Page 1: SC Program 15th May - Spillcon · Bruce Chapman Woodside GIS and web-based rapid spill prediction tools ... Boomerang handover Paul Barrett to Greg De Marco as IOSC Chair 1900

2019 Program

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Spillcon is the Asia Pacific oil spill conference held every three years as part of the tri-conference circuitwith the European Interspill and the American IOSC. Spillcon is proudly organised by Australia’s keygovernment and industry agencies responsible for Australia’s marine environmental protection arrangements, specifically the Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP), Australian Marine Oil Spill Centre (AMOSC) and the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA). Spillcon 2019 will bring together local, regional and global environmental and shipping representatives across industry, government and non-government organisations to provide an avenue to discuss issues including cause and prevention, preparedness, response management and environmental issues. This conference has the support and strategic sponsorship of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) with the Secretary General opening the European conference last year and specifically referring to the importance of marine environment protection from marine oil spills as a ‘high order of priority’ given therecent examples of the damage to the environment as a consequence of oil spills. The Australian Conference remains the pre-eminent global gathering for those engaged with marine oil spills. Spillcon 2019 in Perth provides the opportunity to highlight the bilateral government and industry leadership role in marine oil spill. The Australian petroleum and shipping industry represent all of the marine spill threat to the maritime environment – this conference provides a pro-active opportunity to highlight the arrangements that Australia has in place for the benefit of these sectors. There will be high calibre national and international speakers to address the conference on their particular areas of expertise. In addition, in partnership with the IMO and Secretariat of the Pacific RegionalEnvironment Programme (SPREP), Spillcon will be hosting a significant number of sponsored delegatesfrom the Pacific Islands who would not be able to attend such a prestigious event without assistance. We are looking forward to welcoming speakers, sponsors, delegates and exhibitors to Spillcon 2019 in May.

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Partner Sponsors

Strategic Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Custom Sponsors

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I open this foreword with paying our collective respect to the Nyungar peopleas the upholders of aboriginal culture and heritage and the traditional ownersof the land we are hosting this conference on.

On behalf of the Spillcon 2019 Organising Committee I would like to extenda warm welcome to the Asia- Pacific oil spill preparedness and response conference, Spillcon 2019 – co-operation and collaboration - global, regional, local. Spillcon 2019 is again being held at Crown, Perth in Western Australia. There is an impressive program of local and international speakers who will discuss: crisis leadership, planning and management; case studies andlessons learnt from counterparts around the world; spill science; advancesin new technologies; public awareness and communication during extreme events; maritime claims and compensation; salvage and intervention; oil spill monitoring and dispersants; the future of maritime environmental emergencies. This conference we are very excited to have delegates from China and the Asian region to present their experiences and a case study on Group I oil spill response based around the collision and sinking of the MT Sanchi.

The Conference also provides the ideal opportunity for government officialsand industry personnel to collaborate, as we do during spill responses, to learn from experiences, academia and insights better ways of tackling issues around prevention, preparedness, response and recovery from marine oil spills.

Spillcon 2019 is being complemented by an exhibition of equipment andservice providers in the oil spill preparedness and response industry. We are also continuing our highly successful workshop series, which provides excellent opportunities for more detailed, interactive discussions between presenters and delegates on key topics.

In advance of the day, I sincerely thank the sponsors, exhibitors, sessionchairs and speakers for all their support and work in making this conferencean enjoyable and engaging event that should benefit all delegates. Also my thanks goes to the delegates who have travelled from far and wide to attend this conference.

I have great pleasure in being your Conference Chair for this part of thetriennial conference round between Interspill (UK/Europe) and the International Oil Spill Conference (USA).

Paul Barrett

Conference Chair Spillcon 2019

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Welcome to Western Australia – we are delighted to host Spillcon 2019and excited about the attendance of many local, interstate and international attendees for this very important conference. WA remains the energy and minerals powerhouse for the Australasian region and is undergoing a renaissance in exploration and production of both hydrocarbon and natural minerals in 2019.

