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Advantage Business Coaching

52 Week E-Learning Program

52 Week E-Learning Program- Each week we will provide you with an audio download that

gives you the 'what and the why' for that particular weekly lesson along with a video and

accompanying workbook that will not only provide you with the 'how-to' for that particular

weekly lesson, but show you through multiple examples exactly how you can apply the

information to your specific business.

And as a special member bonus, you'll also receive a weekly text lesson designed to keep you

and your business miles ahead of your competition.

This is Week 4 “How We Identify Your Perfect Target Market.” The video is less than 30 minutes. This

gives franchisees the ability to watch or listen to Week 4’s lesson before work, while doing their daily

workout, or after the kids have gone to bed.

The workbook includes a homework assignment for the franchisee. This practical application is designed

to help apply the ideas directly to their business.

The Quick Start Program- Allows franchisees to explode out of the gate and begin to quickly generate

more leads and attract new clients to your business.

“How to Generate Leads for Free” This section teaches the franchisees how to effectively network and

how to get a direct mailer to 50,000 qualified prospects for free.

Most of your franchisees are probably members of their local chambers of commerce. This section will

teach them how to use these meetings to create leads.

Direct mail campaigns can get expensive, but we will show your franchisees how they can send 50,000

qualified prospects a direct mailer for free.

The next five sections of the system are the 5 Step Profit Formula, More Leads, More Conversions, More

Transactions, Higher Prices, and More Profits. Each step in the formula is connected to each other and

focus on building up your business.

Each step of the profit formula is broken down

in four basic sections:



