: TodoTodo

Mr. Pinoy Linedance: Now let us do the National anthem of linedancing – TodoTodo in tagalog!!! Sayawan Na!!!

(TodoTodo plays, everybody dances)

Scene 12: Giliw / Sarimanok and Maganda duet and dance

Mr. Pinoy Linedance: But now, back in the cold winter streets of New York, our beloved sarimanok becomes lonely because it misses its paradise islands and reminisces the wonderful memories with its master, our great mother, Maganda. In a far away place she continues to have visions of Maganda…

Maganda: (sings) Sarimanok hali-i-ka…(Sarimanok approaches her but realizes it is just a vision)Maganda sings “Giliw”, sarimanok dances

Intermission / Birthday Cake break (call celebrants) / Ballroom Dancing – 15 min


Scene 13: Step 4 Jesus / Totoy and Nene’s First Holy Communion Party

Background slide to show Totoy and Nene’s School First Holy Communion party

Nene (or Totoy) : Welcome everybody to my First Holy Communion party!!! Are you feeling good tonight? I said are you feeling good tonight? Okay let us all go to the dancefloor, as I am going to teach you a linedance called "Step 4 Jesus" - it is so easy- if I can do it - you can do it!!!

Fr. Lorenzo is going to dance with us!!!C’mon Father!!

We take two steps to the Left, clap , then two steps to the right, clapGrapevine to the left-clap , then turn to the right-clapClap on upperleft, upper right, lower left, lower right,Praise High Praise Low,then wa-a-a-a-ve, then quarter turn to the left. It is a 4 wall linedance- let's hit it!!! (Play Step 4 Jesus)

Act 14: I Luv Dancing

Totoy (or Nene): Well, ehem, this is also my first Holy communion party! Tonight, I have a special guest party people!!! My Tito Elvis is in the house!! (Pinoy Elvis impersonator comes out) He will lead us to dance!!!

Elvis: Just follow me guys. (I Luv Dancing plays, everybody dances)

Elvis: Thank you very much everybody. Please take your seats

Scene 15: Baile Na! (Nagkagustuhan)

Mr. Pinoy Linedance: Ha Ha Ha! It seems that the Santos family and the Reyes family are always trying to outdo each other!! Is this what they call “Pataasan ng Ihi?” When will this jealousy or inggitan ever end??! Is there anybody or anything that can teach these people a good lesson in life??? (They all freeze, Sarimanok circles its wand on Totoy and Nene, Kuya and Ate, and spins the wand vigorously on Tatay and Nanay.., who both fall into a love spell)

Tatay: Darling!! …. Mahal na mahal kita!!

Nanay: whoosh, ikaw naman, (blushes) Totoo ba yan? (get’s serious) Hmmph , Baka Bola???

Tatay: Hindi bola, Tunay na Tunay…Tru Lab pala Kita!!! (They hug)

Mr. Pinoy LineDance: How did this happen??? Someone’s special powers hit on them? They are now truly, madly and deeply in love!! Let us celebrate their happiness by doing the Chacha! Baile Na!!!

Ballroom Cha Cha Exhibition by Tatay and Nanay and/or then everyone joins in the Ballroom dance

Scene 16: Lovestep at The Wedding Party

Mr. Pinoy Linedance: Now that Tatay and Nanay are deeply in love, wait…what is going on with Totoy and Nene?? (Totoy and Nene bring in Fr. Lorenzo in front of Tatay and Nanay who weds them in the background)

Totoy: My Tatay and her Nanay are going to get married!!!

Nene : This is sooo exciting!!!

Mr. Pinoy Linedance: Oh my God!! This First Holy Communion party is now… a wedding party!!! (Background Slide changes to Santos-Reyes Wedding Party, Tatay and Nanay wear Mickey and Minnie Mouse hats). Now let us dance the Lovestep for this beautiful couple!! Let us form a circle around the newlyweds and I am going to teach you the simple dance...

(Mr. Pinoy Linedance escorts the couple into the center of the circle, Lovetep plays, everybody dances)

Scene 17: Manila Nights

Mr. Pinoy Linedance : Perhaps the most popular pair dance in the Philippines is the swing or hustle, Let us continue to dance to Manila Nights!!!(Manila Nights plays, couples dance)

Scene 18: Tagay Song (optional :Lasing dance choreography)

Mr. Pinoy Linedance: Now I would like to offer a toast to Tatay and Nanay! As Filipinos living abroad, let us be proud to say, not only cheers, not only salut, not only kampai, or not only lacheim, but with our very own … Mabuhay!! which means to a good long life!! So at this point, let us raise our glasses, here's to more success in life, good health, good fortune, good vibes...Mabuhay!!! (Tagay Song plays, everybody claps, etc).

