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Page 2: SCOPE News · Department of Public Enterprises. Secretary, DPE has been requested to inaugurate the programme. The programme is meant for CMDs, Functional Directors, Government Nominee
Page 3: SCOPE News · Department of Public Enterprises. Secretary, DPE has been requested to inaugurate the programme. The programme is meant for CMDs, Functional Directors, Government Nominee

Chairman’s Desk .........................................................................................................................05

Innovative Approach for Infrastructure Projects under PPP Model ........................07 by Dr. U. D. Choubey

Role of Senior Management in Statutory Compliances to .........................................09 Corporate Governance by Inderpal Singh

Skilling as a Strategy for Enhancing Organisation Productivity ...............................14 by Dr. Sunil Abrol

General budget date advanced to help in early money disbursement ................16 by K. R. Sudhaman

Development and Establishment of Legal Complinace System ..............................19 by Dr. Kumudani Sharma

Social Security for Construction Workers - A Reality Check & Way Forward ........22 by B. K. Sahu

Women Employees in Public Sector Enterprises ...........................................................26


SCOPE - APSE Completes the Second Programme .......................................................32

Feedback Workshop of 5th Advanced Global Leadership Program .......................34

SCOPE pays tribute to Mahatma Gandhi ..........................................................................35

PSE News

PM hails pulic sector cos’ role in nations economic growth ......................................39

PSEs Ink MoU ..............................................................................................................................41

PSEs CSR Initiatives ...................................................................................................................45

Awards & Accolades to PSEs ..................................................................................................49

Cochin Shipyard Limited delivers Nineteenth ................................................................55 Fast Patrol Vessel to Indian Coast Guard

Vol. 36 No. 5 October, 2016

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ADVISORY BOARDDr. U.D. Choubey, Director GeneralS. A. Khan, GGM (Corp. Affairs) P. K. Sinha, Head (HR&CC)U.K. Dikshit, Adviser (Programmes)K. N. Dhawan, Adviser (CC) & Consulting Editor

EDITORNisha Sharma


Total Pages : 80 Annual Subscription: Rs. 500/-

Price per copy : Rs. 50/-(Payment may be sent by DD/Cheque drawn in favour of “Standing Conference of Public Enterprises”)

Material published in KALEIDOSCOPE may be reproduced with prior permission of the Editor and with acknowledgment in the accepted style. The views expressed in various articles are that of the authors and not necessarily of SCOPE Management. - Editor

Published and printed at New Delhi by A. S. Khan on behalf of Standing Conference of Public Enterprises, Core 8,1st Floor, SCOPE Compex, 7 Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 Tel.: 24361495, 24360101 Ext.: 2028, 2029 Fax: 24361371 E-mail: [email protected] at Rave Scan (P) Limited, A-27, Naraina Industrial Area, Phase-II, New Delhi - 110028

Designed by Akar Advertising & Marketing (P) Ltd. Tel: 011-43700100

REIL posted profit of Rs. 17.46 Cr in the Financial Year 2015-16 ...............................55

AAI Engineers’ Guild celebrates ‘Engineer’s Day” ...........................................................57

Inauguration of New Office Complex of REC Power .....................................................57 Distribution Company Ltd.

GAIL releases its sixth Sustainablility Report 2015-16 on the theme .....................59 “Nurturing Resilient Ecosystem”

49th AGM of Hindustan Coper Ltd. held ..........................................................................61

KIOCL at Mining Mazma 2016...............................................................................................63

HAL joins International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) ..........................................63

23d Annual General Meeting of NRL held ........................................................................65

ISO 9001:2015 & International Standard ISO/IEC 17020:2012 ..................................67 as Type ‘C” Inspection Body Accreditation Certificate Issued to PDIL

SAIL ready to cater to the domestic steel demand with enriched .........................69 product basket

CMD, SCI pays courtsey visit ..................................................................................................71

40th AGM of KIOCL held .........................................................................................................72

NBCC holds 56th AMG - PAT Surges by 16.40 percent .................................................72

MRPL clarifies on its JV with Gulf Oil ..................................................................................73

Personalia .....................................................................................................................................73

PSEs Celebrate Gandhi Jayanti .............................................................................................74

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The Prime Minister’s vision of upgrading the communication channels all across the nation through Digital India is well evident.

In the presence of traditional media, social media has given an edge to the way we communicate making it a two way process to connect and communicate. Therefore, as a corporate entity, it becomes very important to understand the nuances of media, both digital and traditional. This added responsibility of communicating with the stakeholders is at the pinnacle of the organization’s existence. The leader of an organization or spokespersons responsible for the media interaction has the utmost responsibility of conveying the message across so that it is received in the right spirit.

Understanding the importance of Media Interaction, Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) will be organizing a Media

Relations Conclave for CEOs & Spokespersons. The programme is specially designed to support the endeavour of Chairman, Directors and other media perons of CPSEs in enhancing media relations management skills. This will also help them to positively represent their businesses to public through the media.

In the globalized environment, enhancing the standards of corporate governance and management has become a pre-requisite for the growth and competitiveness of the enterprises. To strengthen the corporate governance practices in PSEs, SCOPE has been organizing programmes on corporate governance for the top management of PSEs. The next Directors Training Programme on Corporate Governance – Effective Boards for Sustainable Competitiveness with focus on the role of Independent Directors is being organized on 1st-2nd December 2016, under the aegis of Department of Public Enterprises. Secretary, DPE has been requested to inaugurate the programme.

The programme is meant for CMDs, Functional Directors, Government Nominee Directors, Independent Directors and potential candidates for Board level Positions. We have lead resource Prof Y.R.K. Reddy, Advisor for International Agencies and Founder President, the SOE Forum France and International Resource Mr. Peter Greenwood, Corporate Governance Specialist, Solicitor in the UK and Hong Kong for the programme. I am sure, PSEs would take advantage of this unique programme.

Global development have led to the modifications of Indian regulations. Introduction of Internal Financial Controls (IFC) in the Companies Act


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2013 is one such trend that we have witnessed in the regard. Under various sections of Companies Act, a great emphasis has been made on IFC. Changing business and operating environments necessitates the development for internal control frameworks which in turn helps in developing internal controls to mitigate the risk, enhance the quality of decision making and governance of an organization. It becomes very necessary for CEOs, CFOs, Directors on board especially the one dealing with Audit Committee, Functional & Independent Directors to get acquainted with IFC and the responsibilities that comes along. IN the month of November SCOPE would be conducting a two-day workshop regarding IFC and its benefits in academic collaboration with Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). I believe that it would be a very interesting workshop to attend and participants would gain a lot from the programme.

SCOPE effort towards building a cadre of young professional in PSEs in the form of Academy of Public Sector Enterprises has taken one more step in the direction with the successful completion of its second batch. SCOPE would also be looking towards further collaboration with Academic

Institutes of repute to strengthen its effort further. In this regard, SCOPE has already signed an MoU with JBS Executive Education University of Cambridge to identify mutual areas of cooperation for imparting training to PSE Executives on various aspects of management.

India remains a bright spot in the world economic scenario and Public Sector will continue to play an immensely important role in it. SCOPE, on its part, is pledged for the betterment of PSEs. The world is currently experiencing a geo-political upheaval. The statue of Mahatma Gandhi was recently unveiled at SCOPE Minar building on the occasion of his 147th Birth Anniversary and in the words of Mahatma, “Peace is its own reward.”

Nirmal SinhaChairman, SCOPE

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Innovative Approach forInfrastructure Projects under PPP Model

gathered in this area over a pe-riod of time. Favourable regulatory environ-ment and adherence to good cor-porate governance hold the key for efficient service delivery with greater level of accountability. Many delays have been attrib-uted to heterogeneous regulatory norms. Delay in forest and envi-ronment clearances, acquisition of land etc poses a great chal-lenge for successful completion of projects. Significant increase in number of disputes in PPP projects is also a cause of concern which have in-creased from 56 cases (Involving Rs. 803 cr.) in 2013 to 116 cases (involving Rs. 1100 cr.) in 2015. It is imperative that contract clauses should be clearly drafted so as to

Infrastructure development is a sine qua non to maintain robust economic growth.

Increasing investment in infra-structure development has the potential to create a strong mul-tiplier effect on overall develop-ment of the economy. Twelfth plan document has envisaged an investment of Rs. 55.75 lakh crore in the infrastructure sector. Given the magnitude of investment and limited availability of public fi-nance, PPP models have been increasingly realised as viable models to bridge the gap in infra-structure investment. World over, there has been trend towards PPP. Many countries have es-tablished robust programmes to drive infrastructure programmes through PPP while many have experienced mixed responses. The Government of India is also encouraging this mode to accel-erate development process in the country. As per available data, out of 5293 projects in the coun-try, 1237 projects are under PPP model with an investment of over Rs. 7 lakh cr. There is no doubt, over a period of time, the country has attained a significant level of maturity in PPP model. Success of PPP in Road Sector and to some extent airports, ports is note-worthy. However, still the sector is encountering implementable

challenges which is evident from a number of stalled projects in the country. There is a wider opinion that PPP model has failed in the country. Right from poor plan-ning, over aggressive bidding to its implementation part PPP model has not found its ground in the country. Moreover, dilution of accountability & responsibil-ity leads to time & cost overrun. As PPP models are based on con-tracts and if we look at India’s rank amongst 188 countries in en-forcing contracts it stands abys-mally at 178th position. Therefore, it doesn’t come as a surprise when PPP model is projected as failure in the country’s economic scenario. There is an urgent need to address the challenges with appropriate measures to capital-ise on the wealth of experiences

dr. U.d. ChoubeyDirector General, SCOPE

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higher managerial efficiency, competencies, combined with new and cost effective technolo-gies that would guarantee timely and high quality infrastructure to end users. However, it has been observed that private sector par-ticipation in financing of infra-structure has not been so encour-aging. Government has taken many initiatives to promote PPP route which inter alia include vi-ability gap funding scheme for PPP Projects, India Infrastructure Project Development Fund to facilitate quality project devel-opment, capacity building pro-grammes and online tool kit for PPP projects to help improve decision making and quality of infrastructure. Building a world class infrastruc-ture is the foremost challenge be-fore the country. The vital role it plays in global competitiveness of the country cannot be over em-phasized. Public Sector for long has been known for its strong commitment for the cause of na-tion building. Its transparent and ethical management practices are based on the tenets of good cor-porate governance. They have been undertaking projects of cru-cial importance be it in the area of power generation, defence, oil and gas or industry and would continue to lead by example in future also.Issues such as stringent regulato-ry framework, delay in clearances by government authorities, finan-cial issues, long drawn dispute resolution mechanism, should be urgently addressed so as to improve infrastructure service delivery. A conducive environ-ment and innovative approaches can lead to success in accelerat-ing infrastructure development through PPP modes.

competent and experienced proj-ect professionals. Overall slowdown in delivery and investment in the sector call for collective efforts of both pub-lic and private sector. Collective efforts of both would bring in

remove ambiguity and confusion. Since the PPP contracts are typi-cally of a long gestation period, flexibility should be provided in drafting contractual documents so as to deal with any stressful emergence of risk not contem-plated at the time of signing the contract. Moreover there is need for an efficient dispute resolution mechanism so as to avoid time and cost overrun. A stable and ef-ficient dispute resolution mecha-nism is critical for physical and social infrastructure and also for attracting global investment.Lack of planning and periodical review of the project progress result in time and cost overruns. Also, many large-scale projects have failed due to poor planning and control. A strong mechanism to monitor the progress of key in-frastructure projects of national relevance need to be established so as to reduce project risk and minimize cost. The need for ef-ficient Project Managers cannot be over emphasized. However, it has been observed that skill-ing in project management has not found the right platform in India. Capacity building pro-gramme will ensure that India does not suffer from dearth of

Building a world class

infrastructure is the

foremost challenge

before the country.

The vital role it plays in

global competitiveness

of the country cannot

be over emphasized.

Public Sector for long

has been known for its

strong commitment

for the cause of

nation building. Its

transparent and ethical

management practices

are based on the tenets

of good corporate


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Role of Senior Management in Statutory compliances to Corporate Governance

very important that these Senior Management Personnel should understand the implications of various statutory requirements relating to Corporate Governance and fulfil their obligations by taking adequate steps for vari-ous compliances so as to enable Functional Directors and Board to effectively discharge Board level responsibilities. This article enumerates impor-tant statutory provisions un-der Companies Act and SEBI Regulations along with their im-plications which Senior Mana-gement of a Company/Listed Entity must be aware of. The

The Companies Act, 2013 as well as SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure

Requirements) Regulations, 2015 aim at strengthening the frame-work of Corporate Governance in India through statutory require-ments in various functional areas viz., corporate social responsi-bility, succession planning, risk assessment & management, e-governance, related party transac-tions, whistle blower mechanism, compliance of applicable laws, prohibition of insider trading, enhanced reporting in Directors’ report etc. Not only these en-actments require transparency and accountability on the part of companies, but the Board of the companies/Listed Entities has been assigned direct responsibil-ity to ensure compliances in vari-ous functional/operational areas. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Board of a company will not be in a position to dis-charge this responsibility unless its Senior Management is fully aware of these statutory require-ments and have taken adequate measures to ensure compliance in various functional areas. Further, Senior Management should also need to understand and fulfil the

specific obligations imposed on them by SEBI Regulations, 2015.“Senior Management” as de-fined in Companies Act and SEBI Regulations, means officers/per-sonnel of the company/listed en-tity who are members of its core management team excluding board of directors comprising all members of management one lev-el below the executive (functional) directors, including all functional heads. Generally, in PSEs, these Senior Management personnel (designated as GMs & EDs) head various functional areas and re-port to Functional Directors and CMD. As explained above, it is

inderpal SinghCompany Secretary, BHEL

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of putting up a ritual compliance certificate periodically to Board, there should be well laid-down systems/procedures in this re-gard, duly supported by proper documentation and major issues in the applicable laws should be apprised to the Board along with the steps taken by company for their resolution.

Approval of Related Party Transactions (RPTs)Section 2(76) of the Companies Act, 2013 defines a Related Party. A related party means directors/KMPs, their relatives, firms/com-panies in which directors are in-terested, subsidiary, Joint Venture company, associate companies etc. All transactions with regard to sale/ purchase/ supply of any goods or materials, rendering of services etc. entered into with Related Parties require prior ap-proval of the Audit Committee. However, omnibus approval can be granted on the basis of cri-terion laid down by the Audit Committee. Further, as per Companies Act, RPTs (exceeding threshold limit) which are not on arm’s length/ ordinary course of business, shall require ap-proval of shareholders whereas under the SEBI Regulations, all material RPTs shall require ap-proval of shareholders. In line with Companies Act, 2013 & SEBI Regulations 2015, the company/listed entity is required to formu-late criterion for omnibus approv-al, policy on materiality of RPTs & also on dealing with RPTs. While giving prior approval for RPTs which are entered into on arm’s length basis, the Audit Committee can insist on back-to-back certifi-cate from the Management. As such, it is important for Senior

to rectify instances of non-com-pliances. As such, it is obliga-tory for Senior Management to devise a system to ensure com-pliance of all laws applicable to a company and to put up to the Board compliance reports for its review. Such a system assumes greater significance in case of a multi-unit, multi-product com-pany which is subject to a pleth-ora of laws in various operational areas. It is important that instead

article also offers suggestions for effective compliance of these requirements so that Senior Management can discharge its responsibility towards better cor-porate governance and provide necessary support to the Board in fulfilling the obligations im-posed by various enactments in this regard.

Officer in Default under the Companies Act As per Section 2(60) of the Companies Act 2013, ‘an Officer who is in default’ includes (apart from Directors/ KMP) any person who, under the immediate au-thority of the Board, is charged with any responsibility including for maintenance, filing or distri-bution of accounts or records, au-thorises, actively participates in, knowingly permits, or knowingly fails to take active steps to pre-vent, any default. Thus, in case of any violation/ non-compliance, a Senior Management Personnel can be an officer in default and shall be liable to any penalty or punishment by way of imprison-ment, fine or otherwise.

Systems to ensure compli-ance of applicable lawsAs per Section 134(5) of the Companies Act, 2013, Directors’ Responsibility Statement in the Board Report shall state that the directors had devised proper systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of all appli-cable laws and that such systems were adequate and operating ef-fectively. Regulation 17(3) of the SEBI Regulations, 2015 provides that the board of directors shall periodically review compliance reports pertaining to all laws ap-plicable to the listed entity as well as steps taken by the listed entity

Under the Companies Act 2013 and SEBI Regulations, 2015, the role of Board Level Committees has been further augmented to include review of various functional/operational areas. As such, Senior Management Personnel should have the understanding of the role and powers of these committees in the area of their operations and matters to be put up for review by these committees. For example, they should be aware that role/scope of Audit Committee (besides oversight of financial reporting process and disclosure of financial information) include appointment/remuneration of auditors, approval of RPTs, scrutiny of inter-corporate loans & investments, reviewing functioning of whistle blower mechanism etc.

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immediate relative (as defined in the regulations) of such a person shall also be deemed to be con-nected person. As, generally, all Senior Management Personnel come under the definition of des-ignated employees/connected person, they are required to en-sure the following:-• Senior Management Personnel should maintain the confidential-ity of price sensitive information. Their responsibility in this regard may also extend to their immedi-ate relatives and connected per-sons relating to their area.• All information shall be han-dled within the organisation on a need-to-know basis and no insider shall communicate, pro-cure, provide or allow access to any unpublished price sensi-tive information to any person except in furtherance of the in-sider’s legitimate purposes, performance of duties or dis-charge of his legal obligations.• Senior Management Personnel and their immediate relatives shall not trade in Company’s se-curities when in possession of unpublished price sensitive infor-mation or during the period when the trading window is closed.

Management Personnel to under-stand the implications of provi-sions relating to RPTs and ensure proper compliance in this regard.