Western Australia is the traditional home to the oil and gas industry for Australia. This factor, coupled with a pristine environment, demands the highest levels of prevention against marine oil spills from the shipping and oil/gas industries who operate in the nearshore and offshore sectors of WA. Speaking for our State and Territory neighbours, marine oil spills are indeed an aspect that requires a level of serious focus in order to combat the combined catastrophic effects environmentally and economically that can bring affected areas and companies to their knees. This conference is therefore a very important keystone for all Delegates to share, learn and understand better improved ways to prevent, and if the unimaginable occurs (as it frequently has done before), respond with prepared plans, trained and effective people, and equipment that is fit-for-purpose.

We are very pleased to host Spillcon 2019 and trust you will share with us the beauty and significance of our unspoiled State.

Hon Bill Johnston MLA

Spillcon 2019

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AMOSC/AMSA WORKSHOP Free to registered Spillcon delegates

NOPSEMA/APPEA/IOPER WORKSHOP Additional charge direct to APPEA

1500 - 1700 Registration

1700 - 1900 Welcome Reception & Exhibition Opening

Monday 20 May 2019

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0830 - 0840 Mr Paul Barrett CEO Australian Institute of Petroleum0840 - 0850 Mr Mick Kinley CEO Australian Maritime Safety Authority0850 - 0900 Hon Bill Johnston MLA WA Minister for Mines and Petroleum; Energy; Industrial Relations


0900 - 1000 Lt Gen David Morrison AO

1000 - 1030 MORNING TEA

SESSION 1.3 Setting the Scene …. Emerging Issues Chair: Mr Andrew McConville APPEA

1030 - 1055 Patricia Charlebois International Maritime Organization 1055 - 1120 Mick Kinley Australian Maritime Safety Authority 1120 - 1145 Derrick O’Keeffe NOPSEMA Spill prevention and response: past, present, future1145 - 1210 Kosi Latu South Pacific Regional Environmental Program 1210 - 1230 Question & Answer with panel

1230 - 1330 LUNCH

SESSION 1.4 (Prevention) Where are the risks? Chair: Cameron Grebe NOPSEMA 1330 - 1355 Nick Lemon AMSA Technological, industry, and societal trends over the next decade – implications for the maritime industry1355 - 1420 Andrew McConville APPEA Exploration & production perspective1420 - 1445 John Finch Pilbara Ports Authority Ports perspective1445 - 1510 Nikolai Drahos Office of the Chief Economist Economic factors assessment

1510 - 1530 AFTERNOON TEA

SESSION 1.5 (Prevention/Preparedness) How do we create confidence? Chair: Ray Butler Woodside1530 - 1555 Ivar Kristoffersen and Geir Morten Skeie NOFO Marine Oil Spill Response capability and evaluation1555 - 1620 Jamie Storrie AMSA Managing complex maritime emergencies

1620 - 1645 Dan Hazell INPEX Recent advances and innovations1645 - 1700 Q&A

Tuesday 21 May 2019

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Wednesday 22 May 2019

SESSION 2.1 KEYNOTE ADDRESS0830 - 0930 Gill Hicks

Preparedness SESSION 2.2.i Shipping & salvage focus Chair: Dr Karen Purnell ITOPF

0930 - 0950 Ray Buchholz WA DoT WA experiences in preparedness

0950 - 1015 Jason Antenucci DHI A Strategic Planning Tool for Managing Maritime Risks in Australia

1015 - 1035 Nicola Mason IG P&I Club

1035 - 1055 Capt Brett Whiteoak AMOSC and Trent Walkley Svitzer Exercise Black Stump

1100 - 1130 MORNING TEA

Response SESSION 2.3.ii Operational response aspects Chair: Mark Morrow AMSA

1130 - 1150 CJ Beegle-Krause SINTEF Low sulphur fuels

1150 - 1210 Loti Yates Director Solomon Islands NDMO Case Study Solomon Trader

1210 - 1230 Dr Karen Purnell ITOPF Group I oils spill response

1230 - 1250 Prof. Kyung-Ae Park SNU Oil detection of Sanchi (Oil Tanker) collision using satellite SAR data

