Page 1: Scn 10 - Tiger Position · 2017. 12. 17. · Tiger Position. Scenario 10 VER. 2015-01-29 Orsha, 90km W of Smolensk June 24th 1944: As part of Operation Bagration, the Soviet 11th

Tiger Position. Scenario 10VER. 2015-01-29Orsha, 90km W of Smolensk June 24th 1944: As part of Operation Bagration, the Soviet 11th Guards Army attacked westward along the Smolensk-Minsk highway which runs just north of Orsha. The German unit assigned to defend the highway, the 78th Assault (Sturm) Division, found itself hard pressed, and had to fall back time after time. Only loose contact could be maintained between the units, and on the second day of fighting that contact broke completely. At 1600 hours on 24 June the 215th Sturm Regiment lost contact with the unit on its right flank, the 14th Sturm Regiment, and a gap formed. The Soviets soon moved into this gap and made the situation extremely perilous for the 78th Division. The plan was now to withdraw to a prepared defensive line toward the rear known as the "Tiger Position" - before Soviet armor moved in to exploit the gap. This scenario depicts the attempted withdrawal of the 215th Sturm Regiment to this "Tiger Position”

Game is 8 turns.

German Sets up first.

Soviet holds initiative.Victory Conditions: German player must exit 20 points units off the West map edge. Vehicle’s count as 3, Routed units, PHQ, Reduced Squads and Weapon teams count as 1. All Squads count as 2.Special Rules:1. Soviets receives Off Board Artillery support with Attack Supply.2. Soviets receives Air Support in the form of 1 x IL2 Sturmovic. It will arrive on a D6 roll in the Orders Phase of less than the current turn number.3. All German Gun and Panzerschreck may setup Hidden.

Elements of the 215/78th Sturm Division: Setup Infantry units on map within 24” of East edge. Vehicles and Guns may setup anywhere on map. Infantry may not setup as Tank Riders.

1 x GHQ 2-0/1-1/1-2 x PHQ 3 x Sturm 6 x 2nd Line Squads

2 x MMG42 2 x MMG34 Counters 10 x Dummy 3 x Panzerschrecks

Page 2: Scn 10 - Tiger Position · 2017. 12. 17. · Tiger Position. Scenario 10 VER. 2015-01-29 Orsha, 90km W of Smolensk June 24th 1944: As part of Operation Bagration, the Soviet 11th

1 x FO 1-1 x Armor Leader 3 x Gun Crews 2 x StuG IIIG

1 x Marder II 1 x Nashorn 2 x 7.5cm PaK40 1 x 2cm FlaK 38

Elements of the 2nd Guards Tank Corps/11th Guards Army: Enter turn 1 on East edge.

1 x GHQ 3-0/2-1/1-2x PHQ 6 x Assault Squads 12 x 1st Line Squads

2 x FO 1 x 120mm mtr. 2 x GAZ-AA 2 x BA-64 Armored Cars

2 x 81mm mtr. 6 x T-34/85 2 x SU-100 2 x SU-122

Battle Results: The 78th Sturm Division had been subjected to a heavy artillery barrage on the previous morning but despite this, it was able to begin the retreat in good order. The Soviet units had discovered a small gauge railway that cut through the peat bogs that separated the 78th from its neighbor, the 256th Infantry Division, and were attempting to exploit this find. As the Sturm Regiment was pulling back, it was attacked by the Soviets and was forced to conduct a fighting retreat. The Soviet armor suffered losses due to the Panzerfausts and PaKs but was able to overcome the 78th division and continued southwest to begin the assault on Fester Platz Orsha. The 78th strength had been wiped out and it was only able to withdraw a fraction of its units toward the 14th Infantry division to the west.

Map is 32x56”. Map hexagons are 4 inches across.


Page 3: Scn 10 - Tiger Position · 2017. 12. 17. · Tiger Position. Scenario 10 VER. 2015-01-29 Orsha, 90km W of Smolensk June 24th 1944: As part of Operation Bagration, the Soviet 11th

Page 4: Scn 10 - Tiger Position · 2017. 12. 17. · Tiger Position. Scenario 10 VER. 2015-01-29 Orsha, 90km W of Smolensk June 24th 1944: As part of Operation Bagration, the Soviet 11th

Canadians at Carpiquet Scenario 12 VER. 2015-01-29 Salute 2007 Carpiquet, Normandy France, July 4th, 1944: Once returned to the front in early July, the 3rd Canadian Division's role was to capture the airport at Carpiquet, a small town outside of Caen. Defended by the fearsome 12th SS, the Canadians knew only too well what awaited them. General staff decided to muster as much firepower as possible for the attack: four battalions of infantry backed up by an armoured regiment and every available piece of artillery.