Understanding of the en-hanced role of Board Level CommitteesUnder the Companies Act 2013 and SEBI Regulations, 2015, the role of Board Level Committees has been further augmented to include review of various func-tional/operational areas. As such, Senior Management Personnel should have the understanding of the role and powers of these committees in the area of their operations and matters to be put up for review by these commit-tees. For example, they should be aware that role/scope of Audit Committee (besides oversight of financial reporting process and disclosure of financial informa-tion) include appointment/remu-neration of auditors, approval of RPTs, scrutiny of inter-corporate loans & investments, reviewing functioning of whistle blower mechanism etc. Similarly, Senior Management should know that Corporate Social Responsibility Committee shall monitor the CSR Policy of the company from time to time and recommend the amount of expenditure to be incurred on CSR activities. Further, senior executives of the listed entity could be mem-bers of the Risk Management Committee formed for monitor-ing and reviewing risk manage-ment plan of the company. Senior Management should also under-stand the role of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee with regard to criterion for ap-pointment and remuneration of senior management personnel.

Operational transpar-ency and confidentiality of informationRegulation 4(2)(f) of SEBI Regula-tions, 2015 provides that along-with the Board of Directors, Senior Management are required to conduct themselves so as to meet the expectations of op-erational transparency to stake-holders while at the same time maintaining confidentiality of information in order to foster a culture of good decision-making. It is important to note that SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 requires listed companies to have a Code to reg-ulate, monitor and report trading by insiders and for fair disclosure of unpublished price sensitive information. The definition of “Insider” under these regulations is quite broad which includes designated employees and other connected persons. Connected person can be any person associ-ated with a company, directly or indirectly, in any capacity includ-ing by reason of frequent com-munication with its officers or by being in any contractual, fidu-ciary or employment relationship or by being a director, officer or an employee of the company. An

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placed before the board of direc-tors which Senior Management as functional heads must ensure to submit to the board.• Under Regulation 26(5), Senior management shall make disclo-sures to the Board of Directors relating to all material, financial and commercial transactions, where they have personal interest that may have a potential conflict with the interest of the listed en-tity at large.• As per Regulation 26 (3), Senior Management Personnel shall af-firm compliance with the code of conduct of board of directors and senior management on an annual basis.• Chapter IX of the Companies Act, 2013 lays down provi-sions about books of account, financial statement and Board’s report. Regulation 33 of SEBI Regulations, 2015 specifies the manner of preparation, approval and submission of financial re-sults by listed entities. These are important requirements for Senior Management Personnel in the finance area.• As per Secretarial Standard (SS-1) on Board Meetings, each item of business requiring approval at Board Meeting shall set out the details of proposal, relevant mate-rial facts that enable the Directors to understand the meaning, scope & implications of the proposal and the nature of concern or in-terest, if any, of any Director in the proposal. The Standard pre-scribe certain additional items of business (other than provided under the Companies Act) which can be approved only at meetings of the Board viz., compliance cer-tificate of laws, approval of oper-ating plans & budgets, details of JV/Collaboration etc. These items

Disclosure of important events or information to Stock ExchangesRegulation 30 of SEBI Regul-ations, 2015 provides that every Listed Entity shall make disclo-sures of any events or informa-tion which, in the opinion of the board of directors of the listed company, is material. Under the Regulations certain events have been described as deemed to be material and shall be necessar-ily disclosed, viz., acquisition, scheme of arrangement or sale or disposal of any unit, division or subsidiary, revision in rating, outcome of board meeting with regard to financial results, divi-dend, buy back, bonus shares etc., change in directors/KMP, corporate debt restructuring, amendments in MOA/AOA etc. Certain events shall be disclosed based upon application of policy for determination of materiality framed by the listed entity viz., commencement/postponement of commercial production, change in general character or nature of business, capacity addition or product launch, awarding/receiving/termination of orders/contract not in the normal course of business, litigation/regulatory

action with impact, granting/withdrawal/cancellation of key licenses or regulatory approval etc. SEBI has also issued Circular dated September 9, 2015 indicat-ing the details that need to be provided and the guidance with regard to occurrence of event. Events/information shall be dis-closed to stock exchanges as soon as reasonably possible and not later than 24 hours from the oc-currence of event/information. However, in case of outcome of Board meeting with respect of certain events, disclosure shall be made 30 minutes of the conclu-sion of Board meeting. As these events relate to almost all functional areas, all Senior Management Personnel must be aware of all such events and req-uisite information to be disclosed in their areas of operation. Any ignorance or lapse on the part of Senior Management in this regard may result in non-compliance on the part of the company.

Other Compliances relat-ing to Senior Management• Regulation 17(7) of SEBI Regulations, 2015 prescribes the minimum information to be

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requirements provided under the Companies Act, 2013 & SEBI Regulations, 2015 and mecha-nism/system devised & policies formulated in the company for compliance should be widely circulated and debated so that senior management can under-stand their implications. Senior Management Personnel should also be given adequate exposure

by imparting knowledge of these statutory requirements and guid-ance for effective compliance through training programmes and seminars. This is also impor-tant in view of the fact that these Senior Management Personnel are potential candidates for posi-tion of directors of the company and should be aware of the statu-tory obligations expected to be fulfilled by Board and its direc-tors. It is also suggested that pro-grammes/seminars organized by DPE for Senior Management Personnel for CPSEs should have a session giving insight to vari-ous statutory requirements in the area of Corporate Governance and action plan/ steps re-quired to be taken for necessary compliance.Above points clearly demonstrate that compliance on the part of Board of Directors with regard to corporate governance require-ments as specified in Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 requires ac-tive involvement and support of Senior Management. Further, in certain areas these enactments impose specific obligations to be fulfilled by Senior Management Personnel. Not only the senior management personnel should be fully aware of the statutory requirements and of the requisite action to be taken in their respec-tive functional areas, they must also take necessary steps in accor-dance with the statutory provi-sions to ensure that proper com-pliance is ensured. Any lapse on the part of Senior Management in this regard will result in the non-compliance by the company and non-fulfilment of responsi-bilities attributed by these enact-ments on the board of directors of the company.

cannot be approved through circulation. The Standard also provides that a resolution need to be placed in the Board meet-ing, if certified copy of the reso-lution need to be issued before entry of minutes in the min-ute book. Senior Management Personnel need to ensure above compliances in their respective areas of work.

Capacity building of Senior Management PersonnelThus, besides having in-depth knowledge of their functional area, it is very important for Senior Management Personnel to keep abreast with all relevant provisions of the Companies Act and SEBI Regulations. They must also be aware of various policies/guidelines formed by the Company for ensuring com-pliances of various statutory re-quirement. Senior Management Personnel should keep them-selves updated on corporate gov-ernance requirements pertaining to all functional areas, as they are normally transferred from one functional/operational area to an-other and they may be required to handle various functions si-multaneously. Further, as most of the proposals required to be approved by Board are prepared/vetted by these personnel, they must be aware of relevant statu-tory provisions and procedural requirements of presenting and approval of these proposals by the Board. A company/listed entity must provide adequate exposure and training to its Senior Management Personnel so that they can have proper understanding of these statutory provisions and their role in ensuring compliance with these requirements. Statutory

A company/listed

entity must provide

adequate exposure and

training to its Senior

Management Personnel

so that they can have

proper understanding

of these statutory

provisions and their

role in ensuring

compliance with

these requirements.

Statutory requirements

provided under the

Companies Act, 2013

& SEBI Regulations,

2015 and mechanism/

system devised &

policies formulated

in the company for

compliance should

be widely circulated

and debated so that

senior management

can understand their


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on skilling, the Government of India has embarked upon “National Skill Development Mission“. The objectives of the mission are under:• To create an end to end imple-mentation framework for skill development, which provides opportunities for life long learn-ing. This includes incorporating of skilling in the school curricu-lum, providing opportunities for quality long and short term skill training .• Align employer/ industry de-mand and workforce productiv-ity with trainees aspirations for sustainable livelihood by creating a framework for outcome based training.• Establish and enforce cross sec-toral, national and internation-ally acceptable standards for skill training in the country by creat-ing a sound quality assurance framework for skilling, appli-cable to all Ministries, States and private training providers.• Build Capacity for skill devel-opment in critical unorganized sectors and provide pathways for reskilling and up skilling workers to enable them to transition into formal sector employment.

• Ensure sufficient, high qual-ity options for long term skilling, benchmarked to internationally acceptable qualification stan-dards, which will ultimately con-tribute to the creation of a highly skilled workforce.• Develop a network of quality instructors/trainers in skill devel-opment ecosystem by establish-ing high quality teacher training institutions.• Leverage existing public infra-structure and industry facilities for scaling up skill training and capacity building efforts.• Offer a passage for overseas em-ployment through specific pro-grammes mapped to global job requirements and benchmarked to international standards.• Enable pathways for transition-ing between the vocational train-ing system and the formal edu-cation system, through a credit transfer system.• Promote convergence and co-ordination between skill develop-ment efforts of all stakeholders.• Support weaker and disad-vantaged sections of society through focused outreach pro-grammes and targeted skill

Skills and Knowledge are the driving forces of economic growth and social develop-

ment of any country. While thrust on education has been part of national policy since ages, skill-ing has often taken a back seat.It is estimated that while in lit-eracy and education, India may have achieved over 75% success, when it comes to skills, India is estimated to have only 2.3 % of its work force has received formal skill training compared to 68% in UK, 75% in Germany, 52% in USA, 80% in Japan and 96% in South Korea.

People need three kinds of skills to be productive• Cognitive Skills (Literacy, nu-meracy and ability to solve ab-stract problems)• Socio economic skills / Soft Skills (Social, Emotional, person-ality, behavioral and attitudinal )• Job relevant skills (Technical/ Professional)The above three kinds of skills play critical role in employability, employment and productivity of the people, organization and nation.Understanding the need for focus

dr. Sunil abrol*

Skilling as a Strategy forEnhancing Organisation Productivity

* Dr. Sunil Abrol, President, Institute For Consultancy And Productivity Research.


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with NSQF .• PSUs will be required to mod-ify their Recruitment Rules/ Criteria for various posts in line with NSQF .• PSUs will also be expected to modify their promotion/ Job Rotation/ Transfer policies in line with NSQF for better productivity.• PSUs will be required to modify their Training Policy and Criteria for nomination for Training/ Content & Delivery of Training in line with NSQF.• PSUs will be expected to de-velop schemes for Assessment and Certification of Skills of exist-ing employees / experienced can-didates on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) principles.• PSUs will also be expected to maintain a data base / skill inven-tor on the lines of Labour Market Information System ( LMIS ) ac-cording to NSQF levels.

It is expected that introduction of NSQF in PSUs would bring standardization, objectivity and professionalism in recruitment, promotions, transfers and train-ing leading to deployment of appropriately skilled workforce thereby contributing to higher or-ganisational productivity.

development activities.• Propogate aspirational value of skilling among youth by creating social awareness on value of skill training.• Maintain a national database of Labour Market Information System ( LMIS ), which will act as a portal for matching the demand and supply of skilled workforce in the country.

India now has a Ministry for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship while Prime Minister chairs the Governing Council of National Skills Development Mission. National Skills Development Authority (NSDA ) is responsible for Quality Assurance and Policy Research in Skills space including operation-alization and implementation of National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF).National Skills Development Corporation ( NSDC ) is respon-sible for capacity building in-cluding initiating and incubating Sector Skill Councils (SSC’s ) and Training Providers. NSDC over the last five years facilitated set-ting up of 40 sector skill councils covering all sectors of industry and few areas which are cross sec-tor skills/ job roles. These sector skill councils have in turn created National Occupational Standards (NOS) and Qualification Packs (QP) for various job roles in every sector. NSDC has also been able to create a large pool of Training Providers, Trainers, Assessing Bodies and Assessors to support the skill development ecosystem.National Skills Qualification Fra-mework (NSQF) has 10 levels cor-responding to various levels of skills, knowledge and Aptitude. Each level of NSQF is associated

with a set of descriptors made up of five outcome statements, which describe the minimum knowledge and attributes that a learner needs to acquire in order to be certified for that level. Each level of the NSQF is described by a statement of learning outcomes in following five domains known as level descriptors:• Process• Professional Knowledge• Professional Skills• Core Skills• Responsibility

As per notification of the Government of India on Imple-mentation of NSQF, all Central PSUs are expected to amend their Recruitment rules to de-fine eligibility criteria for all po-sitions in terms of NSQF levels by December 2018. It will also be mandatory for all Training Institutions to be NSQF compli-ant by December 2020. This direc-tive of the Government of India has following implications for all Central PSUs:• PSUs will be required to mod-ify their Job Descriptions/ Job Specifications for all job roles in respective organisations across functions and levels in conformity

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Announcements in rail budget seldom get implemented for pau-city of resources. Comprehensive budget may offer better op-portunity to consider projects which are in national interest and also economically & technically viable.The Rail Budget was separated from the main Budget, following recommendation of a panel head-ed by British Railway economist William Acworth in 1920-21. The Rail Budget has had a separate ex-istence from the General Budget since 1924 when the British spun it off for a better focus on India’s most important infrastructure network. The Railways then ac-counted for 70 per cent of the total budget whereas today it ac-counts for 15 per cent of the total union budget despite India hav-ing largest rail network in the World. It has potential to imple-ment several new projects that can push economic growth by 1-2 per cent. In this context it is cer-tainly an historic step as it will help in moving towards mini-mum government and maximum

governance. Global and domestic business sentiments too would get a further fillip and so would help the environment for doing business in the country. It is cer-tainly a step towards commercial-ization of railways. More projects could now be ex-pected under public-private part-nership. The commercialization of railway properties, particu-larly railway stations located in prime locations in various cities, could now be hastened. More commercial shopping malls and office complexes can come up with more ease.The merger of rail budget with general budget was mooted by a committee headed by NITI Aayog member Bibek Debroy, as part of the restructuring of the Railways. This merger will certainly help in tackling structural problems faced by the railways, thereby push modernization of railways. It would also help in finding re-sources through commercializa-tion of railway property. More projects could also come up in the manufacture of engines, coaches,

A silent but major economic reforms have happened in the country which have

largely gone unnoticed. Merging Rail Budget with general budget, doing away with distinction of plan and non plan expenditure and advancing of general budget to February one are certainly not a small reforms step but have a major, positive and far-reaching benefit to the economy that has not been fully understood.The present step of merging the Rail Budget is a step to have a comprehensive budget for the first time post independence. Rail budget will be merged into general budget from the com-ing financial year. Nowhere in the World there is a separate Rail Budget. Somehow in India, this practice has been continued even 70 years after independence.Finance Minister, Mr. Arun Jaitley is right in saying there is no justi-fication for a separate Rail budget when allocation for certain other departments like defence, roads and highways are much more and yet form part of general budget.

K. R. Sudhaman *

Government merges Rail Budget with General Budget Ends Distinction of Plan & Non Plan Expenditure

General Budget date advanced to help in early money disbursement


* K R Sudhaman, who has over 40 years of experience in journalism, was Editor in Press Trust of India and Economic Editor in Financial Chronicle

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appropriation bill for railways. Railways can now adopt rational approach to unviable projects.Along with this merger, the cabi-net decided to remove the distinc-tion between Plan and non-Plan expenditure, a commendable ini-tiative to simplify and streamline decision-making within the gov-ernment. Year after year, nearly 20 to 30 per cent of plan expenditure remain unutilized due to vari-ous reasons. The idea of merging these two heads of expenditure in the government was first moot-ed by Prime Minister Economic Advisory Council Chairman, Mr. C. Rangarajan some years back. It is a positive development as it would help spending money in a more useful and integrated man-ner. Thus, the money could be put to better use by spending in areas in which it ought to be.Another important change brought about is the cabinet clearance to advance the presen-tation of the Union budget to February one, instead of last day of the month. This is a significant development as this would help in ensuring that the entire bud-get exercise, which is now a three stage passage in Parliament, is

signal equipment and so on in joint venture. Accounting prac-tices will also improve.With reforms in process, need would also emerge in time to come to review the present mode of presentation of general bud-get and also keeping in view the experience of some developing/developed countries which also take into account projections of revenue, expenditure and deficits for the subsequent year. India is one of the few countries where there are considerale tax exemption close to the fiscal defi-cit of the country. The indirect taxes in particular are tinkered with minutely. Though, in re-cent years government is moving towards three or four tax rates. Some stability on direct taxes has now been achieved and with the rollout of Goods and Services Tax, there would be some stabil-ity in indirect tax rates as well. The 92 year old tradition of sepa-rate Rail Budget is certainly a step in the right direction. This will help to judiciously draw line of projects which are needy and at the same time are viable to see the light of the day in coming years.According to Railway Minister, Mr. Suresh Prabhu this is the biggest reforms done till date in the sector. The financial au-tonomy will remain with the railways. The existing finan-cial arrangements will continue and all revenue expenditure, working expenses, pay and allowance and pension will con-tinue to be met by revenue re-ceipts of the railways. While merging the budget, there may be evident challenges in the context of rail portfolios. Therefore, atten-tion would be required to allow autonomy to Railways to freely

discharge their mandate and pos-sibly avoid any clash of interest. However, the immediate benefit is that Railways will no longer have to pay dividends hereaf-ter. The railways pay nearly Rs 10,000 crore as dividend annu-ally and this amount can now be put to use for capital expendi-ture of railways. It will also cer-tainly reduce paper work and do away with separate passage of

The Rail Budget was

separated from the

main Budget, following

recommendation of a

panel headed by British

Railway economist

William Acworth in

1920-21. The Rail

Budget has had a

separate existence from

the General Budget

since 1924 when the

British spun it off

for a better focus on

India’s most important

infrastructure network.

