Page 1: Screen shots for cover page

Screen Shots for Cover Page

Page 2: Screen shots for cover page

I first began by creating a new document and made the masthead for the magazine by using the first letters of the words in large font and having the rest in a smaller font underneath and then created a blue and black colour scheme.

I then added a cover image for the background of the band in my article with a plain background to attract attention to the masthead and eye contact from the people to make it a more realistic front cover image.

Next I edited the cover image by changing the exposure, brightness and contrast to create a stronger image.

I then I added text to my cover page to indicate that this is the first edition of this magazine, with a black background to make the blue text stand out.

Page 3: Screen shots for cover page

I then added taglines to the front page to show the articles inside to the audience and added a drop shadow to make the text stand out from the cover image.

I then added the cover line in a bold grungy text to relate to the rock theme of the magazine and made it the main focus on the front cover.

Then I added a black bar to the bottom of the page which I will add text to at a later stage to add another article inside the magazine.

I then added some information underneath the taglines about the articles to add more text and information about the magazine on the front cover.

Page 4: Screen shots for cover page

I then added a competition article at the bottom of the page to draw in an audience in to buying the magazine.

I added information on the cover line underneath to add some info on the article and make the audience want to read more.

I added a white background behind the masthead to make the title stand out from the page.