All this would not be enough on that July 4th. The Canadians had barely started their advance through the chest-high wheat fields when the Germans began to lob shell after shell on top of them. Soon, one padre recalled, "Everywhere you could see the pale upturned faces of the dead." The survivors of The North Shore Regiment and occupied Carpiquet village after merciless fighting at close quarters. "Carpiquet has become a true inferno," the Chaudières' war diary observed.

The Royal Winnipeg Rifles were also ravaged. As they crossed open runways to attack the airport, continuous fire from enemy bunkers and pill-boxes raked their lines. The Winnipeg’s pressed forward twice, only to be ordered to withdraw that night. During the night, the Germans rained mortar and artillery fire onto the Canadian positions, and mounted several violent counter-attacks against them. Some of the Chaudières were trapped and taken prisoner. Yet, the rest of the Canadians held their hard-earned ground.

The price of this partial victory had once more been high. The Winnipeg’s had 40 fatalities out of a total of 132 casualties; the North Shores reported 46 killed and 86 wounded. Carpiquet is still remembered as the graveyard of the North Shores because these were the heaviest losses it suffered during the entire campaign. "I am sure that at some time during the attack every man felt he could not go on," one of the North Shores recalled. "Men were being killed or wounded on all sides and the advance seemed pointless as well as hopeless. I never realized . . . how far discipline, pride of unit, and above all, pride in oneself and family, can carry a man, even when each step forward meant possible death." It had been another hard lesson for Canadian soldiers who were quickly becoming accustomed to such horrors.

Page 5: Scn 10 - Tiger Position · 2017. 12. 17. · Tiger Position. Scenario 10 VER. 2015-01-29 Orsha, 90km W of Smolensk June 24th 1944: As part of Operation Bagration, the Soviet 11th

Map notes: All Hedges are Bocage and all Woods are Forest on Level 2.

Salute 2007CANADIAN Player 1.

Canadian Commanders Report: Major, the Airfield of Carpiquet is the objective of this attack. In support of your Company, you will have a Squadron of Shermans and possibly a troop of Crocodiles as well as supporting artillery. The enemy is estimated to be a depleted Company of the 12th SS with possible panzers in support. The Resistance had informed us about the defenses. The airfield is reinforced with concrete shelters, machinegun bunkers, underground tunnels, anti-tank guns and 20mm air defense cannons. The surrounding area is also protected by mine fields and barbed wire entanglements. To take Caen we have got to take Carpiquet. It is imperative. There must be no failure!

Page 6: Scn 10 - Tiger Position · 2017. 12. 17. · Tiger Position. Scenario 10 VER. 2015-01-29 Orsha, 90km W of Smolensk June 24th 1944: As part of Operation Bagration, the Soviet 11th

First Player - Canadian Player 1.

Victory Conditions: Control (no enemy units within the hex) the airport and surrounding hanger buildings.

Special Rules:1. Once the German Player has setup, the Canadian Player may conduct four OBA 200mm Artillery missions anywhere on the map.2. Canadians receive OBA support in the form of OQF 25-lbr artillery (80+) with unlimited Missions.3. Canadian FO may be setup Hidden. Location to be recorded on a side record.4. Canadian Player may not create any further Scouts. Scouts are actually Mine Sappers and may be used to detect Minefields in the same manner as Hidden units. If a Sapper makes it through a Minefield without any damage, (including Break Tests and Suppression) he creates a mine-free path for others.

PLAYER 1: Enter turn 1, Blue lined hexes.

B Company, 8th Canadian Infantry Brigade, North Shore Regiment, 3rd Canadian Infantry Division:

GHQ MMG MMG Scout Scout Scout FO

-2 Platoon HQ 1st Line Squad 1st Line Squad 1st Line Squad 2” mtr w/crew PIAT

-1 Platoon HQ 1st Line Squad 1st Line Squad 1st Line Squad 2” mtr w/crew PIAT

-1 Platoon HQ 1st Line Squad 1st Line Squad 1st Line Squad 2” mtr w/crew PIAT

Page 7: Scn 10 - Tiger Position · 2017. 12. 17. · Tiger Position. Scenario 10 VER. 2015-01-29 Orsha, 90km W of Smolensk June 24th 1944: As part of Operation Bagration, the Soviet 11th

Salute 2007CANADIAN Player 2.

Canadian Commanders Report: Major, the Airfield of Carpiquet is the objective of this attack. In support of your Company, you will have 2 troops of Shermans and a troop of Churchills as well as supporting artillery. The enemy is estimated to be a depleted Company of the 12th SS with possible panzers in support. The Resistance had informed us about the defenses. The airfield is reinforced with concrete shelters, machinegun bunkers, underground tunnels, anti-tank guns and 20mm air defense cannons. The surrounding area is also protected by mine fields and barbed wire entanglements. To take Caen we have got to take Carpiquet. It is imperative. There must be no failure!

Second Player - Canadian Player 2.