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does not lose two months of pre-cious time in implementing its planned projects in the new year. The first stage of budget passage in Parliament is the approval to vote on account. The second stage is passage of demands for grants by various ministries and departments and third and final stage is the passage of finance bill, which provides for various

new tax measures in the budget. Now the first stage clearance of vote on account would no longer be required as the whole budget itself will be passed before the new financial year.At the turn of the century, the then NDA government led by Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee did away with budget presentation at 5 p.m on the last day of February. The then Finance Minister, Mr. Yashwant Sinha advanced budget presentation to 11 a.m ending the past practice.By subsuming the Rail Budget in the general budget, the railways would be in a better position to raise funds, from elsewhere in-cluding foreign on the strength of the sovereign to invest in projects having long gestation period. The government will have to ensure is that the operational autonomy of Railways is not compromised as feared in some quarters.Also this move should not become a precursor to privati-zation of Railways, which may not be good for a country like India where the Railways are the life line, particularly for the poor. Along with this merger of rail budget, the government decision to advance the general budget presentation and do-ing away with the distinction of plan and non-plan expenditure should lead to better planning and spending outcomes in the entire financial year by various ministries and departments. One also hopes these reforms lead to further reforms of general budget presentation in the coming years. It is high time that the country had stable tax rates and tax ex-emptions done with barring a few exemptions so as to do away with rigmarole budget presentation.

completed before the end of the financial year. Usually the gen-eral budget is presented onFebru-ary 28 or 29 if it is a leap year and entire budget exercise have to be completed within 75 days of bud-get presentation. This means the budget will be passed by May 15. As a result government is forced to go in for what is called vote-on-account along with presenta-tion of the budget for government expenditure for two months of April and May in the new finan-cial year. As per the constitution, the government cannot spend any money from the consolidat-ed fund of India without getting Parliamentary approval. Since the passage of finance bill is complet-ed only by May first week, gov-ernment will have to seek tempo-rary approval by way of vote on account for spending in April and May until the passage of the full budget. This also meant delay in implementation of the planned spending proposed in the budget. So by completing this budgetary exercise before March 31, govern-ment will now be able to imple-ment its budgetary plans from day one of the new financial year that starts on April one. This will ensure that government


The 92 year old tradition

of separate Rail Budget

is certainly a step in the

right direction. This will

help to judiciously draw

line of projects which

are needy and at the

same time are viable

to see the light of the

day in coming years.

According to Railway

Minister, Mr. Suresh

Prabhu this is the

biggest reforms done

till date in the sector.

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Besides these statutory provi-sions, there are certain regula-tory provisions with respect to legal compliance system like DPE guidelines and SEBI regulations.Clause 3.3.3 of DPE Guidelines on Corporate Governance for CPSE” notified on 14th May, 2010 states- “The Board shall pe-riodically review compliance re-ports of all laws applicable to the company, prepared by the com-pany as well as steps taken by the company to rectify instances of non-compliances.”Further, regulation 17 (3) SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosures Requirements)

Regu-lations 2015 which is ap-plicable to listed companies also contains similar provisions.“The board of directors shall pe-riodically review compliance re-ports pertaining to all laws appli-cable to the listed entity, prepared by the listed entity as well as steps taken by the listed entity to recti-fy instances of non-compliances.”

Why Legal Compliance? Besides, the statutory and regu-latory provisions encompassing the legal compliance, there are certain inherent benefits which organisation reaps when it devel-ops mechanism to ensure legal

The development and es-tablishment of a legal compliance system is one

of the most important tasks for a Company in order to secure the soundness and appropriate-ness of its business. Therefore, the management is charged with the responsibility for taking the initiative in developing and es-tablishing the legal compliance system that covers the entire busi-ness of the company by deciding a basic policy on legal compliance and developing an organizational framework thereto.As per section 134(5) (f) (5), the Directors’ Responsibility Statement referred to in Clause (c) of sub section 3 shall state that: (f) Directors had devised proper system to ensure compliance with the provisions of all appli-cable laws and that such system were adequate and operating effectively Further section 205 (1) says that “The function of the Company Secretary shall include –• To report to the Board about compliance of this Act, the Rules made there under and other laws applicable to the Company

dr. Kumudani Sharma*

Development and Establishment of

Legal Compliance System

* Sr. Manager (Legal) Oil India Limited FCS.


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about the nature/extent of duties discharged.• Based on interaction/discussion develop the questionnaire forms/Feedback Form.• From the responses received conduct legal research for identi-fication of applicable Laws/Rules/Guidelines/Bylaws etc. While identifying the legal requirement, care should be taken to include all Central, State legislatures ap-plicable Rules, Municipal laws, consent to operate, condition for

statutory clearances like environ-ment clearance. etc.• Classify identified compliances on the basis of nature & period-icity like procedural, annual, one time record/register etc.• Conduct impact assessment of non-compliances and categorize compliance as High, Medium and Low. Assessment should ex-plicitly include repercussion on company as well as on officers/person responsible.• Prepare checklist of legal and Regulatory compliance under all Laws/Rules/Bylaws/Regulations/Notification etc.• Share & discuss the checklist with Department heads/person responsible for compliances. (Person executing the compli-ances – Executor and persons monitoring - Supervisor of compliances).• Map the compliances into the software.

Basic features of softwareThe software procured/devel-oped for mapping the compli-ance should have following basic features:-• Online view facility of the le-gal provision including penal clauses, nature, category of risk, remarks, date of compliance etc.• Once compliance is fed into the system by Executor automatic escalation of compliance status to compliance supervisor with e-mail alerts/mobile alerts.• Advance automatic reminders to all users.• Facility of sending customize message.• Facility of upload/amending of compliances centres.

compliances. The most beneficial importance of compliance in a business is preventing itself from criminal charges and creation of positive public image. Also internal com-pliance to safety, wages, employ-ee benefits, compensations, and employee protection creates a positive environment in the work area.A business that fulfils regulatory business compliance through successful corporate compli-ance management generally gets signed quickly and easily when-ever needed. They also get credit facilities at relatively cheaper rates than others.To keep track of all these differ-ent compliance requirements, it is important for a business to have two different things. First it must have a compliance depart-ment headed by a senior officer to monitor all of the compliance re-lated issues and compliance kits. There are so many different regu-lations and laws in regard to how a business should be managed that a proper compliance kit / compliance management tool al-most becomes necessary for keep-ing the company on the right side of the law.These kits are software with da-tabases of applicable compliances that keep track of all the compli-ances/ information necessary for ensuring legal compliances.

Developing the Compliance Kits -Steps • Strategic analysis of the compa-ny, its constitution, its nature and extent of operation geographical as well as product wise/service wise.• Interacting with various de-partmental heads/office bearers


For any system to

work efficiently and

effectively, strong

support for the Board

is vital sans this

support,the legal

compliance Certificate

is a jumble of words

placed to the board

for ensuring the

compliance in letter

rather than in spirit.

Hence, Company

Secretaries /Legal

professionals should

make efforts to

generate awareness

and support for of

Legal compliances

concerning the business

operations so that Legal

Compliance Tool

could be implemented

in real spirit.

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The Board may develop Legal Compliance Policy in accordance with the Corporate Management Policy and disseminated it throughout the company. A Compliance Division (could be a part of the legal department depending on Organisational Structure) could be established for effective monitoring of legal compliances throughout the com-pany. The said policy may specify role and responsibility of differ-ent users, management and the Board, periodicity of reporting, actions to be taken in case of non-compliances. If Organisation es-tablishes a separate Compliance division then internal rules/ reg-ulation can also be mapped into the Tool for effective monitoring.For any system to work efficient-ly and effectively, strong sup-port for the Board is vital sans this support,the legal compliance Certificate is a jumble of words placed to the board for ensuring the compliance in letter rather than in spirit. Hence, Company Secretaries /Legal professionals should make efforts to generate awareness and support for of Legal compliances concerning the business operations so that Legal Compliance Tool could be imple-mented in real spirit.

• Sufficiently secure system not to allow any unauthorized access.• Multi optional Report Gene-ration facility (Any time interval, department wise/branch wise/re-gion wise etc.) with explicit men-tion of non-compliance together with name of person responsible.Also reflecting non-updation of compliance separately.

Acquaintance with the Tool Often best of the user friendly tool fail to attract attention of the users as adequate training/fa-miliarisation workshops are not conducted. Hence, it is necessary that users across the organization are familiarized with tool and the compliances.Here, it is pertinent to remember the general ability to common em-ployee to interpret legal provision may not be as good as employees in legal wing of the company or legal professional, therefore ex-tensive support technical as well as legal should be extended to all employees to overcome initial in-hibition to accept the tool. For familiarization with tool and the Compliance, extensive work-shops across all departments and regions of the Organisation should be carried out to estab-lish connect with all users which is vital in ensuring the effective usage of the tool. These work-shops also offer opportunity to the Compliance Team to efface the apprehension and fears about unavoidable non-compliance and its repercussions.

Post Compliance Requirement• Independent periodic legal au-dit of compliance status.• Tracking of development and

changes of all legislative and reg-ulatory updates.• Updating industry Rules/Regulations• Continuous monitoring the le-gal compliances.• Continuous updation of the database of persons responsible for compliances (frequent chang-es occur due to transfer postings/Fresh recruitment/ Promotion etc.)• Generation of the Compliance Report and discussion with con-cerned Directors • Finally submission of the Report to the Board for its review.

Responsibility of BoardThe Board should determine whether the legal compliance sys-tem is functioning effectively and whether the roles and responsi-bilities assigned to the company officials are being appropriately performed by way of reviewing the compliances periodically.If any problem is recognized as a result of reviews conducted, it is necessary to exhaustively ex-amine all the elements.The board should review the status of im-provements with regard to the is-sues pointed out earlier.


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has 19, considerably much less in States like Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha and U.P. The problem is acute in rural areas where major-ity of Indians live.• Private sector provides more than 70% of the hospital beds only 10% to 20% of population have public health care. (McKinsey Study).• India’s health Budget for 2015-16 is 2% of GDP resulting in out-of-pocket expenses amounting to almost 60 to 70% of income of general public.

• Some 300 million Indians slip into poverty if they face health problem.• 10 million domestic workers in our country - no social security in any form.• Approximately 40 million con-struction workers in the country and only 4 million stands covered under Insurance schemes.

Why social security is important• Maximum contractualization of jobs. • Migratory nature of workers - LPG Era.• Maximum unorganized work-ers (90%)• Important tool for prevention and alleviation of poverty.• Acts as a stabilizer during eco-nomic slowdown by injecting re-sources to economy. • Enhances productivity (a win-win situation for employers and industrial houses)• Brings skilled development. •Human dignity and social justice.• Economic and social development.

• In a country of one billion pop-ulation, hardly 20% of popula-tion stands covered into some or other social security schemes that too in organized sector. Those are namely ESI Act, PF Act, RSBY of Government of India, besides commercial Insurance Schemes of public and private ones admin-istered by LIC, GIC and SBI etc. • Any country less than 223 Doctors and nursing staff per 10,000 population faces a cri-sis (As per WHO study). India

B. K. Sahu*


* Former Insurance Commissioner, ESI Corporation & Communication Advisor, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDAI)

Social Security for Construction WorkersA Reality Check and Way Forward

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even for existing workers covered under the scheme, availability of this two essential services for construction workers who work or stay away from cities/towns would be a big challenge.• With cashless super special-ity treatment restricted to Rs. 10 lakhs, the claim to be differ-ent and difficulty for covered workers.• Employer and Employee rela-tion is crucial for coverage under ESI Act. To what extent contrac-tors who engage construction workers at sites or Construction Board can assume the role of employer?

• Prevents social unrest.

Benefits presently available to Construction WorkersThe construction workers wel-fare boards are mandated to give benefits such as financial assis-tance in the case of Accident, Old Age Pension, Housing Loans, Payment of Insurance Premium, Education, Medical and Maternity Benefits apart from RSBY Scheme to the con-struction workers registered with the Construction Welfare Board of The State Government.

Coverage of Construction Workers under ESI Act

Before 1/8/2015• Construction activity has been covered by the ESIC under Section 1(5) treating them as com-mercial establishment. However, a decision was taken not to cover various categories of construction site workers, in view of their pe-culiar nature of employment and only to extend coverage to those employed in the office of the Construction Company.• The coverage under ESI Scheme to a construction unit can be extended u/s 2(12) also, if in any part of the construction unit, manufacturing process, as defined under Factory Act, is car-ried on.

After 1/8/2015ESI Corporation vide it’s com-munication dated 31st July, 2015 has decided to extend ESI scheme to the construction workers site workers deployed in the imple-mented areas in States/Union Territories where ESI Act stands

extended w.e.f 1st Aug 2015. By this construction workers so covered will get all the benefits (Medical care and cash benefits) provided under the Act.

Impediments in Coverage of Construction Site Workers under ESI Scheme• Due to floating migratory na-ture of construction site workers, identification and registration will be a big challenge.• Due to migratory frequent shift-ing of job, it would be difficult for them to fulfil eligibility period to avail medical care and other cash benefits. • Extra burden on employers who are already paying construc-tion cess. (4.75% of wages as em-ployer’s contribution on monthly basis).• Workers may find deduction of 1.75% of their wages every month burdensome.• Pre existing diseases stand ex-cluded from coverage, thereby depriving such workers from coverage. • With pathetic primary care and secondary care medical facilities

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December, 2015 and who are not members of any statutory social security scheme and who are not income tax payers.

Good Practices of Jan Suraksha Schemes• Low Premium• No Cash transaction only Bank Transfers• Covering Risks of Life , Accident Death and Pension (ILO Standard of MSSF)• Hassle free Service Delivery (Bank Account and Rupay Card) .• Government Promotion & Guarantee• Use of ICT Solution• Reaching the unreach• Pull to Push Factor ( A Paradigm shift of Insurance Sector)

Road Map Ahead for Universal Coverage• The Social Security Schemes could be extended to 70% of the population, Mainly poor, unor-ganised, contract, self employer and elderly population of the country.- RSBY with modification to in-clude primary care treatment and Jan Surksha Social security scheme of Govt. of India towards health care, accidents, deaths and pensionary benefits. - Nominal to reasonable contribu-tion require for the three schemes could be funded Through regis-tered recognised Boards, NGOs using CSR funding of corporate house and state funding through a social Security CESS• More fortunate one’s (30%) to have their own medical/social security scheme through Public/private sources (CGHS, ESI Scheme, etc.)

• Life Cover ( INR 2Lakh – $ 3059.16) ,and Death Cover (INR 30000 - $458.87)

APY:• Age group from 18-40• Contribution – INR.42 ($0.64) to INR 210 ($3.21) per month• Pension INR 1000 ($15.3) to INR 5000 ($76.48) age of 60 years per month• The Central Government would also co-contribute 50% of the to-tal contribution or Rs. 1000 per annum, whichever is lower, to each eligible subscriber account, for a period of 5 years, i.e., from Financial Year 2015-16 to 2019-20, who join the NPS between the period 1st June, 2015 and 31st

Reforms in Place Jan - Dhan se Jan Suraksha (From Financial Inclusion To Social Security Scheme of Government of India) Social Security Schemes Features

PMSBY:• Age group from 18-70• Premium – INR.12 per Annum ( $ 0.18 )• Death Cover, Permanent Disability due to Accident

PMJJBY:• Age group from 18-50• Premium – INR.330 per Annum ( $ 5.04)

Particulars PMJJBY PMSBY APY Total

Total Number of Policies (in Millions) (9/5/2016)

30.43 96.5 2 128.93

Per Annum Premium (in INR) 330.0 12.0 577.0 -

Total Premium Collected (in Millions)

10041.9 1158 1154 12353.9

Total Claim Paid as on 29.08.2016

35164 5202


Progress of Jan Suraksha Schemes as on 29 Aug 2016

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have to use construction cess pool to make workers skilled ”.

ChallengesC - Country with Vast numbersH - Health care infrastructure limitedA - Ageing populationL - Lack of Uniformity in SchemesL - Large Scale misuseE - Engaging who can afford to payN - Networking of schemes and agencies like Asha, Agwanwadi & Registered Agencies G - Guiding use of information TechnologyE - Educating People S - Solution based Grievance Mechanism

Importance of “ATTITUDE”A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%It is OUR ATTITUDE towards Life and Work that makes OUR Life 100% ! ! !It is not constraint of fund but con-straint of attitude which needs to be addressed to achieve social security for construction workers

ConclusionAs discussed in this paper, a right mix of ESI Scheme for orga-nized workers and Jan Suraksha Scheme with RSBY as modified as suggested above should en-sure Universalization of Social Security in our Country.What is required is bringing awareness, realistic implementa-tion and monitoring and last but not the least right attitude.

Construction Boards-Few Facts

Latest Developments on Social Security for Construction Workers• Supreme Court order dated 4 Sep 2015 reiterated its earlier di-rection to Central labor ministry to frame policy for utilizing cor-pus fund lying un-utilized with construction welfare boards ex-clusively for the benefit of con-struction workers

• Central labor ministry by its OM dated 9th Sep & 15th Sep 2015 has directed state govern-ments to ensure registration of all construction workers under their respective welfare boards and further empowers such boards to

- Utilize the fund collected as cess to pay contribution /pre-mium towards social security schemes including for recently launched Jan Suraksha schemes .

- Towards skill development trainings of construction work-ers, besides making other satura-tor payments towards maturity benefits, Medical expenses , pen-sioner befits and loan/advances as laid down in act of 1996.

• As per information available from Union Labor Ministry, 45435 construction establishments em-ploying about 8 Million workers stand covered under EPFO

• ESI corporation vide it’s

communication dated 31st July, 2015 has decided to extend ESI scheme to the construction work-ers site workers deployed in the implemented areas in states/ union territories where ESI Act stands extended w.e.f 1st Aug 2015. By this construction work-ers so covered will get all the benefits (Medical care and cash benefits) provided under the Act. As on Oct 2015, 0.32 million (3.2 lakhs) construction workers have been brought under coverage.

As reported by Economics Times in its edition dated 5 August, 2015“Skill India Mission: States will

Total amount with Construction Boards

Approx. Rs.270000 million (4138.09 Million US Dollar)

Expenditure by Construction Boards

Approx. Rs.30000 million (459.79 million US Dollar)(11%)

Any country less

than 223 Doctors

and nursing staff per

10,000 population

faces a crisis (As per

WHO study). India

has 19, considerably

much less in States

like Bihar, Jharkhand,

Odisha and U.P. The

problem is acute in

rural areas where

majority of Indians live.