1250 - 1345 LUNCH

Continued next page

SESSION 2.2.AOffshore & subsea containment focusChair: Brian Sullivan IPIECA

Rhys Jones NOPSEMA Timing is everything

Wayne O’Brien C3entre Quantitative ALARP

Simon McGhee RPS andBruce Chapman WoodsideGIS and web-based rapid spill prediction tools

Ahmed Nazri OSRL Management techniques for complex logistics operations

SESSION 2.3.BOffshore & subsea containment focusChair: Keith Manch MNZ

Andy Myers OSRLOSRL/SWISS enhanced air freight cappingstack capabilities

Tim Nedwed ExxonMobilNew foam injection wellhead technology

Chris Carstens IOGPIOGP source control emergency response planning guide for subsea wells

Thomas Selbekk addenergyRelief Well Injection Spool Technology

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Wednesday 22 May 2019

Response SESSION 2.4.iii Shipping & salvage focus Chair: Mike House

1345 - 1405 Andrew McCallum AMOSC Safety of responders

1405 - 1425 Jeremy Kirk FCR Information management & media during a maritime emergency 1425 - 1445 Lee Mould AMOSC Oiled wildlife response – Ex Amity challenge

Mike Short Queensland Department of Environment & Science “Ex Torres“

1445 - 1505 Oliver Timofei Ardent Case study – Container vessel events

1510 - 1530 AFTERNOON TEA

Recovery SESSION 2.5.iv Shipping & salvage focus Chair: Yodi Satya OSCT

1530 - 1550 Dr Polly Hill UK Ministry of Defence Latent spills – wrecks with oil (HMS Royal Oak recovery case study)

1550 - 1610 Dr Seong-Gil Kang Director of MERRAC Marine pollution preparedness and response

1610 - 1630 Jose Maura IOPC Claims & compensation 1630 Panel Q&A


SESSION 2.4.CEnvironmental response aspectsChair: Darren Waterman OSR

Maria Hartley ChevronNatural Seeps

Shasha Song CNOOCOil spill volume estimation & EIA

Stuart Field AMOSCTitle

Tom Coolbaugh ExxonMobilDispersant research

SESSION 2.5.DOffshore & subsea containment focusChair: Phillip Starkins AMOSC

Paul Whitaker KSATUse of satellite technology

Dr Sharon Hook CSIROScience of recovery

Dr Janelle Eagle NOPSEMAOff-the-shelf’ to ‘top shelf’ oil spill monitoring plans?

Panel Q&A

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SESSION 3.1 KEYNOTE ADDRESS0830 - 0930 Mike House Survival in the crisis wilderness

SESSION 3.2 Opportunities for improvements Chair: Greg de Marco IOSC

0930 - 0955 Andy Nicoll Oil Spill Response Ltd and Leif Kvamme NOFO Global industry groups

0955 - 1020 Anthony Talouli South Pacific Regional Environmental Program SPREP engagement Lee Nai Ming GI SEA Bridging the oil spill preparedness capabilities among ASEAN countries

1020 - 1045 Mark Morrow AMSA, Dayne Maxwell MNZ and Xudong Cong SDMSA National Plans – Australia, New Zealand and China NPC

1045 - 1100 Panel to discuss each sector (Industry/Shipping/Government)

1100 - 1130 MORNING TEA

SESSION 3.3 How do we learn and improve Chair: Jamie Storrie AMSA 1130 - 1155 David Imhoff AMSA Public communication and working collaboratively “Ex Torres“

1155 - 1220 Xiangbin Lin Shanghai MSA Case Study MT Sanchi incident

1220 - 1245 Shayne Wilde NSW RMS Case study YM Efficiency

1245 - 1345 LUNCH


1445 CLOSING SESSION at OWD site Paul Barrett Closing remarks Boomerang handover Paul Barrett to Greg De Marco as IOSC Chair

1900 - 2330 THEMED DINNER Under the Sea

Thursday 23 May 2019

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Friday 24 May 2019

AMOSC/APPEA WORKSHOP Free to registered Spillcon delegates

AMSA/CSIRO TECHNICAL SEMINAR Free to registered Spillcon delegates

GOLF Inaugural Spillcon Golf Tournament

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