Victory Conditions: Control (no enemy units within the hex) the airport and surrounding hanger buildings.Special Rules:1. Armor Leader assigned as per players preference.

PLAYER 2: Enter turn 1, Blue lined hexes.

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Supporting Armor from the 10th Armoured Regiment (The Fort Garry Horse):

-2 Armor Leader -1 Armor Leader Sherman V Tank Sherman V Tank

Sherman V Tank Sherman V Tank Sherman V Tank Sherman VC Tank

Sherman V Tank Sherman V Tank Sherman V Tank Sherman VC Tank

Sherman V Tank Sherman V Tank Sherman V Tank Sherman VC Tank

Sherman V Tank Sherman V Tank Sherman V Tank Sherman VC Tank

Churchill A22 ‘Crocodile’ Churchill A22 ‘Crocodile’ Churchill A22 ‘Crocodile’

Salute 2007GERMAN Player 3.

German Commanders Report: Hauptsturmführer, your task is to stop the allies from taking the airport at Carpiquet. Reserves are being brought up but we need you to hold them off until they arrive. Expect

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the attack to be supported by armor and artillery. The bunkers at the airfield will give you very strong points to anchor your defence. You must not fail!

German Player 3 Sets up first, goes third.

Victory Conditions: Control (no enemy units within the hex) the airport and surrounding hanger buildings.

Special Rules:1. Germans receive 100mm OBA support.2. German receives 3 x 4” Trench sections, 6 x Weak Minefields (1 hex or 4” x 4” each), and 6 x 1” Wire that may be placed in setup area.3. All German units not in open terrain may setup Hidden (Trenches/bunkers are considered not open). Location to be recorded on a side record.4. All German squads are Panzergrenadier Assault Squads (see rule 10.3.5).

PLAYER 3: Setup South of red line on map.

Remnants of the I Battalion, 26th Panzergrenadier Regiment, 12th SS-Panzerdivision Hitlerjugend:

GHQ FO Panzerschreck Panzerschreck 8cm mtr. w/crew 8cm mtr. w/crew

-2 Platoon HQ Panzergrenadier Panzergrenadier Panzergrenadier MMG

-1 Platoon HQ Panzergrenadier Panzergrenadier Panzergrenadier MMG

-1 Platoon HQ HMG HMG HMG

5 Transport capacity

10 Transport capacity

10 Transport capacity

20 Transport capacity

Page 10: Scn 10 - Tiger Position · 2017. 12. 17. · Tiger Position. Scenario 10 VER. 2015-01-29 Orsha, 90km W of Smolensk June 24th 1944: As part of Operation Bagration, the Soviet 11th

Salute 2007GERMAN Player 4.

German Commanders Report: Hauptsturmführer, your task is to stop the allies from taking the airport at Carpiquet. Reserves are being brought up but we need you to hold them off until they arrive. Expect the attack to be supported by armor and artillery. The bunkers at the airfield will give you very strong points to anchor your defence. You must not fail!

German Player 4 Sets up second, goes fourth.

Victory Conditions: Control (no enemy units within the hex) the airport and surrounding hanger buildings.

Special Rules:

1. All German Tanks may setup Hidden and Entrenched. Tanks may re-enter entrenchments if moved. Location to be recorded on a side record.3. All AT/AA guns may setup Hidden. AT/AA Guns may not setup inside bunkers. Location to be recorded on a side record.

PLAYER 4: BML 8. Setup as indicated.

Page 11: Scn 10 - Tiger Position · 2017. 12. 17. · Tiger Position. Scenario 10 VER. 2015-01-29 Orsha, 90km W of Smolensk June 24th 1944: As part of Operation Bagration, the Soviet 11th

Remnants of II Abteilung, 5th Kompanie, Panzer Regiment 12, 12th SS-Panzerdivision Hitlerjugend:Setup East of Airfield.

Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf J Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf J Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf J Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf J Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf J

Airfield Defense: Setup within eight inches of Airfield.

7.5cm PaK 40 w/crew 7.5cm PaK 40w/crew 2cm Flakvierling w/crew

Airfield Defense: Setup Notheast of Airfield.

8.8cm FlaK18/37 w/crew 8.8cm FlaK18/37 w/crew

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Blunted at Bulson.Scenario 2

Trumpeter Salute 2004 Gaming Convention Scenario.

May 14th, 1940. Bulson, France: On May 13th, the Germans successfully crossed the Meuse at three locations in the Sedan area. The French 55th Infantry Division had largely been routed from the area and only a thin line of remnants remained to hem in the German bridgehead. That day the French 213th Infantry Regiment and the 7th Tank Battalion were released from reserves to the 55th Division's command for purposes of a counterattack on the German bridgehead on May 14th. They arrived at 8:15am on the Southern outskirts of Bulson, just in time to prop up the defenses. At 8:45, the Germans arrived with the only available unit they had, the 4th Kompanie, I Bn/2 Rgt/1st Pz Div. with the intent of stopping enemy tanks spotted earlier by recon aircraft. A meeting engagement was set…Game is 10 turns.