India’s health Budget

for 2015-16 is 2% of

GDP resulting in out-

of-pocket expenses

amounting to almost

60 to 70% of income of

general public.

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seven from Nationalized Banks and two from Insurance Companies totalling 137. Details of infor-mation is also given herewith

and further data on above shall be updated as and when the same is furnished by remain-ing CPSEs.

Public Sector as a model employer has been ini-tiating forward look-

ing policies to promote the empowerment and develop-ment of women in their enter-prises. SCOPE, as an apex body of Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) felt the need to collect and collate data on women employees in PSEs. SCOPE has been pursu-ing continuously with the mem-ber CPSEs requesting for neces-sary data on “Women Executives” in their respective organiza-tions. Below is the summary of information received in SCOPE on “Women Executives” received from 128 CPSEs,


Women Employees in Public Sector EnterprisesNo. of CPSEs/Banks/Insurance Companies

which provided information - 137

Executives 59238

Below Executives 184379

Total 243617

Board Level Directors

Full Time Director 22

Government Director 26

Independent Director 20

Total 68

Total Female Employees (including Board Level Directors)


Data of Women Employees in Pulic Sector

(Date of compilation September,2016)


S. No.

CPSEs Executives (E1 to E9)


Board Level % of Women Employees

with respect of total Employees

Total No. of


Total No. of Female

Employees (including

Board Level Directors)

Independent Director

Govt. Director

Functional Director

1 EPI 37 6 0 0 0 10.86419753 405 43

2 IRFC 1 1 0 1 0 10.53 19 3

3 NBCC 114 38 0 0 0 17.66 2013 152

4 REC 85 13 0 0 1* 16.17 606 99

5 MECON 115 33 0 1 0 10.29 1438 149

6 IREDA 23 6 0 0 0 20.42 142 29

7 ITI 335 171 0 0 1 9.6 5281 507

8 SAIL 1039 4382 2 0 0 6 93352 5423

9 IOCL 1446 1204 0 0 0 7.97 32803 2650

10 GSL 19 100 0 0 0 7.55 1576 119

11 GAIL 214 36 0 0 0 5.8 4284 250

12 OVL 25 4 0 0 0 8.9 326 29

13 HMT Bearings 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0

14 NSFDC 10 8 0 0 0 23.68 76 18

15 KIOCL 12 17 0 0 0 3.09 938 29

16 NLC 339 832 0 1 0 7.34 15948 1172

17 NEEPCO 97 260 0 0 0 14.77 2416 357

18 HUDCO 208 39 0 1 0 28.65 862 248

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19 NBCFDC 2 5 0 2 0 15 47 9

20 CSL 36 99 1 0 0 8.1 1669 136

21 NSIC 75 50 0 0 0 13.97 895 125

22 HPL 1 27 0 0 0 6.33 442 28

23 MMTC 88 192 0 0 0 22 1238 280

24 NRDC 7 6 0 0 0 17.1 76 13

25 MSTC 35 23 0 0 0 18.01 322 58

26 BPCL 526 618 0 0 0 9.02 12684 1144

27 BBJ 5 2 0 1 0 0 6 117 8

28 RINL 360 161 0 0 0 2.9 17901 521

29 DENA 6 3686 0 0 1 26.4 13988 3693

30 SCI 156 10 0 0 1 21 796 167

31 REIL 6 6 0 0 0 4.78 252 12

32 BECIL 4 2 0 0 0 10.34 58 6

33 BHEL 1193 1313 0 0 0 5.6 44905 2506

34 BCCL 114 4515 0 0 0 8.57 53998 4629

35 PFC 57 37 0 0 0 20.43 460 94

36 EIL 324 58 0 0 1 12.6 3050 383

37 THDC 37 84 0 0 0 6.08 1991 121

38 HNL 16 51 0 0 0 11.858 565 67

39 BPC 6 12 0 0 0 3.41 528 18

40 HSCC 9 5 0 1 0 8.75 160 15

41 HSCL 2 1 0 0 0 4.92 61 3

42 CCI 5 13 0 0 0 2.4 747 18

43 RCF 134 130 0 0 0 7 3787 264

44 BALMER LAWRIE 45 45 0 0 1 7.5 1256 91

45 NFDC 7 14 0 0 2 23.71 97 23

46 MRVC 5 12 0 0 0 8 216 17

47 NEPA 10 15 0 0 0 3.93 636 25

48 BRAITHWAITE & CO 2 2 0 0 0 1.21 329 4

49 BEL 1043 992 0 0 0 20.01 10165 2035

50 PETRONET LNG 13 15 1 0 0 6 469 29

51 HCL 43 170 1 0 0 6.95 3065 214

52 AAI 947 1561 0 0 0 14.54 17247 2508

53 NRL 35 8 0 0 0 4.91 874 43

54 CENTRAL COTTAGE 67 15 0 0 0 28.77 285 82

55 FSNL 2 14 0 0 0 1.79 891 16

56 NAGALAND PULPS 0 24 0 0 0 15.38 0 24

57 BRIDGE & ROOF 22 11 0 0 0 2.41 1367 33

58 HAL 948 1616 0 0 0 8.44 30373 2564

59 FACT 115 46 0 0 0 7 2402 161

60 CIL 953 21668 1 1 0 6.979377499 324112 22623

61 ECIL 332 164 0 0 0 19.53 2540 496

62 NPCIL 405 639 0 0 0 9.13 11434 1044

63 HHEC 15 10 0 0 1 22.8 114 26

64 CMPDI 71 157 0 0 0 6.29 3622 228

65 HLL LIFECARE 86 180 0 0 0 14.31 1859 266

66 IMPCL 0 6 0 0 0 4.54 126 6

67 SPMCIL 26 339 0 0 0 3.27 11144 365


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68 SBI 12379 32059 0 0 1 21.14 210192 44439

69 HMT 56 89 0 0 0 3.75 2869 145

70 MECL 17 24 1 0 0 3.23 1270 42

71 BEML 143 159 0 0 0 3.41 8855 302

72 CONCOR 29 126 0 0 1 11.6 1336 156

73 MRPL 34 97 0 1 0 7.21 1817 132

74 WCL 144 2349 0 0 0 5.06 49251 2493

75 HPCL 544 333 0 0 0 8.3 10538 877

76 BDL 98 238 1 0 0 10.74 3129 337

77 DVC 128 468 0 0 0 6.48 9199 596

78 SJVN 64 99 1 1 0 9.26 1761 165

79 STC 140 62 0 0 0 29.62 682 202

80 BSNL 7368 24648 0 0 1 15.16 211159 32017

81 ECL 99 4610 1 0 0 7.04 66917 4710

82 HINDUSTAN CABLE 25 83 0 0 0 8.03 1344 108

83 NSPCL 32 10 1 0 0 5.23 844 43

84 PAWAN HANS 3 48 0 3 0 11.64 445 54

85 IRCON 43 28 0 0 0 4.76 1490 71

86 PNB 4550 10257 0 0 1 20.6 71870 14808

87 RAILTEL 49 4 0 0 0 9.92 534 53

88 ITPO 33 123 0 0 1** 18.62 843 157

89 PDIL 42 2 0 0 0 11.31 389 44

90 IREL 54 60 0 0 0 6.35 1794 114

91 ANIFPDCL 0 112 0 0 0 11.64 962 112

92 MIDHANI 26 40 0 0 0 8.52 772 66

93 CORPORATION BANK 32 5946 0 0 1 30.55 19569 5979

94 ALIMCO 5 12 0 0 0 5.67 300 17

95 PGCIL 312 278 0 1 0 6.72 8775 591

96 NHPC 329 542 1 2 0 10.06 8654 874

97 ANDREW YULE 4 6750 1 0 0 45.4 14867 6755

98 NALCO 73 281 0 0 1 5 7100 355

99 CPCL 44 42 0 0 0 5.28 1630 86

100 MFL 33 12 0 0 0 6.24 721 45

101 OIL 135 227 0 0 1 4.9 7532 363

102 RITES 131 60 0 0 0 7.786 2453 191

103 CRWC 12 0 0 0 0 22.64 53 12

104 ONGC 1480 748 0 0 0 6.6 33851 2228

105 IFCI 77 0 0 0 0 29.17 264 77

106 MCL 85 1646 0 0 0 7.7 22442 1731

107 IDPL 2 3 0 0 0 7.5 66 5

108 TCIL 80 37 1 1 0 13.1 890 119

109 UCIL 8 152 0 0 0 3.4 4710 160

110 NSTFDC 8 11 0 0 0 35 54 19

111 NPCC 24 28 0 0 0 5.39 964 52

112 UNION BANK OF INDIA 97 7974 0 0 0 22.75 35473 8071

113 NMDC 75 221 1 1 0 5.12 5773 298

114 IOB 4909 5188 0 1 0 31.71 31846 10098

115 NCL 68 501 0 0 1 3.5 16078 570

116 NIC 1381 1803 0 0 0 21.12 15079 3184


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117 HFCL 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0

118 RVNL 13 2 0 0 1 3.38 443 16

119 ECGC 173 1 0 0 1 29.69 586 175

120 SECL 141 3096 0 0 0 5.02 64505 3237

121 SBH 1531 2773 0 0 1 22.92 18781 4305

122 BCPL 10 42 0 0 0 14.05 370 52

123 OMDC/HOLDING COS. 8 179 0 3 0 14.586 1282 190

124 NSC 13 78 0 0 0 6 1538 91

125 BWEL 0 15 0 0 0 2.27 658 15

126 ITDC 55 148 0 0 0 14.5 1402 203


0 1 0 1 0 7.7 13 2

128 HSL 35 40 0 1 0 3.94 1902 76

129 COTTON CORPN. 15 89 0 0 0 11.28 925 104

130 WAPCOS 95 42 0 0 0 16.87 812 137

131 CCL 161 3956 0 0 0 9.5 43343 4117

132 GRSE 35 83 0 0 0 4.73 2493 118

133 AIR INDIA 2029 1514 1 1 0 28.28 12526 3545

134 DCI 19 31 2 0 0 15.576 321 52

135 MDL 59 175 1 0 0 2.62 8922 235

136 FAGMIL 3 1 0 0 0 8.51 47 4

137 LIC 6824 17544 1 0 1 21.23 114773 24370

TOTAL 59238 184379 20 26 22 1566.829575 1922908 243685

Compiled by Ms. Hema Koul, SCOPE

* REC Functional Director is Dy. CVO** ITPO Functional Director is Executive Director


Nalco registers Quantum Jump in Production

NALCO has announced the results for the 1st quarter ended June, 2016.

According to the reviewed fi-nancial results for the first three months of the financial year 2016-17, taken on record by the Board of Directors in a meeting held in Bhubaneswar recently, NALCO has registered a net profit of Rs.135 cr., compared to Rs.174 cr. during the corresponding pe-riod of previous fiscal. During the quarter, the quantum of bauxite production was 17.04 lakh tonnes, which is about 46 percent higher than 11.64 lakh tonnes produced in the corresponding period of previous year. Alumina hydrate

quarter was 1489 million units. This has gone up by around 10 percent, against 1358 million units generated in the corresponding period of last year. Besides, in the field of renewable energy, the com-pany has generated 52 million units of wind power during these three months. Despite quantum jump in production, the profit during the quarter took a dip due to low mar-ket realization. The total alumina sale during the quarter was 2.91 lakh tonnes and aluminium sale was 82,386 tonnes. However, con-sidering the sluggishness of inter-national metal market, NALCO’s performance is considered to be a ‘Silver Lining’.

production was 5.24 lakh tonnes, i.e. 35 percent higher as compared to 3.88 lakh tonnes during the corresponding period of last fis-cal. During the quarter, the com-pany produced 94,496 tonnes of aluminium, which is about 10 percent higher than 85,722 tonnes produced in the 1st quar-ter of previous financial year. The net power generated during the

Production Highlights

• BauxiteProductionup46percent

• AluminaProductionup35percent

• AluminiumProductionup10percent

• PowerGenerationup10percent

Page 30: SCOPE News · Department of Public Enterprises. Secretary, DPE has been requested to inaugurate the programme. The programme is meant for CMDs, Functional Directors, Government Nominee

A Unique InitiativeTraining and capacity building of employees are integral to the growth and sustainability of a business entity in the highly competitive environment. Taking this into consideration SCOPE has set up the Academy of Public Sector Enterprises (APSE) with the objective of providing a plat-form for manpower development at centralized point for capacity and competency building of Executives of Public Sector Enterprises. APSE aims to provide insights into Public Sector background, culture, ownership structure, pol-icy aspects and global perspectives on technological advances, operational proficiency, financial markets, human resources developments etc.

VisionThe long term vision is all round capacity building for meeting global competitiveness and create values for all stakeholders.

MissionTo establish an Academy with state of the art facilities and support services for develop-ment for manpower and capacity building of the executives of the Public Sector Enterprises in order to groom competent, efficient manag-ers of all levels who would be capable of tak-ing the Indian Public Sector to greater heights.

SCOPE Academy of Public Sector Enterprises (APSE)

3RD EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMSpecially designed for Young Executives of PSEs

28th November – 3rd December, 2016

Infrastructure/Administrative ModalitiesThe Academy has well established three class-rooms with adequate infrastructure with with one classroom having seating capacity of 40 and the other two of seating capacity of 30 each, at SCOPE Minar, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi. Initially the training programs have been de-signed for entry/induction level executives. In due course the training modules will be devel-oped for middle and senior level executives.To facilitate focused attention the batch size is restricted to 20 - 25 executive trainees only.

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For further information/registration kindly contact

Program Facilitator Program Coordinator - I Program Coordinator - II B.V.K.K.RAO HEMA KOUL NAZREEN FATIMA +91 11 24360661,+91 9899402261 +91 11 24365418, +91 9899362335 +91 11 24362604, +91 9990128524 E-mail: [email protected]

• EvolutionofPSEs

• EmergingTrendsinGovernanceinCPSEs

• HistoricalantecedentsofMOUsystemandprocess of setting MOU targets

• CSR,CorporateGovernance,RTI,CVC

• StructureofBoardsinCPSEs

• ConstitutionofIndia-Keyfeatures

• PublicFinance-Keydefinitions

• ReservationsandAffirmativeaction

• Impactofreformsandliberalizationandtheemerging role structure of the public sector in thecontextofglobalizationandcompetiveness

• SuccessionPlanning,Policyaspectsetc.

• ProjectManagement

• Enhancingproductivitybyleadingahealthylife

• Lifeandcareertransition

• Discoverycompetence

• Potentialandpassion

• Workingwithpeopleintaskenvironment

• Roletaking,decisionmaking

• Interpersonalrelation&communication

• Strategyexecution,selfassessment,analysisandpersonal insights

• Teamleadership,motivationandservicequalityand others

• TeamBuilding

Contextual Module Behavioural Module

Program Design and Contents

Two programs have been organized during the period July to September, 2016. Certificates of successful completion of the training pro-grams were awarded to the participants.

Boarding & LodgingFor outstation participants, there is a tie-up

with nearby well equipped standard hotels for residential facility.

FacultyThe faculty is drawn from Government, Industry Leaders, Experts from regulatory bodies, Academicians from reputed institutions as well as HR practitioners, CEOs of PSEs and other profes-sionals having domain expertise. SCOPE has signed an MoU with University of Cambridge for the purpose of collaboration to identify mutual areas of cooperation and potential faculty resources.

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SCOPE - APSECompletes the Second Programme

The second SCOPE-APSE Executive Development Program commenced from

19th August, 2016 and successful-ly concluded on 24th September. The six day programme had 26 Executives from different CPSEs. In the inaugural session on the first day, Mr. Ved Prakash, Vice Chairman, SCOPE, Chairman & Managing Director, MMTC Ltd, and Chairman of APSE, was the Chief Guest on the occasion. In his address he said that setting up of the Academy is one of the major landmark initiatives of SCOPE. He exhorted the partici-pants to set time bound targets/goals for themselves in life and work towards achieving with ut-most sincerity and devotion. Vice Chairman, SCOPE also advised to promote the use of Rajbhasha in your day to day work. Mr. Rajeev Bharadwaj, Director (HR), Solar Energy Corporation of India, and Member of SCOPE Executive Board, who was the guest of Honour on the occasion in his ad-dress said that SCOPE Academy provides broad picture of pub-lic sector, governance structure, policy aspects which will help in the holistic development of the executives.The six day program consist-ed of two modules namely the Contextual Module and the Behavioural Module. The first session was dealt with history and key developments, role, cat-egories and ownership in CPSEs. The session was taken by Mr. A.S.

familiarized the participants with the key features of the Constitution of India, and took another session on Public Finance – Key Definitions. Mr. Vilas Bhujang, former Executive Director of Airports Authority of India, spoke on affir-mative action for the socially and economically backward and oth-er weaker sections of the society. Dr. Garima Dadhich, Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs talked about the legal, institutional and admin-istrative frame work of Corporate Governance in CPSEs. In an an-other session Prof. Simrit Kaur, Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi discussed the impact of reforms and liber-alization and the emerging role structure of the public sector in the context of Globalization and Competiveness.

Bhal, Advisor, Department of Public Enterprises.CS Sutanu Sinha threw light on the structure of CPSE boards, procedures, their functioning in the context of the Companies Act 2013 and also dealt on Corporate Social Responsibility policies and practices in CPSEs. The session on Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) system its Historical Antecedents and its Evolving Architecture in CPSEs as a system for strategic perfor-mance accountability and setting of MOU targets was taken by Dr. Sharat Kumar, former Economic Advisor, Department of Public Enterprises. Mr. Bhawanjeet Singh, General Manager (Corporate Planning), NTPC Ltd. who spoke on setting of MOU Targets. Professor P.K.Chaubey, Professor Economics at the Indian Institute of Public Administration

Mr. Ved Prakash, Vice Chairman, SCOPE & CMD, MMTC addressing the participants. Also seen on the dias (L-R), Mr. Rajeev Bharadwaj, Director (HR), SECI and Mr. Ashok Bhat, Director, Mindshare HR Consultancy.