Scene 19: Lola and Sarimanok’s Surprise Mystery

Slide of Living Room in the background again

Mr. Pinoy Linedance : Now the parties have ended...(Says last words, mission of show, future plans, workshops, CD sales, thank yous…then.). Lastly, let us always remember, that in our Pinoy parties, we do not need expensive clothes, lavish food, as long as we have pansit for longlife and pinoy dancing- we will always be happy and rich.

Now we take you back to the living room, with Lola, Totoy and Nene… (spotlight back on Lola on chair with book with Totoy and Nene amused at story)

Nene: So Lola, the sarimanok, even though it lost its feathers, flew to New York and enchanted everybody with music and dance from the Philippines. But it is still invisible until it gets its colorful feathers back, right?

Lola: Korek ka dyan!!

Totoy: Lola, is it true that the agimat of Maganda can fight bad people and make them good ???

Lola: Oh yes hijo!

Nene: So what happened to the Sarimanok Lola??

Lola : Oh, I don’t know, I miss Sarimanok so bad, este, (shakes her head in order not to reveal her true identity) ehemm. (Silence.. as she feels sadness) You know, so many people told me from all over the world that they felt the mabuhay magic spell, but - they did not see the sarimanok around…,. But I know that the sarimanok will come back if it hears this music: (she sings the melody identical to the melody before bamboo cracks open). (sarimanok slowly enters room) OOooh the sarimanok probably climbed to heaven to join Bathala, and is watching all of us from above, together with our heroes (show slides) Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Ninoy & Cory Aquino,….., People who have fought for our language, our music, our dance, our freedom….Hay naku it’s getting hot and I am tired..(removes panueloto reveal rainbow chain).

Totoy: Lola, is THAT the colored feather chain from the sarimanok?(Lola removes the feather boa and reveals further the agimat necklace (bulb necklace that is lit around her neck, which gives eternal life)

Totoy and Nene: Lola!!! you are….MAGANDA!!!!! (Lola gives a big smile)

Lola Maganda: Yes, I love you all my children and great great great great great grand children and encourage you all to unite, love one another, and sing and dance with music that comes from the roots of our soul. I have been searching all over for Sarimanok…

Totoy & Nene: Mahal Ka Namin Lola Maganda!!!(hugs) We hope to learn more about the Philippines!!!(Sarimanok strikes the magic wand on the three of them)

Lola Maganda: Ay Dios ko!!! Sarimanok!!! You heard my melody!!! Sa wakas!!! Here are your colorful feathers!!!(She hands it the rainbow feather boa). Please come back to the Philippine islands!!! We need you!!!

-Sarimanok wears its colorful feather vest, crown, and wings…and dances happily-Lola Maganda and sarimanok hug each other after short dance…the 4 of them all freeze-In the background, Alimango and Chonggo, wearing shades as disguise and blazers.. slowly creep in with a net to trap Sarimanok anew…

Alimango Voice : Chong, isn’t dat di sarimanok who the pipol love dearly? I tot we got rid op it?? Oh No!! It got her feathers back!!! We need to pull it down again hehehehe!!

Chonggo voice: Hay naku what is it doing here in di yunaytid istits??! O my god it dansis so gud, we need to trap it again and copy its stips, so we are still da kings right?? Heheheheh!!! (They attempt to cast a net over the sarimanok...)

Totoy and Nene: Lola, let us use your agimat against these bad guys!!! (Totoy and Nene raise the blinking Agimat on the bad guys, they are blinded and transformed.)

Alimango and Chonggo: Whaaaaaaa!!!!

Sarimanok circles the magic wand on them, they get rid of their costumes to become good people, and intro to “Sayawan Na” plays…

Sarimanok voice: Salamat Totoy and Nene for saving us.. You children are indeed the future and hope of the Philippines!! Continue to be proud of your roots!! Never be like the alimango and chonggo !!! Sayawan na!!!..

Lola, Totoy & Nene, Chonggo, Alimango: Sayawan Na!!!

Scene 20 : Sayawan Na!! / Cast Bows - endTotoy and Nene take of their bath robes to reveal ballroom dancer’s costume, Nene’s or Totoy’s costume is the Philippine Flag dress or jacket, they chacha, followed by cast dances and bows, then Lola leads all to line dance to “Sayawan Na!!” All cast wave their Mabuhay wands in the end, wave large Philippine Flag too…


You are theapple of my eye,mango of my pie,palaman of my tinapay,

keso of my monay,teeth of my suklay,fingers on my kamay,bubbles of my laway,sala of my bahay,seeds of my palay,calcium in my kalansay,calamansi on my siomai,toyo on my kuchay,vitamins in my gulay,spinach of my Popeye,wind when I paypay,tungkod when I'm pilay,shoulder when I cry,wings when I fly,cure to my "ARAY!",answer to my "WHY?",the life after I die..(singhot)