French set up first.

Germany hold initiative.Victory Conditions: There are three victory locations: Bulson, 3rd level of Hill 322 and Hill 320. The player with the most locations cleared of enemy units (none within 4 inches) is the winner.Special Rules:1. The Germans receive Air Support in the form of 1x Junkers Ju87/B-1 Stuka. Air Support will arrive on a D6 roll in the Orders Phase of less than the current turn number.2. French receive 105mm Artillery Support on or after turn 2.3. Due to French caution, no French unit may move on turn 1. They may fire and rout normally.4. All French AT guns and crews may setup hidden. Location to be recorded on a side record.

Elements of 4th Kompanie, 1st Pz Div: Enter turn indicated on North road entry location.

Turn 1

1 x GHQ 1 x SPW 251/10 4 x PzKw IIC

Turn 2

1-2 x Armor Leader 5 x PzKw 38(t) 2 x PzKw IB

Turn 3

4 x PzKw 38(t) 1 x FO 1 x SPW 251/1B

Turn 4

2 x Kfz 70 2 x MMG34 1 x 8cm mtr

Page 13: Scn 10 - Tiger Position · 2017. 12. 17. · Tiger Position. Scenario 10 VER. 2015-01-29 Orsha, 90km W of Smolensk June 24th 1944: As part of Operation Bagration, the Soviet 11th

Turn 5

2-1x Platoon HQ 4 x 1st Line Squads 3 x ATR

Turn 6

1-2 x Platoon HQ 8 x 1st Line Squads 3 x 50mm Mtr

Remnants of 55th Infantry Division: Setup within 12 inches of North edge.

10 x Platoon HQ 5 x 1st Line Squads 1 x MMG 1 x LMG

Elements of 213thth Infantry Division and 1st Co / 7th Tank Battalion: Setup within 8 inches of South edge.

1 x GHQ 1-1 10 x Platoon HQ 6 x 1st Line Squads 1 x 60mm Mortar 1 x Forward Observe

1 x MMG 3 x Gun Crew 3 x Canon AC de 25 5 x FMC-36

Elements of 213thth Infantry Division and 2nd Co / 7th Tank Battalion: Enter turn 2 on Southeast road.

1-1 Platoon HQ 3 x 1st Line Squads 5 x FMC-36


Page 14: Scn 10 - Tiger Position · 2017. 12. 17. · Tiger Position. Scenario 10 VER. 2015-01-29 Orsha, 90km W of Smolensk June 24th 1944: As part of Operation Bagration, the Soviet 11th

Additional Map Notes: All Woods are Forest terrain. Bulson is Village terrain.Map is 11x10 hexes. Map hexagons are 4 inches across.

Aftermath: The French attack, under the command of Lt. Col. Labarthe, was not conducted with enthusiasm. Labarthe was quoted as saying during planning, "This is a mission of sacrifice you ask of my regiment." The French moved forward cautiously at 6:45 and arrive at the Southern HQ of the 55th

Infantry Division at 8:15. The arrival of German armor and aerial attacks cause the initiative to shift from the French to the Germans. The 4th Kompanie, 2nd Panzer Rgt. reached the heights to the North of Bulson at 8:45 against light enemy resistance. As the French saw the German tanks, they withdrew South. The German commander, Oberleutnant Krajewski, moved through Bulson and reached the heights to the southwest. Two German tanks were suddenly hit by hidden AT-guns that were set up in the woods to the South. Shortly after Obl. Krajewskis’ tank was hit also and had to be abandoned. The remaining German tanks moved to good positions between hills 322 and 320 and began to fire on the enemy tanks but the French FCM tanks were difficult to destroy. French artillery then began to fall and destroyed or damaged all the remaining German tanks except one. 2nd Kompanie arrived with more support and finally blunted the French attack. As another tank Kompanie and elements of Infantry Regiment Großdeutschlandarrived, the German counter-attack began. The enemy AT-gun positions in the Fond Dagot had to be destroyed by Infantry, one by one.

VER. 2015-02-03

Page 15: Scn 10 - Tiger Position · 2017. 12. 17. · Tiger Position. Scenario 10 VER. 2015-01-29 Orsha, 90km W of Smolensk June 24th 1944: As part of Operation Bagration, the Soviet 11th

Ghost Division. Scenario 3VER. 2015-01-30Adapted from Squad Leader Gamette ‘Cross of Iron’ scenario #16, Sowchows 79. Southern Russia, December 8, 1942: Following the encirclement of Sixth Army at Stalingrad, the Germans launched a relief effort from their bridgehead at Nizhna Chirskaya, 25 miles from the nearest troops of Sixth Army at Marinowka. The Chir River was to provide the left flank for the operation, and consequently had to be held. Attempting to foil the German relief effort, the Russian Fifth Tank Army attacked across the Chir and forced its way past the left flank of the defending 336th Infantry Division, and on to Sowchos 79, a collective farm deep in the German rear. General Balck's 11th "Ghost" Panzer Division, just arriving in the area from Rostov to take part in the Relief of Stalingrad, was detoured to attack Sowchos 79 and restore the situation.