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he spoke about genesis, contri-bution and achievements of the CPSEs to socio/economic de-velopment of the country. He also appraised the participants about the challenges faced by the PSEs in the globalized com-petitive environment. Thereafter he gave away the certificates to the participants for successfully completion of the course. The program concluded with the par-ticipants making group presenta-tions on their personal learning and new insights gained from the program. Mr B.V.K.K.Rao and Ms Hema Koul were the Program Facilitator and Program Coordinator respectively.

Mr. Sanjay Bhoosreddy, IAS, CVO, MMTC Ltd. discussed the role and responsibilities of CPSEs in effective implementa-tion of RTI Act and also gave an elaborate lecture on functioning of Vigilance in CPSEs. Dr. Anil Chaturvedi, Sr. Consultant Life Style gave valuable suggestions on enhancing productivity by leading healthy life which will lead improved organizational efficiencies and better business outcomes. An overview of the la-bour laws in India was presented by Mr. Inderjit Singh, Practising Advocate (labour laws) & former Central Labour Commissioner. Dr. Sudhir Kapur, AGM, MMTC Ltd. enlightened the executives on the social economic and politi-cal developments and the impact they have on international trade and financial markets. The next three days of APSE were spent on Behavioural Module which was conducted by Mr. Ashok Bhat, Director, Mindshare HR Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. The core of the Behavioural Module was its emphasis on value cre-ation by leveraging key people processes for successful strategy execution. The module was de-livered through a balanced mix

of presentations on contempo-rary management practices and group exercises aimed at helping participants to gain hands–on ex-perience in strategy formulation, inter personal communication, team work, decision making and leadership skills. The participants were sensitized on the presence of a range of support systems and networks and how to lever-age and utilize them for sus-tained professional and personal growth. Dr. U.D. Choubey, Director General, SCOPE, gave an over-view on the evolving role of CPSEs and the emerging trends in the governance. In his address


Dr. U.D. Choubey, DG, SCOPE addressing the participants.


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Feedback Workshop of 5th Advanced Global Leadership Program

SCOPE organised the feed-back and concluding ses-sion of the 5th Advanced

Global Leadership Program 2016 on 23rd September 2016 at SCOPE Convention Centre, New Delhi. Dr. Madhukar Gupta, IAS, Additional Secretary, Department of Public Enterprises, Dr. U.D. Choubey, DG, SCOPE, Mr. D.D. Misra, Director (HR), ONGC, Mr. Verghese Cherian, Director (HR), Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. and Prof. Sougata Ray, Program Director addressed the ses-sion. Dr. Madhukar Gupta, IAS, Additional Secretary, Department of Public Enterprises spoke about

participants.DG, SCOPE invited feedback and suggestions from the participants of the 3 week program to improve the structure of the program. He added that the program will help the participating Top/Senior Executives in preparing a further action plan for their organiza-tion in the coming future. Prof. Sougata Ray, Program Director complimented the participants’ discipline and dedication to-wards the successful completion of AGLP. Adding to the same, Mr. D. D. Misra, Director (HR), ONGC congratulated them on the successful completion of the

how everyone should strive for a learning environment. He said an employee’s learning should never stop and everyone should strive for thinking out of the box. Dr. Gupta also stressed on networking among employees of PSEs and building a self reli-ant industry and on creating an environment where merit is the criteria of success. He congratu-lated SCOPE on the completion of the program and added that PSEs need such exposure dur-ing visits to other countries to learn and benefit for emerging as globally competitive entities. He presented the certificates to the


Dr. Madhukar Gupta, IAS, Addl. Secretary, DPE, Dr. U.D. Choubey, DG, SCOPE, Mr. D. D. Misra, Director (HR), ONGC, Mr. Verghese Cherian, Director (HR), Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. and Prof. Sougata Ray, Program Director alongwith the participants of 5th Advanced Global Leadership Program.

(Seen from L to R) Dr. Madhukar Gupta, IAS, Addl. Secretary, DPE, Dr. U.D. Choubey, DG, SCOPE, Mr. D. D. Misra, Director (HR), ONGC addressing the program.

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ScoPE pays tribute to Mahatma GandhiSCOPE News

in the job assigned to each em-ployee at their own level. He felt that employees need to do their best in the role assigned to them rather than merely having high hopes in life. He emphasised on adopting a holistic approach at work. Programs like Advanced Global Leadership can help del-egates develop a more rounded and well defined outlook in their professional and personal life, he added.

our lives.” The statue has been sculpted by Mr. Gautam Pal, a renowned sculptor whose

works of several eminent fig-ures are placed across the globe. Among his most prominent works, is the statue of Mahatma Gandhi on Dandi March installed outside the Indian Embassy at Washington DC. SCOPE employ-ees and Public Sector represen-tatives paid floral tribute both at SCOPE Minar and SCOPE Convention Centre.

Leadership program. He urged the attending members to aspire for newer heights in their pro-fessional careers. He added that PSEs need to be less monolithic and aspire to look beyond the re-sponsibilities entrusted to them. Such programs he said, were a great opportunity for the del-egates to learn and grow in their career. He also highlighted the need for PSEs to align within the sector, work together, be more

SCOPE paid tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on his 147th Birth anniversary

on 2nd October 2016 at SCOPE Minar, District Centre, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi.Dr. U.D. Choubey DG, SCOPE unveiled a statue of the Father of the Nation at the SCOPE Minar premises on this occasion. He said that, “Mahatma Gandhi was a global leader who was known world over for his non- violence movement and his life was a re-flection of his ideals. This should serve as an inspiration for all of us and we must imbibe his lead-ership qualities and ideals in

innovative in their approach and support each other.This was followed by the pre-sentation on key takeaways and feedback on the Advanced Global Leadership Program given by the participants. After the feed-back session from the delegates, Mr. Verghese Cherian, Director (HR), Indian Oil Corp. Ltd. spoke about the need for iden-tifying one’s true capability and performing exceptionally well


Dr. U. D. Choubey, DG, SCOPE planting the sapling on the ocas-sion of Gandhi Jayanti.

Dr. U. D. Choubey, DG, SCOPE paying floraltributetoMahatmaGandhi.

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The centrally air-conditioned SCOPE Convention Centre at SCOPE Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi provides excellent conference facilities to PSEs, Govt. Departments, Autonomous Bodies, Institutions/NGOs etc. The Auditorium and other Conference Halls are equipped with projector and screen facilities, sound & light control room with recording & P.A. facility, etc. Details of the capacity of the Auditorium and other Halls, which are available on nominal tariff are given below.

The Auditorium having capacity of 310 persons (300 Chairs + 10 Nos. Chairs at stage) capacity equipped with mikes on dias and podium on stage.

Mirza Ghalib Chamber

The chamber having capacity of 108 persons (102 Nos. Chairs + 6 Nos. Chairs on Dias) equipped with mikes on table, dias and podium.

Tagore Chamber

The chamber having capacity of 92 persons (86 Nos. Chairs + 6 Nos. Chairs on Dias) equipped with mikes on dias, tables & podium.

Bhabha Chamber

The chamber having capacity of 44 persons (24 Nos. Chairs on round table and 20 Nos. Chairs on sides) equipped with mikes on dias, tables & podium.

Fazal Chamber

The chamber having capacity of 25 persons (15 Nos. Chairs on round table and 10 Nos. Chairs on sides) capacity with board room type sitting arrangement equipped with mikes.

Conference Facilities at SCOPE Convention Centre

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Business Centre Annexe II

The Business Centre having capacity of 7 persons equipped with multi point Video Conferencing System (1+3), at three locations at a time for National & International both.

Banquet Hall

The banquet hall having capacity of 500 Persons for the purpose of lunch & dinner. Sitting arrangement could be done for 90 persons.

Annexe I

The Annexe-I having capacity of 25 Persons.

The Annexe-II having capacity of 25 Persons.

Tansen Chamber at UB

The Tansen Chamber having capacity of 50 persons having stage and podium.

Amir Khusro Chamber at UB

The Amir Khusro Chamber having capacity of 50 persons having facility of stage and podium.

For Booking & Tariff details please contact

1st Floor, Core No. 8, SCOPE Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003 Phone: 011-24311747, 011-24360101 • Fax: 011-24361371STANDING CONFERENCE OF PUBLIC ENTERPRISES

Mr. Nitin Kulshrastha, Asst. Manager, Engineering (Elect.) Mobile:9313989067•Email:[email protected]

Mr. M. L. Maurya, GM (Tech.) Mobile: 9313375238

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Conference Facilities at SCOPE Minar Convention Centre

Convention Hall

SCOPE Minar, an architecturally conceived in the form of two high rise curvilinear tower blocks sitting on a four storey circular Podium Block, is strategically located in Laxmi Nagar District Centre, Delhi -110092 and housing around 40 PSEs of repute. It is one of the known buildings of East Delhi. It has a very size Reception Foyer giving ambience look inside the building. There is a green environment all around the SCOPE Minar with large size planters all around. The building is also having state of art Convention Centre, comprising four halls i.e.

A large sized Convention hall having sitting capac-ity of 300 delegates. Various seminars, training pro-grammes, presentations, get to gather etc. are con-ducted in Convention Hall. It provides ambient and peaceful environment for the programmes.

VIP Lounge

VIP Lounge having sitting capacity of 60 delegates. The executives and higher level officers, Directors, CMDs can use it as waiting lounge also.

Meeting Hall

Meeting hall having “U” shaped table, with a meet-ing capacity of 65 delegates.Most widely used for small size meetings and training programmes, group discussion, power point presentations etc.

SCOPE Academy of Public Sector Enterprises

SCOPE Academy of Public Sector Enterprises (APSE) conducts induction level programmes for PSEs executives. It has three training halls, one with capacity of 40 persons and two halls with ca-pacity of 30 persons each for training purpose.

Thereisawidespaceforvehicleparkingthatcaterforacapacityof700cars,includingthenewlybuiltgoodqualityBanquetHall wherein 300 delegates can comfortably dine at a time, makes it special to deliver an all-round conducive meeting environment .

For Booking & Tariff details please contactMr. M. L. Maurya, GM (Tech.) (M) 9313375238 and Mr. Shubh Ratna, DCE(C), SCOPE Minar

(M)9873398242,(O)011-22458176,22458178•Email:[email protected][email protected]

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PM hails public sector cos’ role in nation’s economic growthLaunches NTPC-Koldam, NHPC Parbati, SJVNL Rampur hydro projects with total 1,732 mw capacity

This news was published in the Millennium Post newspaper on October 19th, 2016.

NEW DELHI: Highlighting the role public sector companies play in steering growth, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday dedicated three hydroelectric projects (HEPs) with a generating capacity of 1,732 mw to the nation. “Prime Minister Narendra dedicated three flagship 800-mw hydro power statio of NTPC-Koldam, 520-mw Parbati project of NHPC and 412-mw Rampur hydro station of SJVNL projects to the nation in Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, here on Tuesday,” a power ministry release said.Himachal Pradesh Governor Acharya Devvrat, Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh, Union Health Minister Jagat Prakash Nadda and Power Minister Piyush Goyal were among the dignitaries present. Lauding the contribution of public sector companies in the country’s growth, Modi said these hydro projects will bring prosperity to the state and other parts of the nation. NHPC’s Parbati-III power station is a run-of-the-river scheme having a 43-m high rockfill dam, underground power house and 10.58-km water conductor system. A net head of 326 metres is utilised to run four vertical Francis turbines with an installed capacity of 520 mw (4x130 mw). The power plant is designed to generate 1,963.29 million units annually. The power generated from the Parbati-III power station is distributed to beneficiary states i.e. Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan and Union Territory of Chandigarh.The station is supplying 13 per cent free

power to home state i.e. 12 per cent as home state share and 1 per cent for local area development fund. The completion cost of the project is around Rs 2,600 crore and as on September 30, 2016, the total power generation is 1880 mu with revenue realisation of Rs 816 crore. With commencement of generation from four 200 mw units, NTPC-Koldam has achieved capacity of 800 mw and provides peaking capacity to the northern grid.It shall annually generate 3,054 GWh electricity at 90 per cent dependable year basis. Twelve percent of the electricity generated from Koldam is being supplied to home state Himachal Pradesh free of cost while 1 per cent to the state on account of the LAD fund.All the project affected families are

being provided 100 units of electricity every month free, which accounts for 0.62 per cent of the total generation. Thus, a total 13.62 per cent of electricity generated from the plant is supplied free of cost to Himachal Pradesh, with the remaining supplied to other beneficiaries, namely Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttrakhand and Chandigarh. SJVN’s Rampur Project (412 mw) in Kullu district will be operated in tandem with Nathpa Jhakri Hydro Power Station (HPS). This project will provide 13 percent free power to Himachal Pradesh. PM Modi appreciated the contribution of public sector companies and said these hydro projects will bring prosperity to the State of Himachal and other parts of the country. PTI

PrimeMinisterNarendraModi dedicating the flagship 800-mwNTPCKoldamHydro Power Station to the nation in the presence of Minister of State (I/C) for Power, Coal, New & Renewable Energy and Mines Piyush Goyal and NTPC CMD Gurdeep Singh on Tuesday.

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WAPCOS signs MoU for the year 2016-17Mr. Shashi Shekhar, Secretary, Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation and Mr. R. K. Gupta, CMD, WAPCOS signed MoU for the year 2016-17, in the presence of Dr. Amarjit Singh, OSD, Mr. Jagmohan Gupta, JS (FA), Mr. Sanjay Kundu, Joint Secretary (PP); and Senior Officers from Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation and WAPCOS. The Company has set ambitious targets for achieving higher growth during the current year 2016-17. The Turnover arget has been increased by 42.15 percent over the previous year. Similarly, the New Business target has been increased by 71.43 percent over the previous year.

WAPCOS has forayed and forged ahead to secure new business in countries like Angola, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Central African Republic, Chad, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Fiji, Ghana, Guinea Conakry, Kenya, Lao PDR, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Mongolia, Mozambique, Myanmar,

Mr. Shashi Shekhar, Secretary, Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation and Mr. R. K. Gupta, CMD, WAPCOS exchanging MoU for the year 2016-17.

MoU being signed by Mr. Pranab Kumar Das, ED I/C (Supplies), IndianOil and Mr. Subodh Kumar Sarkar, Additional Chief Engineer, Technical Services Wing, on behalf of Roads and Highways Department of People’s Republic of Bangladesh, in the presence of Mr. Dipankar Ray,ED,IndianOilAODStateOffice.

Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Swaziland, Tanzania, Trinidad & Tobago, Togo, Uganda, Yemen and Zimbabwe by virtue of which WAPCOS increased its presence in many countries and also facilitated strengthening of bilateral rela-tions between India and other countries.

IndianOil signs MoU with Roads and Highways Department, People’s Republic of Bangladesh for carrying Petroleum Goods to Tripura via BangladeshIndian Oil Corporation Ltd. under the guidance of Petroleum Ministry and the Roads and Highways Department of People’s Republic of Bangladesh signed a Memorandum of Understanding in Dhaka recently. The MoU enables IndianOil to transport Petrol, Diesel, Kerosene & LPG from Meghalaya to

PSEs Ink MoU

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Tripura via territory of Bangladesh in tank trucks by road.

The MoU was signed by Mr. Pranab Kumar Das, ED I/C (Supplies), Marketing Division, on be-half of IndianOil and Mr. Subodh Kumar Sarkar, Additional Chief Engineer, Technical Services Wing, on behalf of Roads and Highways Department of People’s Republic of Bangladesh in the presence of Mr. Dipankar Ray, Executive Director, IndianOil AOD State Office, Mr. Harsha Shivaji, ED(S&D), Mr. Rakesh Jain, GM, Business Development, Mr. K. K. Handique, DGM I/C (Operations) from IndianOil and Mr. Chandan Kr. Dey, Joint Secretary, Md. Monwar Hossain, Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangladesh, Dr. Adarsh Swaika, Deputy High Commissioner of India in Bangladesh, and Ms. Gina Uika, First Secretary (Economics & Projects), High Commission of India in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh Government agreed to India’s request for facilitation of the movement of IndianOil trucks carrying petroleum goods to Tripura through its territory till September 2016. Both sides have also agreed to extend the transit facility for a short-peri-od as per requirement.

The supply of petroleum products to the state of Tripura has been severely affected by the heavy rains and the dismal condition of the highway – NH 44, leading to the state from Assam.

Energy Efficient Lighting Solutions for NTPCNTPC and Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) have joined hands for implementation of energy efficient LED lighting solutions for all NTPC’s Projects ,Stations and offices across the country with an MoU signed by Mr. S. K. Roy, ED (OS), NTPC and Mr. A. K. Gupta, Director (Finance), EESL.

The objective of the MoU is to enable EESL to pro-vide end to end, state of the art energy efficient LED

lighting and solutions in accordance with the re-quirement of NTPC.

NTPC signs MoAwith NRDCNTPC has entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with NRDC for exploring the Commercialization of Patents, IPRs and Technology know-how developed by NTPC-NETRA and their transfer to industry for commercial exploitation and for socio economic benefits

The MoA was signed and exchanged between Dr. H. Purushotham, CMD, NRDC and Mr. P.D.Hirani, General Manager (NETRA), NTPC Ltd. in presence of Mr. R.K.Srivastava, ED(NETRA), Mr. Y.V.Rao, ED (Consultancy) and senior officials of NTPC and NRDC.

MoA being exchanged between Dr. H. Purushotham, CMD, NRDC and Mr. P. K. Hirani, GM, (NETRA) NTPC Ltd.

MoU documents being exchanged between Mr. S. K. Roy, ED(OS), NTPC and Mr. A. K. Gupta, Director (Finance), EESH.

