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10 Secrets of Web-Native Publishing

1. It’s easy

2. It’s high velocity

3. A blog is web-native CMS

4. People are publishing brands

5. It’s a conversation

6. It’s an open process

7. Your niche is your neighborhood

8. Readers want to be sent away

9. Links power distribution on the web

10. Domains are a distribution platform

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Trade Publishing In My Spare Time

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Video Is As “Easy” As Text

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Increasing the Velocity of Publishing

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Weekly Publisher Goes Daily

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Every Publisher Can Be High Velocity

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Every Organization Can Be a Web-Native Publisher

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A Blog Is A Simple, Web-Native CMS

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Why Blogging Software Is Web-Native

Blog CMS Features Why It’s Web-Native

Reverse chronological order Easily see what’s new

RSS feed Easily see what’s new

Comments It’s a conversation

Trackbacks It’s a neighborhood

Tags Everything is miscellaneous

Permalinks So links don’t die

Archives The best content has a long shelf life

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The New York Time’s Blog Ghetto

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Wall Street Journal’s Web-Native Innovation

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Individuals As Publishing Brands

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Look Who’s Talking

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Your Readers Talk To You, And You Talk Back

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Talk Like A Real Person

Speaker Pelosi is saying she wants a vote on energy legislation by the Thanksgiving break, with a House vote as early as next week. Given the wholesale rejection of market forces and domestic supply so far, we doubt any House-Senate "compromise" will address America's energy needs, but there are varying degrees of possible lousiness. Adoption of the Senate's CAFE standards would be lousy-cubed.

Now, we like to mock Lou Dobbs as much as the next blog. (Obviously. We have a blog category, "Dobbs Watch.") Dobbs IS a classic blowhard and populist bully, and on free trade he's wrong. And yes, he has a big megaphone. But we also worry about lending him too much influence. He's not why free trade is suffering as an issue.

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Every Publisher Can Have Personality

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Here’s What We’re Up To

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Show The Sausage Getting Made

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Take To Your Neighbors -- And Link To Them


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Linking To Your Neighborhood - Links As Content

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Why Should You Send Your Readers Away?

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Sending People Away Is What Google Does

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Give Links and Yeh Shall Receive Links

Go to

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Why Links Matter

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Domain Sharecropping

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The Power Of Domains

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10 Secrets of Web-Native Publishing

1. It’s easy

2. It’s high velocity

3. A blog is web-native CMS

4. People are publishing brands

5. It’s a conversation

6. It’s an open process

7. Your niche is your neighborhood

8. Readers want to be sent away

9. Links power distribution on the web

10. Domains are a distribution platform