Game is 10 turns.

Russian Sets up first.

German holds initiative.

Victory Conditions: German player wins by clearing all Russian units from within 2 inches of Village terrain by scenarios end.

Special Rules:1. Germans receive 100mm Off-board Artillery support with Attack Supply.2. Due to light snow, all road movement is equal to open terrain.

Elements of the 110th Panzer Grenadier Regiment: Setup within 8” of West road exit.

1 x GHQ 2-1/ 1-2 x Platoon HQ 9 x 1st Line 2 x MMG 1 x FO

2 x Crew 1 x Opel Blitz 1 x Marder II 1 x 7.5cm PaK 1 x 7.62cm PaK

Elements of the 15th Panzer Regiment: Enter turn 1 on West edge, within 30” of North edge.

Page 16: Scn 10 - Tiger Position · 2017. 12. 17. · Tiger Position. Scenario 10 VER. 2015-01-29 Orsha, 90km W of Smolensk June 24th 1944: As part of Operation Bagration, the Soviet 11th

2-1 x Armor Leader 5 x Pz IVf2 3 x Pz IIIL 1 x PSW 233 1 x SPW 251/9

Elements of the 115th Panzer Grenadier Regt: Enter turn 2 on West edge, within 30” of North edge.

2-1/ 1-2 x Platoon HQ 1 x FO 5 x 1st Line Squads 1 x Crew 1 x 7.62cm PaK 36

5 x SPW 251/1 1 x Opel Blitz

Elements of Mot. Infantry Btn. : Setup within any village terrain.

1 x GHQ 1-1 / 1-0 x Platoon HQ 21 x 1st Line Squads 2 x MMG 4 x ATR’s

Elements of Motorized Infantry Brigade: Setup on north road, within 8 inches of edge. All units must be transported.

1-1 / 1-0 x Platoon HQ 8 x 1st Line Squads 4 x M5 Halftrack 5 x ZIS-5 Truck 1 x 57mm obr 43 A

Elements of 1st Armored Corps: Enter turn indicated on or south of east road exit.Turn 3 Turn 4 Turn 7

6 x T34/76 M41 2 x KV-1 M39 4 x T34/76 M40

1 x KV-1 M41 1 x KV-1 M41

3 x T28E M39

AFTERMATH: Balck’s 15th Panzer Regiment with 25 functioning tanks, follower by the 111th Panzer Grenadier Regiment, drove from the heights west and north of Sowchos into the rear of the Russian positions, destroying a motorized Infantry column in the process. Turning south, the panzers surprised the Russian armor, which was at that instant moving to attack the 336th Infantry from the rear. Simultaneously, Balck’s 110th

Grenadiers attacked the farm from the southwest, while the divisional artillery of the 336th hammered the northeastern flank. By the end of the day, 53 Russian tanks were destroyed, Sowchows 79 was in German hands and the Russian 1st Armored corps was in retreat; but the Ghost Division had been lost to the planned relief of Stalingrad.

Map is 36x72”. Map hexagons are 4 inches across.


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Page 18: Scn 10 - Tiger Position · 2017. 12. 17. · Tiger Position. Scenario 10 VER. 2015-01-29 Orsha, 90km W of Smolensk June 24th 1944: As part of Operation Bagration, the Soviet 11th

Hunting in the Hedgerows. Scenario 4 Adapted from DASL scenario #17. St. Jean-De-Daye, France, July 11th, 1944: On July 7th, assualt teams of the 30th and 9th US Infantry Divisions successfully crossed the Vire-Taute canal. The surprise maneuver caught the enemy off guard, and the Americans were soon in control of Jean-De-Daye, a kilometer south of the canal. The GI's pushed right through to Le-Desert and, with help from the 3rd Armored, the next day continued to advance through the cornfields Northwest of St. Lo. But, on the 9th the momentum was lost under a furious counterattack by the 2nd SS-Panzer Division Das Reich. The wearied combatants spent two days sniping and manuevering among the hedgerows and cratered fields, looking for an advantage. On the 11th of July, the Panzer Lehr Division was commited in in attack whose objective was to cut off the American forces South of the canal.

Game is 10 turns.

American sets up first.

German holds initiative.

Victory Conditions: German player wins immediately if he exits 25 points worth of units off the North edge of the map. Each Tank counts as 3 points, each full squad, gun, or vehicle as 2 points and all others as 1 point.