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PFC organises Blood Donation CampPower Finance Corporation Ltd (PFC) organized a ‘Blood Donation Camp’ in collaboration with Lions Blood Bank recently at its premises in New Delhi. PFC employees, their families and general public

participated in this noble cause. Every donor had to pass through a series of preliminary medical tests like BP, Hb, Weight, etc. before donating blood. All the donors were offered a Lions Blood Bank Donor Card for future use.

Project ‘Education at Doorstep’ inaugurated by CRWCUnder the Corporate Social Responsibility- Sustainable Development initiatives of Central Railside Warehouse Company Ltd., “Project - Education at Doorstep” was inaugurated by Dr. C. V. Ananda Bose, Chairman, CRWC at Hardoi, Uttar Pradesh. Mr. K.U. Thankachen, MD, CRWC

BloodDonation Camp organized at PFC in collaborationwith Lions Blood Bank.

and other state officials were also present on this oc-casion. CRWC has chosen the district of Hardoi in Uttar Pradesh for providing support through edu-cation to the children of economically weaker sec-tion, especially those who do not have any access to formal education. Understanding the importance of literacy and knowledge, as the two key nutrients for a wholesome development of a child and thus our nation, this project emphasizes to empower the youth of the nation, being the most important build-ing blocks. Support in the form of teachers, comput-ers, benches, study material and other consumables are being provided under this project. Children will also be engaged in extra-curricular ac-tivities for their all round developments. With this initiative under CSR- SD, CRWC endeavors to con-tribute to the societal development and creation of a cluster of educated youth group, specially from socially or economically backward segments who in turn can continue to contribute to the society for building our nation.

NRL undertakes electrification of 3 villagesAs part of its CSR initiative, NRL has electrified 3 neighbouring villages located behind the Refinery viz. Borgoria Ahom Chuk, Nepali Chuk and Muslim Chuk; lighting up more than 100 house-holds with more house connections being regis-tered by Electricity Board every day. The electrification project has been carried out in as-sociation with Assam Power Distribution Company Ltd. (APDCL), Kamargaon Division . As part of the project, an LT line of 4.5 km and HT line of 2.6 km

PSEs CSR Initiatives

Mr. K.U. Thankachen, MD, CRWC alongwith Children from Hardoi, UP during the inauguration of the project. VillagersalongwiththeofficialsfromNRL.

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has been put up along with transformers of 63 KVA and 100KVA capacity. These villages, situated along the river Dhansiri on one side and the Railway track on the other side, have been deprived from the basic facility of electricity till now. Earlier during the year, NRL in association with The Energy & Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi took up electrification of 136 BPL households of 3 nearby villages viz. 2 no. Chinakan, Kuruabahi Adarsha Gaon & 2 no. Giddibasti through Solar Home lighting systems (SHLS). Continuing with this venture of bringing light to the lives of nearby people, plans are in place to provide solar home lighting systems and electricity facilities to more un-electrified villages in the vicinity of the Refinery.The formal launch of the project took place in the presence of officials from NRL and APDCL at Borgoria Village.

REC organizes Blood Donation Camp In its unwavering commitment to serve the commu-nity and give something back to the society, Rural Electrification Corporation organized a “Blood Donation Camp” in collaboration with HELP 3 at Connaught Place, New Delhi recently. The camp was inaugurated by Mr. A.K. Verma, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Power in the presence of senior officials of

REC. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Rajeev Sharma, CMD, REC said “It gives us immense satisfaction to be able to contribute towards our community by way of donating blood for the needy patients. I would like to thank everyone who volunteered and joined us in this earnest need.” In the light of the recent increase in number of dengue cases a, dengue camp was also organised alongside the blood dona-tion camp. The camp witnessed active participation

from people who volunteered to donate blood for this noble cause.A total of 150 units of blood was col-lected and 107 people consulted for Dengue.

Oil Shikshya Ratna Puraskar 2016Oil India Ltd. under its educational CSR initiatives has been “OIL Shikshya Ratna Puraskar” honoring the exemplary service of In-service teachers of all provincialized schools (Elementary to Secondary) of Government of Assam and all affiliated non-techni-cal undergraduate colleges under state universities

of Assam since 2013. OIL awarded OIL Shikshya Ratna Puraskar, 2016 to six teachers at an award ceremony held recently at Duliajan Club followed by a Teachers’ Workshop. The ceremony was graced by Chief Guest, Mr. Utpal Bora, CMD, OIL and Guest of Honour, Dr.Indra Kumar Bhattacharya, eminent educationist and former Principal, Cotton College, Mr. S. Mahapatra, Director (E&D), Mr. P. K. Sharma, Director (Operations), Mr. Jayanta Kumar Borgohain, Resident Chief Executive, OIL. The six teachers whom the OIL Shikshya Ratna Puraskar-2016 was conferred were - Mr. Swapan Bezbarua, Alengmara Sonari Gaon MV School, Alengmara, Jorhat, Mr. Mukul Borkotoky, Duwara Pather Prathamik Vidyalaya, Dibrugarh, Ms Juri Saikia, Amguri Hindi LP School, Amguri, Sivsagar, Mr. Bharat Rajkhowa, Kadam High School, Kadam, Boginadi, Lakhimpur, Ms Meenakshi Goswami, CNS Higher Secondary School, Pithakhowa, Sonitpur and Dr. Manjit Gogoi, Jhanji Hemnath Sharma College, Sivasagar.

Mr. Utpal Bora, CMD, OIL congratulated the six recipients of the OIL Shikshya Ratna Puraskar and extolled their commendable contribution towards imparting qualityeducation to the children.

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Mr. A.K. Verma, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Power inaugurating the Blood Donation Camp.

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“Rajbhasha Kirti Puraskar” awarded to FSNL Ferro Scrap Nigam Limited has been awarded with the third prize of “Rajbhasha Kirti Puraskar” by the Department of Official Language, Ministry of Home affairs, for exemplary work done during

the year 2015-16 in the area of implementation of Official Language policy. President of India Mr. Pranab Mukherjee presented this award to Mr. Rajib Bhattacharya, Managing Directory, FSNL at Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi.

Goa Shipyard awarded ‘Raj - bhasha Kirti Award’ for 2015-16The Rajbhasha Kirti Award for the year 2015-16 was presented to Goa Shipyard Limited by President of India, Mr. Pranab Mukherjee, in a ceremony held at Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi recently. The award was received by Mr. Shrihari Pai Raikar Pai Raikar,

Director (Operations), Goa Shipyard Limited in the presence of Home Minister, Mr. Rajnath Singh and Union Minister of State for Home Affairs, Mr. Kiran Rijiju, Govt. of India. Senior Executives and Officials of various Ministries, PSUs and other Govt. institutions. Goa Shipyard Limited has received this award consecutively for two years for its persistent efforts in promoting the Official Language Policy of the Government of India.

A hat-trick of successes for NALCO - Bags Best Exporter Awards for 2011-12, 2012-13 & 2013-14National Aluminium Company Ltd (NALCO) has bagged the Best Exporter Awards consecutively for the years 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14, under metallurgical products category at the State Export Award Ceremony held recently at Bhubaneswar.

Appreciating the concerted efforts made by the employees, Dr. Tapan Kumar Chand, CMD of the company, conveyed hearty congratulations to NALCO Collective for the accolades. On be-half of the Company, Mr. S. K. Dash, Executive Director(Projects & Technical), Mr. S. K. Roy, Executive Director(Production) and Mr. S. Samantaray, General Manager (Marketing), received the awards at a function organized by the Directorate of Export Promotion and Marketing, from Mr. Pradip Kumar Amant, Minister, Finance, Public Enterprises, Govt of Odisha in the presence of Mr. Jogendra Behera,

Awards & Accolades to PSEs

Mr. Rajib Bhattacharya, MD,FSNL receiving the award from the President of India, Mr. Pranab Mukherjee in New Delhi.

Mr. Shrihan Pai Kaikar, Director (Operations), GSL receiving the award from President of India, Mr. Pranab Mukherjee.

Mr. S. K. Dash, ED (Projects & Tech.), Mr. S. K. Roy, ED (Production) and Mr. S. Samantaray, General Manager (Marketing) with Dr. T.K. Chand, CMD, NALCO after receiving the award.

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Minister, MSME, PG & PA, Govt. of Odisha, and Mr. L.N. Gupta, IAS, Principal Secretary, MSME Dept. Govt. of Odisha.

CMD, NLCI conferred with Honorary Doctorate Mr. Sarat Kumar Acharya, CMD, NLC India Ltd., has been conferred with an Honorary Doctorate by Sathyabama University, Chennai recently.Tmt. Remibai Jeppiaar, Chancellor, Sathyabama University presented the Honorary Degree to Mr. S.K. Acharya CMD, NLCI during the 25th Convocation of Sathyabama University, for his

contribution to the Nation’s building and ex-ceptional leadership skills and achievements in Human Resources. Mr. Acharya, in his 36 years of rich professional career, working in BHEL, NTPC, NTPC-SAIL Power Company and NLC India (joined as Director HR in NLC India in 2005) made significant contributions in improving peoples’ pro-cesses and practices in the companies through his strategic planning which enhanced the business re-sults. He is known for his excellent administration, acumen in resolving problems faced in Corporate Management, Human Resource and Personnel Management.

PFC receives Rajbhasha Kirti Pratham PuruskarMr. M. K. Goel, CMD, PFC receiving “Rajbhasha

Kirti Pratham Puruskar” (in the category of region ‘A’) for the year 2015-16 from President of India, Mr. Pranab Mukherjee at function organized in Rashtrapati Bhawan by Department of Official Language, Ministry of Home Affairs. The award was presented in the presence of Mr. Rajnath Singh, Union Home Minister and Mr. Kiren Rijiju, Union Minister of State for Home Affairs. This Award was received by PFC for Third Time in a row for excel-lent contribution made it for implementation of Official Language.

BHEL wins 5 National Safety AwardsBharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) has won Five ‘National Safety Awards’ for outstand-ing achievements in terms of the longest accident free period and lowest accident frequency rate at their works. The awards were received by Mr. Atul Sobti, CMD, BHEL from Mr. Bandaru Dattatreya, Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Labour & Employment. In addition, for their innova-tions, 36 employees of BHEL have bagged eight Vishwakarma Puraskars’ for the year 2014, among

Mr. S. K. Acharya CMD, NLCI receiving Honorary Doctorate from Tmt. Remibai Jeppiaar, Chancellor, Sathyabama University during the 25th Convocation of Sathyabama University.AlsoseenareDr.MarieJohnson,Dr.MariyazeenaJohnson, Directors of Sathyabama University and Dr. R. S. Sundar, Director, Kudangulam Nuclear Power Project.

Mr. M. K. Goel, CMD, PFC receiving the award.

Mr. Atul Sobti, CMD, BHEL receiving the award from Mr. Bandaru Dattatreya, Minister of State (I/C) Labour & Employment.

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a host of public and private sector companies in the country. Significantly, BHEL and its employ-ees have been winning both these prestigious na-tional awards, instituted by the Government of India, Ministry of Labour, consistently, since their inception.

CMD, HUDCO receives “News Ink Legend CMD of the Year Award”Dr. M Ravi Kanth, (IAS), CMD HUDCO received ‘News Ink Legend CMD of the year award’ for his exemplary performance to keep HUDCO in profit

zone. HUDCO takes up various projects on Housing for All, the dream project of Ministry of Urban Development & HUPA, Government of India.

RINL bags Rajbhasha Keerti PuraskarRINL, Visakhapatnam Steel Plant bagged Rajbhasha Keerti Puraskar for the year 2015-16. Mr.

P. Madhusudan, CMD, RINL received the presti-gious award from President of India, Mr. Pranab Mukherjee at a function held on the occasion of Hindi Divas at Rashtrapathi Bhavan in Delhi. RINL is the proud recipient of the award for the effec-tive implementation of Official Language Hindi in its Head quarters as well as its Marketing /Liaison Offices through out the country. Mr. P. Madhusudan said that the awards at national level reflect the com-pany’s commitment towards effective implementa-tion of the official language. He congratulated the RINL collective for the achievement. RINL also bagged 1st Prize in the ”C” region for its Quarterly Hindi Magazine “Sugandh” on the occasion. Dr. G. B. S. Prasad, Director (Personnel), RINL received the award.

SAIL employees sweep Vishwa-karma Rashtriya Puraskar for performance year 2014In a function held at SCOPE, Steel Authority of India Ltd.’s (SAIL) Chairman, Mr. P.K. Singh along with Director (Finance), Mr. Anil K. Chaudhary, Director (Personnel), Dr. N. Mohapatra, Director (Projects & Business Planning), Mr. G. Vishawakarma, Director

(Technical), Mr. Raman felicitated SAIL employees who have won 10 out of the total 28 prestigious Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar (VRP) for the per-formance year 2014, which is the highest number won by any company for the year. Out of the to-tal 117 awardees, 42 awardees are from SAIL, who claimed majority of the awards.

Mr. Piyush Kumar Rai, Editor News Ink handing over the Award Trophy to Dr. M. Ravi Kanth, IAS, CMD, HUDCO.

President of India, Mr. Pranab Mukherjee presenting the Rajbhasha Keerti Puraskar to Mr. P. Madhusudan, CMD, RINL in New Delhi recently. Mr. Rajnath Singh, Union Minister of Home Affairs also seen in the picture.

Employees of SAIL at Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar Felicitation Ceremony.

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Cochin Shipyard delivers Nineteenth Fast Patrol Vessel to Indian Coast Guard

Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL) delivered ICGS ATULYA, the nineteenth

and the penultimate vessel in the twenty Fast Patrol Vessel series being built for the Indian Coast Guard. The vessel was delivered 91 days ahead of contractual deadline. The protocol of deliv-ery and acceptance was signed between Mr. Suresh Babu N V, Director (Operations), CSL and Commanding Officer (Designate) of the vessel Commandant (JG) S Sivaprasad. DIG, T.P. Sadanandan, Principal Director (Material), Coast Guard HQ, Mr. Madhu S Nair, CMD, CSL, DIG G. Devanand, CGRPS (KOC), se-nior officers of CSL and Indian Coast Guard were also present on the occasion. These vessels help in securing the Nation`s Coasts by patrolling within the Exclusive Economic Zone & Coastal Patrol, carry-ing out anti smuggling, anti pi-racy and search & rescue opera- tions, and for fisheries protection

Aircraft Carrier. It is also con-structing a Deck Cargo / Launch Barge for National Petroleum Construction Company, Abu Dhabi, which is ready for delivery. A technology dem-onstration vessel for an entity of the Government of India and two Ro-Ro vessels for Corporatation of Kochi are also under construction.

& monitoring. They also have a secondary role of providing a communication link, and es-cort coastal convoys, in times of hostilities and war. CSL has signed a contract on with Anda-man and Nicobar Adminis-tration for constructing two 1200 Pax and two 500 Pax vessels. CSL is progressing on the con-struction of the Indigenous

Acceptance being signed between Mr. Suresh Babu N V, Director (Operations), CSL and Commanding Officer (Designate) of the vessel Commandant (JG) SSivaprasad.

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REIl posted profit of Rs. 17.46 Cr. in the Financial Year 2015-16

Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited declared 41 percent dividend to its

Share Holders for the year 2015-16, in its 34rd Annual General Meeting held recently. The company declared is highest ever dividend to shareholders and is doubled as compared to previous year’s dividend.

On this occasion Mr. A. K. Jain MD, REIL, presented statistics for the year 2015-16, which emphasized

her sincere appreciation and thanks to the Employees, Business Associate, Valued Customers and Share Holders. On this occasion, Mr. Jain apprised that in line with commitment of “Make in India” company has enhanced manufacturing base by setting up line for Electronic Milk Adulteration Tester. In Solar business the Company has entered various MoU’s for Solar PV Projects under National Solar Mission.

that the net worth of the Company has increased by 7 percent from Rs. 94.44 Cr. to Rs. 101.37 Cr. and the companyhasearnedaprofitbeforetax of Rs. 17.46 Cr. on a turnover of Rs. 213.42 Cr. Mr. Vaibhav Galriya, Chairman, REIL stated that Company is maintaining profitability withinnovative solutions, harmonious in-dustrial relations and the continuous support of valued customers. Com-pany will scale greater heights in the days to come. He expressed

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aaI Engineer’s Guild celebrates “Engineer’s Day”

To commemorate the Birth Anniversary of Bharat Ratna, Sir Mokshagundam

Visvesvaraya, AAI Engineers Guild celebrated Engineers Day recently at AAI Officer’s Institute, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi. The function was inaugurated by Dr. Guruprasad Mohapatra, IAS, Chairman, AAI which was attended by dignitaries and all the Members, v.i.z., Mr. S. Raheja, Member (Planning), Mr. A. K. Dutta, Member (ANS), Mr. S. Suresh, Member (Finance) and Mr. Anuj Agarwal, Member (HR) apart from all REDs and EDs of AAI.On this occasion, Dr. Mohapatra released ‘Technical Souvenir’ of AAI Engineers Guild and distrib-uted ‘Sir Visvesvaraya’ award to Best Engineers of AAI. While un-derlying the contribution of AAI Engineers in making World Class Airports which has bolstered the image of the country in general and AAI in particular, he urged all to remain motivated and work in co-ordination as India is poised to

awarded the British honorific title of “Sir” by King George V. This year, the theme of Engineer’s Day has “Skill Development for Young Engineers to Reform the Core Sector: Vision 2025.” As part of it, engineers across the country addressed the prime skill factors through assessments, teaching, curriculum and real life case study.

become the third largest Aviation Market in the next decade. This day is celebrated in India as “Engineers Day” by all Engineers to honour Sir Visvesvaraya for his outstanding contribu-tion to the society. Government of India had conferred ‘Bharat Ratna’ on this legend in the year 1955. Acclaimed world over for his contribution, he was also

Dr. Guruprasad Mohapatra, IAS, Chairman, Airports Authority of India (fourth from left) releasing the AAI Engineers Guild’s ‘Technical Souvenir’ on the occasion of Engineers’ Day in the presence of Mr. S. Raheja, Member (Planning), Mr. A. K. Dutta, Member (ANS), Mr. S. Suresh, Member (Finance), Mr. Anuj Agarwal, Member(HR)andSeniorofficersofAAI.

