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Sci-Fi Book Clubs + Research

Yeah. This is going to be sweet.

Page 2: Sci-Fi Book Clubs + Research Yeah. This is going to be sweet

The basics. You will pick one of 5 novels

+ the corresponding research topic.

You need to choose your novel and get it approved!

Max of 7 people per book! Then get the book ASAP! You will have 7 quizzes on

the book + an interview with me about the book.

You will also read + annotate 4 research articles

You will watch a movie. Your group will make a

presentation to the rest of us.

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This will be fun! Don’t worry! Yes, you have to read a

book. But it will be a good book! Yes, you have to do

research. But you don’t have to write

a paper! You’ll work with the other people who read that book to make a fun presentation for the class!

Yes, you have to watch a movie.

But you get to watch a cool movie for points!

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The choices:

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Book ONE: The Time Traveller’s Wife

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The Time Traveler’s Wife + Researching Time Travel

What if, for some reason, you couldn’t control when you were in time?

Henry has a genetic disorder: he gets “unstuck” in time and randomly disappears/shows up in a different time and place.

Naked. With no idea how long he’ll be

there (wherever there happens to be).

What if you fell in love with someone who had this “condition?”

NOTE: This is a Science Fiction ROMANCE!

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Although this is a great book that I imagine many of you would like, I’m uncomfortable assigning it due to its adult nature (the sex scenes are very graphic).

I will need a signed parent permission slip from everyone who wants to read it.

The permission slip is necessary to avoid a potential complaint from a parent (I really don’t want to deal with this).

PS: No, I will not be quizzing you on the sex scenes. In fact, I’d feel better if you just “skipped” them. Honestly.

Also, this is the longest book of the bunch. If you’re going to read it, you might want to start early!

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The Research: Time TravelTheories about how time travel might work/be possible.

Einstein’s theory of relativity.

Wormholes (and their relation to time travel).

Theories about what would happen if someone went back in time and changed something/if past events can be changed.

Parallel worlds/universes + String Theory.

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Watch a Time Travel Film:

Back to the Future

The Time Machine


Terminator 2: Judgment Day


12 Monkeys

The Source Code

Quantum Leap (TV show) = watch any 2 episodes

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Book TWO: Brave New World

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Brave New World & a few short stories + Research predictions about the future, future technology, etc.

The future is an odd place. People are not born: they are grown. They

are “conditioned” to be either a leader, worker, etc.

Their ways are not our ways—drugs and random sex are the norm. It is considered strange not to sleep with a lot of people or take a lot of drugs.

Bernard goes to a reservation that is a “natural state.” He brings a “native” into the future society.

The various reactions are telling of human nature, our society, etc.

NOTE: This book is kind of short, so you will also read a few short stories as a supplement.

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The Research: The futureWhat new technology do scientists believe will exist in 20 years, 50 years, 100 years? Why do they think so?

How could these future inventions affect us/our society/the world?

Current “scientific doomsday” scenarios (how the world might end)

Theories about how technology can “hurt” us.

Theories about how current politics, environmental issues, or crises might change the world we live in.

How society may change in the future, who says so, and why.

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Watch a future or dystopia film:


Children of Men


V for Vendetta

Minority Report


The Fifth Element

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Book THREE: The Demolished Man

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The Demolished Man & a graphic novel + Researching Super Powers.

Telepaths exist. In order to keep society working and normals happy, telepaths “police” themselves by making sure that no telepath reads people’s minds without their permission. . .

Unless a telepath happens to “over hear” a murder plot. If that happens, the telepath must inform the police and help prevent the murder.

But what if you want to get away with murder? How can you do it in a society where people can read your every thought?

What if the police detective assigned to the case is a telepath?

This is an Action Sci-Fi story in which you almost want the bad guy to win and kill somebody.

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Graphic Novel Since this novel is a bit

shorter than the others, you must ALSO read an approved graphic novel that has something to do with the research topic: Super Powers.

This does NOT have to be a super-hero graphic novel.

I can make suggestions based on your own interests.

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Research: Super Powers/abilities

The possibility of super human powers, enhanced senses, incredible abilities, etc. ESP Telepathy Telekinesis Precognition Amazing feats of strength,

agility, etc.

Experimentation on people to create a “master race” or anything else.

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Watch a “Human Potential/Super-Power” film

Minority Report


V for Vendetta


The Incredible Hulk (2008)




Captain America

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Book FOUR: Robot Visions

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Robot Visions + Researching Robotics & A.I.

A book of short stories! You’ll read 1-3 short stories

for each quiz (depending on the length).

These are good! Asimov’s robots and characters are interesting and thought provoking. Very enjoyable!

Unlike most robot stories, Asimov’s robots don’t turn against their masters and try to kill us, but there is still plenty of drama and mystery!

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Research: Robotics and A.I.Real life robots/robotics.

A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) + learning computers.

Theories about the

future of robotics + A.I.

Are robots dangerous?

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Watch a robot film

I, Robot

The Matrix


Bicentennial Man



Terminator (or sequels)

Star Wars: A New Hope


2001: A Space Odyssey

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Book FIVE: Ender’s Game

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Ender’s Game + Researching space travel, aliens, etc.

In order to stop an alien invasion, Earth trains children to be ruthless killers and excellent soldiers.

Ender, the most promising, is supposed to lead Earth’s forces against the alien fleet.

But for Ender to reach his full potential, he must suffer and overcome impossible odds.

This book is awesome! How far should we go to

save our world? Is abusing children ever justified?

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Research: Space Travel, life on other worlds, aliens, UFOs, etc.

Current theories about how manned interstellar space travel might work, problems to overcome, etc.

What scientists think about life on other worlds.

What scientists think about intelligent life on other worlds.

SETI UFO sightings + alien abduction


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Watch an alien/space travel film

Men in Black


Superman (1978)




2001: A Space Odyssey

Star Trek (1978)


Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind

I am Number 4

Green Lantern

Independence Day

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Now . . . Choose!