Special Rules:1. American receives Air support in the form of 1 x P-47D Thunderbolt. It arrives on a D6 roll < the current turn.2. American player may setup any/all of his tanks hidden but the German players victory requirements are lowered by 6 points for each tank hidden. All US tanks not setup hidden may enter on the North map edge on any turn.

Elements of Panzergrenadier Regiment 901, Panzer Lehr Division: Setup within 8” of South edge.

1 x GHQ 2-0/3-1/ 1-2/ PHQ 14 x Panzergrenadier 6 x Sturm 3 x Panzerschreck

2 x HMG 3 x MMG 1 x Sd.Kfz.251/17 1 x Sd.Kfz. 11 1 x 7.5cm PaK w/cre

Elements Panzer Regiment 130: Enter turn 1 on South edge.

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4 x Pz,V G Panthers 1-1 Armor Leader

Elements of the 60th Infantry Regiment: Setup within 24” of North edge.

1 x GHQ 3-1 / 4-0 PHQ 23 x 1st Line Squads 1 x HMG 4 x MMG

3 x 60mm mtr 4 x M1A1 Bazooka 2 x Jeeps2 x 57mm M1 AT guns

Elements of the 33rd Armored Regiment, 3rd Armored Division: Enter any turn on North edge.

3 x M4A3(75)W 2 x M4 2 x M5A1 1-1 Armor Leader

AFTERMATH: The 901st struck at the extend flank of the 9th Infantry Division, held by the resting 60th Infantry regiment. A number of Panthers an an element of an AT company added their weight to the counterattack. A penatration of the thin line was soon achieved, and the Germans overran two battalion command posts and encircled part of an infantry company. The nearest armor support was the 33rd, part of the famed 3rd Armored. The GI's fell back to meet the advancing Shermans, and made their stand. The battle ebbed and flowed among the sunken lanes and high-fenced orchards, often with the opposing tanks facing each other at a distance of no more than 100 yards. Eventually, however, the morning overcast cleared, and soon thereafter American fighter-bombers began making strafing and bomber runs. Roaring over fields and roads, their fire forced the Germans to go to ground. The fighting had been bitter and the loses heavy for both sides.

Map is 32x40”. Map hexagons are 4 inches across.

NOTE: All Hedges on map are Bocage terrain.


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VER. 2012-04-10

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The Lost Panzers. Scenario 5Near Bjelgorod, July 1943: Leutnant Keil checked his watch. Nine-thirty and his Panzer support still had not arrived. Where could they be? The Russians had dug in on hill 106 and had to be forced off. He couldn’t attempt to take the hill without the armor, but the longer he waited, the more dug in the Russians would be. He made up his mind. If they didn’t arrive by ten, he would attack alone. He looked at the faces of the veteran Grenadiers in the woods and thought that soon, many of them would be dead. Their lone Assault gun would surely be destroyed as soon as it started out of the woods. The sudden crackle of the radio startled him, HQ wondering if the attack had been launched. Forward recon had spotted a column of T-34s and troops moving toward the hill. He looked again at his watch. Ten o’clock. Time to get moving…

Game is 10 turns.

Soviets set up first.

Germans hold initiative.

Victory Conditions: Victory goes to the player controlling the most 3rd level hills at game end.Special Rules:1. German reinforcements will arrive on a D6 roll less than or equal to the turn number. Roll in the Repair Phase.2. German receive Off Board Artillery support.3. Soviets receive 1 x Weak Minefield and may Entrench any 5 units.4. Soviets Anti-tank guns and crews may setup hidden.

Elements of 110th Panzergrenadier Reg, 11th Panzer Div: Setup on map within 8” of West edge.

1 x GHQ 1-2/2-1/20 x Platoon HQ 3 x MMG42 2 x MMG34

9 x Panzergrenadier 3 x Engineer 2 x Flamethrowers 1 x FO

1 x StuG III G 1 x Sd.Kfz.251/3 1 x SPW 251/9

Elements of 15th Panzer Regiment, 11th Panzer Div: Enter as per special rule 1 on West edge.

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1-1 x Armor Leader 4 x PzKpfw IV H

Elements of Motorized Infantry Battalion: Setup within 24” of East edge.

1 x GHQ 2-1/20 x Platoon HQ 12 x 1st Line 2 x MMG(M)

1 x MMG(S) 2 x 45mm obr.42 2 x Crew 4 x Dummy Counters

Armored column: Enter turn 4 on East edge.

1-1 x Platoon HQ 5 x Assault Squads 5 x T-34/76D M43 Tanks

Map is 40x40”. Map hexagons are 4 inches across.