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Mr. Rajeev Sharma, CMD, REC inaugurated the new office complex of REC Power Distribution Company Ltd. at KRIBHCO Bhawan, Sector-1, NOIDA recent-

ly in the presence of Director (Finance), Director (Technical) of REC, Director (Marketing) of KRIBHCO, Director (Finance) of EESL and other senior officials from REC, KRIBHCO, EESL and REC PDCL. The inaugural function was presided over by Dr. Dinesh Arora, IAS, CEO, REC PDCL.

Mr. B. P. Pandey, IAS Addl. Secretary,

Ministry of Power has taken Addl. Charge as CMD, REC

Inauguration of New Office Complex of REC Power Distribution company ltd.

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GAIL releases its sixth Sustainability Report 2015-16 on the theme

“Nurturing Resilient Ecosystem”

Mr. B. C. Tripathi, CMD, GAIL (India) Limited, recently released the

company’s Sustainability Re-port for the year 2015-16 on the theme ‘Nurturing Resilient Ecosystem’ in the presence of Mr. M. Ravindran, Director (HR), Dr. Ashutosh Karnatak, Director (Projects), Mr. Subir Purkayastha, Director (Finance) and other se-nior officials of the company. While GAIL’s previous Sustai-nability Reports highlighted their commitment and action-orienta-tion to fulfill and achieve targets, the Sustainability Report for FY 15-16 centred around the theme of ‘Nurturing Resilient Ecosystem’ is aligned with the theme of their Annual report FY 15-16. With the sixth edition of the Sustainability Report, FY 15-16, ‘Nurturing Resilient Ecosystem’ communi-cates their efforts to adapt while fostering a resilient ecosystem to prosper even in testing times while being responsible and com-mitted to their stakeholders.GAIL being a Public Sector com-pany is guided by the principles

external third party. Continuing the practice, this year’s Susta-inability Report has been assured by DNVGL. This is a Type 2 Moderate level assured report based on AA1000AS (2008) standard. Assurance process includes data verification at different sites of GAIL that will continue to help GAIL improve its processes and data manage-ment mechanisms.

GAIL’s first UNIPOL™ PE Process line starts operations in PataIn a step towards realizing the ‘Make in India’ initiative of the Government of India, GAIL (India) Limited has successfully started its first UNIPOL™ PE Process line with the capacity to produce 400,000 tons of poly-ethylene (PE) per year. The total production capacity of GAIL’s Petrochemical plant at Pata, UP is now 8,10,000 tons per annum. GAIL’s flexible High-density polyethylene (HDPE)/ Linear low-density polyethylene (LL-DPE) swing plant provides ac-cess to a full range of resin ap-plications which will allow GAIL and its customers to capture new market opportunities as PE market demands are changing. The new process line gives GAIL the platform to expand its PE product capabilities, providing Indian PE converters with the high-quality, domestically-pro-duced resin products needed for both large-volume markets as well as advanced performance applications.

of accountability and transparen-cy, where ethical business conduct becomes even more imperative as their reach goes beyond their immediate stakeholders with ex-panding business operations.This year’s Sustainability Report, ‘Nurturing Resilient Ecosystem’ marks the second year of the company’s transition from GRI G3.1 to GRI G4 guidelines. The report is in line with GRI G4 Guidelines ‘in-accordance’ op-tion core. With this report, GAIL availed the Content Index cer-tified by GRI, Amsterdam for the second year consecutively. This report is a materiality cen-tric report and also highlights initiatives taken for their stake-holders. The report highlights the positive actions taken within each material issue which been identified after a thorough ma-teriality assessment and stake-holder engagement exercise which was conducted at va-rous locations of GAIL amongst different stakeholder groups. All Sustainability Reports of GAIL have been assured by

Mr. B. C. Tripathi, CMD, Mr. M. Ravindran, Director (HR), Dr. Ashutosh Karnatak, Director (Projects), Mr. Subir Purkayastha, Director (Finance), GAIL releasing its Sixth Sustainability Report.

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49th AGM of Hindustan Copper Ltd held

At the 49th AGM of Hindustan Copper Ltd, the audited Financial

Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2016, was adopt-ed together with the Reports of the Directors, Auditors and C&AG. Approval of the Board of Directors, to offer issue and allot, secured or unsecured non-convertible debentures/ bonds on private placement basis was accorded. Amount will be within the already ap-proved borrowing limit of Rs 800 cr. by shareholders.

PerformanceCopper ore production of 3.9 mil-lion tonnes in 2015-16 was the highest in last 17 years. The pro-duction has registered increase of about 11.5 percent over last year’s Ore production of 3.5 mil-lion tonnes. Metal in Concentrate (MIC) production of 31,578 tonnes during the year registered an increase of about 27 percent over last year’s MIC production of 24,878 tonnes. Cathode pro-duction of 23,024 tonnes during the year registered an increase of about 8.6 percent over last year’s Cathode production of 21,205 tonnes. Wire Rod production of 26,062 tonnes during the year registered an increase of about 33 percent over last year’s Wire Rod production of 19,576 tonnes. Overall sale volume during the year was 24,112 tonnes as against 21,641 tonnes in the previous year thereby registering a growth of 11.42 percent.

FinancialFinancial year 2015-16 has been an extremely challenging year for the Company. Despite, marked

DividendNo dividend payment for the year 2015-16 keeping in view the Capex and business expansion needs and substantial reduction in cash and bank balances.

Growth InitiativesThe work at Malanjkhand un-derground mine, which is the flagship expansion project of the Company, has commenced and is expected to complete on sched-ule. All mine expansion projects have been affected due to delay in grant of Environment and Forest clearances from the Government. Recently, the Company has ob-tained forest clearance for re-opening of Rakha mine from the Government of India. HCL has acquired the plant and machinery of Jhagadia Copper Ltd located at District Bharuch, Gujarat from Arcil, Mumbai. I am happy to share that commercial production from the plant has commenced after successfully completing first phase of refurbishment work of the plant. The production ramp to the capacity level is expected to achieve by the first quarter of next fiscal. HCL has commissioned a

improvement in physical per-formance of the Company dur-ing the year, the bottom line of the Company has been ad-versely affected due to steep fall in LME prices. During 2015-16, the Profit After Tax was Rs.43.56 cr. as against Rs 67.60 cr. in 2014-15.The decrease in Profit is due to fall in LME average price by 20.43% during the fiscal year 2015-16 as com-pared to last fiscal year. Average LME Price during FY 2015-16 was US$ 5215/T as against US$ 6554/T during FY 2014-15.Total sales re-alization in terms of turnover achieved was Rs 1068.95 cr. during 2015-16 as against Rs 1127.49 cr. in 2014-15 even after registering a growth of 11.4 percent in sales tonnage during the year. The Net Worth of the Company as at 31st March 2016 stood at Rs 1913.39 cr. The Company will continue to focus of improving productivity and become more cost efficient to tide over the challenges of down-turn in LME prices. We have also taken concerted efforts on gen-erating extra revenue from other streams.

Contd to # 71

Mr. K. D. Diwan, CMD, HCL addressing the 49th AGM in the presence of Board of Directors of the company.

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KIOCL at Mining Mazma 2016

Hal Joins International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG)

KIOCL participated in the Mining Mazma - 2016, Mining, Exploration Con-

vention and Trade show orga-nized by Federation of Indian Mineral Industries (FIMI), spon-sored by Ministry of Mines, Government of India at BIEC Bengaluru recently. The KIOCL stall was inaugu-rated by the Minister of Mines & Geology, Govt. of Karnataka Mr. Vinay R Kulkarni recently. The distinguished visitors to the stall included Mr. Balvinder Kumar, IAS, Secretary, Ministry of Mines and heads of various industrial bodies. Mr. Malay Chatterjee, CMD appraised the dignitaries on the present status of mining lease and sought the help of the

The Asia-Pacific Aerospace Quality Group (APAQG) has conferred its prestigious mem-bership on HAL under the category ‘Full

Member with voting rights’ making India as the sev-enth nation to join the APAQG under International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG). The other na-tions of APAQG are China, South Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, Singapore and Japan. “HAL is now a part of Global Quality team dedicated to bring

welfare activities under taken by the company in the form of dis-play panels.

improvements in the Aerospace Quality. The Company can participate in international forums and contribute to the development and revision of current and new Quality Standards. The member-ship enables HAL to have access to various Quality System Standards and other guidelines developed by IAQG”, says Mr. T. Suvarna Raju, CMD, HAL. HAL participated in the Council meeting recently held at Zhuhai, China and made a presentation to the APAQG members and the Council on the Company’s activities with thrust on quality man-agement. The IAQG is comprised of Americas (AAQG), Europe (EAQG) and Asia - Pacific (APAQG) sectors. To become a part of IAQG, HAL has to be a member of APAQG and then graduate to IAQG as a voting member by virtue of being an OEM in India.

Ministry in this regard. KIOCL Ltd. displayed working model of its Pellet Plant and various

Minister of Mines & Geology, Govt. of Karnataka Mr. Vinay R Kulkarni in-augurating Mining Mazma 2016 alongwith the CMD, KIOCL, Mr. MalayChatterjee.

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23rd Annual General Meeting of NRl held

The 23rd Annual General Meeting of Numaligarh Refinery Limited was

held at Guwahati recently. The Meeting was presided over by Mr. S. Varadarajan, CMD, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) and Chairman, NRL and was attended by Mr. P. Padmanabhan, Managing Director, NRL, other members of the NRL Board and shareholders of the Company. A dividend pay-out of 35 percent (i.e. Rs. 3.5 per fully paid share of Rs. 10/- each) for the year 2015-16 was declared. This is in addition to the interim dividend of equivalent amount paid during the year to share-holders. The total dividend pay-out of 70 percent is the highest since inception of the Company.NRL has completed 16 years of successful operations with sus-tained profitability. The financial year 2015-16 ended with achieve-ments of unprecedented excel-lence on several fronts. On the financial front, during the year 2015-16, the Company recorded the highest ever net profit of Rs. 1,222 cr., registering a marked growth of 70 percent over previous year’s net profit of Rs.718 cr. This is for the first time that the company has recorded a net profit above Rs. 1,000 cr. Profit before tax (PBT) was recorded at Rs. 1,883 cr., marking an increase of 66 percent compared to the last year’s PBT of Rs. 1,134 cr. The Gross Refining Margin (GRM) at $ 8.06 per barrel continued to be one of the best in the industry. Sales turnover during the year at Rs. 11,925 cr. recorded a growth of

to reach record high of 511 TMT during the year.On the marketing front, NRL re-corded a sales volume of 2,619 TMT in 2015-16. MS sales at 499 TMT grew by 36 percentcom-pared to 367 TMT in the previous year. Higher MS sales contributed significantly to higher profits dur-ing the year. Sale within North East (NE) increased to 725 TMT, which was 28 percent of the total sale. BPCL continued to be the major customer with 84 percent of the total sale followed by Direct Customers with 6 percent. Sales to IOCL, HPCL and other private OMCs were 6 percent, 3 percent and 1 percent respectively.The year marked a new begin-ning for NRL with commercial production and sale of paraffin wax. By end of the financial year, NRL was able to capture 40-45 percent share of the domestic wax market. Besides, NRL wax was also exported and marketed in neighbouring Nepal and shipped to as far as Kenya. High quality

10.14 percent over previous year. The Earning per Share (EPS) for the year 2015-16 stood at Rs. 16.62 compared to Rs. 9.76 in 2014-15. Net worth of the Company as on 31st March, 2016 reached Rs. 3,958 cr. Improvement in financial performance could be achieved through optimization of business operations.On the physical front, the Refinery processed 2,520 TMT of crude during 2015-16. NRL’s net Distillate yield at 90.4 percent-continued to be the highest in the industry and Energy Intensity Index (EII) at 96.6 was among the best in the industry. Value maxi-mization was achieved through production of high value high margin products. Motor Spirit (MS) production was maximized

Shareholders and Directors of NRL during the 23rd AGM held in Guwahati.

HIGHLIGHTS• Highest ever dividend payout of

70 percent• Highest ever contribution to

Exchequer @ Rs. 3,085 cr.

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of NRL wax has evinced interest from countries as far as Mexico, Mozambique and USA with ex-ports likely to commence shortly. Sale of liquid Nitrogen also com-menced during the year, adding to the product slate.On Corporate Social Respon-sibility (CSR), NRL remains committed to create a better and sustainable environment for the society with special empha-sis on the weaker section. The Company’s CSR expenditure during 2015-16 was Rs. 11.57 cr., which has increased by 51.84 per-cent over previous year’s CSR spending of Rs. 7.62 cr.. As an ini-tiative towards skill development and generating livelihood oppor-tunities for the local people, NRL is setting up a Nursing School in Numaligarh. Skill development programs on candle making, welding, and other vocational trades have also been conducted for the educated and unemployed youths in the region. Joining the nationwide “Swachh Bharat” campaign, NRL has constructed

evinced interest from several oth-er countries like Mozambique and USA, making NRL Wax a brand to be reckoned with worldwide.NRL commenced sale of Paraffin Wax in domestic market as well as exports since commission-ing of its Wax plant, the largest single unit producing Wax in the country in 2015. In a very short span, NRL has been able to cap-ture around 40-45 percent of the domestic market .

101 school toilets in District of Golaghat and Sibsagar in Assam during the year.

NRL exports Wax consign-ment to MexicoAfter Nepal and Kenya, NRL Wax is now on its way to Mexico . The first consignment of Wax to Mexico was dispatched recently from Inland Container Depot (ICD), Amingaon, Guwahati. High quality of NRL wax has


Iso 9001:2015 & International standard Iso/IeC 17020:2012 as Type ‘C’ Inspection Body Accreditation Certificate Issued to PdIl

Projects & Development India Limited (PDIL), an ISO-9001 Certified

Company (since 1998) a lead-ing Design Engineering and Consultancy organization, has been assessed, approved & awarded ISO 9001:2015 certifi-cate PDIL is one amongst the

and awarded to International Standard ISO/IEC 17020:2012 as Type ‘C’ Inspection Body Accreditation Certificate to pro-vide Inspection Services as per approved Scope of Accreditation described in Schedule I and from its Office(s) described in Schedule II.

few PSUs who have imple-mented a Quality Management System which meets the require-ment laid down in ISO 9001:2015Further, National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies (NABCB) after conducting Assessment in accordance with ISO/IEC 17020:2012 confirms

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Addressing the 44th Annual General Meeting held recently, Chairman SAIL, Mr. PK Singh said that, “This year, in 2016-17 SAIL

has targeted to increase its production and sales by 20 percent over last year. Ramp-up of production from our new units is not only increasing produc-tion quantum and leading to better quality of prod-ucts, but has also helped us in reducing cost of pro-duction. Higher production from the new units and rationalizing production from cost intensive routes has resulted in reduction in variable cost of produc-tion by 10 percent in Q4 compared to Q1 of 2015-16 and the same trend continues.” Mr. Singh also pointed that besides the ongoing Modernization and Expansion program, which is on the verge of completion, SAIL has taken up new projects to im-prove its product mix and profitability. He added that, “The installation of a new 3.0 Mtpa capac-ity, 2250 mm wide Hot Strip Mill at Rourkela Steel Plant which is scheduled to be commissioned in 2018 will enable SAIL to produce very high quality hot rolled coils including advanced high strength grades to cater to the growing automotive industry in the country.” Under the current challenging conditions faced by steel industry, besides cost reduction, SAIL manage-ment has been undertaking conscious steps to im-prove customer centric processes to improve com-pany’s sales and performance. Speaking about the company’s marketing initiatives he said, “At pres-ent more emphasis is being given on marketing in regions where we have natural freight advantage,

increasing retail sales and leveraging the brand im-age of SAIL.” He also added that management is trying to reach every employee for sensitizing and informing them about these new initiatives and strategies and inculcate a customer oriented culture.Talking about domestic steel demand, Mr. Singh said, “In conjunction with the initiatives by Government of India for increasing steel demand, it is our responsibility as the leading steel produc-er in the country to increase steel consumption. Initiatives like increasing steel intensity in construc-tion and infrastructure projects by propagating the advantages of steel over other materials with re-spect to Life Cycle Analysis based costing, assured quality, safety and pace of construction would be helpful in this regard.” Holding a positive future outlook, he said that the greater emphasis on in-creasing growth rate of manufacturing sector, in-frastructure development, higher rates of urbaniza-tion and rising middle class population promises a vibrant domestic steel industry in the country and SAIL is armed with cutting edge technology in its modernized plants for a big leap.

Steel Minister visits SAIL stall, says SAIL meeting requirements of Small and Medium Enterprises, at India Industrial Fair in Jaipur

sAIl ready to Cater to the domestic steel demand with its enriched product basket

SAILstallat India IndustrialFair-2016organizedbyLaghuUdyog Bharati,Jaipur, Rajasthan being inaugurated by Union Minister of Steel, Mr. Chaudhary Birender Singh and MLA Ms. Prem Lata, Uchana Kalan, Jind, Haryana.

Contd to # 71

Mr. P.K. Singh, Chairman, SAIL addressing the 44th AGM.

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70 KaleidOscope october, 2016

The book “The Last Inning and Beyond” has a unique plot where the main character Jimmi (disguised name of author) from his death bed is

telling story of his life to Lord Yama who came to take him to heavenly abode. When Jimmi dies, the daughter (in real life too) writes further stories under heading “BEYOND” which can be described as an obituary of her father still alive in real life. The book is coauthored by father and daughter due.With a perfect balance of humour, satire, philosophy and management, the stories are weaved in a lucid

manner, with surprising twists and turns to keep readers engrossed. The stories are lo-cated on the premise of authors life but transformed into fiction for giving lighter reading.First copy of the book “The Last Inning and Beyond” after release, was presented to Hon’ble President of India Shri Pranab Mukherjee by the Co-authors Dr. U.D. Choubey, Director General, SCOPE and Smriti Rajvardhini, Manager, KPMG.