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VER. 2015-02-08

Page 24: Scn 10 - Tiger Position · 2017. 12. 17. · Tiger Position. Scenario 10 VER. 2015-01-29 Orsha, 90km W of Smolensk June 24th 1944: As part of Operation Bagration, the Soviet 11th

Major Curries’s VC Scenario 6Battle of the Falaise Gap, St. Lambert-sur-Dives, France August 19th 1944: On Friday, 18 August 1944, following the capture of Trun, the Canadian 29th Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment ( The South Alberta Regiment) was ordered to jump off from the village to occupy and then advance further south to Moissy. All three squadrons of the regiment would take part in the forthcoming battle. Major Currie's task force was made up of the four troops of C Squadron of the SARs, plus the Squadron HQ. This gave him a total tank strength of 19 Shermans. In addition to the tanks, he had B Co. of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada which had a depleted strength of 55 men. Currie jumped off at 1800 hrs on the 18th of August with No.1 Troop of four tanks leading, followed by the three tanks and first aid vehicle of Squadron HQ, and then No. 2,3 and 4 Troops which each had four tanks also. The infantry support rode the tanks and were to deploy in St. Lambert to consolidate the position. The lead Sherman came under fire almost immediately from the extreme left flank from what turned out to be the Polish Armoured Division. Currie corrected that problem and the advance continued. As the lead Troop entered St. Lambert the first Sherman was hit by 88mm fire and almost simultaneously, two roving Spitfires fired on the Squadron Headquarters tanks by mistake. Currie's Sherman caught fire as a result of the Spitfire attack and as he attempted to extinguish the flames, they made another strafing run, wounding several men, and causing Currie himself to leap into the roadside ditch for protection. As it was getting dark, Currie conducted a reconnaissance on foot into the German occupied village to see if there was another way by which he could occupy the crossroads within the village where the 88mm fire had come from. Realizing that he couldn't flank the 88mm gun because of the Dives River which ran across his right flank, he returned to his Command and ordered the remaining three Shermans of No. 1 Troop to pull back two hundred yards to positions overlooking the village for the remainder of the night. This scenario begins at dawn on Saturday, August 19th, as Currie's force began to fight its way into St. Lambert.

Game is 15 turns.

Germany sets up first.

Canada holds initiative.

Victory Conditions: German player must exit 25 units off the East edge. All unreduced Squads count as 1 unit, Vehicle’s count as 2, and all others (including routed) count as ½.

Special Rules:1. German player may setup all initial units hidden. Kubelwagon may act as a FO. 2. Due to fuel shortage, all German vehicles must roll 2D6 when starting movement. On a roll of >9, vehicle is permanently immobilized and crew must pass a Break test in order to remain in the vehicle.3. Canadian player receives 100mm Off-board Artillery with Attack supply on or after turn 10. 4. Canadian -3 Leader represents Major Currie. He may also join any vehicle crew and use his -3 modifier as per rule Water is Stream terrain 2 inches wide. It is crossable anywhere as per Crossing Terrain. Bridge is of stone construction. All hedges are Bocage.6. East edge is considered the German players friendly map edge.

Elements of 5th Panzer and 7th Armies: Setup hidden in Village/City terrain.

Page 25: Scn 10 - Tiger Position · 2017. 12. 17. · Tiger Position. Scenario 10 VER. 2015-01-29 Orsha, 90km W of Smolensk June 24th 1944: As part of Operation Bagration, the Soviet 11th

1 x GHQ 1-110 x Platoon HQ 2 x MMG42 2 x MMG34 2 x 8cm Mortar

2 x 2nd Line 4 x 1st Line 2 x Panzerschreck 1 x FO 1 x Sniper

1 x Kubelwagon 1 x PzKw IVE 1 x PzKw IVJ 1 x 88mm PaK 43/41 1 x Crew

Elements of 5th Panzer and 7th Armies: Enter on West edge, South of Village on turn indicated.Turn 4 Turn 5 Turn 8 Turn 10

1 x Marder III(t)M TD 2 x StuG IV 1 x SPW 251/10 1 x SPW 251/9 Halftrack

4 x 2nd Line 4 x 1st Line 5 x 2nd Line 4 x 1st Line

Elements of 29th Armored Recon Regt and ASH Infantry Battalion: Setup within 6” of North edge.

1 x GHQ 1-3 / 2-1 x Platoon HQ 3 Assault Squads 3 x 1st Line Squads

17 x Sherman III Tanks 2-1 x Armor Leader 2 x MMG

AFTERMATH: The lead Sherman was again knocked out, but in doing so, the Germans had revealed the position of both a Panzer IV and Tiger. Currie's Command Sherman is credited with knocking out the Panzer IV, while Infantry of the Argylls surprised and shot two of the Tiger crew. They then dropped a grenade down through the turret hatch, killing the rest of the crew members. By mid-day of the 19th, Currie held approximately half of the village, but determined resistance prevented him from cutting the crossroads which the German troops desperately needed to keep open for their continued retreat. In the face of such determined resistance and overwhelming odds (at times there were so many Germans passing by that the Canadians wisely withheld their fire), Currie's advance stalled within the village and he dug in to hold what he had managed to gain. With very little Infantry support, his tanks had to fire their machine guns at each other to keep the Germans from climbing up on them. Currie was forced to call in an artillery barrage on his own position as the fighting intensified. Many Germans, disheartened by the relentless air and artillery attacks of the past week, surrendered and were taken prisoner. During this operation the casualties to Major Currie’s force were very heavy. However, he never considered the possibility of failure or allowed it to enter the minds of his

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men. Map is 40x40”. Map hexagons are 4 inches across.


VER. 2012-04-10

Page 27: Scn 10 - Tiger Position · 2017. 12. 17. · Tiger Position. Scenario 10 VER. 2015-01-29 Orsha, 90km W of Smolensk June 24th 1944: As part of Operation Bagration, the Soviet 11th

Ambushed! Scenario 7

Near Kiev, Ukraine, August 1941: Comrade Gregori watched as dust rose from the road in the forest. From his position, it looked as if there was a fire moving toward him. He and his squad had spent the morning building a roadblock and digging in their positions. He looked at his loader and smiled, trying not to appear as frightened as he was. He sighted down the barrel of the PTRD anti-tank rifle and waited for the enemy to arrive…

Game is 8 turns.

Soviets Set up first.

Germans hold initiative.

Victory Conditions: The German player must exit 20 points of units off East edge. All tanks count as 2 points. All other units count as 1.

Special Rules:1. All Soviet units including roadblock and wire may setup Hidden.2. Soviet 1st Line squads are equipped with Molotov Cocktails.3. Soviet player receives 2 Weak Minefields.4. German Engineer may remove Roadblock as per rule Water obstacle consists of a Stream, Bridge is of Wooden construction.

Elements of 1st Aufklärungs Abteilung / 3rd Pz Div: Enter West edge on/after turn 1. All units must be on vehicles.

1 x GHQ 1-2/2-1/20 x PHQ 4 x 1st Line 1 x Engineer 1 x Crew

1 x MMG 3 x Opel Blitz 1 x 5cm PaK 38 5 x Motorcycle 4 x Mtrcyc/sidecar

2 x Sd.Kfz. 222 1 x Sd.Kfz. 231

Elements of 6th Panzer Regiment / 5th Pz Bgde: Enter on West edge on/after turn 3.

Page 28: Scn 10 - Tiger Position · 2017. 12. 17. · Tiger Position. Scenario 10 VER. 2015-01-29 Orsha, 90km W of Smolensk June 24th 1944: As part of Operation Bagration, the Soviet 11th

1-1 x Armor Leader 1 x PzKpfw IIf 4 x PzKpfw 38(t)

Rearguard Infantry Force: Setup within 30” of East map edge.

1 x GHQ 1-1 x PHQ 3 x 1st Line 5 x 2nd Line 3 x ATR

2 x MMG 6 x Dummy Counters 1 x Crew 1 x 45mm obr.32 2 x Wire

2 x Trench 1 x Roadblock

Map is 20x30”. Map hexagons are 4 inches across.


VER. 2015-02-13

Page 29: Scn 10 - Tiger Position · 2017. 12. 17. · Tiger Position. Scenario 10 VER. 2015-01-29 Orsha, 90km W of Smolensk June 24th 1944: As part of Operation Bagration, the Soviet 11th

Introductory Scenario.Ver. 2014-03-12Somewhere in Russia. June 1941: This scenario will help you learn the Schwere Kompanie rule system. There are only a few units to control and the scenario can be played in a few hours. As the German player, you have to move fast and try to locate the hidden anti-tank gun so that your armor may exploit its advantage over the armor-less Soviet. Keep the Soviet Infantry pinned down with the MMG’s while advancing on the objective. As the Soviet player, try and keep the anti-tank gun hidden until you get a favorable shot at the Panzer III. Your troops are at a bit of a disadvantage due to their lower moral and shorter range. Try to avoid the German MMG’s.

Game is 8 turns.

Soviet Player sets up first.

German Player holds initiative.

Victory Conditions: German player must control the village by the end of the scenario.

Special Rules:

1. Soviet ATG and crew may be setup Hidden.

Scratchforce: Enter on West edge on turn 1.

1 x GHQ 1-1 1-2 x PHQ 6 x 1st Line Squads 2 x MMG 1 x Pz IIIG med. Tank

Scratchforce: Set up on map within 12” of East edge.

1 x GHQ 1-1 10 x PHQ 3 x 1st Line Squads 3 x 2nd Line Squads 1 x MMG

1 x PTRD ATR 3 x Dummy Counters 1 x Crew 1 x 45mm M32 ATG

Map is 20x32”. Map hexagons are 4 inches across.

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