The order may be placed on Email - [email protected] and payments to the Publishers through A/c payee chequeinfavourof“M/s.MarshallAdvertisingCompany”orthroughRTGS/NEFTtoKotakMahindraBankA/c.No.01992180000374IFSCCodeKKBK0000199.Foranyquery,pleasecontactMr.A.S.Khan(Mob.No.9811864018)

The Last Inning and Beyondby Dr. U.D. Choubey & Smriti Rajvardhini

Pages: 268 Price: Rs. 390/- per copyPublishers: M/s. Marshall Books

New Publication

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71Kaleidoscope october, 2016

CMd, sCI pays courtsey Visit to Minister of Road Transport, Highways & Shipping

Capt. Anoop Kumar Sharma after assuming the charge of CMD, Shipping Corporation of India Limited on 12th September 2016 gave a

courtesy call to Minister of Road Transport, Highways & Shipping Mr. Nitin Gadkari and met all senior of-ficials of Shipping Ministry recently.

Contd from # 69

Contd from # 61

Union Steel Minister Mr. Birender Singh visited the stall put up by Steel Authority of India Ltd. (SAIL) at India Industrial Fair held in Jaipur recently. He was the chief guest for event and was ac-companied by Union Minister of State for Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Mr. C. R. Chaudhary and Energy Minister, Rajasthan, Mr. Pushpendra Singh. SAIL has participated as an exhibitor in this industrial fair which is organized by Laghu Udyog Bharti, an organization

plant at Ghatsila smelter to ex-tract LME grade Nickel metal. With this, HCL is first Company in the country to produce Nickel metal from primary resource. The plant, besides production of Nickel, will also improve the affluent quality, as all the acid present is extracted. HCL has taken a leap towards de-veloping a new technology for processing Sulphide Copper concentrate through hydro- metallurgy technology in col-laboration with Outotec, Finland. The results of the pilot test conducted with

they use for manufacturing vari-ous machines for producing MSE goods.” The steel sector will play a major role in meeting the demands of nation’s growing infrastructure, manufacturing, housing sectors and campaigns like Smart Cities and Make in India etc. Praising SAIL he said, “SAIL has strategi-cally kept warehouses near all major industrial belts so that it can swiftly cater to the requirements of medium and small enterprises thus reducing their procurement time and stock keeping.”

been commissioned at Khetri Copper Complex. Based on the results, we are planning set up commercial plant at Malanjkhand and Khetri. We expect that this will contribute significantly to the profitability of the Company in the years to come. To increase the resource base of Copper mineral, HCL has executed a Joint Venture Agreement on 30th August 2016 with Chhattisgarh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. for exploration, mining and ben-eficiation of Copper and its asso-ciated minerals in Chhattisgarh.

serving the interest of Micro and small industries. Steel serves as the backbone of manufacturing in Medium & Small Enterprises and this fair is a suitable platform for industries including steel and iron, which heavily supplies input material for the MSE sector. Mr. Birender Singh while visiting the SAIL’s and other stalls said, “The domestic steel consumption is a benchmark of industrial prosper-ity and nation’s growth. The me-dium and small industries are big consumers of steel and iron which

the proposed “Hydro-Metal-lurgy” technology have been successful and capex and opex are lower than the conventional technology for the volume of production considered. Based on the above technology, the Company intends to build a plant of capacity one lakh tonne per annum to manufacture Copper cathode. HCL has also initiated actions to recover met-als and materials, like precious metal, Magnetite, Silica sand and micro nutrient, from the Copper ore tails. A pilot plant of 200 tonne per day capacity has

Capt. Anoop Kumar Sharma,

CMD, SCI with Minister of

Road Transport, Highways &

Shipping Mr. Nitin Gadkari.

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4oth AGM of KIoCl held

NBCC Holds 56th AGM – PaT Surges by 16.40 percent

The 40th Annual General Meeting of the sharehold-ers of KIOCL Ltd was

held recently at the Company’s Corporate Office, Bengaluru.Addressing the shareholders, Mr. Malay Chatterjee, CMD, KIOCL Ltd, mentioned that, the global steel sector is passing through a critical phase and KIOCL is not an exception. Though the results of the previous financial year were not encouraging due to slump in market, the current financial year is looking ahead with positive contribution.He also highlighted on the current domestic and interna-tional scenario of iron and steel

The 56th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of NBCC was held in New Delhi re-

cently. The AGM was chaired by CMD, Dr. Anoop Kumar Mittal in presence of Board of Directors who informed the shareholders present about the financials and operating performance of NBCC during the last fiscal 2015-16. Dr.

progress for resumption of its BF unit is also at very advance stage. At the AGM, shareholders unani-mously approved the audited balance sheet and accounts for the year 2015-16.

and AMRUT, Real Estate Development of Tier II & Tier III Cities, Namami Gange, Skill Development, Swachh Bharat Campaign. In this context, he mentioned that during the year 2015-16, new projects worth Rs 17,516.53 Cr. were secured, which include two big-ticket as-signments, both located in New Delhi. The first comprises the development of Infrastructure works at AIIMS, valued at Rs 7,828 Cr., and the other entails the construction of an integrated ex-hibition-cum-convention Centre at ITPO, valued at Rs 2149 Cr.. Followed by Chairman’s Speech, there were interactions with Shareholders who applauded company’s new initiatives in all business fronts.

market, the company’s current status and future plans. The com-pany has resumed its pellet plant operations since early September with back to back confirmed order for four shipments. The

Mittal stated that the company, during 2015-16, registered 32 per-cent growth in topline as com-pared to previous year, posted a profit of Rs 311 Cr. while its total income surged to Rs 5838 Cr. and PAT from Rs.278 Cr. to Rs.311 Cr.. He also informed that NBCC’s outstanding Order Book stood at Rs.70000 Cr and counting. With these improved Financial Results, Company has recommended 100percent dividend for the FY 2015-16.

Giving an outlook of NBCC’s future initiatives, Dr. Mittal said that NBCC’s future initiatives would include its major par-ticipation in the Govt’s ambi-tious schemes such as Housing for all by 2022, Development of 100 Smart Cities in the Country

Mr. Malay Chatterjee, CMD, KIOCL addressing the KIOCL’s 40th AGM.

Dr. Anoop Kumar Mittal, CMD, NBCC alongwith Board of Directors in the 56th AGM of the company.

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MRPl clarifies on its JV with Gulf oil

MRPL would like to clarify that Mangalam Retail Services Limited (MRSL),

a Joint venture with Gulf Oil is yet to commence any business. In the

absence of any viable business plan, the continuance of the JV is being examined. There is no plan of any business tie-up by MRPL with either Gulf Oil or

MRSL in its retail foray. This clari-fication is being issued to clear any doubts due to certain reports being published in a section of the press re-garding MRPL’s retail plans.


Mr. Atul Bhatttakes over as CMD


Dr Narendra Kumar NandaDirector (Technical),

NMDC elected as President, MGMI Council.

Ms. P. V. Bharathitakes charge as Executive

Director, Canara Bank.

Mr. R.K. Sabharwaltakes over as Director

(Commercial), EIL.

Ms Anandi Ramalingam appointed as Director

(Marketing), BEL.

Mr. G. S. Patra appointed as Executive

Director, PFC.

Mr. D. K. Soodtakes over as Executive

Director (CSRR&R) & Regional Executive

Director (DBF), NTPC Ltd.

Mr. Rajeev Sharma takes charge as


Mr. B. P. Pandey, IAS Addl. Secretary,

Ministry of Power has taken Addl. Charge as CMD, REC

Mr. V. Kalyana Rama takes over as


Mr. Subir Mulchandani Exe. Director (Finance), PFC appointed as CEO,

PFC Consulting Ltd.

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Swachh Bharat Abhiyan on Gandhi Jayanti by GSL Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was organised by GSL on 2nd October 2016 , on the occasion of “Gandhi Jayanti”. RAdm. Shekhar Mital, NM (RETD), CMD GSL, S. P. Raikar Director (operations), Sudhakar T. N. Director (Finance) & Cmde B. B. Nagpal GSL along with all officers took part in the cleaning campaign from Mormugao Municipal Council to Airport Junction.

The Campaign was executed by 4 different teams, from Airport Junction and Municipal Council Building Vasco. All Executives took part with great enthusiasm and spirit. RAdm. Shekhar Mital, NM (RETD), CMD, GSL said “GSL has si gnificantly contributed to Swachh Bharat initiatives of the Central Government by embarking on a cleanliness mission to keep the city of Vasco neat and tidy”, He also emphasized on the need of cleanliness by each and every citizen.GSL team members joined the “Swachh Bharat Nitol Goem” initiative near the office of SDM, Mormugao, Vasco-da-Gama, Goa taken up by the Murmugao Municipal Council. Vasco MLA

Swachch Bharat drive being conducted by GSL.

Mr. Carlos Almeida appreciated GSL’s Initiative and support to the Local authorities for making Vasco cleaner. Over the past many days GSL has taken number of steps to stay committed to its vision of making Goa a clean and a model state in terms of cleanliness. Activities such as donation of garbage disposal van to Mormugao Municipal Council, 150 garbage bins, adoption of wards for cleaning, besides the participation of GSL’s employees in undertaking cleanliness drives in and around the city of Vasco. The yard has also drawn a yearly schedule of activi-ties for undertaking numerous cleanliness drives in public places including beaches, temples, churches, ports, jetties, roads, parks, etc. and is committed to work towards a cleaner and greener Vasco / Goa.

NLC Celebrates Gandhi JayantiNLC India Limited celebrated the 147th birth an-niversary of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, at Neyveli, on 2nd October 2016. GandhiJi’s birth anni-versary is also observed as the International Day of

PSEsCelebrate Gandhi Jayanti

Dr. Sarat Kumar Acharya, CMD, NLC India garlanding the statue of Mahatma Gandhi at the Township Administration Office Premises, Neyveli during the Gandhi JayantiCelebrations.

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Non-Violence for him being a person who taught us to follow the path of peace and non-violence. At NLC I, the daylong celebrations began with the garlanding of Mahatma Gandhi’s statue at Administration Office premises, Block-10, by Dr. Sarat Kumar Acharya, CMD, NLC Ltd. Later, CMD, functional directors, Senior officials, employees of NLC I, involved in cleaning activities along with teachers and school children at Mahathma Gandhi statue premises, Main Bazaar Block-19, as part of Swachh Bharath Mission.

Dr. S. K. Acharya emphasized on ‘Swachh Graha” an initiative of Solid Waste Management which was announced by our Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi for garbage free India , which is an important step towards Swachh Bharat. Directors, Mr. Rakesh Kumar, Mr. Subir Das, Mr. V. Thangapandian participated in the function. A School bag, sweets, note books, pens, pencils, ge-ometry box, water bottle were given to the needy children of NLC Schools.

NMDC organizes Programmes on “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” NMDC Limited organized programmes on ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan’ on 2nd October at its headquar-ters in Hyderabad and also in all its major proj-ects across the country spreading the message of Cleaner India and Greener India being the motto of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Dr. Narendra Kumar

Nanda, Director, Technical inaugurated the pro-gramme at Hyderabad in the presence of Mr. D. S. Ahluwalia, Director (Finance) and Mr. Sandeep Tula, Director (Pers.).While addressing the gathering Dr. Narendra Kumar Nanda emphasized on the importance of cleanliness in our day to day life. He told that one should imbibe Gandhiji’s ideology on cleanli-ness and contribute at least two hours in a week for cleaning our surroundings and office premises. He further added that everyone should concentrate on reducing the garbage beside cleanliness. Dr Nanda said like Gandhiji`s message of SATYAGRAH, we should adopt “SWACHHAGRAH” - which is a call of our Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi. After garlanding and paying floral tributes to Mahatma Gandhiji, a pledge was administered by Mr. Sandeep Tula. All the employees took the pledge and actively participated in cleaning the premises of Head Office Building Khanij Bhawan at Masab Tank. NMDC has been pro-actively imple-menting Swachha Bharat Abhiyan with proper long term plan. Under Swachh Vidyalaya campaign, 2089 toilets have been constructed by NMDC in the schools of 6 Districts of Chhattisgarh and Panna District of Madhya Pradesh. Apart from the con-struction of toilets in schools, NMDC has been orga-nizing cleanliness campaigns for the past two years in 16 villages in the surroundings of its production projects. An impact study of the campaigns by an independent a gency is also being organized so as to know the effect of the campaigns.

Swachh Bharat Diwas observed in THDCIL Swachh Bharat Diwas was observed in THDC

Gandhi Jayanti celebration at NMDC.

Dr. Sarat Kumar Acharya, CMD, NLC India Ltd leading the cleaning activities along with Functional Directors, Senior officials,employeesofNLCI,teachersandschoolchildrenat Mahatma Gandhi statue premises.

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Mr. Birender Singh, Union Minister of Steel Administering the ‘Swachhta Oath’ during second anniversary.

Mr. Briender Singh, Union Minister of Steel, Direcor Mr. P. K. Singh, Chairman, SAIL with directors of company participating in cleanliness activities during Swachh Bharat 2nd Annivesary Ceremony.

Mr. R.S.T. Sai, CMD, THDCIL participating in Cleanliness DriveduringSwachhBharatDiwasatofficeinRishikesh.

India Limited (THDCIL), Rishikesh on 2nd October 2016. Mr. R.S.T. Sai, CMD, THDCIL participated in Cleanliness Drive conducted in THDCIL premises. Mr. H. L. Bharaj, General Manager (Services), Mr. A. K. Mathur, General Manager(Commercial), Mr. J. Behera, General Manager (Finance) and Mr. Ashutosh Kumar Anand Secretary (TES), Dr. R. K. Srivastava, Principal TES High School, Rishikesh along with other employees of the Corporation along with students of TES High School Rishikesh also participated in the Cleanliness Drive. THDCIL as a responsible Corporate Citizen is fully committed to Swachh Bharat Abhiyan of Govt. of India and from time to time organizes various ac-tivities such as debate, essay, painting competitions to create awareness on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. THDCIL earlier also observed “Swachhta Pakwada” from 01st to 15th May, 2016.

Steel Minister visits SAIL on second anniversary of Swachh BharatUnion Minister of Steel, Mr. Birender Singh recently visited Steel Authority of India Ltd. (SAIL) head quarters and reviewed the cleanliness activi-ties undertaken by the company on second anniver-sary of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Secretary Steel, Dr. Aruna Sharma, Joint Secretary, Mr. Sunil Barthwal, Joint Secretary, Ms. Urvilla Khati, Joint Secretary, Mr. T. Srinivas and other senior ministry officials also accompanied the Minister. On this occasion, Mr. Birender Singh administered the ‘Swachhta

oath’ to SAIL collective including SAIL Chairman Mr. P. K. Singh and all directors and participated in a symbolic cleaning.Praising the initiatives undertaken by SAIL, the Minister said, “Cleanliness is a habit and comes only with conscious practice.” Recalling his recent visit to Bokaro Steel Plant he praised the clean environs of the Plant & township and said that steel indus-try should be a brand ambassador for the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. “By partnering with the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, SAIL is trying to reach out to its own employees and the communities settled in and around its Plants making it a citizen’s movement.”, he added. Secretary Steel, Dr. Aruna Sharma said, “Steel industry should target zero waste and also

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try to further reduce their carbon footprints.” She added that the slag generated in the process of steel making can be reused for other secondary processes like road construction etc.Chairman, SAIL Mr. P. K. Singh said that Minister’s presence has boosted up the resolve of every SAIL man to adopt cleanliness to a way of their lives. He said that a mass pledge administered by the Minister to all employees has encouraged each one of us to be a part of this movement by contributing to “Swachhta Activities” both at home, and at the workplace. The Minister also visited various rooms of Udyog Bhawan and the MOIL office at CGO complex.

Airports Authority of India celebrates Swachh Bharat Pakhwara Swachh Bharat Pakhwara and Pledge taking ceremony on “Mission Swachh Bharat” is conducted in Airports Authority of India at Corporate Headquarters, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, New Delhi. The Swachh Bharat Pakhwara with Shapath and Shram Daan was organized from 1-15 October 2016.

Mr. S. Raheja, Chairman (in-charge), AAI admin-istered the pledge to a large number of officials gathered on this occasion and emphasized to give two hours per week for cleanliness drive to realize the dream of Mahatma Gandhi - ‘Swachh Bharat’. Chairman, AAI has also conveyed the message that the cleanliness drive should be continuous and not

‘SwachhBharatPakhawara’ceremonyatAAIHeadquarterin New Delhi.

for a day. A large number of senior officials partici-pated with great enthusiasm and cleaned the area in the premises of Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi. The Swachh Bharat Pakhwara was organized at all the airports and AAI offices across the nation. Mr. S. Raheja, Chairman (in-charge), Airports Authority of India administering the pledge on the occasion of Swachh Bharat Pakhwara for cleanli-ness drive under Swachh Bharat Mission at CHQ, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi. Also seen in the picture are Mr. Anuj Agarwal, Member (HR), Mr. A.K.Dutta, Member (ANS) and Mr. Yatendra Kumar, IAS, Chief Vigilance Officer, AAI.

Union Minister, MSME leads Cleanliness Drive at NSICMr. Kalraj Mishra ,Union Minister, MSME lead the Cleaniliness Drive at NSIC. Also present on this occasion were Mr. Giriraj Sing, Minister of State, MSME, Mr. Haribhai Parthibhai Chaudhary, Minister of State, MSME, Mr. Ravindra Nath, CMD, NSIC, Mr. K. K. Jalan, Secretary, MSME, NSIC.

Speaking on this occasion, Minister, MSME urged to spread the message of cleanliness amongst the vulnerable sections of the society across the country and applauded the initiative of NSIC in reducing the Interest rates and Registration fees for Micro Enterprises in the Country on this auspi-cious occasion.

Cleanliness drive at NSIC under the leadership of Mr. Kalraj Mishra, Union Minister, MSME.

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